Author Topic: Not your normal first cycle question....  (Read 885 times)


  • Getbig II
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  • Venom Vince Versace
Not your normal first cycle question....
« on: October 16, 2009, 11:16:33 PM »
Hey thanks in advance. I've been lifting for 21 years with a few normal layoffs for injuries, overtime and women I regret. I'm 36 and proof that a 5'11" natural can be 200 plus pounds at sub 10%bf. I have been at a plateau for about 3 years. I tried bulking like when I was a kid and got a little stronger but the weight gain wasn't worth the strength gains and took me a good 5 months to lose the fat and I decided to just stay the slow course. I live in the sticks and don't have a lot of access to gear or the kids at my gym think I'm a cop. Everything I've learned about gear has been here and a couple other boards. I think I have the base for the perfect first cycle. I have used the search feature and done my homework and still have a lot of questions that I hesitate to ask because I don't want to feed a bunch of half truths to newbies. This cycle is not set in stone and is open for any suggestions. I'm not a pharmacist and I'm trying to learn what each drug does so if I'm way off tell me. I have a lot of time on my hands the next few months and I want to go full blast on this and just see if I can keep a lot of the gains.

weeks 1-12 250 mg test "E" on mon and thurs
weeks 1-12 300 mg deca on what day?
weeks 1-12 300 to 500 iu hcg pregnyl e5d or just the first 3 to 6 weeks?
weeks 1-12 0.25 mg arimidex eod
weeks 1-6 30 mg "D" bol ed
weeks 1-12 10 mg nolva ed or just keep on hand if nips get sensitive or just use for pct??
should I start the clomid 8 hours after last pin or wait 2 weeks?
week 1 100 mg clomid ed or 40 mg nolvadex ed
week 2 50 mg clomid ed or 30 mg nolvadex ed
week 3 50 mg clomid ed or 20 mg nolvadex ed


Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Not your normal first cycle question....
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2009, 11:47:14 PM »
Hey thanks in advance. I've been lifting for 21 years with a few normal layoffs for injuries, overtime and women I regret. I'm 36 and proof that a 5'11" natural can be 200 plus pounds at sub 10%bf. I have been at a plateau for about 3 years. I tried bulking like when I was a kid and got a little stronger but the weight gain wasn't worth the strength gains and took me a good 5 months to lose the fat and I decided to just stay the slow course. I live in the sticks and don't have a lot of access to gear or the kids at my gym think I'm a cop. Everything I've learned about gear has been here and a couple other boards. I think I have the base for the perfect first cycle. I have used the search feature and done my homework and still have a lot of questions that I hesitate to ask because I don't want to feed a bunch of half truths to newbies. This cycle is not set in stone and is open for any suggestions. I'm not a pharmacist and I'm trying to learn what each drug does so if I'm way off tell me. I have a lot of time on my hands the next few months and I want to go full blast on this and just see if I can keep a lot of the gains.

weeks 1-12 250 mg test "E" on mon and thurs
weeks 1-12 300 mg deca on what day?
weeks 1-12 300 to 500 iu hcg pregnyl e5d or just the first 3 to 6 weeks?
weeks 1-12 0.25 mg arimidex eod
weeks 1-6 30 mg "D" bol ed
weeks 1-12 10 mg nolva ed or just keep on hand if nips get sensitive or just use for pct??
should I start the clomid 8 hours after last pin or wait 2 weeks?
week 1 100 mg clomid ed or 40 mg nolvadex ed
week 2 50 mg clomid ed or 30 mg nolvadex ed
week 3 50 mg clomid ed or 20 mg nolvadex ed


For the most part your cycle should be fine. It's definitely not overboard and insane by any means, so no worries there. First off, there's no need for the nolva in your cycle, save it for your PCT. The Arimidex you'll be taking will be the only Anti-E you need. If you do have gyno sides flair up, and it's doubtful that you will on that cycle, simply bump up your arimidex dose a little bit and you should be fine. I'm not saying you absolutely won't have any gyno sides but the odds are in your favor.

Some things to consider:

*You might want to stop your deca 1-2 wks before you stop your testosterone. No, this is not a must, but because Deca remains active for so long, it will make the transition into your PCT a little smoother. Again, this is not a must but if you do decide to do this, my preference would be to run the deca through wk 12 and then add 2 more wks of nothing but Testosterone.

*I'd probably bump the test dose up a little or drop the deca dose down slightly. Some guys have libido issues when deca is dosed higher than test. 500mg/wk of test and 300mg/wk of deca and you should be fine.

*Start your PCT 2wks after your last injection.

*Your PCT, I think it's fine.

*When to inject your deca...just put it in the same syringe as your test and inject on the same days.