Author Topic: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories  (Read 2829 times)


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Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« on: March 28, 2011, 01:39:19 PM »

(03/21/10) -
Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

(Angus Reid Global Monitor) – Few people in the United States agree with some of the allegations that have been made in relation to the events of 9/11, according to a poll by Angus Reid Public Opinion. Only 15 per cent of respondents think claims that the collapse of the World Trade Center was the result of a controlled demolition are credible.

(Angus Reid Global Monitor) – Few people in the United States agree with some of the allegations that have been made in relation to the events of 9/11, according to a poll by Angus Reid Public Opinion. Only 15 per cent of respondents think claims that the collapse of the World Trade Center was the result of a controlled demolition are credible.

In addition, 15 per cent think United Airlines Flight 93 was shot down, 13 per cent believe no airplane actually crashed at the Pentagon, and six per cent agree with the claim that no airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center and that the images seen on television were altered.

Al-Qaeda operatives hijacked and crashed four airplanes in the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001, killing nearly 3,000 people. In July 2004, the federal commission that investigated the events of 9/11 concluded that "none of the measures adopted by the U.S. government from 1998 to 2001 disturbed or even delayed the progress of the al-Qaeda plot" and pointed out government failures of "imagination, policy, capabilities, and management."

In October 2001, U.S. president George W. Bush ordered the invasion of Afghanistan, claiming that there would be "no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbour them." The conflict began in October 2001, after the Taliban regime refused to hand over al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden without evidence of his participation in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.

Earlier this month, U.S. attorney general Eric Holder discussed the fate of bin Laden, saying, "The possibility of capturing him alive is infinitesimal. He will be killed by us, or he will be killed by his own people so that he is not captured by us. We know that. (…) The possibility [of capture] simply does not exist."

Polling Data

Many things have been said and written about the events of 9/11. For each of the following statements, please say whether you deem them credible or not credible:

The collapse of the World Trade Center was the result of a controlled demolition

Credible  15%

Not credible  74%

Not sure  11%

United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania, was shot down

Credible  15%

Not sure  62%

Not sure  22%

No airplane actually crashed at the Pentagon on Sept. 11

Credible  13%

Not credible  76%

Not sure  11%

No airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center—the images seen on television were altered

Credible  6%

Not credible  87%

Not sure  7%


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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2011, 07:13:25 AM »

Most Americano are dumb as fuck...

How many Americans actually know that a third building(building 7) actually fell?  I would guess less than one third..

One source said that 43% of americano were unaware that building 7 had fallen..


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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2011, 08:26:04 AM »

... An outline in simple talking points ...


1) AWOL Chain of Command
a. It is well documented that the officials topping the chain of command for response to a domestic attack - George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Myers, Montague Winfield - all found reason to do something else during the actual attacks, other than assuming their duties as decision-makers.
b. Who was actually in charge? Dick Cheney, Richard Clarke, Norman Mineta and the 9/11 Commission directly conflict in their accounts of top-level response to the unfolding events, such that several (or all) of them must be lying.

2) Air Defense Failures
a. The US air defense system failed to follow standard procedures for responding to diverted passenger flights.
b. Timelines: The various responsible agencies - NORAD, FAA, Pentagon, USAF, as well as the 9/11 Commission - gave radically different explanations for the failure (in some cases upheld for years), such that several officials must have lied; but none were held accountable.
c. Was there an air defense standdown?

3) Pentagon Strike
How was it possible the Pentagon was hit 1 hour and 20 minutes after the attacks began? Why was there no response from Andrews Air Force Base, just 10 miles away and home to Air National Guard units charged with defending the skies above the nation''s capital? How did Hani Hanjour, a man who failed as a Cessna pilot on his first flight in a Boeing, execute a difficult aerobatic maneuver to strike the Pentagon? Why did the attack strike the just-renovated side, which was largely empty and opposite from the high command?

