Author Topic: The Rise of the Praetorian Class  (Read 3715 times)


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The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« on: May 05, 2012, 04:35:26 PM »
The Rise of the Praetorian Class
By: Pete Kofod

Much attention has been paid to the “disappearing middle class” and the “vanishing American Dream.” While the observations are largely accurate, they are also misleading. The traditional three-tier model of the upper, middle and lower class broadly categorizes people according to income and net worth. One significant problem with this model is that membership in any particular class is very much in the eye of the beholder. One man’s “scraping by” is another man’s “opulent living.” This subjective and arbitrary grouping and boundary assessment inevitably gives rise to the simmering class warfare that is starting to rear its ugly head in many Western countries. Such categorization is therefore meaningless at best, if not outright deceptive as it conflates a variety of economic actors.

The chief fallacy of this model rests in the fact that it focuses on how much those actors are compensated, as opposed to how and why they are compensated. A far better perspective is perhaps gained using two classes, the Political Class and the Economic Class, with a third class emerging.

The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker – The Economic Class

The Economic Class, at least in the United States, has historically been the numerically dominant group, although in recent decades its dominance has noticeably waned. The economic class would traditionally be called the Private Sector, but even that term has become misleading for reasons we will delve into later in this article.

Members of the Economic Class provide goods and services that are voluntarily sought by consumers and paid at rates that the market will bear. In an unfettered environment, the economic class would count farmers, engineers, coal miners, artists, physicians, janitorial staff, security guards, merchants and company executives among its membership. They participate freely and competitively in the market place, using the economic principles of Division of Labor and the Law of Comparative Advantage to increase the wealth of society as well as improve their personal position. Capital, entrepreneurial and human resources are brought together collaboratively to meet the needs of the market place. This is standard Economics 101 fare and hopefully generates little controversy among the readership. The important factor defining Economic Class membership is not the amount of money a person earns but rather their participation in the free and open market.

The Lazy Highwaymen – The Political Class

Like the Economic Class, members of the Political Class are not properly defined by their wealth but rather by how they exert influence in the market place. Whereas members of the Economic Class engage the market openly and voluntarily, members of the Political Class employ coercion and deceit to achieve their economic objectives. The coercion and deceit may either be exerted directly or, as is increasingly observed, through a variety of proxy agents. The most obvious members of the Political Class are, unsurprisingly, politicians. This group includes elected individuals at every level of government as well as various appointed officials.

In addition to this primary membership category, a second distinct group exists within the Political Class. It consists of various advocates including lobbyists, influence peddlers and miscellaneous other supplicants of government cheese. These creatures exist to serve as envoys for the third distinct group, which is made up of a patchwork of commercial entities that have learned that employing a politically well-connected pitch man replaces the need for an effective sales and marketing organization and in some cases even the requirement to have a desirable product.

Furthermore, it is commonly observed that members of the Political Class routinely migrate between the three aforementioned groups. An unfortunate consequence of allowing these economic actors to “cut in line” is that the rewarded event becomes the prevailing trend. Because of that, there is virtually no industry that has opted out of the rent-seeking game. From the military-industrial complex to agricultural subsidies, to the utterly corrupt banking system, the Political Class is inexorably claiming an increasing share of the world’s economic activity, a highly disturbing trend indeed.

Subsidized inefficiency, intentional destruction of productive assets and confiscation of property are but some of the effects that are observed when the Political Class employs force to serve those that are “more equal than others.” The arrangement can be summed up by saying that economic activity within the Economic Class places the bargaining power in the hands of the buyer whereas the economic activity within the Political Class places the bargaining power in the hand of the seller. This gives rise to dislocations in the free exchange of goods and services as well as widespread misallocations of capital as businesses adjust their practices based not on the normal mechanics of supply and demand but rather based on the dictates of the Political Class. Over the years, the scale of the intrusions of the Political Class into economies around the world, and very definitely here in the United States, has grown to the point where truly free markets are now the exception and not the norm.

