Author Topic: Some questions for my next cycle  (Read 1338 times)


  • Getbig I
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Some questions for my next cycle
« on: February 23, 2013, 11:12:25 AM »
Hey guys,

I know I don't post often but work + school + gym + girl = no life.

I plan on starting a new cycle soon.. and wanted some feedback on some of the details by those experienced.

Just been on Test 500 / week for a while and want to add another compound and lower the test..

Thinking of 250 Test / Week and 50mg Tren A EOD then possibly 75 EOD after seeing how my body reacts.

I know hair loss is possible but I am more concerned about the AI and Sex.

I know AI needs vary person to person ( with Test alone .5 of Arimidex EOD keep me good) but what about with Tren in the equation at that dose ? Do I need something stronger (higher dose of Arimidex or Letro) ?

Also.. will my sex drive go to shit ? I know I can increase Test to compensate but I'd like to hear from some people who have been there / done that..

I thought about adding Mast but realized its just more side effects and I won't be able to pin it to either the Tren or Mast so starting slow..

Let me know

Me: 32, 6'1, 197lbs 14 %

Looking to cut and gain size fast (wedding and pictures (before Oct actually in 4 weeks) coming in Oct.


  • Getbig I
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Re: Some questions for my next cycle
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 02:40:15 PM »
lol yes i am too fat. i hate seeing it in the mirror..

So your suggesting i run test and equipose along w/ tren or just test and equipose ?

Thanks for your time

if you run tren alone, sex drive and ability will go out the window, but can make lean gains.

if you add test to it, youll gain water.but have sex drive.

run small dose of test with equipoise.

btw, youre too fat at 14%.

use this cycle wisely to get cut.the body at 14% doesnt like steroids very much.

they work better the leaner you are.


  • Getbig I
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Re: Some questions for my next cycle
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2013, 09:26:19 AM »
What would you do for yourself under my situation. I don't want to mix too many substances because I want to be able to know what sides come from which chemical..

I get married Oct 12 and will pretty much be wearing bathing suits the entire honeymoon.

I read Tren is crazy so I think results may be faster (thinking of doing it over 4 - 8 weeks).. Equipose they reccomend to run it over 16 weeks.. which I have the time for but that is a long time.

I run a lean mean diet. I get consult from 3J's Nutrition.



  • Getbig II
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Re: Some questions for my next cycle
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2013, 04:14:48 PM »
id go with equipoise.

and for diet, heres a thread on gossip and opinion, "fu the experts", very long thread, its useful.

dont expect wonders from tren, its good, but way overrated, ppl think itll give cray results.

itll give about same results as equipoise.nothing one could see in a pic after 2months.

I wanted to also try for my second cycle tren a @ 75mg eod and test 250mg / 2 x wk , would that be an effective ratio of test to tren, or should I alter my tren intake? HCG included possibly?

Also in addition, what an equipoise cycle be benficial to tie it all in the last two weeks finally ending pct?

How many weeks would you personally say for me, given my thread pics, "best cycle for under half a grand".


  • Getbig II
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Re: Some questions for my next cycle
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2013, 06:54:52 PM »
id always have as little test as possible, as base, something like 250 a week, and add other compunds along with it.

250test with 75mg tren eod is good enough imo.if you go 500weekly test, the bloat will be worse.

equipoise and bit test is something that can be ran for very long time, imo, ppl on less than my level or who want to be something about my sie shouldnt even run anything else.

tren is not so good imo, bc of limp dick, supposed to only be take for short periods and the bloodwork results will be kinda bad, but that goes for all non aromatiing steroids.

on "bulk" or rather, slow gaining weight while staying lean, id use nothing but bit test e or cyp, let the calories do the rest, and for dieting id lower the test a bit and add something like tren, winny or equipoise, preferably equipoise.

time is important factor, equipoise and test both allow you to be on long time with no bad sideeffect, and minimal water retention and estrogen issues, as long the test dose is low and diet somewhat clean.

now, for those whoms goal is to be bigger than me, theyll need higher doses.

and for hcg and clomid and post cycle therapy, i personally dont believe in them, i simply crash out cold turkey, but then again im always on low doses of long esters, so the crashes arent bad.

other will have to chime in tips for pct stuff, i dont do it, i never do anti estrogens either, and im not afraid of bitchtits. ;D

all i can say is even the worst crashes have been manageable.but its important to keep training when off.not to give up the lifestyle.
its ok to stay away from gym for 1,2 weeks after long cycling, and eat like normal person, but dont forget to come back.
natural training will suck, diet will seem pointless, any cheat food goes straight to the hips, but thats life :D

I think you and I are verry verry similar in body structure and physique (well , when you were smaller at some point  8) ) and in terms of what we respond well to. I enjoy your full figure competitor type look and I think I have the potential for something relatively similar.