4) Wargames
a. US military and other authorities planned or actually rehearsed defensive response to all elements of the 9/11 scenario during the year prior to the attack - including multiple hijackings, suicide crashbombings, and a strike on the Pentagon.
b. The multiple military wargames planned long in advance and held on the morning of September 11th included scenarios of a domestic air crisis, a plane crashing into a government building, and a large-scale emergency in New York. If this was only an incredible series of coincidences, why did the official investigations avoid the issue? There is evidence that the wargames created confusion as to whether the unfolding events were "real world or exercise." Did wargames serve as the cover for air defense sabotage, and/or the execution of an "inside job"?

5) Flight 93
Did the Shanksville crash occur at 10:06 (according to a seismic report) or 10:03 (according to the 9/11 Commission)? Does the Commission wish to hide what happened in the last three minutes of the flight, and if so, why? Was Flight 93 shot down, as indicated by the scattering of debris over a trail of several miles?


6) Did cell phones work at 30,000 feet in 2001? How many hijackings were attempted? How many flights were diverted?

7) Demolition Hypothesis
What caused the collapse of a third skyscraper, WTC 7, which was not hit by a plane? Were the Twin Towers and WTC 7 brought down by explosives? (See "The Case for Demolitions," the websites and, and the influential article by physicist Steven Jones. See also items no. 16 and 24, below.)


8) What did officials know? How did they know it?
a. Multiple allied foreign agencies informed the US government of a coming attack in detail, including the manner and likely targets of the attack, the name of the operation (the "Big Wedding"), and the names of certain men later identified as being among the perpetrators.
b. Various individuals came into possession of specific advance knowledge, and some of them tried to warn the US prior to September 11th.
c. Certain prominent persons received warnings not to fly on the week or on the day of September 11th.

9) Able Danger, Plus - Surveillance of Alleged Hijackers
a. The men identified as the 9/11 ringleaders were under surveillance for years beforehand, on the suspicion they were terrorists, by a variety of US and allied authorities - including the CIA, the US military''s "Able Danger" program, the German authorities, Israeli intelligence and others.
b. Two of the alleged ringleaders who were known to be under surveillance by the CIA also lived with an FBI asset in San Diego, but this is supposed to be yet another coincidence.

10) Obstruction of FBI Investigations prior to 9/11
A group of FBI officials in New York systematically suppressed field investigations of potential terrorists that might have uncovered the alleged hijackers - as the Moussaoui case once again showed. The stories of Sibel Edmonds, Robert Wright, Coleen Rowley and Harry Samit, the "Phoenix Memo," David Schippers, the 199i orders restricting investigations, the Bush administration''s order to back off the Bin Ladin family, the reaction to the "Bojinka" plot, and John O''Neil do not, when considered in sum, indicate mere incompetence, but high-level corruption and protection of criminal networks, including the network of the alleged 9/11 conspirators. (Nearly all of these examples were omitted from or relegated to fleeting footnotes in The 9/11 Commission Report.)

11) Insider Trading
a. Unknown speculators allegedly used foreknowledge of the Sept. 11th events to profiteer on many markets internationally - including but not limited to "put options" placed to short-sell the two airlines, WTC tenants, and WTC re-insurance companies in Chicago and London.
b. In addition, suspicious monetary transactions worth hundreds of millions were conducted through offices at the Twin Towers during the actual attacks.
c. Initial reports on these trades were suppressed and forgotten, and only years later did the 9/11 Commission and SEC provide a partial, but untenable explanation for only a small number of transactions (covering only the airline put options through the Chicago Board of Exchange).

12) Who were the perpetrators?
a. Much of the evidence establishing who did the crime is dubious and miraculous: bags full of incriminating material that happened to miss the flight or were left in a van; the "magic passport" of an alleged hijacker, found at Ground Zero; documents found at motels where the alleged perpetrators had stayed days and weeks before 9/11.
b. The identities of the alleged hijackers remain unresolved, there are contradictions in official accounts of their actions and travels, and there is evidence several of them had "doubles," all of which is omitted from official investigations.
c. What happened to initial claims by the government that 50 people involved in the attacks had been identified, including the 19 alleged hijackers, with 10 still at large (suggesting that 20 had been apprehended)?,0,1825231.story