Because the Economic Class operates in the realm of voluntary exchange whereas the Political Class employs force to achieve its objectives, many of which are anathema to the Economic Class, it follows that a significant amount of resources must be dedicated by the Political Class to the enforcement of their objectives. This role has traditionally fallen on the wide array of military and law enforcement organizations as well as numerous regulatory agencies and departments.

From the US military’s role in protecting the Political Class’s global interests and the IRS keeping the Treasury full, to the FDA serving “Big Pharma” and various law enforcement agencies maintaining a low-level chronic fear in the populace, the level of physical control that the Political Class needs to extend over productive resources is staggering. And in lockstep with the virtually unchecked growth in the Political Class, so has grown the size and scope of the enforcement branch deployed to protect its interests.

Paradoxically, for reasons I’ll touch on momentarily, the allegiance of this enforcement branch belongs to neither the Political Class whom they serve nor the Economic Class whom they “service.” In time, their level of influence grows to the point in which they become a class of their own. They are the Praetorian Class.

Legions and Lictors – the Praetorian Class

The Praetorian Class includes members of the Armed Services, federal, state and local law enforcement personnel as well as numerous militarized officials including agents from the DEA, Immigrations, Customs Enforcement, Air Marshalls, US Marshalls, and more. It also includes, although to a lesser extent, various stage actors in the expanding security theater such as TSA personnel. The main mission of the Praetorian Class is to keep the order of the day. This requires displaying an intimidating presence in their interactions with the Economic Class.

As the Praetorian Class ascends, the clear, albeit unstated, message that emerges is that actions and events in the Economic Class only occur with its tacit consent. Whether driving on roads, traveling in the air, visiting public land, walking down the street or even living in your own home, every action you take is predicated on its permission. By preconditioning the populace to enforcement of its edicts, most of which are completely arbitrary, the Praetorian Class sets itself up for a high degree of autonomy in its actions. This is confirmed by the fact that consequences for malfeasance within the Praetorian Class are almost never observed, and when it happens, it typically becomes a grotesque spectacle in which one of their own is sacrificed as an example, so as to keep appearances of effective internal controls.

Members of the Praetorian Class are typically recruited from the Economic Class and usually from the lower socio-economic spectrum, which offers them an opportunity for personal and professional gain that otherwise might be out of their reach. Early on in the training and indoctrination process, a strong emphasis is placed on teamwork and advancing the welfare of the team above the individual. While independent thought is never overtly discouraged, the fact is that questioning authority and failing to display complete loyalty to the team results in censure, shunning and even expulsion. Naturally, the recruit learns in short order which behavior is rewarded and responds accordingly. This forges a lifelong, unbreakable bond between the brothers-in-arms. This bond can be observed when people proudly display unit insignia and decorations decades after their departure from service.

As they serve in their martial role, members of the Praetorian Class learn to despise members of the Political Class and to view the plight of the Economic Class with detachment or even contempt. Law enforcement and military personnel will converse behind closed doors about the most horrific injustices and brutalities with cavalier amusement. While perhaps natural, their training for violence and teamwork is a fundamental cause for why members of the Praetorian Class abandon their roots and in time come to view their peers “back on the farm” with contempt. Likewise, the steady displays of the craven and treacherous character of the Political Class causes the Praetorian Class to privately disavow emotional allegiance to their masters, usually early in their service.

Naturally, as the members of the Praetorian Class socially distance themselves from both their origins and their masters, even though they are paid to do their bidding, a new group identity among them emerges. Adoption of this group identity, forged by the training, indoctrination and work, defines membership in the Praetorian Class. Some of the characteristics of this identity include:
  • Viewing everything and everyone according to a perceived threat posture. The members’ thought processes, beliefs and actions center on viewing the world through a paradigm of a graduated conflict spectrum and how to posture themselves accordingly. Even in the most mundane settings, their conversations tend to be awkward if not centered on their martial duties.
  • Tight internal socialization. Because they view life through a martial paradigm, members tend to socialize almost exclusively amongst themselves. Immediate family members are expected to do the same, which naturally occurs anyway as they can share experiences that external relationships simply are unable to address.
  • Loyalty is the highest honor. Whether referred to as the blue wall of silence or the brotherhood in arms, even the most egregious transgressions are buried. If the misdeeds are internal, meaning member versus member, the justice is handled internally. On the other hand, external missteps are typically swept under the rug and significant chicane is experienced by outsiders who seek to learn the truth.

