Author Topic: Dbol... Alot of Questions  (Read 12288 times)


  • Getbig III
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Dbol... Alot of Questions
« on: November 25, 2009, 03:35:25 PM »
i was researching DBOL, and i saw alot of scattered threads, so im trying to ask alot of questions in thi sthread and hopefully make this a very informative thread...

1) Dosage:

a) Taper Up/Down; do you guys believe in tapering up and down? is it "safer" on the liver to taper up and down, instead of just jumping up to for example 25mg ED??

b)Daily Dose: with low doses ( 25mg ED) , can you see "lean" gains with less sides? i know you can take 60mg ED and get big and bloated, but if you want to keep the sides as minimal as possible. So with 25mg max ED can you see gains?

For Example
Week 1 ==> 10mg ED
Week 2 ==> 15mg ED
Week 3 ==> 20mg ED
Week 4 ==> 25mg ED
Week 5 ==> 20mg ED
Week 6 ==> 15mg ED
Week 7 ==> 10mg ED

2) Fat Loss:  Does DBOL "trigger" fat loss too? i know that by increasing protein synthesis it can lead to fat loss, but does it "directly" trigger fat loss?

3) Timing:

a) Empty Stomach vs. With Food vs. After Meal : which one? im guessing not on a empty Stomach, but should it be taken with meal, or X minutes after meal?

b) Throughout the day:  Should it all be taken at once? or throught the day? for example once in the morning and once in the afternoon? or should it be taken all at once for example pre-workout?

4) PCT: should PCT be done using clomid? if so, what dosage of Clomid and how long after the cycle?


a)Liver: Should Milk thistle or liv-52 be taken while on DBOL? if so, does it matter when you take it? does it have to b efor example an hour before ur dbols?

b) Cholestrol : i've read that dbol can mess up your cholestrol, should any supps be taken for cholestrol. if so, anything other than fish oil? or does fish oil suffice?

c) others: Any other Supps? GFlutamine? Creatine? etc...

6) T3: Should T3 be taken with Dbol? would it make the gains better( leaner gains)? What dosages do you recommend?

7) DHT: Should DHT blockers be taken to prevent MPB ?

8)Protein:Because of increased protein sythesis, shoul dmore protein be taken while "ON" ?

9) Training:Again, because of increased protein synthesis, and increased recovery periods, should workouts be changed so that you hit every body part twice a week?

10)Effects:  For those who have tried Dbol,how was the experience? How should you feel to know that the DBOl is working? Does it makes your muscles more dense?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2009, 03:57:57 PM »
doseage should be as little as necessary to illicit the desired effects. youll need to play around with the doseage on your own to find out what is the right amount for you.

dbol doesnt directly cause fat loss.

dbol can be taken with or without food. on an empty stomach or a full one. iof you want to get the best absorption, then do it on an empty stomach, but either way works just fine.

dbol can be taken either split up evenly throughout the day, or all at once pre wrokout. its up to you, although i would suggest doing it split up evenly throughout the day if your not going t be using anything other than the dbol. if your stacking dbol with some kind of other steroid, then you wouldnt ned to worry as much about keeping dbol levels steady, and you could do the once a day per workout doseage.

pct should be hcg+nolva/clomid

you dont necessarily need to take any supplements for cholestrol or liver, but if you want to playit safe you can use liv52 while on cycle and after cycle.

t3 is unnecessary and wont speed gains, it will cause fat loss.

i wouldnt take any dht blockers, they arent really necessary and the potential sides are bad, also a lot of the gains comes from dht.

protein intake should be at about 2 grams per kilogram of lean bodyweight. or about 1 gram per lb.

training should be intense, and periodized.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2009, 04:06:40 PM »
Sheesh. Talk about opening up Pandora's box in relation to questions. I will give you my opinion on D-bol. Sounds to me like you are doing this oral by itself, which I am not fond of but will put my personal feelings aside and go one by one OK?

1. A: No tapering. Keeping blood plasma values stable is what is needed. Pick a dose and stick with it. Your Liver? Don't worry about it. Ill get to that later.
    B: By itself I would never do anything lower than 75 mgs. Most people will tell you 50 but start researching the HPTA and you will see what I mean. Hopefully you will be smart enough to throw in at least 500 mgs or more of test but that could be wishful thinking. If you are stacking it with an injectable, preferably testosterone, 50 mgs ED should be fine.

2. Yes, however that is more affected by your diet. I could gain weight on Dianabol or lose weight all by adjusting calories. This once again is diet related but the answer to your question is yes.

3. A: In the presence of some food in your stomach. You don't have to take it while you eat but alot of people experience discomfort on an empty stomach. You can try both and see what works for you.
    B: If you are taking an injectable compound, once again preferably testosterone, take the full dosage before you work out if the test has been in your system for a while. If it hasn't, Take it divided into 2-3 doses spaced 4-6 hours apart. If I were doing it this way, I would take 25 mgs every 4 hours but that is just me.

