Author Topic: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders  (Read 6549 times)


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #50 on: February 27, 2011, 06:43:06 AM »
`<i always destroy the shit out of my pecs with the pec deck machine, then flies, then cross-overs, then some kind of pressing movements


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #51 on: February 27, 2011, 07:08:17 AM »
It's not that simple. I was diagnosed type 2 bi-polar. What it means is that I am strongly bi-polar but not a true clinical bi-polar sufferer. For me specifically I go up just a little above baseline and then bottom back out into hardcore depression. That lasts a few weeks then for a week or two I hover between stable and mid-manic, then plummet back down to depression. I tend to drink when I am depressed. A lot.

Tried prozac and lamictal but neither made me feel very good. The prozac made me indifferent, the lamictal a straight up zombie. As I do not have health insurance I am not sure what to do. I can see the school clinic for free, I might try that.

For the last few years, the cycle repeats and my workouts go like this- for two weeks I hit it hard, eat perfect and my body comes TO LIFE. Like nothing you have ever seen before. I go from a lean guy with a great build to a legitimate bodybuilder. Great shape lines muscle bellies, great back legs shoulders etc. I truly believe in my heart that genetically I am elite.

But something happens, dunno if there are triggers or what, probably not, but suddenly I get out of class and at night (this always happens at night) I just crave alcohol. Bad. But the craving isn't like what you would think it is, it's more like I am on top of the world and excited, full of energy, and for some reason the alcohol just sounds like the greatest thing in the world. For some reason NOTHING in my mind tells me its a bad idea. I just go for it, without thinking.

Next thing I know I am in the dumps, I haven't eaten much for a week, two three weeks, haven't set foot in the gym. I get borderline suicidal sometimes. Like, what's the point? Get my degree, make more useless money, maybe get married, get old. Why bother?

Then I start coming out of it again. My posting here on Getbig tells me I am coming out of another slump. Will probably work out today and if not for sure tomorrow and the next two weeks or so I will be back on the ball 100%.

Not sure what to do honestly. This is probably not the best place for advice, but at least it feels good to tell SOMEONE. I do not think anyone can relate to what I go through. But that is me in a nutshell.

If I can get my head right, the sky is the limit. I do not know. Been going to church for a few months now with a good friend, great church really. I am hoping if I level with my buddy, he can help me get on the right track and stay there. I really envy the guy, how he is always level headed and always makes the right decisions. He never seems to struggle with anything, very strong character. Something I would like to strive for. We will see.

Anyone want to throw me a bone here, feel free. I also have ADD, not that it really matters. Guess it mighte.
Sounds like you have a substance abuse problem in conjuction with your bi-polar issues.
Everything you have stated sounds like a classic case of alcoholism, you go through a bender, go throug the following depression when when you get sober, then go through the phase where you brain recovers, then the alcohol cravings hit you again.
When you get that giddy-full of energy-alcohol craving, thats the key.
You might check into some substance abuse counseling in addition to the bi-polar thing. I know you probably dont want to hear/believe it, but its exactly the same shit I went through. The prozac, etc isnt going to help cause the cravings are whats starting your cycle.

Trust me, Ive been through everything youre describing. You may well be bi-polar, but a lot of people that believe they are bi-polar are really alcoholics and when they get they alcoholism/addiction under control, the mood swings vanish.


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #52 on: February 27, 2011, 03:02:41 PM »
Sounds like you have a substance abuse problem in conjuction with your bi-polar issues.
Everything you have stated sounds like a classic case of alcoholism, you go through a bender, go throug the following depression when when you get sober, then go through the phase where you brain recovers, then the alcohol cravings hit you again.
When you get that giddy-full of energy-alcohol craving, thats the key.
You might check into some substance abuse counseling in addition to the bi-polar thing. I know you probably dont want to hear/believe it, but its exactly the same shit I went through. The prozac, etc isnt going to help cause the cravings are whats starting your cycle.

Trust me, Ive been through everything youre describing. You may well be bi-polar, but a lot of people that believe they are bi-polar are really alcoholics and when they get they alcoholism/addiction under control, the mood swings vanish.

I went 10 days totally sober after the new year this year, but that did not last.

How long of a drying out period will I need to get these cravings to go away? How did everything work out for you?

Also I freely admit I am an alcoholic, though I can at times go weeks without drinking. Just do not care for it most of the time. I can also go out and socially drink 2-3 beers go home and go to sleep and not give a shit, but then a craving hits a few days later and I pick up a pint of whisky or vodka and there I go again...

I REALLY do want to get this under control. It is killing me, and that is not a figure of speech.

Appreciate the advice/help.


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #53 on: February 27, 2011, 03:18:46 PM »
I went 10 days totally sober after the new year this year, but that did not last.

How long of a drying out period will I need to get these cravings to go away? How did everything work out for you?