In a relatively free and peaceful society, members of the communities that form the Praetorian Class lead a discrete existence. Members of the military commute to and from their place of work and are largely invisible to both the Political and Economic Class, certainly in communities that are not “Praetorian” communities. Attendance at cultural events in uniform is frowned upon, if not explicitly forbidden. During these times, members of the military and law enforcement are expected to live and operate outside the perception of other members of society, their purpose and function regarded with a sense of detachment and perhaps even subtle curiosity.

As the Political Class increasingly calls upon the Praetorian Class to ensure their order, however, their martial nature becomes more visible in the fabric of day-to-day life. This serves several purposes. For one, it allows the Political Class to demonstrate its willingness to use unlimited force to achieve its objectives, something that was always the case but is now made publicly visible. Rationalizing the increased public profile, a stream of honorifics is bestowed upon the Praetorian Class so that they may be presented as defenders of the Economic Class. This is accomplished through the time-tested use of pageantry, pomp and circumstance.

Over time, additional perquisites are bestowed upon the Praetorian Class including preferential treatment in both private and public facilities. Preferred air travel accommodations for uniformed personnel, including dedicated lines at TSA checkpoints and preferential boarding, have recently emerged as cultural standards that further distance the Praetorian Class from the masses.

Another clear change is the physical appearance of members of the Praetorian Class. The uniforms transition from relatively inconspicuous attire to “battle uniforms” such are those now standard issue to both the military and law enforcement personnel. These optics reinforce the position of the Praetorian Class as maintainers of public order, convey a message of physical dominance and establish chronic low-level fear among the masses. Sometimes referred to as the militarization of the police force, this characterization traditionally refers to the increasing firepower in even municipal police departments. Frequently lost in this observation, however, is the psychological impact that such a heavily armed police presence has on the “civilian” population – specifically that it further separates the Praetorian Class from the Economic Class.

As the influence of the Praetorian Class grows, so do the resources it consumes. This is manifested in the form of continuous “equipment” upgrades, training budgets and costly “interagency collaboration” in addition to the usual staff augmentation. This, of course, has the ancillary benefit of directing resources to equipment and service providers that are favored by the Political Class and in some cases may in fact be the primary purpose.

Perhaps less obvious is the need to constantly keep the Praetorian Class on the march. A bored Praetorian is a dangerous creature that will start looking for things to do. In order to keep the Praetorian Class engaged, they must be fed a continuous source of adversaries that they in turn actively engage. In “peace time,” actual engagement is replaced by training and rehearsing the defeat of the adversaries.

While the Praetorian Class emerges as its own entity, with allegiance only to the members' peers, the most senior of the Praetorians are eventually invited to join the Political Class. Prior to that occurring, they are vetted for suitability, after which they become “made men.” Consider the long list of senior military officers and police chiefs that joined the ranks of the political elite. It is a sight to behold, their new-found support of the Political Class, a class they had silently held in contempt until their recent assumption. Metropolitan police chiefs, district attorneys and joint chiefs of staff are selected for political compatibility, not conviction of character.

How Does It Play Out?

History does not keep a flattering record of societies that allowed the Praetorian Class to rise. The Roman Empire’s decline from splendor to squalor extended for two centuries whereas the Nazi Third Reich collapsed in less than two decades. The continuous drain on productive resources, continuous warfare against new foes, abrogation of human rights and liberties and a pervasive culture of fear inevitably send the society into a tail spin. Some societies are able to observe the retreat of the Praetorian Class, but it is usually a function of economic necessity and often after a great price has been paid by the general population.