THE 9/11 COVER-UP, 2001-2006

13) Who Is Osama Bin Ladin?
a. Who judges which of the many conflicting and dubious statements and videos attributed to Osama Bin Ladin are genuine, and which are fake? The most important Osama Bin Ladin video (Nov. 2001), in which he supposedly confesses to masterminding 9/11, appears to be a fake. In any event, the State Department''s translation of it is fraudulent.
b. Did Osama Bin Ladin visit Dubai and meet a CIA agent in July 2001 (Le Figaro)? Was he receiving dialysis in a Pakistani military hospital on the night of September 10, 2001 (CBS)?
c. Whether by Bush or Clinton: Why is Osama always allowed to escape?
d. The terror network associated with Osama, known as the "base" (al-Qaeda), originated in the CIA-sponsored 1980s anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan. When did this network stop serving as an asset to covert operations by US intelligence and allied agencies? What were its operatives doing in Kosovo, Bosnia and Chechnya in the years prior to 9/11?

14) All the Signs of a Systematic 9/11 Cover-up
a. Airplane black boxes were found at Ground Zero, according to two first responders and an unnamed NTSB official, but they were "disappeared" and their existence is denied in The 9/11 Commission Report.
b. US officials consistently suppressed and destroyed evidence (like the tapes recorded by air traffic controllers who handled the New York flights).
c. Whistleblowers (like Sibel Edmonds and Anthony Shaffer) were intimidated, gagged and sanctioned, sending a clear signal to others who might be thinking about speaking out.
d. Officials who "failed" (like Myers and Eberhard, as well as Frasca, Maltbie and Bowman of the FBI) were given promotions.

15) Poisoning New York
The White House deliberately pressured the EPA into giving false public assurances that the toxic air at Ground Zero was safe to breathe. This knowingly contributed to an as-yet unknown number of health cases and fatalities, and demonstrates that the administration does consider the lives of American citizens to be expendable on behalf of certain interests.

16) Disposing of the Crime Scene
The rapid and illegal scrapping of the WTC ruins at Ground Zero disposed of almost all of the structural steel indispensable to any investigation of the collapse mechanics. (See also item no. 23, below.)

17) Anthrax
Mailings of weapons-grade anthrax - which caused a practical suspension of the 9/11 investigations - were traced back to US military stock. Soon after the attacks began in October 2001, the FBI approved the destruction of the original samples of the Ames strain, disposing of perhaps the most important evidence in identifying the source of the pathogens used in the mailings. Were the anthrax attacks timed to coincide with the Afghanistan invasion? Why were the letters sent only to media figures and to the leaders of the opposition in the Senate (who had just raised objections to the USA PATRIOT Act)?

18) The Stonewall
a. Colin Powell promised a "white paper" from the State Department to establish the authorship of the attacks by al-Qaeda. This was never forthcoming, and was instead replaced by a paper from Tony Blair, which presented only circumstantial evidence, with very few points actually relating to September 11th.
b. Bush and Cheney pressured the (freshly-anthraxed) leadership of the Congressional opposition into delaying the 9/11 investigation for months. The administration fought against the creation of an independent investigation for more than a year.
c. The White House thereupon attempted to appoint Henry Kissinger as the chief investigator, and acted to underfund and obstruct the 9/11 Commission.

19) A Record of Official Lies
a. "No one could have imagined planes into buildings" - a transparent falsehood upheld repeatedly by Rice, Rumsfeld and Bush.
b. "Iraq was connected to 9/11" - The most "outrageous conspiracy theory" of all, with the most disastrous impact.

