Author Topic: TEPCO Says 10 Million Times Radiation Is Exaggerated  (Read 377 times)


  • Getbig V
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TEPCO Says 10 Million Times Radiation Is Exaggerated
« on: March 27, 2011, 11:33:06 AM »
Leave it to the asshole americans to exaggerate an already calamitous situation for theatric sake. While the real number has been recalculated as 100,000 times normal, that reading is based on some water found leaking INSIDE the reactor chamber. How sad the stupid americans to make this LIE that the entire plant and area is suffering from 10,000,000 million times the radiation level. Further stupidity comes from  a moderator who cuts and pastes a small piece from this article making it seem as though the work being done by the Japanese on this plants is hopeless (real nice dogshit)...something this article shows as otherwise. There are many palns in dealing with the contaminated water leaking from the reactor and giving up on a plan means switching to another plan...not giving up on the entire nuclear reactor.

Above all I hope all the nations of the world (especially Japan) sees what america and its citizens are really about. Talk about Jezebel and two faced!!!!!

Obstacles impede crews in Japan nuke crisis

Evacuees from Fukushima, where the troubled Dai-ichi nuclear power plant is located, receive meals for dinner at an evacuation center in  Sunday, March 27, 2011. More photos »

By YURI KAGEYAMA and MARI YAMAGUCHI, Associated Press – 26 mins ago

TOKYO – Mounting problems, including badly miscalculated radiation figures and inadequate storage tanks for huge amounts of contaminated water, stymied emergency workers Sunday as they struggled to nudge Japan's stricken nuclear complex back from the edge of disaster.

Workers are attempting to remove the radioactive water from the tsunami-ravaged nuclear compound and restart the regular cooling systems for the dangerously hot fuel.

The day began with company officials reporting that radiation in leaking water in the Unit 2 reactor was 10 million times above normal, a spike that forced employees to flee the unit. The day ended with officials saying the huge figure had been miscalculated and offering apologies.

"The number is not credible," said Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Takashi Kurita. "We are very sorry."

A few hours later, TEPCO Vice President Sakae Muto said a new test had found radiation levels 100,000 times above normal — far better than the first results, though still very high.

But he ruled out having an independent monitor oversee the various checks despite the errors.

Officials acknowledged there was radioactive water in all four of the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex's most troubled reactors, and that airborne radiation in Unit 2 measured 1,000 millisieverts per hour, four times the limit deemed safe by the government.

Those high airborne readings — if accurate — would make it very difficult for emergency workers to get inside to pump out the water.
Officials say they still don't know where the radioactive water is coming from, though government spokesman Yukio Edano earlier said some is "almost certainly" seeping from a damaged reactor core in one of the units.

The discovery late last week of pools of radioactive water has been a major setback in the mission to get the crucial cooling systems operating more than two weeks after a massive earthquake and tsunami.

The magnitude-9 quake off Japan's northeast coast on March 11 triggered a tsunami that barreled onshore and disabled the Fukushima plant, complicating a humanitarian disaster that is thought to have killed about 18,000 people.

A top TEPCO official acknowledged it could take a long time to clean up the complex.

"We cannot say at this time how many months or years it will take," Muto said, insisting the main goal now is to keep the reactors cool.
Workers have been scrambling to remove the radioactive water from the four units and find a place to safely store it. Each unit may hold tens of thousands of gallons of radioactive water, said Minoru Ogoda of Japan's nuclear safety agency.

Safety agency officials had been hoping to pump the water into huge, partly empty tanks inside the reactor that are designed to hold condensed water.

Those tanks, though, turned out to be completely full, said Hidehiko Nishiyama of Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.
Meanwhile, plans to use regular power to restart the cooling system hit a roadblock when it turned out that cables had to be laid through turbine buildings flooded with the contaminated water.

"The problem is that right now nobody can reach the turbine houses where key electrical work must be done," Nishiyama said. "There is a possibility that we may have to give up on that plan."

Despite Sunday's troubles, officials continued to insist the situation had at least partially stabilized.

"We have somewhat prevented the situation from turning worse," Edano told reporters Sunday evening. "But the prospects are not improving in a straight line and we've expected twists and turns. The contaminated water is one of them and we'll continue to repair the damage."

The protracted nuclear crisis has spurred concerns about the safety of food and water in Japan, which is a prime source of seafood for some countries. Radiation has been found in food, seawater and even tap water supplies in Tokyo.

Just outside the coastal Fukushima nuclear plant, radioactivity in seawater tested about 1,250 times higher than normal last week — but that number had climbed to 1,850 times normal by the weekend.

Nishiyama said the increase was a concern, but also said the area is not a source of seafood and that the contamination posed no immediate threat to human health.