Unfortunately, as the tragedy unfolds, the Economic Class often tries to ride out the calamity. This is understandable, since people have a limited capacity to internalize long-term trends. In fact, because people adjust to new circumstances relatively quickly, it is almost impossible for them to compare the condition of life in the present versus the past. The common vernacular for this concept is “the new normal”, which upon the slightest reflection represents an obvious paradox, since the word normal implies a historically stable trend.

The Third Reich as a Textbook Example

History books are filled with examples of societies that have seen the rise of the Praetorian Class, followed by their own subsequent collapse, ranging from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union. Of all the examples, however, none seems more instructive than the rise and fall of the Nazi Third Reich in Germany.

Over a period of two decades, starting with the collapse of the Weimar Republic and the end of World War II, Germany saw the rise of a charismatic demagogue, the rise of police and paramilitary forces, the development of a military-industrial complex, the assumption of industry by the State, the demonization and persecution of scapegoats finally resulting in widespread warfare and societal ruin. Because the timeline is relatively compressed compared to other historical examples, spanning a single generation, the Third Reich serves as an excellent example of the broader consequences a society experiences when we observe the rise of the Praetorian Class. Furthermore, by virtue of its recent occurrence, many cultural and technological parallels serve as clear milestones.

Call to Action for the Economic Class

In order to evade the inexorable path to ruin, two critical actions must be taken. First, it is imperative to understand historically how events play out, identifying key milestones along the process. Some milestones may include the level of military spending, such as the $700 billion that the United States spends annually on defense. Consider the escalating threat propaganda. Leading up to the war with Iraq in 2003, a common justification heard was “We gotta fight them there, so we don’t have to fight them here.” Apparently that strategy didn’t work, since the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act declared the United States part of the global battlefield. Is it the increasing monitoring and control exerted over the media, including the subpoena and detention of free-speech activists? Or perhaps it is the tortuous argument that the private minting of silver coins bearing no resemblance to US legal tender currency represents domestic terrorism.  

As the saying goes, “History does not repeat, but it does rhyme”, which is to say there are events that have played out universally in the past and are likely to do so again. An implied task that emerges is the need to be an avid student of history. Usurpations of power observed today have historical precedents in some form or another and therefore serve in some instances as predictable milestones.

Second, identify the milestone that defines the “point of no return,” at which point taking no action is likely to have very adverse consequences. This is a very difficult task emotionally as it usually requires taking drastic action before circumstances clearly warrant it. It may involve winding down business and social commitments while conditions on the surface still seem fine. This, of course, represents a personal balancing act. While there is merit in the saying that it is better to be a month early than a minute late, there is a practical limit to the value of that axiom. Predicting a financial collapse twenty years early, and making adjustments accordingly, results in significant opportunities lost, both personally and professionally.

In Summary

The emergence and rise of the Praetorian Class is a common observation in societies that have transitioned from market-based meritocracies to societies governed by coercive syndicates formed by the Political Class. The Praetorian Class is formed and grown to defend the Political Class and in time becomes the dragon that rules its master. It represents a highly disturbing trend because it foretells the decline, not the advance, of a society. In some instances, the decline is peaceful, clearing the path for an improved future. Unfortunately, in many instances that is not the case. The Political Class leverages the full force of the Praetorian Class representing significant loss in wealth, personal freedom and, in many cases, human life. For this reason, it is critical that productive members of society take steps to protect themselves.

The best way to protect yourself in these troubling times is to internationalize your assets (and maybe yourself).

Peter Kofod is the founder and president of Datasages (, a technology services firm that offers cloud computing and strategic technology services to various private organizations. Before entering the technology sector, Pete served with the US Military, both in the United States and abroad, where he forged many close friendships that still thrive today.

Peter is also property owner at La Estancia de Cafayate in Argentina and enjoys a variety of outdoor activities including tennis, skydiving and hiking. His most recent adventure is pursuing his private pilot's license. Pete is married and home schools his two children.