My thinking lately has been veeeery similar to yours in terms of ai and pct..well I think for the first time on i'll pct to the book, then next time I wont worry too much depending on how it goes..  ;)

Lean gains slow and steady are my gameplan and are what I am used to. I've mentioned before to friends IRL that it's always better to notice the gains and keep your bf low (<10%) (well unless you are sponsored athlete then go hog wild with the best stuff others can buy...) I have never stopped dieting for literally more than a year straight natty to get down to where I wanted to start first cycle. Gotta say I'm excited to start noticing the gains a little faster..

Just to ascertain you like to clean bulk (blast) and then cruise and just lower test and eq?
Or did I get that wrong and you stop for time on=time off.

If not, What would you blast and then cruise on? EQ and Test E? I've never tried EQ but I'm really excited and heard really great things about it's lean gains and cutting potential, and it's great to hear theres minimal sides for long term usage.

 I have plans for my next cycle to get the Mutagenic 600mg/ml once it's back in stock and run that eod, with Tren A 75mg/ml eod and Test E 2x per week. I'll take your advice I think and get the 100mg/ml then? x2 per week with the tren.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Some questions for my next cycle
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2013, 08:06:45 AM »
yes, we have similar build, frame wise, no doubt.

and yes, full figure competitor look as goal is reasonable, you wont need organ transplants,lol, and is kinda easy maintenance.

yes, by all means try pct, ive tried it too, but concluded its all the same, the body will need time either way.

indeed, never "bulk", its not needed, having a eat whatever and how much ever you like day here and then is good enough for short term "bulk" so to say.bulking makes ppl look like shit,from feet(cankles all the way up to moonface melonhead :-X ;D

and increased bloodpressure, out of breathe very quick, the fat has to eventually be dieted off, not good for the heart, no good for thejoint to carry extra weight, and the added extra strenght frankly,isnt needed for our "goals".

to be clear, always when going for gains, aka "bulking" the way up to 10%, id always use as little gear as possible.the extra food will do the work, and lw dose will prevent you from gaining much waterretention.
and during diet is where id increase the dosage, to preserve the muscle.

wehn gaining weight, nothing else than some test is needed, really.

even diet can be done on just test, but low test with medium "cutting" steroid is better.

when going entirelly off everything, theres 2 choices, trying to keep the sie and get fatter in the process, or lose size,deflate like baloon but stay do the lose size and stay lean thing, the size will come very easy and fast when on gear again.

but one can stay on bit test all year without the least worry imo.going off is rather for when you feel like going very easy on training.

i like your ways of thinking 8)

What are kankles? I'm tempted to look it up but this is the second time i've heard the term today so I have to ask upfront lmao. Whatever it is it doesn't sound amiable to me.

I'm thinking about cruising on test like you mentioned, perhaps taking a two week break pct in conclusion to my first "blast" cycle to get the receptors unsaturated. what would be the best test ester to accomplish this? E seems to me to involve less maintainance but this seems contraindicated for smooth consistent blood levels. Thoughts?

I'm off to go to a full blood panel before I begin. I'll ask to retain a copy for my records for health and wellness college professor to overlook 8)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Some questions for my next cycle
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2013, 03:12:36 PM »
if you run tren alone, sex drive and ability will go out the window, but can make lean gains.

if you add test to it, youll gain water.but have sex drive.

run small dose of test with equipoise.

btw, youre too fat at 14%.

use this cycle wisely to get cut.the body at 14% doesnt like steroids very much.

they work better the leaner you are.
Yes, yes, yes. High bf + TREN = sides! Really any cycle. Get your bf down then get on the gear. Gal bringing the solid advice as always


  • Getbig II
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Re: Some questions for my next cycle
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2013, 04:22:35 PM »
Agreed, but what about tren ace @ 1500-2000 and HGH proper..;) yum?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Some questions for my next cycle
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2013, 05:46:48 PM »
Agreed, but what about tren ace @ 1500-2000 and HGH proper..;) yum?

Now you're talking!


  • Getbig II
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Re: Some questions for my next cycle
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2013, 06:05:34 PM »