20) Pakistani Connection - Congressional Connection
a. The Pakistani intelligence agency ISI, creator of the Taliban and close ally to both the CIA and "al-Qaeda," allegedly wired $100,000 to Mohamed Atta just prior to September 11th, reportedly through the ISI asset Omar Saeed Sheikh (later arrested for the killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was investigating ISI connections to "al-Qaeda.")
b. This was ignored by the congressional 9/11 investigation, although the senator and congressman who ran the probe (Bob Graham and Porter Goss) were meeting with the ISI chief, Mahmud Ahmed, on Capitol Hill on the morning of September 11th.
c. About 25 percent of the report of the Congressional Joint Inquiry was redacted, including long passages regarding how the attack (or the network allegedly behind it) was financed. Graham later said foreign allies were involved in financing the alleged terror network, but that this would only come out in 30 years.

21) Unanswered Questions and the "Final Fraud" of the 9/11 Commission:
a. The September 11th families who fought for and gained an independent investigation (the 9/11 Commission) posed 400-plus questions, which the 9/11 Commission adopted as its roadmap. The vast majority of these questions were completely ignored in the Commission hearings and the final report.
b. The membership and staff of the 9/11 Commission displayed awesome conflicts of interest. The families called for the resignation of Executive Director Philip Zelikow, a Bush administration member and close associate of "star witness" Condoleezza Rice, and were snubbed. Commission member Max Cleland resigned, condemning the entire exercise as a "scam" and "whitewash."
c.The 9/11 Commission Report is notable mainly for its obvious omissions, distortions and outright falsehoods - ignoring anything incompatible with the official story, banishing the issues to footnotes, and even dismissing the still-unresolved question of who financed 9/11 as being "of little practical significance."

22) Crown Witnesses Held at Undisclosed Locations
The alleged masterminds of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohamed (KSM) and Ramzi Binalshibh, are reported to have been captured in 2002 and 2003, although one Pakistani newspaper said KSM was killed in an attempted capture. They have been held at undisclosed locations and their supposed testimonies, as provided in transcript form by the government, form much of the basis for The 9/11 Commission Report (although the Commission''s request to see them in person was denied). After holding them for years, why doesn''t the government produce these men and put them to trial?

23) Spitzer Redux
a. Eliot Spitzer, attorney general of New York State, snubbed pleas by New York citizens to open 9/11 as a criminal case (
b. Spitzer also refused to allow his employee, former 9/11 Commission staff member Dietrich Snell, to testify to the Congress about his (Snell''s) role in keeping "Able Danger" entirely out of The 9/11 Commission Report.

24) NIST Omissions
After the destruction of the WTC structural steel, the official Twin Towers collapse investigation was left with almost no forensic evidence, and thus could only provide dubious computer models of ultimately unprovable hypotheses. It failed to even test for the possibility of explosives. (Why not clear this up?)

25) Radio Silence
The 9/11 Commission and NIST both allowed the continuing cover-up of how Motorola''s faulty radios, purchased by the Giuliani administration, caused firefighter deaths at the WTC - once again showing the expendability, even of the first responders.

26) The Legal Catch-22
a. Hush Money - Accepting victims'' compensation barred September 11th families from pursuing discovery through litigation.
b. Judge Hallerstein - Those who refused compensation to pursue litigation and discovery had their cases consolidated under the same judge (and as a rule dismissed).

27) Saudi Connections
a. The 9/11 investigations made light of the "Bin Ladin Airlift" during the no-fly period, and ignored the long-standing Bush family business ties to the Bin Ladin family fortune. (A company in which both families held interests, the Carlyle Group, was holding its annual meeting on September 11th, with George Bush Sr., James Baker, and two brothers of Osama Bin Ladin in attendance.)
b. The issue of Ptech.

28) Media Blackout of Prominent Doubters
The official story has been questioned and many of the above points were raised by members of the US Congress, retired high-ranking officers of the US military, the three leading third-party candidates for President in the 2004 election, a member of the 9/11 Commission who resigned in protest, a former high-ranking adviser to the George W. Bush administration, former ministers to the German, British and Canadian governments, the commander-in-chief of the Russian air force, 100 luminaries who signed the "9/11 Truth Statement," and the presidents of Iran and Venezuela. Not all of these people agree fully with each other, but all would normally be considered newsworthy. Why has the corporate-owned US mass media remained silent about these statements, granting due coverage only to the comments of actor Charlie Sheen?


