Author Topic: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,  (Read 14158 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #50 on: March 22, 2012, 08:21:03 PM »
there is no point in arguing with his elves . as long as they're echoing gh15's statements , they're right. that's how the god of hormones sees things. i could register a new account and as long as i quote gh15, agree with him / reword his posts to my liking, i could be an elf in no time

prerequisites for elfs:

intense hatred for lay nortom
intense hatred for liar priest
reusing needles 100 times as long as they are clean
agreeing with everything that comes out of gh15s mouth regardless of whether it is true or not
capable of fabricating the dumbest shit possible in an attempt to destroy one's reputation

i like his information but damn dude.. just GET RID OF THE ELVES!! NOBODY OTHER THAN YOU AND YOUR CREW WANT THEM HERE!! nobody gives a shit if theyre the most honest fellas on any bodybuilding board. theyre annoying as hell and every mod on this board agrees! what don't you get? jesus christ  ::) ::) ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #51 on: March 22, 2012, 09:15:04 PM »
let me read this postings i wil respond ,, i just need to eat my sushi while goign through this tread,, i wil respond soon

gh15 approved
fallen angel


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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #52 on: March 22, 2012, 09:27:06 PM »
I never got pulled over with anything in my car.

I didn't post on getbig for around 6months...maybe 8 but that's it. Other than that I've been here since 2004.

Yes, I had some legal trouble, yes I had some health problems...I've never denied any of that. I've gone into full detail about the health problems. The legal issues, that's personal and it doesn't affect anyone here.

As for "getting out of the kitchen" I'm not exactly sure what you're implying with that remark.

More than anything...I just want to be left alone.

make sure you arte accurate.. dont twist my words! ,, no one saif you god pulled over like cops pull sover for ticket... no no ,,

what happend is that you got gun point to your face while driving innnnnnto you rplace....all guns pointed at you ...PULLED YOU OUT OF YOUR CAR..,.. and ruineed your damn house from the inside out ...

arnold stop! i know the story well

dont get yourself into a liar catagory ,,

it was big thing! you knwo it and you know it well! your best call best friend even though warned there are no best friends in bodybuild.... fucked you in the ass...

you are a nice keep your word nicely and polite on the boading with much control over what you say ....but dont lie to my pupils or to anyone,, if you wish to not talk about it just say that ,, but the truth is known to me first hand...i knew it while it was hapening

gh15 approved
fallen angel


  • Getbig IV
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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #53 on: March 22, 2012, 09:30:03 PM »
make sure you arte accurate.. dont twist my words! ,, no one saif you god pulled over like cops pull sover for ticket... no no ,,

what happend is that you got gun point to your face while driving innnnnnto you rplace....all guns pointed at you ...PULLED YOU OUT OF YOUR CAR..,.. and ruineed your damn house from the inside out ...

arnold stop! i know the story well

dont get yourself into a liar catagory ,,

it was big thing! you knwo it and you know it well! your best call best friend even though warned there are no best friends in bodybuild.... fucked you in the ass...

you are a nice keep your word nicely and polite on the boading with much control over what you say ....but dont lie to my pupils or to anyone,, if you wish to not talk about it just say that ,, but the truth is known to me first hand...i knew it while it was hapening

gh15 approved

read it clearly people.


  • Getbig V
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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #54 on: March 22, 2012, 09:44:01 PM »
I guess the basic premiss would be the best place to start.

I've never been a fan of calling steroids bulkers or cutters...that's too black and white.

For example, he says cutting steroids help you burn fat...well, all anabolic androgenic steroids enhance the metabolism, therefore you can burn more fat. Sure, some do so more than others, and some promote lipolysis directly to a degree such as Tren, Winny and Anavar, but even Tren as most would agree is a fantastic bulking steroid.

Then there's the big one that I really disagree with...his comments about Dianabol and Testosterone. He says they will cause fat, they won't cause fat gain if you're in a caloric deficit. If GH15 is a pro bodybuilder, and he very well may be, I have absolutely know way of knowing, then he knows bodybuilders have been using test and Dbol even in contest prep for decades...Arnold did it and so did Ronnie.

