Author Topic: "The Dianabol Bridge Explained by Fonz"......your thoughts on this???  (Read 17539 times)


  • Getbig V
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The Dianabol Bridge Explained by Fonz
I've been reading some of the posts regarding this
bridge and some of them are truly from left-field.
First of, this is a BRIDGE. OK? a B-R-I-D-G-E.

Your LH function and Test levels are supposed

Ok, now having said that.
Here's the pharmo-kinetics behind Methandrostenelone,
brand name Dianabol.

10mg taken at once will increase your average testosterone level by 5 times and decrease your endogeneous cosrtisone
by 50-70%.

The reason why dianabol is a good choice for a bridge is that
its VERY anti-catabolic. It also dopaminergic. Giving you the
benefits of increased CNS strength modulation by
its androgenic mode of action.
Androgens, in case you don't know, increase neuro-muscular
function, thus STRENGTH.

OK. Now, lets delve into the metabolic chemistry behind
dianabol's choice as a bridging agent.

When are testosterone levels highest?

Answer: In the AM, thats when.

Your body releases a tesosterone spike in the morning.
This is when tesosterone levels are highest.

When are Insulin levels lowest?

Answer: In the AM thats when.

Low insulin levels=increased protein used as fuel.
(Also fat, but protein is also being converted
to glucose via glucogenesis)

OK, here is where dball's short half-life works for us
(Its 3.2-4.5 hrs btw)

Lets take Subject X.

He's in bridging mode.
He has just woken up.
The body is about to release tesosterone, thus
creating a spike.
His insulin levels are low.
His LH and test levels are very low.

He pops 10mgs of dianabol.

Here is where things get interesting.

The 10mgs of dianabol will cause a testosterone
spike WHICH COINCIDES WITH the testosterone
released ENDOGENEOUSLY in the AM by the testes.

The body will be partially fooled.
It will not entirely detect the increased levels of testosterone
(above the normal test sipke), thus LH function WILL
REMAIN only partially(Very little actually) suppressed.

In other words, he is "piggy-backing" an extra dose of testosterone on top of the endogeneously reduced one,
thus creating an "inflated" test spike.

RECOVER over time.
Also, dballs anti-catabolic effect will help curb protein-loss
in the morning from low insulogenic levels.

HOWEVER, and here is where almost all of you go wrong.

You CANNOT GO PAST 10mg of dianabol in the AM
for this bridge to work!!!!

Why? Because of the blood levels of dianabol you would generate.

10mg in the AM will be broken down to 5mg in about 4 hrs
(Probably less)

5mg of dianabol, is not enough to cause another rise
in testosterone levels after the precceeding one. Thus,
LH function is allowed to up-regulate.

Anything more(Say 20mgs), will cause a SEDCONDARY
testosterone spike which WILL inhibit LH function further,
thus not allowing LH function to recover.

Oh yeah...100mgs? ROTLMFAO!! Fat chance.

The difference between 20mgs and 10mgs means the difference
between allowing LH to recover slowly and not allowing it to.

So, here's the scenario summed up:

Beginning: LOW LH and test.

Adding the 10mgs dball.

LH is allowed to SLOWLY RECOVER over time as
testosterone levels are kept at a level which
will not cause muscle-loss. Also, dball's anti-catabolic effects
will reduce protein degradation.(Via cortisone

This is what i call a double positive. You have managed to
INCREASE anabolism(Test levels) and DECREASE
catabolism(cortisone), during a bridge to boot!!

The bridge should last 8 weeks, NO LESS.
I also have to say, that it WILL NOT restore
complete LH function. It'll get you 80-90%
of the way there but the only way you're going
to get your full LH function back is if you go OFF
Anavar WILL NOT restore LH completely either btw.
(In case anybody is wondering.)
The difference is that with anavar you can take it
throughout the day and with dball it HAS TO BE
once in the AM.

Hope that clears the air.


The Dball AM Bridge: Proven mathematically and scientifically
Thanks to Blade for showing me proved VERY useful.

Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 1976 Dec;83(4):856-64 Related Articles, Links

Effect of an anabolic steroid (metandienon) on plasma LH-FSH, and testosterone and on the response to intravenous administration of LRH.

Holma P, Adlercreutz H.

Plasma levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) as well as the response of LH and FSH to the intravenous administration of 100 mug of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LRH) were measured in 16 well-trained athletes (mean age 30 years) before and after 2 months of daily oral intake of 15 mg of metandienon, and anabolic steroid (Anabolin, 17 alpha-methyl-17beta-hydroxy-1,4-androstadien-3-one, Medica, Finland). All athletes continued to train regularly, just as they had done for several years. During administration of metandienon the mean plasma testosterone level fell 69%, from 29.4 +/- 11.6 nmol/1 to 9.1 +/- 7.5 nmol/1. The mean plasma levels of LH and FSH also fell significantly (P less than 0.001 and P less than 0.01, respectively), both about 50%. Because LH and FSH levels were low after administration of the steroid the maximum stimulation values after LRH administration were also lower than pre-treatment values although the mean increments did not differ significantly before and after administration of the anabolic steroid. However, after treatment, the FSH response curve had a biphasic pattern in most subjects, with peaks at 10 to 20 and 50 to 60 min after the iv injection of LRH. Administration of LRH after the treatment period had no effect on FSH secretion in two subjects and no effect on LH secretion in one. Our results show that administration of an anabolic steroid causes a pronounced lowering of plasma levels of testosterone, LH and FSH but causes no gross alteration in the response of LH secretion to stimulation by LRH. The reason for the biphasic response pattern of FSH to LRH administration in most subjects is not known.

Thanks for the article: lets delve into mathematics, shall we:

First: 15mg I said 10mg.

15mg lowered test levels by 69%.

LH and FSH by 50%

Now, lets apply some simple math.

15mg dball will be excreted in.......15mg /average 4hr T-life = Average of:

15mg ------ 7.5mg ------ 3.75mg ------ 1.875mg ------- 0.9875mg

So after overgoing 4 Half-life conversion(I'm not even counting the fact that excercise INCREASES dball excretion quite a margin)

It took the men roughly 16hrs to get to within reasonable Dball(Androgen concentrations), about roughly 1mg.
In case you're wondering, I'm mathematically comparing the suppression seen by 15mg and 10mg of dball in reference to blood levels and time.
(I'm not even going to state that the study doesn't even say they took it all in the AM....they probably didn't. But I'm feeling charitable today so I'll give you guys a break. I'll stipulate they took i all in the AM)

Now, for 10mg.

10mg ------- 5mg --------- 2.5mg --------1.25mg ---------0.625mg

Linearly speaking, it took 3.4 half-lives or roughly 13.6 hrs to get to 1mg.

Thats 85% of the 15mg Dball study.13.6hrs/16hrs = 0.85

So, Free Test should then become 58.7% decrease and LH and FSH 42.5%

This is using the 4hr half-life. The gold standard for dball.

Now lets add Arimidex and Clomid to the mix shall wee?

Arimidex will INCREASE the decrease in test seen by the AM dball administration via less testosterone being converted into estrogen via the aromatase enzyme.

By how much normally? 58% increase in test.(Look the abstracts up. They've been posted a zillion times...I'm not going to do it for you) And also a large decrease in estrogen mind you.

OK. So now, the 58.7% reduction in test seen for the 10mg Dball is FURTHER reduced to (58.7 * (1-0.58)) = 24. 65%

So, low and behold 10mg AM dball+arimidex BY THEMSELVES cause only a 24.65% drop in test levels. Compare this to the 58.7% seen in the Dball only group. This is why arimidex MUST be used, and why I have said it a zillion times.

Now lets add Clomid and HCG shall we? Good. The math/pharmacology class is proceeding nicely. Clomid will boost both FSH and LH, and HCG will cause yet ANOTHER surge in endo Test levels through its effects on the Leydig cells.
And low and behold, since we are on arimidex, the increase seen will be test only because the aromatase enzyme is being blocked by the arimidex from converting the test surge caused by the HCG into estrogen..