29) "The Great Game"
The Afghanistan invasion was ready for Bush''s go-ahead on September 9, 2001, with US and UK force deployments to the region already in place or underway. This followed the failure earlier that year of backdoor diplomacy with the Taliban (including payments of $125 million in US government aid to Afghanistan), in an attempt to secure a unity government for that country as a prerequisite to a Central Asian pipeline deal.

30) The Need for a "New Pearl Harbor"
Principals in US foreign policy under the current Bush administration (including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle and others) have been instrumental in developing long-running plans for worldwide military hegemony, including an invasion of the Middle East, dating back to the Ford, Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations. They reiterated these plans in the late 1990s as members of the "Project for a New American Century," and stated a clear intent to invade Iraq for the purpose of "regime change." After 9/11, they lost no time in their attempt to tie Iraq to the attacks.

31) Perpetual "War on Terror"
9/11 is supposed to provide carte-blanche for an open-ended, global and perpetual "War on Terror," against any enemy, foreign or domestic, that the executive branch chooses to designate, and regardless of whether evidence exists to actually connect these enemies to 9/11.

32) Attacking the Constitution
a. The USA PATRIOT Act was written before 9/11, Homeland Security and the "Shadow Government" were developed long before 9/11, and plans for rounding up dissidents as a means for suppressing civil disturbance have been in the works for decades.
b. 9/11 was used as the pretext to create a new, extra-constitutional executive authority to declare anyone an "enemy combatant" (including American citizens), to detain persons indefinitely without habeas corpus, and to "render" such persons to secret prisons where torture is practiced.

33) Legal Trillions
9/11 triggers a predictable shift of public spending to war, and boosts public and private spending in the "new" New Economy of "Homeland Security," biometrics, universal surveillance, prisons, civil defense, secured enclaves, security, etc.

34) Plundered Trillions?
On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld announced a "war on waste" after an internal audit found that the Pentagon was "missing" 2.3 trillion dollars in unaccounted assets. On September 11th, this was as good as forgotten.

35) Did 9/11 prevent a stock market crash?
Did anyone benefit from the destruction of the Securities and Exchange Commission offices at WTC 7, and the resultant crippling of hundreds of fraud investigations?

36) Resource Wars
a. What was discussed in the Energy Task Force meetings under Dick Cheney in 2001? Why is the documentation of these meetings still being suppressed?
b. Is Peak Oil a motive for 9/11 as inside job?

37) The "Little Game"
Why was the WTC privatized just before its destruction?


38) "Al-CIA-da?"
The longstanding relationship between US intelligence networks and radical Islamists, including the network surrounding Osama Bin Ladin. (See also point 13d.)

39) Historical Precedents for "Synthetic Terror"
a. In the past many states, including the US government, have sponsored attacks on their own people, fabricated the "cause for war," created (and armed) their own enemies of convenience, and sacrificed their own citizens for "reasons of state."
b. Was 9/11 an update of the Pentagon-approved "Project Northwoods" plan for conducting self-inflicted, false-flag terror attacks in the United States, and blaming them on a foreign enemy?

40) Secret Government
a. The record of criminality and sponsorship of coups around the world by the covert networks based within the US intelligence complex.
b. Specifically also: The evidence of crime by Bush administration principals and their associates, from October Surprise to Iran-Contra and the S&L plunder to PNAC, Enron/Halliburton and beyond

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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2011, 08:49:09 AM »
Interesting though, the truth movement kind of died down.


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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2011, 01:58:00 PM »
Most americans are so inordinately stupid and foolish they reject any and everything that would awaken them from their sleep to reality. An americans ideal of importance is who won american idol, who won dancing with the stars, which reality show is the best and which of their favorite sports team is the greatest. So it is easy to understand why they reject so called conspiracy theories about 911 and all other major events.


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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2011, 02:10:45 PM »
I'd bet around the world the percentages aren't much different.