Personally, I love Dianabol and Test when dieting....I wouldn't run Dbol towards the back end but it sure can help on the front half. Of course, the end is all that really matters anyway.

Long story short...saying certain steroids promote fat promotion, this just isn't accurate. Glucocorticoid hormones promote fat gain. If its an anabolic steroid and it promotes fat gain, you're eating to be fat or it's not an anabolic steroid.

look ,, im talking her ehands on first hands on no book balonie no nothing,,

when gh15 got to be absolit the last few years,, the recomendations also changed to say the complete truth and nothing but the truth not only 99% but 100%

my actual observation are from hands on in the highest level of competition and also in the lower levels with fellas i trained and train ,, i ptu many on clean sushi diets...



yes you can eat clean and look good on them ...but no mater what your will not! be a walking sculpture ,, you wil not be dry and you wil not ne hard enough your skin wil thicken and your muscle will be swallon by the skin is what i call the puffbuff phenomenon ,, the puffbuff phenomenon is somewhat diff than the puffpuff! phenomenon for thepuffpuff is the skinn fat fella who use suplmenets and never gain muscle... the puffbuff phenomenon is the same fella...who now uses hormones insted of balonie suplmeents...but! use the WRONG HORMONES AS IN DOSES AND OR PRODUCTS..

you go take legit primobolana and trenbolona and put someone on it ....with hgh ....with minimal testosterona and NO ORALS.. take the gh out after 3 months ... see what happen to that fella...while he is standing playing pottypot golf every one around is staring ,, from top from buttom from the side,, whores ,, nonewhores,, grsanmas ,, granpas,, youg kids,, old dads,, babys,, all stare and wonder how the fuck does this fella look so huge and sculpted and ripped...and you know what this fella weigh? most likley 206 lb ...

why? becaue he used the right fucking hormones LIKE FRANK ZANE ,, LIKE ARNOLD,, LIKE SERGE ,, LIKE SAMIR ,, LIKE LABRADA,,

listen ,, my word is in stone,, i been to mount olympus and what i say here is from 24 7 every day for over 25 years! of hands on experience ....i woudnt say it othere way ,,

what i say is how you buildl ADVANCE BODYBUILDER,, i gave this kidos here and everywhere around the world the best thing they ever had! ever! the ability to get to be advance bodybuild with very little trial and eror,, for that i GAINED WORSHIPED STATUS and it is every where,,

to say all hormones burn fat...NOT TRUE! ,,

hormones basicaly manipulating water weight in the body ...this is what they do ...SOME HORMONES BURN FAT INADDITION,,

i do not lik ethe steroids boardings balonie i saw along the years.. it is much rubbish and this is why none of you got anywhere and cant get profesional one of us ever been on no steroids boarding ..the ones who made it ,, even that 4rth tier pro biga didnt do nothing in bodybuilding ,, im tellin you how to get to be advance bodybuild and i get much fire for it but more than that i get generation who is my pupils... and they are in the 100s of 1000s

i decided to bring a forum so once and forall fellas undertsand that pct is garbgage! you know it too! ,, that peptides are GARBAGE! that you dont need to wait 6 months to see results from hgh but it comes in weeks,, that you dont have to kiss ass to moderator to be EQUAL
this is why i bring the gh15 media,,

you can tell im no balonie ,, you can tell im the real deal ,, and you can tell i am one fella,, and the ones who dont talk know it very well,, there is big silence ...ron heris starting to face the music....he went down under even if not say it yet...danta is quiet too...he knows somethin big is coming,,


gh15 approved
fallen angel

Arnold jr

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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #55 on: March 22, 2012, 09:56:42 PM »
make sure you arte accurate.. dont twist my words! ,, no one saif you god pulled over like cops pull sover for ticket... no no ,,

what happend is that you got gun point to your face while driving innnnnnto you rplace....all guns pointed at you ...PULLED YOU OUT OF YOUR CAR..,.. and ruineed your damn house from the inside out ...

arnold stop! i know the story well

dont get yourself into a liar catagory ,,

it was big thing! you knwo it and you know it well! your best call best friend even though warned there are no best friends in bodybuild.... fucked you in the ass...

you are a nice keep your word nicely and polite on the boading with much control over what you say ....but dont lie to my pupils or to anyone,, if you wish to not talk about it just say that ,, but the truth is known to me first hand...i knew it while it was hapening

gh15 approved

Of course I'm accurate....I know what happened better than anyone else.

