Author Topic: is gh that good?  (Read 28262 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #125 on: July 16, 2011, 02:15:08 AM »
I am a first timer on GH and taking 4iu of KIGTROPIN a day split in two shots. One upon wakening and one right after workout. No food until one hour after. I am also taking 250mg of Enanthate... At the moment I am into my 3rd week.

Honestly I havenīt noticed much. I do sleep a lot and my body is craving sleep. My skin seems to be more younger looking but it can be all the sleep as well. I am not stronger, but I do get a pump even at very low weights. But honestly not much yet... I lost some bodyfat around the abs, about 2,5lbs in total weight... So not much here...

One could be that I need more time as GH reacts slower in the body... second maybe my gear is bad... Although it comes from a reliable source.

is this new kigtropin? where and when you got it ,, this is not how kigtropin works or any legit gh ,, stol with the balonie excuses you gear is not bad,, its too low of a dose ofcourse but its nto the gear per say ,,

i have some time right now ao ill write fo you how legit gh work,, dont read past this because youll hear bunch of balonie from everyone,, this is how legit gh work!

you take 4 iu it should be ok from 5 iu and up but 4 iu will be very similar ESEPCIALY for first time gh user!!

upon first 3 weeks is when you gain lots of weight,, size,, you gain about 10-15 lb of over all size,, you look gi fuckin gantic ,,ofcourse it is water ,, but if you are in the 10-12% zone  or under you will look very big fella and hear comments on your size and how big you look ,, this happen very fast, within first 1-2 weeks on 4 iu or over every day ,, with this something else happen sleep very good at night ,, you dream is very vivid all through the nightALWAYS ,, and your nails are growing fast ...ESPECIALY WITH KIGTROPINA NAILS GROWING THE FASTEST OUT OF ALL GH OUT THERE ,,it was highly pure gh powder,, nails grow fast and i mean you can climb on trees within days! ,,

now,, the stage you are at now weeek 3 and 4 is when you start LOSING the water and decrease a good 1/3 to 2/3 of it that is also when you start seeing the quality the physiqe has taken ...yes yes yes friend within 4 weeks if experienced bodybuild you will see it within 4 days with the increase of leaness while growing on pooundage since the poundage in majority go to the right place aka you will see outline but if you have them from before you will see them much more clear....especialy moment water drops,, the lines become visible much more of the over all physiqe .,...and in the next 4-8 weeks is when the fibers will grow you leaner and larger with the aas developing it all to create the new composition you will show to the world,,

gh works on the first second taken into blood,, it show result within weeks ,, it shows amazing results within 2-3 months on EVERYONE if use legit gh ,,

it sound like yuo use igf1lr3 balonie,,then again i have not seen it myself so i cant say 100% but i very rarely wrong ,, actualy im never wrong when it come to hormones

gh15 approved
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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #126 on: July 16, 2011, 02:29:09 AM »
This is the stuff I have:

Actually I havenīt noticed any extra nailgrowth, I am around 10% bodyfat at the moment with OK visible abs, I havenīt grown bigger, fuller, nothing... I confronted the guy he said that it will take some time to react. ?

I will change to Genotropin in one week and letīs see the difference? Maybe 4iu is too low, but then again I am a first timer, although somewhat experienced in AS.. But no major wow feelings... NADA.

I appreciate your answer above!


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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #127 on: July 16, 2011, 03:12:37 AM »
This is the stuff I have:

Actually I havenīt noticed any extra nailgrowth, I am around 10% bodyfat at the moment with OK visible abs, I havenīt grown bigger, fuller, nothing... I confronted the guy he said that it will take some time to react. ?

I will change to Genotropin in one week and letīs see the difference? Maybe 4iu is too low, but then again I am a first timer, although somewhat experienced in AS.. But no major wow feelings... NADA.

I appreciate your answer above!

NO!,, legit kigtropina is immidiate nail growth like you become a tree monkey ,, no time no nothing ,immidiate 3-4 days and you see it you need to chew spit your own nails during the day because they grow so fast,,the kigtropina you show me is original ,, but they like to put bunk balonie into blue tops and sell them as kigtropina ,,very common

gh is something that you know YOU KNOW hwn you are on it ,, ***** thanktropin doesnt grow nail as fast as kigtropin but you know you are on legit gh becaus you see transformation and  sleep is vivid and bodyfat drop and you blow up to begin with like with any gh ....especialy if you start fresh ,, so not everylegit gh grow nails same speed it depend on poweder purity but anything over 90% is good enough ,,

what you have is bunk gh if you ask me orrrrr underdosed gh as in you got 4 iu in a vial that says 10 iu ,, which mean when you inject 4 iu a day you actualy inject ....less than 1 iu which wont do nothing for a male aside from.....dropiing slight bodyfat very slight after 3 weeks...

you got bunk product ,,return to shipper and get new one ,, or out him as selective scammer on boardings,, selective because it is 4 iu passed as 10 iu in most liklihood ...if! the puck is whole and not complete powder...then it most likley gh but very underdosed 4 iu pass as 10 iu ....try take 2-3 vials in one day see what happen ...youll be sueprized,, then again just ask for a change and if not use someone else,,***** will always giv equality gh use *****

gh15 approved
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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #128 on: July 16, 2011, 11:09:17 AM »

gh15 approved

pineapple juice or pineapple fruit in the cans ?