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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2011, 02:22:39 PM »

World opinion polls

A poll taken by World Public Opinion, a collaborative project of research centers in various countries managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, College Park, polled 16,063 people in 17 nations outside of the United States during the summer of 2008. They found that majorities in only 9 of the 17 countries believe Al Qaeda carried out the attacks.

46 percent of those surveyed said al Qaeda was responsible, 15 percent said the U.S. government, 7 percent said Israel and 7 percent said some other perpetrator. One in four people said they did not know who was behind the attacks.[1]

The summary of the poll noted that "Though people with greater education generally have greater exposure to news, those with greater education are only slightly more likely to attribute 9/11 to al Qaeda." Steven Kull, director of, commented "It does not appear that these beliefs can simply be attributed to a lack of exposure to information."[2] Of those who said the United States was the perpetrator, Kull says many believe it was an attempt to justify an impending U.S. invasion of Iraq.[3]


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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2011, 02:31:36 PM »
Most americans are so inordinately stupid and foolish they reject any and everything that would awaken them from their sleep to reality. An americans ideal of importance is who won american idol, who won dancing with the stars, which reality show is the best and which of their favorite sports team is the greatest. So it is easy to understand why they reject so called conspiracy theories about 911 and all other major events.
So I guess that applies to the rest of the world too.

The fear mongering producers of American Idol will be elated!


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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2011, 03:27:00 PM »

World opinion polls

A poll taken by World Public Opinion, a collaborative project of research centers in various countries managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, College Park, polled 16,063 people in 17 nations outside of the United States during the summer of 2008. They found that majorities in only 9 of the 17 countries believe Al Qaeda carried out the attacks.

46 percent of those surveyed said al Qaeda was responsible, 15 percent said the U.S. government, 7 percent said Israel and 7 percent said some other perpetrator. One in four people said they did not know who was behind the attacks.[1]

The summary of the poll noted that "Though people with greater education generally have greater exposure to news, those with greater education are only slightly more likely to attribute 9/11 to al Qaeda." Steven Kull, director of, commented "It does not appear that these beliefs can simply be attributed to a lack of exposure to information."[2] Of those who said the United States was the perpetrator, Kull says many believe it was an attempt to justify an impending U.S. invasion of Iraq.[3]

A poll taken supposedly from the University of Maryland that asked over 16,000 imaginary people from 17 nations on who committed the 911 attacks and they favored Al Qaeda?!?!?!?!?.Hhahahaahahaah LMAO. the first five countries on the list were the most vocal of there not being any such group as Al Qaeda (meaning teh DATABASE...a CIA creation) even to this day...those are american claims. First five groups also were the ones who exposed america's plot to blow up its own property and blame Osama (you know that guy??? he was the american CIA agent that america sent to Afghanistan to start the war there with Russia). Those first five nations also contacted every american official from the then Condolezza Rice, to Cheney to Bush and the Pentagon warning of a planned attack and France was the most vocal to it being STAGED!!!!! Even having authors writing books one called THE BIG LIE about it being staged and who and why it was done. So far as the next 7 nations not one ever believed in an Al Qaeda, Taliban or Osama. Nigeria told the media that Osama in their language means INVISIBLE/NOT REAL. Taiwan China And South Korea could at best only regurgitate what the american media was pushing as NONE OF THEM have dealing or knowledge of any such group as Al Qaeda and Indonesia and MEXICO...gimmie a break already... since when has Mexico's opinion on anything mattered. America is still trying to stop that MEXICAN TSUNAMI from overwhelming its own shores. The Japanese Tsunami was nothing in comparison.

Nice try, but no dice. :D :D :D :D


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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2011, 03:45:52 PM »
Not much of what you say really matters or has any substance.  Its really just rhetoric, unsubstantiated arguments, etc.  (kind of what you usually do like with the Albert Pike thing, particle collider, the second sun, the fear mongering thing, the jet into the empire state building etc.)  dang that list could go on and on and on.  You are like an American hating energizer CT bunny!  That one book you posted about ancient technologies was pretty good though.

This is a simple poll done at a University.  Unless everyone involved is on the take from the government and part of the "inside job" which would include quite alot of people the poll is quite valid.  