The thing is GH15, you don't know the story. You know bits and pieces, sure, I'll give you that, but to know the entire thing there's only three ways:

1. you were there
2. I told you the full story
3. There are actual records of the story

The last one, number three, that one would be impossible as there are no records. If I ever decide to tell the full story, and one day I might, the reason there are no records will make a whole lot of sense. There can't be any, because people in the anti-world would have a freakin fit!

As for "lying to your pupils" they pull things from the deep crevices of the darkest corners of their ass when it pertains to me. I don't lie to I've said, I've never denied anything. Yes, I once got into some legal trouble...bodybuilding related...I have never once denied it. However, I have chosen not to talk about it. Your pupils are the ones who repeatedly bring it up in a way that not only irritates me but makes no sense.

For example, they accuse me of being this big time seller, this big time scum, yet they praise sources...please tell me in what dimension of the universe this makes sense? If I say anything they disagree with, their immediate response is "7,000amps, 2,000 tabs".....which BTW, is an inaccurate number. If you think long and hard, you'll remember why that's an inaccurate number that does not apply or have any meaning towards me.

And for the last time, no, I do not want to talk about it. When I'm ready to, I will, but the GH15 elfs do not make me want to do this anytime soon. Their complete lack of respect does not create in me a desire to offer up anything. If that changes, sure, one day I'll spill the whole can of beans.


  • Getbig V
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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #56 on: March 22, 2012, 09:57:51 PM »
No, I said I'd leave the board if there was proof that I was this criminal, scammer or liar a select few on here claim me to be. I also said I'd leave if that wasn't proven but a strong segment of the getbig population wanted me gone. GH15 said I shouldn't leave....that's the only time it's really ever come up.

Now, at one point several years ago, back in 2008 I think, I offered my Mod spot to someone else...actually a couple of people. I didn't have the time to mess with this board as much because so much of my time was spent on ter all, that's what paid the bills. Needless to say, they didn't take it and don't post here anymore. I then told Ron he might have to take me off as a Mod due to a conflict of interest sort of related...but it ended up being a non-issue.

you SHOULD NOT leave,, why is that? the reason is very simple,, you are long timer...and you been there ,, you do have exrience and been in bodybuild long helping ,, so yes i said you should not leave ,, this is why i didnt care when you came back to mod position because i do see you as a bodybuildrr

gh15 approved
fallen angel


  • Getbig V
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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #57 on: March 22, 2012, 09:59:33 PM »
Of course I'm accurate....I know what happened better than anyone else.

The thing is GH15, you don't know the story. You know bits and pieces, sure, I'll give you that, but to know the entire thing there's only three ways:

1. you were there
2. I told you the full story
3. There are actual records of the story

The last one, number three, that one would be impossible as there are no records. If I ever decide to tell the full story, and one day I might, the reason there are no records will make a whole lot of sense. There can't be any, because people in the anti-world would have a freakin fit!

As for "lying to your pupils" they pull things from the deep crevices of the darkest corners of their ass when it pertains to me. I don't lie to I've said, I've never denied anything. Yes, I once got into some legal trouble...bodybuilding related...I have never once denied it. However, I have chosen not to talk about it. Your pupils are the ones who repeatedly bring it up in a way that not only irritates me but makes no sense.

For example, they accuse me of being this big time seller, this big time scum, yet they praise sources...please tell me in what dimension of the universe this makes sense? If I say anything they disagree with, their immediate response is "7,000amps, 2,000 tabs".....which BTW, is an inaccurate number. If you think long and hard, you'll remember why that's an inaccurate number that does not apply or have any meaning towards me.