4. In the 10 years on this board I have never recommended using Clomid. Not a fan at all. My recommendation to you is to run HCG at 250 iu's twice a week throughout your cycle and depending once again if you were running another compound would determine how long you would run the HCG into a PCT therapy. If you were simply running the Dianabol I would use Nolvadex solely in PCT.

5. If you wanted to take Creatine or Glutamine, which I always like to take, that is your choice on what you are trying to accomplish. I would NOT, I repeat NOT take ANY liver pills whatsoever while on. First off it down regulates the AR and the compound itself (Milk Thistle). Liv-52 can promote appetite but I have 2 studies showing interaction as well. Do you have a pre existing hepatic condition? No? That's what I thought. Stop worrying about your liver. Biggest misconception out there. My liver's failing. My liver's failing. God. Relax about your liver. It is the only internal organ that can regenerate cell growth so unless its fucked up already stop worrying.

6. Not needed unless you want your metabolic rate high and you want to shed some fat. Be careful with T3. I prefer T4.

7. Do you have a pre existing predisposition to MPB? I think you will be fine unless you are really bad. Now if you were taking Winstrol or Masteron I might be more inclined to give a detailed explanation but unless you have this condition stop being chicken little. Contrary to popular belief, the sky is not falling.

8. Yes. You should have thought of this one on your own.

9. That is dependent on various factors. Everyone is different and their bodies are different too. I don't know what you look like or how you train so you need to figure this one out on your own.

10. It is a compound like any other. It gives you a mildly confident feeling based on dopaminergic release and makes you eat more, train harder and recover faster. But contrary to popular belief, it is just Dianabol. From the sounds of things you think this compound is like incredible or something. I think you will find it is a good compound when used right but all that air of mystery will be over after you take it. It's just Dianabol. Relax!!!!!

Now I am taking a day off cuz I have carpal tunnel now!!!!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2009, 04:11:06 PM »
damnit if i had waited 10 minutes i would have been saved the trouble of replying.. lol..


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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2009, 05:34:04 PM »
damnit if i had waited 10 minutes i would have been saved the trouble of replying.. lol..

Shit, I'm glad to see your reply! That was some mature advice Bombz. Good advice here from both members listen to it and follow their lead. I completely agree about not running dbol by itself, but to each his own.

underworld defender

  • Getbig II
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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2009, 08:21:53 PM »
Sheesh. Talk about opening up Pandora's box in relation to questions. I will give you my opinion on D-bol. Sounds to me like you are doing this oral by itself, which I am not fond of but will put my personal feelings aside and go one by one OK?


4. In the 10 years on this board I have never recommended using Clomid. Not a fan at all. My recommendation to you is to run HCG at 250 iu's twice a week throughout your cycle and depending once again if you were running another compound would determine how long you would run the HCG into a PCT therapy. If you were simply running the Dianabol I would use Nolvadex solely in PCT.

what should the doses of nolva be for pct on a dbol only cycle?
and when should the nolva be taken?


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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2009, 09:20:31 AM »
what should the doses of nolva be for pct on a dbol only cycle?
and when should the nolva be taken?

20mg ed. You can take it when ever you want. Why is it that you want to do a dbol only cycle? You will lose everything as soon as you come off. You will not acquire any sustainable gains off of dbol only IMO.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2009, 11:29:04 AM »
damnit if i had waited 10 minutes i would have been saved the trouble of replying.. lol..

I thought the same thing as soon as you posted. Lol. Oh well.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2009, 11:32:59 AM »
what should the doses of nolva be for pct on a dbol only cycle?
and when should the nolva be taken?

Oops. Didn't see this one.

I NEVER recommend a dbol cycle only but I'd have to aim on the side of full suppression so I might go 40 mgs split up in 2 doses (20 mg ea) spaced out 8 hours apart for about 2 weeks followed by 2 weeks of 20 mgs split in 2 doses the same 8 hours apart but that is just me.


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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2009, 12:13:58 PM »
Big-O have you seen the more recent studies on nolvadex? They show 20mg ed works just as well, and probably even less than 20. I have run 20mg ed coming off of heavy cycles, and recovered well on 20mg.

Personally I would recommend clomid for better recovery. Clomid increases natty test, and I don't think there has been a legit study showing nolva increasing natty test.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2009, 01:51:47 PM »

6. Not needed unless you want your metabolic rate high and you want to shed some fat. Be careful with T3. I prefer T4.

9. That is dependent on various factors. Everyone is different and their bodies are different too. I don't know what you look like or how you train so you need to figure this one out on your own.

Hey Big_O thanks alot man.. TBombz you too...
Regarding T3, so while on DBOL, if you wnt to shet fat as well, how would you incorporate the T3 in your regimen? Have T3 in the morning, and Dbol Pre workout??