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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #129 on: July 16, 2011, 01:57:14 PM »
pine apple juice in cans ,, fruit no good ,, you want to drink it an ddrink a lot of it during the day,, 2-3 cans easily maybe more,,its small cans everyone know what it look like ,, its there mainly because bodybuild buy them lol

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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #130 on: July 16, 2011, 02:35:03 PM »
pine apple juice in cans ,, fruit no good ,, you want to drink it an ddrink a lot of it during the day,, 2-3 cans easily maybe more,,its small cans everyone know what it look like ,, its there mainly because bodybuild buy them lol

gh15 approved

no you should eat the fruit. Fresh..not the frozen kind and not the juice either. Besides pineapple for protein digestion..Blueberries are the most benefical fruit. gh15 may be the fella for hormones but you know shit about nutrition lol. Bananas?  please..probably the least beneficial fruit on the planet and definitely not the only fruit with potassium



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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #131 on: July 16, 2011, 06:10:52 PM »
no!,, banana highly important ,, potasium from banana is very very important ,, sugar from banana very important,, banana highly highly important for bodybuild and also duration ,, banana only fruit i recomend along with pinapple juice for liver ,, pine apple juice = liver 52 to the 10th degree ,,liver 52 does nothing while pineapple live you give you what body needs,,

banana is very important for fulness ,, very very very more important than any rice cakes and oats lol ,, load on 4-5 bananas in morning and see what i mean  ,, infact you can go to gym drinking eggwhite drinking pineaple and eating 4 bananas ...and if you are lean you will look like a god in your training sesssion ,, ofcourse hormones a must!

gh15 approved
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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #132 on: July 20, 2011, 09:13:42 AM »
I briefly skimmed this thread and all i can offer is "yes".

Within weeks i noticed visible changes to my hair, skin, nails and memory function. I did notice some fatigue but i worked through it. I swear my entire body looked improved after 3 months of being on GH. I remember eating every 4-5 hours and being starved within about 2 hours after a large meal. I could literally feel a change in every aspect of my physical being after a few months of use.

As far as dosage and frequency, i was using 4iu in the mornings only, 7 days a week for 4 months. Then i used 4iu in the morning and 4iu when i got home from work around 6pm for an additional 9 months. Sadly, i decided to start my own company and quit working out at this point and i haven't been in the gym regularly in 2 years, but my business is up and running.

I can honestly say that the year i was on GH was like my first year on AAS, things were changing almost every week. I was eating anything i wanted for the most part and i never gained an ounce of fat. I remember putting on about 8 pounds in the first month of usage but it was quality weight. I also remember my muscles looking fuller and rounder, but that could have been psychological.

People say blue tops are crap, but i used blues and reds from an extremely reliable source for my entire duration and i made incredible gains. If i wouldn't have quit working out i would have stayed on them for a long time. Even today after being out of the game for a while i still have the same round muscles and thin skin, i honestly haven't gained much weight in the last 2 years of being out of the gym. People still think i lift weights, but it is all muscle maturity i guess.

If any compound is worth the cash, it is GH. The downside being that GH is the most commonly faked compound in the world right now.

PS-I was also taking 25mcg of Cytomel ED the entire duration of the GH usage. Zero AAS were used during this time period.



  • Getbig V
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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #133 on: July 21, 2011, 01:44:53 AM »
fellas ,, fellllllllllas, listen to me again ,, listen to what i am telling you here,, i will even bring real world into this and give example.....

you sit in some chain restaurant with parents and uncles and sit in the head of table because you are too wide to sit in the boot with them ....and when the meal finish you all order icecream.....with me? ,,ok ,, now...they all order icecream just like you and look like fat pigs right? they always eat and look like fatzo pigs...right? i talk americana here friends follow me... and you sit in the head of the table...munchin on 3 scoop sunday penut butter reices icecream with cake and chocolat lava that come out of know you know what im talking about exactly....