And for the last time, no, I do not want to talk about it. When I'm ready to, I will, but the GH15 elfs do not make me want to do this anytime soon. Their complete lack of respect does not create in me a desire to offer up anything. If that changes, sure, one day I'll spill the whole can of beans.

i dont think you shuol talk about it because its no ones business,,

gh15 approved
fallen angel

Arnold jr

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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #58 on: March 22, 2012, 10:03:50 PM »
look ,, im talking her ehands on first hands on no book balonie no nothing,,

when gh15 got to be absolit the last few years,, the recomendations also changed to say the complete truth and nothing but the truth not only 99% but 100%

my actual observation are from hands on in the highest level of competition and also in the lower levels with fellas i trained and train ,, i ptu many on clean sushi diets...



yes you can eat clean and look good on them ...but no mater what your will not! be a walking sculpture ,, you wil not be dry and you wil not ne hard enough your skin wil thicken and your muscle will be swallon by the skin is what i call the puffbuff phenomenon ,, the puffbuff phenomenon is somewhat diff than the puffpuff! phenomenon for thepuffpuff is the skinn fat fella who use suplmenets and never gain muscle... the puffbuff phenomenon is the same fella...who now uses hormones insted of balonie suplmeents...but! use the WRONG HORMONES AS IN DOSES AND OR PRODUCTS..

you go take legit primobolana and trenbolona and put someone on it ....with hgh ....with minimal testosterona and NO ORALS.. take the gh out after 3 months ... see what happen to that fella...while he is standing playing pottypot golf every one around is staring ,, from top from buttom from the side,, whores ,, nonewhores,, grsanmas ,, granpas,, youg kids,, old dads,, babys,, all stare and wonder how the fuck does this fella look so huge and sculpted and ripped...and you know what this fella weigh? most likley 206 lb ...

why? becaue he used the right fucking hormones LIKE FRANK ZANE ,, LIKE ARNOLD,, LIKE SERGE ,, LIKE SAMIR ,, LIKE LABRADA,,

listen ,, my word is in stone,, i been to mount olympus and what i say here is from 24 7 every day for over 25 years! of hands on experience ....i woudnt say it othere way ,,

what i say is how you buildl ADVANCE BODYBUILDER,, i gave this kidos here and everywhere around the world the best thing they ever had! ever! the ability to get to be advance bodybuild with very little trial and eror,, for that i GAINED WORSHIPED STATUS and it is every where,,

to say all hormones burn fat...NOT TRUE! ,,

hormones basicaly manipulating water weight in the body ...this is what they do ...SOME HORMONES BURN FAT INADDITION,,

i do not lik ethe steroids boardings balonie i saw along the years.. it is much rubbish and this is why none of you got anywhere and cant get profesional one of us ever been on no steroids boarding ..the ones who made it ,, even that 4rth tier pro biga didnt do nothing in bodybuilding ,, im tellin you how to get to be advance bodybuild and i get much fire for it but more than that i get generation who is my pupils... and they are in the 100s of 1000s

i decided to bring a forum so once and forall fellas undertsand that pct is garbgage! you know it too! ,, that peptides are GARBAGE! that you dont need to wait 6 months to see results from hgh but it comes in weeks,, that you dont have to kiss ass to moderator to be EQUAL
this is why i bring the gh15 media,,

you can tell im no balonie ,, you can tell im the real deal ,, and you can tell i am one fella,, and the ones who dont talk know it very well,, there is big silence ...ron heris starting to face the music....he went down under even if not say it yet...danta is quiet too...he knows somethin big is coming,,


gh15 approved

I'm not saying something like a testosterone & dianabol only plan would be the best way for a ripped, hard look, of course it wouldn't....there are far more efficient combinations. However, this doesn't mean they are not "Fat Friendly." If it increases the metabolic rate, which both do, if it decreases and suppresses glucocorticoid hormones, which both do then it is metabolic friendly...a stronger metabolism equates to less fat gain or greater fat-loss depending on total caloric expenditure.