And regarding Training; So  for example if you currently train every body part once a week ( which alot of people do), when you go "ON", would it make sense to hit 2 body parts now because you recover faster? or should you stick to just 1 body part a day?

for example, if you do :

Day 1: Chest
Day2: Bis/Tris
Day4: Shoulder/Traps

When your "ON" , would it make sense to do :

Day7: off

Again, thanls alot for all responses...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2009, 02:04:29 PM »
Hey Big_O thanks alot man.. TBombz you too...
Regarding T3, so while on DBOL, if you wnt to shet fat as well, how would you incorporate the T3 in your regimen? Have T3 in the morning, and Dbol Pre workout??

And regarding Training; So  for example if you currently train every body part once a week ( which alot of people do), when you go "ON", would it make sense to hit 2 body parts now because you recover faster? or should you stick to just 1 body part a day?

t3 should be taken on an empty stomach, and you should not take any calcium or magnesium within 4 hours , before or after, taking it.

as far as training goes, youll find a wide variety of opinions, dont listen to anyone who claims there is only one best way of trainig, or someone who claims to know the answer. you find what works best for yourself, and when you stop making progress switch things up.

underworld defender

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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2009, 02:11:39 PM »
20mg ed. You can take it when ever you want. Why is it that you want to do a dbol only cycle? You will lose everything as soon as you come off. You will not acquire any sustainable gains off of dbol only IMO.

the info i needed wasnt for me...for a buddy.
im actually just starting my first Test E only cycle.

But thanks for answering my question man....much appreciated. :)


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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2009, 03:32:26 PM »
t3 should be taken on an empty stomach, and you should not take any calcium or magnesium within 4 hours , before or after, taking it.

as far as training goes, youll find a wide variety of opinions, dont listen to anyone who claims there is only one best way of trainig, or someone who claims to know the answer. you find what works best for yourself, and when you stop making progress switch things up.

Who is this imposter with all this good info lately? I want th old Bombz back. Just kidding T ;D


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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2009, 03:33:31 PM »
the info i needed wasnt for me...for a buddy.
im actually just starting my first Test E only cycle.

But thanks for answering my question man....much appreciated. :)

Any time brother, that's why were here.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2009, 01:14:26 AM »

And regarding Training; So  for example if you currently train every body part once a week ( which alot of people do), when you go "ON", would it make sense to hit 2 body parts now because you recover faster? or should you stick to just 1 body part a day?

for example, if you do :

Day 1: Chest
Day2: Bis/Tris
Day4: Shoulder/Traps

When your "ON" , would it make sense to do :

Day7: off

Again, thanls alot for all responses...

Poor splits for someone who in "on" and awful for a natty.

You do realise when you hit chest your delts and and tris get hit hard? same with biceps getting punished hard from back work yet you are in essence traing the same body part two days running there


  • Getbig III
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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2009, 03:24:56 AM »
Poor splits for someone who in "on" and awful for a natty.

You do realise when you hit chest your delts and and tris get hit hard? same with biceps getting punished hard from back work yet you are in essence traing the same body part two days running there
Ok,  what do you suggest for a natty and "on"?



  • Getbig V
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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2009, 03:38:02 AM »
Ok,  what do you suggest for a natty and "on"?

Just off to bed mate , Ill post a few routines up tomorrow that have worked for me and you can look and use or tweak to your own needs.
Even though you are on gear you can still not fully recover or "overtrain", yes your ability is greatly enhanced but only genetic plus enhanced supermen could get away with doing bodyparts set up as you did above and expect to get the best results.

Marlo Stanfield

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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2009, 07:13:28 PM »
Just off to bed mate , Ill post a few routines up tomorrow that have worked for me and you can look and use or tweak to your own needs.
Even though you are on gear you can still not fully recover or "overtrain", yes your ability is greatly enhanced but only genetic plus enhanced supermen could get away with doing bodyparts set up as you did above and expect to get the best results.
i would be interested in the routines too


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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2009, 03:20:51 PM »
I run dbol alone 30ms ed for 3 weeks and I can gain 2,5kg of bw and my strength really increases... It is amazing what that shit does to me... I don't do any pct...

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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2009, 08:06:16 PM »
no pct?  :o  do you keep any of your gains.?

Marlo Stanfield

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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2009, 03:05:12 AM »
I run dbol alone 30ms ed for 3 weeks and I can gain 2,5kg of bw and my strength really increases... It is amazing what that shit does to me... I don't do any pct...
how much do you weight? i heard you have to take more if you weigh more


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Dbol... Alot of Questions
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2009, 03:22:10 AM »
You don't need to run pct if you are doing a 3 week cycle of 30mg ed of dbol. And yes my strength doesn't go down that easy. I think that the rule applies to all drugs, every organism is different and I know some guys that need 100mg ed to respond to dbol, and guys like me that can do the trick with 30mg. About bw, I weigh 103 kg (after dbol), but I train powerlifting, I am not really interested in "looks", for that matter there are much better drugs.