You stated it was 15% in the USA because of your reasoning......  This proves its likely that way all over.

American Idol rules!


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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2011, 04:38:18 PM »
General Wesley Clark, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Commanding General of U.S. European Command, which included all American military activities in the 89 countries and territories of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.  Additionally, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), which granted him overall command of NATO military forces in Europe 1997 - 2001.  Awarded Bronze Star, Silver Star, and Purple Heart for his service in Viet Nam and numerous subsequent medals and citations.  Graduated valedictorian of his class at West Point. 

Video interview ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos 3/5/06: "I think when you look at this country, right now, we need a 2-party system that works.  We need Congress to do its job.  We need real investigation of some of the abuses of authority that are apparently going on at the Executive branch. ... We've never finished the investigation of 9/11 and whether the administration actually misused the intelligence information it had.  The evidence seems pretty clear to me.  I've seen that for a long time."


Richard Gage, AIA, Architect – Member, American Institute of Architects.  A practicing Architect for 20 years who has worked on most types of building construction including numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings.  Founding member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
Speech at Sonoma State University 4/20/07:

"Another 2006 poll by Scripps Howard, Ohio University, which found that a shocking 16% believe that the World Trade Center's Twin Towers were brought down by explosives.  Unfortunately, my research has also concluded that this is true.  Tonight I will present to you the very clear evidence that all three World Trade Center high-rise buildings, the Twin Towers and Building 7 were destroyed not by fire as our government has told us, but by controlled demolition with explosives."

Editor's note: WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories.  It would have been the tallest building in 33 states.  Although it was not hit by an airplane, it completely collapsed into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11, seven hours after the collapses of the Twin Towers.  However, no mention of its collapse appears in the 9/11 Commission's "full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks."  Watch the collapse video here.  And six years after 9/11, the Federal government has yet to publish its promised final report that explains the cause of its collapse.

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 1,400 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates  hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7.  We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7."

Rob Balsamo – Commercial airline pilot.  Co-founder, Pilots for 9/11 Truth.  4,000+ total hours flown.
Statement to this website 7/23/07:  "In May 2006, I was watching Glenn Beck’s show on CNN. The Department of Defense had just released the infamous "5 frames" of stop-action video of the pentagon attack. Beck showed the frames and commented, "You can see a 757 in 10 seconds flat!  Either that or a naked Michael Moore heading for the buffet!  This should put all those conspiracy theories to rest".  While watching it, I'm thinking to myself, "I can’t see any 757.”  And I'm asking myself, “Are there still unresolved questions regarding 9/11?"

So I started poking around on the Internet trying to find anything I can to back up the government’s story because I didn't want to believe our government might have had something to do with 9/11.

Early on, I came across Operation Northwoods.  It blew me away that elements of our government had seriously planned acts of terrorism inside the United States to justify invading Cuba. Consider that 9/11 Commission Chairman Thomas Kean had said, "The greatest failure of 9/11 was lack of imagination", yet just under 40 years prior, elements of our own government imagined perpetrating such an event!

In late summer of 2006, I co-founded the group Pilots for 9/11 Truth, to more formally conduct research on the aviation-related aspects of 9/11.  In August 2006, Pilots for 9/11 Truth received from the National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) a copy of the Flight Data Recorder data of Flight 77, which, according to the official account, hit the Pentagon.

We analyzed the data and announced our conclusion on 3/26/07 that "The information provided by the NTSB does not support the 9/11 Commission Report of American Airlines Flight 77 impact with the Pentagon."  Much more information about this can be found in our video documentary and our press release.

So now, a year after I began looking into the events of 9/11 and having devoted a lot of time and effort researching those events, I'm frustrated because we haven't been able to find anything to confirm the government's story.  And what's worse is that the FBI and NTSB refuse to even discuss with us the many obvious problems we found in the Flight 77 Flight Data Recorder.

I continue to work with my colleagues at Pilots for 9/11 Truth, to grow the organization and to continue our research into the aviation-related aspects of 9/11, looking for confirmation of the government’s story."