Also I freely admit I am an alcoholic, though I can at times go weeks without drinking. Just do not care for it most of the time. I can also go out and socially drink 2-3 beers go home and go to sleep and not give a shit, but then a craving hits a few days later and I pick up a pint of whisky or vodka and there I go again...

I REALLY do want to get this under control. It is killing me, and that is not a figure of speech.

Appreciate the advice/help.

If you're an alcoholic, i think you will have to stop alcohol forever. Alcoholism is hell, make sure you get some help fast.


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #54 on: February 27, 2011, 03:22:02 PM »
I think being alcoholic and trying to go pro naturally is not the best combo there  :D


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #55 on: February 27, 2011, 03:37:13 PM »
I went 10 days totally sober after the new year this year, but that did not last.

How long of a drying out period will I need to get these cravings to go away? How did everything work out for you?

Also I freely admit I am an alcoholic, though I can at times go weeks without drinking. Just do not care for it most of the time. I can also go out and socially drink 2-3 beers go home and go to sleep and not give a shit, but then a craving hits a few days later and I pick up a pint of whisky or vodka and there I go again...

I REALLY do want to get this under control. It is killing me, and that is not a figure of speech.

Appreciate the advice/help.
Rehab helped me immensly. I went through a 21 day intensive inpatient. It took me twice through it before I really soaked up all the info.

1st time I went into it with the wrong attitude. You have to go in WANTING to change. If you do, youll pick up a lot of helpful information, depending on which rehab you go to.
I stongly suggest doing a lot of research on the different facilities if you decide to go to rehab. Find one with good reviews. Lots of places just take your money and dont really care about your wellbeing. On the flipside, lots of places DO care and do have good programs.
You seem to be able to be honest with yourself, thats a big step.
Go to a few AA meetings. Look up different kinds of treatment. Seek counseling, like Wes said.
The time it takes for you to dry out differes from person to person. Treatment will teach you a lot about why you do what you do and how alcoholism works. Different places have different theories and different approaches.
Try seeking counseling.
Youll get out of it what you put into it.


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #56 on: February 27, 2011, 03:37:20 PM »
Sup ya'll. I have extremely wide clavicles and while that has it's perks, sadly it leaves my chest looking a bit shallow. It is REALLY tough for me to get my chest to have any real thickness and depth.

This is something I remember Cutler talking about, and just wondering if anyone has any copies of the routine he used to bring his chest up, or any routines for guys with wide shoulders in general?

I personally have been experimenting a lot with dips and decline flyes recently. I remember reading an article where Jay stated he had wide shoulders and struggled for years getting his chest to grow. I think he said starting chest workouts with decline flyes fixed it for him, over time.

Post routines and advice please.

Broad shoulders are more desirable than a big chest IMO. I don't think the chest needs to be that big. If you have low bf, the front lats, obliques, and narrow waist all help in the illusion.


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #57 on: February 27, 2011, 03:37:26 PM »
I think being alcoholic and trying to go pro naturally is not the best combo there  :D

I obviously agree...


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #58 on: February 27, 2011, 03:39:18 PM »
I went 10 days totally sober after the new year this year, but that did not last.

How long of a drying out period will I need to get these cravings to go away? How did everything work out for you?

Also I freely admit I am an alcoholic, though I can at times go weeks without drinking. Just do not care for it most of the time. I can also go out and socially drink 2-3 beers go home and go to sleep and not give a shit, but then a craving hits a few days later and I pick up a pint of whisky or vodka and there I go again...

I REALLY do want to get this under control. It is killing me, and that is not a figure of speech.

Appreciate the advice/help.

Try L-glutamine powder if you haven't. 5 to 10 grams per day. Most sware it kills the cravings. You'll have 1 - 3 drinks and not want anymore.


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #59 on: February 27, 2011, 03:41:28 PM »
Try L-glutamine powder if you haven't. 5 to 10 grams per day. Most sware it kills the cravings. You'll have 1 - 3 drinks and not want anymore.
Somehow I highly doubt this.
I used to take glutamine, did nothing for addiction problems.
Addiction problems stem from drugs/alcohol's action on dopamine receptors, and how addicts brains start to crave extra dopamine that drugs/alcohol produce in the brain, so its highly doubtful that some over the counter remedy is going to do anything.  ::)

Not trying to sound like a dick, but bro-science isnt going to fix anything that has to do with alcoholism/addiction.
Its a serious problem.


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #60 on: February 27, 2011, 03:43:12 PM »
Try L-glutamine powder if you haven't. 5 to 10 grams per day. Most sware it kills the cravings. You'll have 1 - 3 drinks and not want anymore.

I am going to say this might have some validity. I did not drink most of my life. In fact, I turned 21 without having ever gotten drunk. Bodybuilding had been my life since I was 14, and drinking was not a part of bodybuilding. That said my drinking has really only surfaced since I was 26 which means I have 4 years of this crap now, and I can faithfully say all the years in my 20's I drank glutamine with protein daily and never had an issue drinking.