By how much?

I don’t know. But what I do know, is that the 24.65% reduction in testosterone will be reduced even further(By the HCG and the Clomid), and the LH values as well to well less than 45%.

Gee whiz… I starting to kill of all the SCIENTIFIC doubters…….. LOL

From my bloodwork(and from other peoples) NOT Clomid and HCG studies, I came up with an INCREASE in Test levels over pre-main cycle levels and an almost normal LH.(Roughly 80-90%) of normal.

The problem was THAT I could not extrapolate info from ANY HCG and Clomid studies b/c they were not on the AM Dball routine.

So, I had to test it on myself and get bloodwork done.

And it WORKED. Yes, it WORKED. My test levels INCREASED while on the Dball AM bridge while my LH slowly recuperated, when compared to pre-main cycle levels.

Again, the dball bridge ONLY works if you take the dball in accordance with your bodies circadian rhythm. If you don’t go to sleep at a certain time and sleep for 8 hours and wake up at a certain time(and then take the 10mg dball right away) CONSISTENTLY, The Dball bridge will then not work properly.

As an addendum, if you actually want to BOOST your LH levels to normal while on the bridge, use 25mg proviron 6-8 weeks before your AM Dball Bridge post-cycle therapy, and you will then be able to increase LH levels to normal.(I already proved this with studies at AF…go look them up. Its in the Hall of Fame) You obviously must use the proviron during the Dball bridge as well.

So, the Bridge becomes:

(6-8 weeks) before end of Main cycle: Start 25mg Proviron

End Main Cycle.

AM Dball Bridge cycle: 8 weeks

#1.Start Bridge at 10mg Dball in the AM upon waking up.
#2 Make damn sure you take the 10mg dball at the same damn
time every day. As soon as you wake up. This wake up time
(if 8 or 9 or 10 AM) must be used for the rest of
the bridge(8 weeks)(Circadian Rhythm is VERY important to
the success of the bridge)
#3 Proviron at 25mgs/day(LH booster)
#4 Arimidex at 1mg ED or more.(2mg is as high as I would go).
#5 HCG at 5000IU’s 2X/week on Weeks 5,6,7,8(Endo Test
#6 Clomid at 300mgs Day 1, and then 100mgs/day from then on
until the end of the bridge(LH and FSH Booster)

End result: Test levels HIGHER than pre-main cycle levels…by roughly 20% (Most definately in the normal range), and a normal LH function.
Even better: NO DAMN MUSCLE LOST while coming off the bridge.
Almost EVERY single post-cycle therapy out there causes you to lose muscle(Except for GH/Slin/IGF-1). PERIOD. Well guess what? This one doesn’t.

There, I scientifically and mathematically wise PROVED that the AM Dball Bridge works.


El Diablo Blanco

  • Getbig V
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cliff's please...


  • Getbig V
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First post just goes into taking a small dose of dbol as soon as waking up and this is the reasoning behind it:

The 10mgs of dianabol will cause a testosterone
spike WHICH COINCIDES WITH the testosterone
released ENDOGENEOUSLY in the AM by the testes.

The body will be partially fooled.
It will not entirely detect the increased levels of testosterone
(above the normal test sipke), thus LH function WILL
REMAIN only partially(Very little actually) suppressed
LH is allowed to SLOWLY RECOVER over time as
testosterone levels are kept at a level which
will not cause muscle-loss. Also, dball's anti-catabolic effects
will reduce protein degradation.(Via cortisone

The bridge should last 8 weeks, NO LESS.
I also have to say, that it WILL NOT restore
complete LH function. It'll get you 80-90%
of the way there but the only way you're going
to get your full LH function back is if you go OFF
Anavar WILL NOT restore LH completely either btw.
(In case anybody is wondering.)
The difference is that with anavar you can take it
throughout the day and with dball it HAS TO BE
once in the AM.

ok, in the second post someone posted a study showing a measly 15mg dose of dbol for two months dropped plasma testosterone levels by 69% and the mean plasma levels of LH and FSH both dropped about 50%. This is where he does some math and I get lost. Anyway he claims :

So, I had to test it on myself and get bloodwork done.