Audio interview by Mike Chambers 2/6/07: "I just recently -- quote, unquote -- woke up back in May [2006] due to a video that I saw on mainstream media telling me that I could see a 757 in ten seconds flat going across the Pentagon lawn.  And from there I did my research  and here I am now ... with  When I started my research  I said to myself, I am going to do everything in my power to figure out and back up the official story, the government's story -- the government fairy tale, I now call it -- so I can have faith and believe in my government.  We have gotten to the point where I haven't been able to find anything to confirm the government's story.

Now, we received the flight data information through the NTSB back in August [2006]. ... The files that we originally received from the NTSB shows the aircraft too high to have hit the light poles.  They can see that on Full Analysis.  And of course in our film Pandora's Black Box Chapter 2. ...

The flight data recorder raw file that we have just decoded ... it's still showing too high for the Pentagon. ... It shows the radar altimeter at 273 feet.  That means 273 feet above the ground. OK?  The Pentagon only gets up to 77 feet."

Co-founder: Pilots for 9/11 Truth  Association Statement: "Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe that have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame. However, we are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day since the United States Government doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with answers

*And there are thousands more quotes from educated professionals if you just do the research.  Any cooked data poll you found on wikiapedia is not going to be accurate.  NSA monitors google, youtube, wikiapedia.  They censor anything on 9/11 truth.
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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2011, 05:00:27 PM »
I am not really desiring to debate 9/11 here.  Frankly its too much of a time sucker for me these days.  I have gone round and round for years with people here on it.  Done quite a lot of research, swayed back and forth a few times in the early days back in 2006.  Even conducted a few personal interviews.   

All I was trying to do here was to spur discussion about why the movement has lost so much steam. 

There's no reason for the University of Maryland to "cook the books".  They conducted a simple poll that's all. If their poll was cooked they lose serious credibility if not accreditation.  They gain nothing from the results either way.  The only scenario that would have them gain something from the poll is to make so that a large percentage of people outside the USA believe in a conspiracy.  It would have made news and credited the university.  But that's just not the case.   

Also, the median age of most truthers was found to be about 27-28 years old in a study of facebook profiles (WAC: We Are Change) of those who profess to believe in a 9/11 conspiracy.  That puts many right in college at the time of the poll and in their early 20's and late teens at the time of the event.   

Now, you could have an argument here, if the poll was conducted by the US government instead of the University of Maryland.   Even i would be skeptical of that.   :)



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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2011, 05:01:59 PM »
BTW, since i have never really discussed this with you, freeborn, i do support another investigation into the events of 9/11, but not because i think it was an inside job. 


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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2011, 05:53:42 PM »
I can agree with that.  That is all I'm saying is that it needs to be looked into a lot further.  I'm not accusing Bush the administration of being behind it, (although I wouldn't put anything past the Bush family) I just want more answers.
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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2011, 08:05:20 PM »

Most Americano are dumb as fuck...

How many Americans actually know that a third building(building 7) actually fell?  I would guess less than one third..

One source said that 43% of americano were unaware that building 7 had fallen..

I have to admit, I did not buy into all of this conspiracy theory stuff. But, I did not see the video about building 7 until recently. That is some weird shit and has me totally rethinking everything now and don't know what to believe.

Instead of blaming "dumb" Americans, I would point the finger at our major media for not reporting it. Perhaps for a reason?


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Re: Most Americans Reject 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2011, 05:37:53 AM »
I have to admit, I did not buy into all of this conspiracy theory stuff. But, I did not see the video about building 7 until recently. That is some weird shit and has me totally rethinking everything now and don't know what to believe.

Instead of blaming "dumb" Americans, I would point the finger at our major media for not reporting it. Perhaps for a reason?

Did you also know that the BBC news reported that WTC 7 had collapsed 40 minutes before it actually happened and they even had a picture of WTC 7 standing in the background as they reported it? 

Watch loose change or Blueprint for truth on Youtube if you get a chance, shit will blow your mind.
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