Author Topic: "Rocked"- fighters discuss being rocked  (Read 938 times)


  • Getbig IV
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"Rocked"- fighters discuss being rocked
« on: October 18, 2009, 08:01:13 AM »

Gray Maynard

"When I get rocked, I get a weird taste in my mouth and everything kind of goes white.

"One time Forrest Griffin dropped me when we were sparring a couple years ago...Forrest got pissed while we were sparring as usual and caught me with a left hook, I think. I hit my ass and they said I popped up immediately and tried to go after him off balance. Forrest just laughed and backed off. I can't remember how long I was on my ass without them telling me!"

Dan Hardy

"It kind of feels like your head is full of water and you don't have full control over your body for a a second. From what I remember, it sounds like you have cups over your ears too."

"The first time I was rocked, I was 7 years old. I was in a taekwondo tournament and I got kicked in the head. All I remember clearly was the smell of the mats, because I was on my knees with my forehead on the mat and my mum was screaming my name. It scared the hell out of me for about two years...but then I started competing again."

Denis Kang

"It depend, man. There's different types of getting rocked. There's the:

"Get Mad rocked, where you just wanna get even with the dude."

"Oh shit rocked, where you don't wanna take any more shots like that...or else it's nighty night time."

"Puhleeeeeaase! rocked, is when your opponent hits you like a 12 year old girl would, and you didn't even know they hit you  you until watching the tape." (laughs)

"Drunkard rocked, is where everything is spinning and you just can't find your you're drunk."

"Annoying mosquito rocked, where your opponent hits really fast and with pinpoint accuracy..but with very little power."

Thales Leites

"It's a very weird feeling, sometimes you don't even know where you are. (Laughs)Its kind of like when a TV gets out of sintony and then gets back real fast."

"The first time I was rocked, was when I fought Kampmann and he knocked me down, but I recovered pretty fast. The worst time was when I received the illegal knee during the fight against Marquardt."

Cole Miller

"Being rocked sucks, it's like deja vu. But when I get rocked, I know I'm rocked and for some reason its easy for me to maintain composure...Its like everything slows down and gets quiet for me, and once it gets loud again and the fight gets fast again, you are recovered and its time to protect yourself."

"The first time I was rocked in a fight, I was hit with an overhand right that made me hit a knee...but I just kept thinking drive forward and stay in his face. It worked out pretty good for me and everytime I have been rocked for the most part I've recovered and was able to finish the fight. I'm lucky."

Kit Cope

"Its been a long time since my noggin's been rocked, but it leaves a lasting impression...It kinda feels like you're instantly a six pack deep. Then you've got to fake sobriety, like coming home late in high school!"

"The first time I ever got rocked was in a shootboxing fight in Japan against Ogata. Fortunately I peeled one off on him directly, and I'm pretty sure we faked it together."