And it WORKED. Yes, it WORKED. My test levels INCREASED while on the Dball AM bridge while my LH slowly recuperated, when compared to pre-main cycle levels

In the end this is what he recommends:

AM Dball Bridge cycle: 8 weeks

#1.Start Bridge at 10mg Dball in the AM upon waking up.
#2 Make damn sure you take the 10mg dball at the same damn
time every day. As soon as you wake up. This wake up time
(if 8 or 9 or 10 AM) must be used for the rest of
the bridge(8 weeks)(Circadian Rhythm is VERY important to
the success of the bridge)
#3 Proviron at 25mgs/day(LH booster)
#4 Arimidex at 1mg ED or more.(2mg is as high as I would go).
#5 HCG at 5000IU’s 2X/week on Weeks 5,6,7,8(Endo Test
#6 Clomid at 300mgs Day 1, and then 100mgs/day from then on
until the end of the bridge(LH and FSH Booster)

End result: Test levels HIGHER than pre-main cycle levels…by roughly 20% (Most definately in the normal range), and a normal LH function.
Even better: NO DAMN MUSCLE LOST while coming off the bridge.
Almost EVERY single post-cycle therapy out there causes you to lose muscle(Except for GH/Slin/IGF-1). PERIOD. Well guess what? This one doesn’t.

There, I scientifically and mathematically wise PROVED that the AM Dball Bridge works.


Fuck, that still looks like a



  • Getbig IV
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There's no such thing as a "BRIDGE" your either on or off.


  • Guest
your either ON or you are OFF! bridging still will mess with your HPTA at small doses even anavar. best thing to do is use HGH when you are not using any sort of AAS. DHEA will do great things. and I like vitargo. But I do not believe in the bridge and don't think any of the science backs up the fact Bridging is OK. ON or OFF that is IT!


  • Getbig V
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Thanks for the input but you guys didn't comment on the article at all.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Getbig!
Thanks for the input but you guys didn't comment on the article at all.

It was an interesting article, but i have a hard time believing the numbers and claims on it. "Bridging" works because you're still on, simple as that.


  • Getbig IV
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  • ~lil' cutey~
that's dumb as hell and these kinds of "articles" are really why bro-science gets such a bad rap.

if someone wants to have continued endogenous test production while on cycle, they can just run HCG and blast 4 grams a week or whatever. running a pct for 1 month and then an extra 4 months during a "bridge" (using an oral to bridge nonetheless) just so the body can spurt out a fraction of normal test production, is pointless, and a good way to lead to long term htpa impairment/suppression 

when you see people basing mathematical numbers and reaching "scientific" conclusions off of unfounded broscience, it's called a compounding error and a gaurenteed way of determining that the hypothesis is a bunch of manure


  • Getbig V
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Simply being written by "the fonz" I already had my  I was just hoping someone would tell me what I wanted to hear and that it actually worked.   


  • Getbig V
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I've heard of people doing this with decent results, but they were still shut down.

From a Scientific and Mathematical point of view, the author needs to go back to college. If he submitted this as a trial they would laugh and throw the study in the trash.



  • Getbig V
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as much as I love dbal and do think low doses work (20mg), I just don't think 10mg will yield much of a benefit. All a bunch of stuff on paper here that does not translate into real life success...


  • Getbig IV
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  • Shamed by thunderdome
I swear I read that high doses of hcg kill off leydig cells? Newish research


  • Getbig IV
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  • ~lil' cutey~
I swear I read that high doses of hcg kill off leydig cells? Newish research

desensitize, yes. you need very high dosages and for a prolonged period of time, not something people running 400mcg/wk have to worry about