then you hear your uncle tell your aunti ..and i quote...yes yes but it all used as energy danny is just using this as energy in the gym when working out so he dont get fat ,,,thats why danny has not a ounce of fat on him marry!! ....its all used for enrgy mary!! and your daddy and mommy look and nodding their head in agreement....and the tabel next to you all stare at you when you enter to begin with....and the daughters of the family have their 17 -19 year old clitoris wet and tingly because they see muscle and conditioend muscle and they want attention and what bring best attention at this age? being with real muscular fella!

why do they say it all? they say it because you are sculpted muscular thick and large tight and polished with all muscles visibles and lines are nicely visible to a good degreee..... they say it because they look like fatzos and you look ripped and thick...

what they DONT KNOW IS that you have in your blood gh running....legit gh running that gives you the ability to eat like the fatzos they are....they think its from hard work in the gym ....hey nephew many times you work out a week ...he expect you to say 14 you say 4 lol,,hey hey newphew you work out very hard thats why you are so defined and muscular and sit there and going to choke on your icecream trying not to laugh ,, you sit there and asking yourslef why people are so dumb but go explain them whats going on when it takes long time and no one would understand to begin with you avoid insted while your uncle is balonie your head you already have a hard on from the 19 year old that smile at you as nicely as she can form the other table because they just got back from church and she needs a purify herself..

sound femiliar? lol  



you can sit and eat shit and still be 6-7% and you can really eat whatever you wish many days ....hgh forgives big time! infact it doesnt forgive it loves you for giving it this energy because this is what it is  for the hgh ....thgat icecream you eat is its energy....

and this! is the mistake of many steoir boarding morons who always stuck in the low level locals....  they never had the bible to read...

legit hgh works ,, and works very very fast,,especialy at high dose but also lower doses,, works and work fast,, first minute into blood it start doing its thing,, 3 weeks into it you see the changes in quality ...2 months into it you become a good bodybuilder if on aas....and 3-4 months into it and thuere after on and off gh .... you become advanced bodybuild,,very impressive,,not because you are huge because huge = insulina..but! because you hold CONDITIONED SIZE,,

do me a favour and read the posting i just wrote 10 times before answering,, preferably just read it ,, this is only thing you need to know ,, this is the absolit truth about gh !

your job is one! to find LEGIT hgh

gh15 approved
fallen angel


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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #134 on: July 21, 2011, 02:01:09 AM »
great post as usual.  ;D ;D ;D ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #135 on: July 21, 2011, 05:23:35 AM »
You forgot to mention the part with the waiters and cannonball shoulders from hgh  ;D


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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #136 on: July 21, 2011, 06:55:16 AM »
fellas ,, fellllllllllas, listen to me again ,, listen to what i am telling you here,, i will even bring real world into this and give example.....

you sit in some chain restaurant with parents and uncles and sit in the head of table because you are too wide to sit in the boot with them ....and when the meal finish you all order icecream.....with me? ,,ok ,, now...they all order icecream just like you and look like fat pigs right? they always eat and look like fatzo pigs...right? i talk americana here friends follow me... and you sit in the head of the table...munchin on 3 scoop sunday penut butter reices icecream with cake and chocolat lava that come out of know you know what im talking about exactly....

then you hear your uncle tell your aunti ..and i quote...yes yes but it all used as energy danny is just using this as energy in the gym when working out so he dont get fat ,,,thats why danny has not a ounce of fat on him marry!! ....its all used for enrgy mary!! and your daddy and mommy look and nodding their head in agreement....and the tabel next to you all stare at you when you enter to begin with....and the daughters of the family have their 17 -19 year old clitoris wet and tingly because they see muscle and conditioend muscle and they want attention and what bring best attention at this age? being with real muscular fella!

why do they say it all? they say it because you are sculpted muscular thick and large tight and polished with all muscles visibles and lines are nicely visible to a good degreee..... they say it because they look like fatzos and you look ripped and thick...

what they DONT KNOW IS that you have in your blood gh running....legit gh running that gives you the ability to eat like the fatzos they are....they think its from hard work in the gym ....hey nephew many times you work out a week ...he expect you to say 14 you say 4 lol,,hey hey newphew you work out very hard thats why you are so defined and muscular and sit there and going to choke on your icecream trying not to laugh ,, you sit there and asking yourslef why people are so dumb but go explain them whats going on when it takes long time and no one would understand to begin with you avoid insted while your uncle is balonie your head you already have a hard on from the 19 year old that smile at you as nicely as she can form the other table because they just got back from church and she needs a purify herself..

sound femiliar? lol  



you can sit and eat shit and still be 6-7% and you can really eat whatever you wish many days ....hgh forgives big time! infact it doesnt forgive it loves you for giving it this energy because this is what it is  for the hgh ....thgat icecream you eat is its energy....

and this! is the mistake of many steoir boarding morons who always stuck in the low level locals....  they never had the bible to read...