All I'm saying is you can't say these steroids directly promote fat gain....that's like saying a hair dryer can make you wet. I understand your water and estrogen argument, but while they both promote aromatase it's not a cut and dry sort of thing. Aromatase can easily be we control it can vary from one guy to the next.

All-in-all, I simply disagree with the bad rap you often give these two steroids. That's all.


  • Getbig V
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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #59 on: March 22, 2012, 10:04:06 PM »
there is no point in arguing with his elves . as long as they're echoing gh15's statements , they're right. that's how the god of hormones sees things. i could register a new account and as long as i quote gh15, agree with him / reword his posts to my liking, i could be an elf in no time

prerequisites for elfs:

intense hatred for lay nortom
intense hatred for liar priest
reusing needles 100 times as long as they are clean
agreeing with everything that comes out of gh15s mouth regardless of whether it is true or not
capable of fabricating the dumbest shit possible in an attempt to destroy one's reputation

i like his information but damn dude.. just GET RID OF THE ELVES!! NOBODY OTHER THAN YOU AND YOUR CREW WANT THEM HERE!! nobody gives a shit if theyre the most honest fellas on any bodybuilding board. theyre annoying as hell and every mod on this board agrees! what don't you get? jesus christ  ::) ::) ::)

my elfs... and some of them are more expeircned than me by the wy ..not all of them are from,,many of them are on other boardings,, my elfs....they are pure gold ,, they are PURE DAMN GOLD,, they work so hard and they really really want the truth out there,, they have deep love for bodybuilding and they are very smart fellas with hands on ...true some of them are not advance bodybuilders...but the ones who are not... have strength in other things such as reading people,, observing people ,, deep memory and remembering shit you wont even think about remembering ,,  my elfs are better than computer!

gh15 approved
fallen angel

Arnold jr

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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #60 on: March 22, 2012, 10:04:56 PM »
i dont think you shuol talk about it because its no ones business,,

gh15 approved

Then respectfully don't bring it up anymore, and command your pupils to do the same. This happens, and we have no problem.


  • Guest
« Reply #61 on: March 22, 2012, 10:08:35 PM »
some of GH15's elfs have been busted multiple times! I won't name names. they know who they are! one elf has been  busted 3 times! multiple contoll deliverys! some people just have bad luck! that dosn't make them a bad person. some of us have been lucky and never have had any issues with getting in trouble. I just don't think AJ should get harrassed about this so -called bust when I know a elf who got busted 3 times! I also got shit for deleting the kigtropin thread! that thread had already been dleted once because of all the sources named in it.

 and then I allowed one elf to post it again just to make sure people received their replacement kits. they got their replacement kits and their was no reason to keep that thread up especially when alot of people including some sources wanted taken down. also getbig is not an open source board! taht thread should of been posted on whatever board they bought the kigs from. I will make a stickey if a source is a scammer or selling a bunk product. but there was no reason that kigtropin thread even belonged on getbig! it belonged wherever kami sources on. Main thing is some people have shit luck and get busted! AJ may of had some trouble once but one of Gh15's top elfs has been in trouble 3 times and I have PM's from him to prove what I am saying. I don't think they are necessary to post just shows some people have bad luck! what can you do.This game is risky!


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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #62 on: March 23, 2012, 01:12:18 AM »
Of course I'm accurate....I know what happened better than anyone else.

The thing is GH15, you don't know the story. You know bits and pieces, sure, I'll give you that, but to know the entire thing there's only three ways:

1. you were there
2. I told you the full story
3. There are actual records of the story

The last one, number three, that one would be impossible as there are no records. If I ever decide to tell the full story, and one day I might, the reason there are no records will make a whole lot of sense. There can't be any, because people in the anti-world would have a freakin fit!