Up to 600 people are working inside the plant in shifts. Nuclear safety officials say workers' time inside the crippled units is closely monitored to minimize their exposure to radioactivity, but two workers were hospitalized Thursday when they suffered burns after stepping into contaminated water. They were to be released from the hospital Monday.

A poll, meanwhile, showed that support for Japan's prime minister had risen amid the disasters.
The poll conducted over the weekend by Kyodo News agency found that approval of Prime Minister Naoto Kan and his Cabinet rose to 28.3 percent after sinking below 20 percent in February, before the earthquake.

Last month's low approval led to speculation that Kan's days were numbered. While the latest figure is still low, it suggests he is making some gains with voters.

About 58 percent of respondents in the nationwide telephone survey of 1,011 people said they approved of the government's handling of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, but a similar number criticized its handling of the nuclear crisis.

The death toll from the disasters stood at 10,668 Sunday with 16,574 people missing, police said. Hundreds of thousands of people are homeless.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: TEPCO Says 10 Million Times Radiation Is Exaggerated
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2011, 06:44:44 PM »
You stupid fucking twat.  You're blaming Americans for the calculation error?  We're not the ones that gave that number.  The headlines were then carried world wide but according to you, it's our fault ::)

"But Tokyo Electric said that figure is a mere 100,000 times normal levels for reactor coolant, not the 10 million times normal reported Sunday"  Oh, only 100,000 times normal lololol... no problem there haha...

As far as me posting from sources like CNN and the BBC, well at least I have sources to post before I open my mouth.  Unlike you clearly making up shit that doesn't exist and then posting youtube vids to back up your lies lol...

Hugo Chavez

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Re: TEPCO Says 10 Million Times Radiation Is Exaggerated
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2011, 06:53:11 PM »
Hey samson, I thought you told us all that the power was hooked up there wasn't anything to worry about.  Now today they're saying they might not be able to do that at all and this could go on months or years, their words not mine.  You're really going to call people fearmongers for being worried about this shit?  Really, your actual stance is, nothing to see here move on...  ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: TEPCO Says 10 Million Times Radiation Is Exaggerated
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2011, 09:00:22 PM »
author=Hugo Chavez link=topic=370958.msg5264557#msg5264557 date=1301276684]
You stupid fucking twat.  You're blaming Americans for the calculation error?  We're not the ones that gave that number.  The headlines were then carried world wide but according to you, it's our fault ::)

You obviously read the article I posted that showed the radiation leakage that america was broadcasting all over as being so terrible was in error...though high it is many times less than what was reported adn even that was contained to the water INSIDE THE REACTOR.

I am speaking of americas fearmongering, which by the way I heard the radiation reached Las was however so small it was hardly measurable...are you still taking you Potassium Iodidie pills?

"But Tokyo Electric said that figure is a mere 100,000 times normal levels for reactor coolant, not the 10 million times normal reported Sunday"  Oh, only 100,000 times normal lololol... no problem there haha...
Yes it is no problem, because it is INSIDE THE REACTOR where the radioactive rods are...of course the radiation level is going to be high there. It is high when the plants operates normally.

As far as me posting from sources like CNN and the BBC, well at least I have sources to post before I open my mouth.  Unlike you clearly making up shit that doesn't exist and then posting youtube vids to back up your lies lol...
Nothing I posted on this matter has come from my mouth and all of the sources are posted RETARD! Then what should expect from a obviously frustrated person who wishes to live pessimistically, sees the glass as half empty and rejoices over calamity.

Don't worry catastrophe is right around the corner for ameriac and the world wills soon see the FAKE NATION on its knees unable to pick its ass up. Lets see what you say and do then.

BTW...Sure is funny how you hate CNN, MSNBC and the rest of MSM...until it suits your purpose

Hugo Chavez

  • Getbig V
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Re: TEPCO Says 10 Million Times Radiation Is Exaggerated
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2011, 09:45:21 PM »
You're such a fucking idiot it isn't funny.

A. the water is leaking from one or more cores. The really high measurments were from QUOTE: "leaked water in Unit 2"

B. the hundred thousand times more radioactive is for what is normal for the water in the core.  So you can't just say oh of course it's radioactive, it's in the core ::)  It's still that many times above what is expected for that water.

Stop making shit up to prove a point asswipe.

Hugo Chavez

  • Getbig V
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Re: TEPCO Says 10 Million Times Radiation Is Exaggerated
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2011, 10:21:23 PM »
Let's take a look at a few of your thread titles samson...  Oh weren't we supposted to all be gobbled up by a black hole according to you lol!!!  I guess that was a big dud ;)

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