legit hgh works ,, and works very very fast,,especialy at high dose but also lower doses,, works and work fast,, first minute into blood it start doing its thing,, 3 weeks into it you see the changes in quality ...2 months into it you become a good bodybuilder if on aas....and 3-4 months into it and thuere after on and off gh .... you become advanced bodybuild,,very impressive,,not because you are huge because huge = insulina..but! because you hold CONDITIONED SIZE,,

do me a favour and read the posting i just wrote 10 times before answering,, preferably just read it ,, this is only thing you need to know ,, this is the absolit truth about gh !

your job is one! to find LEGIT hgh

gh15 approved

haha when I am on gh I eat donuts all the time at the club before work, I always bring a box of 12 donuts. People always ask me why do you eat like this you will get fat and I always answer: don't worry for me I am all drugs


they think I am joking actually, they know I am on roids but they don't understand the power of drugs ;D


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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #137 on: July 21, 2011, 12:30:00 PM »
haha when I am on gh I eat donuts all the time at the club before work, I always bring a box of 12 donuts. People always ask me why do you eat like this you will get fat and I always answer: don't worry for me I am all drugs


they think I am joking actually, they know I am on roids but they don't understand the power of drugs ;D

You've already seen my offseason diet.  Rearden was reading me Johnnie Jackson's offseason diet and it included at least a half-dozen doughnuts per day.  I hadn't eaten a doughnut I awhile so I figured I'd give it a try.  I was on a doughnut kick for like a month!!!!!


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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #138 on: August 02, 2011, 09:15:29 AM »
So just an update... After a first try with Kigtropin for 4 weeks, I havenīt noticed anything, guess the stuff was bad. I even tried upping the dose and no reaction...

I have now changed to a different source and to Humatrope and I am almost done with my second week, taking 5iu before bed in one shot this time.

What I noticed is that I am getting bigger but flatter, I guess I am holding water, but now everyone started to ask what I am on... I donīt think it is a major difference yet, but it is about 6lbs gain in weight. My arms especially were I am more genetically strong.

I get enormous pumps on basically all exercises and yesterday I couldnīt superset chest cause by the time for the second exercise I was so pumped that it was impossible to lift the dumbbells, as the muscles were holding against the movement... I couldnīt press my chest together...:)))

I do have problems with sleeping, I sweat at night and I wake up often... I also noticed that I tend to flatten out easier after a bigger meal, but by the morning it is all tight and nice again. Overall I do hold more water...

So there it is...:)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #139 on: August 02, 2011, 09:25:31 AM »
So just an update... After a first try with Kigtropin for 4 weeks, I havenīt noticed anything, guess the stuff was bad. I even tried upping the dose and no reaction...

I have now changed to a different source and to Humatrope and I am almost done with my second week, taking 5iu before bed in one shot this time.

What I noticed is that I am getting bigger but flatter, I guess I am holding water, but now everyone started to ask what I am on... I donīt think it is a major difference yet, but it is about 6lbs gain in weight. My arms especially were I am more genetically strong.

I get enormous pumps on basically all exercises and yesterday I couldnīt superset chest cause by the time for the second exercise I was so pumped that it was impossible to lift the dumbbells, as the muscles were holding against the movement... I couldnīt press my chest together...:)))

I do have problems with sleeping, I sweat at night and I wake up often... I also noticed that I tend to flatten out easier after a bigger meal, but by the morning it is all tight and nice again. Overall I do hold more water...

So there it is...:)
Water retention might get better with time, at the worst case you can always control it.
to get fuller just eat more, at least that;s what i do and it works.


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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #140 on: August 02, 2011, 09:30:33 AM »
Yes I read that water retention is typical for the first weeks, otherwise I might go with some diuretics... I try to use GH for fatloss so I try to eat clean and mostly protein...

I also hope that as age and work stress have caught up with me and I have no energy, that GH will help me feel a little younger, stronger and leaner...


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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #141 on: August 02, 2011, 09:34:50 AM »
I figure in about 18 months i am going to be looking at hopping on some gh, i havent worked out for long, a few years and diet wasn't great for the most part. I would be looking at about 5 iu a day but i'm curious about sides , i neither want basketball player hands or cro magnon skull lol any info on that aspect guys?
Trans Milkshake.


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Re: is gh that good?
« Reply #142 on: August 02, 2011, 09:43:27 AM »
Let me stand corrected if I am wrong... But as with all drugs, AS, etc... I believe serious irreversible signs will come after a long term high dose usage... I have always done AS as much on as off, always at the lower range of recommended dose. Same with GH now, six months 5iu, after that at least 6 months off... I do look fit, but I am far from huge... It is enough for me... M&F cover style...:))

But than again I base this on logic alone, and there are exceptions...