I will give this a shot along with a few other things. Can't hurt.


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #61 on: February 27, 2011, 03:48:32 PM »
I am going to say this might have some validity. I did not drink most of my life. In fact, I turned 21 without having ever gotten drunk. Bodybuilding had been my life since I was 14, and drinking was not a part of bodybuilding. That said my drinking has really only surfaced since I was 26 which means I have 4 years of this crap now, and I can faithfully say all the years in my 20's I drank glutamine with protein daily and never had an issue drinking.

I will give this a shot along with a few other things. Can't hurt.
Try it. Like you said it cant hurt.
Just realize youre going to keep trying all the little things people say, until at some point you just get fed up, and thats when youre going to do whatever it takes to get better. Theres no easy fix, no magic pill. You have to learn everything you can about it and do what it takes to stay sober.
What you say is a perfect example of alcoholism. It doesnt start untily you start using, and your brain starts liking the dopamine the alcohol releases in your brain. After that, you start getting cravings, and the binges will just keep happening until you learn how to get it under control.
It takes a lot man. Trust me.


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #62 on: February 27, 2011, 03:54:58 PM »
Somehow I highly doubt this.
I used to take glutamine, did nothing for addiction problems.
Addiction problems stem from drugs/alcohol's action on dopamine receptors, and how addicts brains start to crave extra dopamine that drugs/alcohol produce in the brain, so its highly doubtful that some over the counter remedy is going to do anything.  ::)

Not trying to sound like a dick, but bro-science isnt going to fix anything that has to do with alcoholism/addiction.
Its a serious problem.

There is literature on it on the net. Anectodal, yes, but nothing works for 100%. Worth a try


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #63 on: February 27, 2011, 04:23:09 PM »
I have had the same problem since i started lifting.  I never associated with wide clavicles since i'm short, but i guess i'm wide for my height.  i have a wide back and big delts as well.  For the longest time i would just not feel anything when doing chest.  Psychologically i feel that if i go crazy on pec deck, it will take away from it symmetry - like Bertyl Fox's chest. 

The only thing that gives me a giant pump and my chest actually feels bigger the next day are pushups.  I've considered doing pushups only as a chest workout but i have a hard time trading in heavy weights for calisthenics. 
I had a buddy who was a PT teach me that. I have forgotten to do it lately, probably time I got back to it.

My issue is that my pecs do not easily contract. It's tough to really feel my chest squeeze and contract doing any kind of press. I feel flyes and dips though. I have been sticking with those quite a bit lately. But I seem to build the most mass doing the barbell presses. Hmm.

My latest routine was incline db flye followed by flat db press, then decline flyes and dips. The workout previous was incline bb press followed by incline flye, then decline flye and dips.

Just trying to find the perfect routine and concentrate on it for a few weeks.

Where do you all place cable crossovers in terms of ability to stimulate muscle? Maybe as a pre-exhaust? I do them sometimes at the end as a pumping movement, I do actually seem to get really good contractions from them. But I have this mental stigma attached to them that they do not build muscle, especially as I do not feel them if I go heavy enough to get less than 12 reps. Thoughts?


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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #64 on: February 27, 2011, 04:48:33 PM »
Try it. Like you said it cant hurt.
Just realize youre going to keep trying all the little things people say, until at some point you just get fed up, and thats when youre going to do whatever it takes to get better. Theres no easy fix, no magic pill. You have to learn everything you can about it and do what it takes to stay sober.
What you say is a perfect example of alcoholism. It doesnt start untily you start using, and your brain starts liking the dopamine the alcohol releases in your brain. After that, you start getting cravings, and the binges will just keep happening until you learn how to get it under control.
It takes a lot man. Trust me.

I am willing to work at it. Dry since friday (woopty doo). Will see how I do this week.

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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #65 on: February 28, 2011, 03:11:45 PM »
Do cable crossovers once a quarter no other workouts or exercises in between and you should be good to go
I tried this it didnt work for me. I'm going with wide grip pushups with a whore on my back.

Sherief Shalaby

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Re: Chest tips for people with wide shoulders
« Reply #66 on: February 28, 2011, 03:16:16 PM »
Sup ya'll. I have extremely wide clavicles and while that has it's perks, sadly it leaves my chest looking a bit shallow. It is REALLY tough for me to get my chest to have any real thickness and depth.

This is something I remember Cutler talking about, and just wondering if anyone has any copies of the routine he used to bring his chest up, or any routines for guys with wide shoulders in general?

I personally have been experimenting a lot with dips and decline flyes recently. I remember reading an article where Jay stated he had wide shoulders and struggled for years getting his chest to grow. I think he said starting chest workouts with decline flyes fixed it for him, over time.

Post routines and advice please.

do more dumbbells and cables flies!!.. press movements will always go to your wide shoulders but sure you cant just cancel them :)