As for "lying to your pupils" they pull things from the deep crevices of the darkest corners of their ass when it pertains to me. I don't lie to I've said, I've never denied anything. Yes, I once got into some legal trouble...bodybuilding related...I have never once denied it. However, I have chosen not to talk about it. Your pupils are the ones who repeatedly bring it up in a way that not only irritates me but makes no sense.

For example, they accuse me of being this big time seller, this big time scum, yet they praise sources...please tell me in what dimension of the universe this makes sense? If I say anything they disagree with, their immediate response is "7,000amps, 2,000 tabs".....which BTW, is an inaccurate number. If you think long and hard, you'll remember why that's an inaccurate number that does not apply or have any meaning towards me.

And for the last time, no, I do not want to talk about it. When I'm ready to, I will, but the GH15 elfs do not make me want to do this anytime soon. Their complete lack of respect does not create in me a desire to offer up anything. If that changes, sure, one day I'll spill the whole can of beans.

What other way can someone get in legal trouble bodybuilding related if it doesn't have to do with drugs? I remember vaguely the story you wrote. I didn't know who you were at the time and don't remember the details but you got busted for steroids. I think it's a travesty of the law and you got unjustly screwed. Guys needle you about it because you try to hide the issue. I'm sure if you just were open and upfront and said "Yeah, I got busted for hormones. I'm one of those guys who takes all the risks so you addicts can have your precious testosterona. Our government has decided that those who by their own free will, and causing no harm or even inconvenience to others, that decide to use hormones, hormones produced naturally in their bodies, and their various, and safer, derivatives, are criminals and need to be put behind bars. Yeah, I made a few extra shekels doing that. Anybody have a problem with that? You think people who use and sell hormones for personal use belong in jail? Explain that to me?"

Honest suppliers do a great service at great risk for themselves.

I am in no way implying that you were a supplier. I don't recall that in your lengthy narrative. But to me it doesn't matter. 70 amps, 700,000 amps. None of my business. You own your body. You can do what you want with it. If someone offers you a few bucks for those amps it's none of my, or anybody else's, business.   


  • Getbig III
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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #63 on: March 23, 2012, 01:44:46 AM »

lol my bank account hurt after reading nosleep's cycle


  • Getbig II
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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #64 on: March 23, 2012, 07:59:26 PM »

my elfs... and some of them are more expeircned than me by the wy ..not all of them are from,,many of them are on other boardings,, my elfs....they are pure gold ,, they are PURE DAMN GOLD,, they work so hard and they really really want the truth out there,, they have deep love for bodybuilding and they are very smart fellas with hands on ...true some of them are not advance bodybuilders...but the ones who are not... have strength in other things such as reading people,, observing people ,, deep memory and remembering shit you wont even think about remembering ,,  my elfs are better than computer!

gh15 approved



  • Getbig II
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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #65 on: March 24, 2012, 05:35:11 AM »

my elfs... and some of them are more expeircned than me by the wy ..not all of them are from,,many of them are on other boardings,, my elfs....they are pure gold ,, they are PURE DAMN GOLD,, they work so hard and they really really want the truth out there,, they have deep love for bodybuilding and they are very smart fellas with hands on ...true some of them are not advance bodybuilders...but the ones who are not... have strength in other things such as reading people,, observing people ,, deep memory and remembering shit you wont even think about remembering ,,  my elfs are better than computer!

gh15 approved
:D 2x
BB life style.


  • Getbig III
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Re: repetetive questions about cut and bulk,,
« Reply #66 on: March 24, 2012, 06:42:07 AM »
i thought i read a post re-posted by guy on this board that came from gh15 keyboard saying to make little arms big,,,u need to run the tren,,,then drop the tren/gh,,,,and throw in suspension,,,and dbol,,,but i just read dbol is part of the puffbuff phenom,,,,can someone give me final answer?  i was going to stock up on some dbol to use to get that xtra arm size,,,but has this view been changed?  should anadrol be used instead?  i know in phase 3 gh15 reccomend anandrol and masteron togeather to blow up after leaning with  eq tren and gh,,,but i dont wanna be a big bloofy retard like guys at gyms in my state