Peter can be reached at contact [a] datasages [dot] com



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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2012, 05:11:59 PM »


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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2012, 05:32:51 PM »
Lots of truth though.
I can identify, and see clearly, everything theyre describing in the "Praetorian Class", everyone I know that is/was military has almost the same view's on politicians and politics in general - contempt for the fact that they use their positions only to help themselves and their friends rather than for the good of the country that they took the oath.
In fact I can identify almost every single aspect of the Praetorian description in myself. We feel aloof from civilians, look at politicians with disdain, tend to band together, etc etc.


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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2012, 06:24:20 PM »

Who the heck is claiming credit for that? Certainly not me. If I was, I'd certainly clean up the bastardized orthography. Peter's treastise is well known and well circulated. It's just, every once in a while, people need to stop, open their eyes, and look around, both at themselves, and what's taking place around them

Lots of truth though.
I can identify, and see clearly, everything theyre describing in the "Praetorian Class", everyone I know that is/was military has almost the same view's on politicians and politics in general - contempt for the fact that they use their positions only to help themselves and their friends rather than for the good of the country that they took the oath.
In fact I can identify almost every single aspect of the Praetorian description in myself. We feel aloof from civilians, look at politicians with disdain, tend to band together, etc etc.

Yeah Shockwave, it's all around us. Our culture is sooo heavily seeped in it, ...even in the media. Take a look at the various titles hitting the screens these days. Look even in this very forum. It's a microcosm of what's taking place all around us. I'd even venture to guess, it's going on in the schools right now with the prefects and hall monitors. Of course when I was in private & public elementary school, our prefects & hall monitors were chosen by the other students. I hear in many schools these days they're using rent-a-cops armed with tasers who practice "pain compliance" on little girls who drop cake on the floor. ::)

Sometimes we really need to sit back, take a deep breath, and ask ourselves, is this where we want to end up?

"We may not be able to change our destination overnight, ...but we sure can change our direction" --Jim Rohn "America's Philosopher"


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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2012, 08:07:47 PM »
Who the heck is claiming credit for that? Certainly not me

Shouldn't you at least give credit to the original author then?

Peter's treastise is well known and well circulated.

Oh well... that's alright then.


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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2012, 09:41:07 PM »
Shouldn't you at least give credit to the original author then?

Oh well... that's alright then.

You're perfectly right. I shall correct my faux pas immediately.


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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2012, 12:15:52 PM »
Toddler Stares Down Russian Riot Police

This image, captured in Moscow, is a stark reminder that tyranny has spread its wings the world over.

Whether you’re living in Greece, the Peoples’ Republic of communist China, oligarch Russia or the democratic United States of America makes no difference. The battle between David and Goliath is being fought on many fronts and in many nations.

As a bloody skirmish between police and opposition activists in central Moscow was drawing to a close on Sunday a small boy on a tiny bicycle pedaled through the crowd and approached a line of hulking riot police. He sat there for a moment, balancing on his training wheels, staring at the menacing troops who were decked out in blue camouflage uniforms and full riot gear, nightsticks at the ready.

A group of protesters who had been heckling the cops began jeering, “Here’s the guy that will storm the Kremlin. Be ready boys! Here he comes!”

Julia Ioffe, the Moscow correspondent for The New Yorker and Foreign Policy magazine, happened to be standing right behind him. She whipped out her iPhone and snapped a picture which she tweeted out to her over 6,000 followers with the caption “Russia’s Tianamen image.” The photo quickly ricocheted around the internet.

"I see this little bicycle weave through the crowd and stop in front of the troops. He stood there for a few minutes. I’m not sure why." -Julia Ioffe, Moscow Correspondent for the New Yorker

One has to wonder what had to be going through the minds of these armed and ready riot police as this toddler stared them down? lol


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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2012, 01:10:57 PM »
I was about to stop reading, until I skimmed through and saw the words "third reich". Thanks for the read, and yes, one day this experiment called America will collapse. Then I will take your gold.


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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2012, 01:47:09 PM »
I was about to stop reading, until I skimmed through and saw the words "third reich". Thanks for the read,

Glad you enjoyed it  :)

and yes, one day this experiment called America will collapse. Then I will take your gold.

lol  I'm not in America, ...and neither is my gold. My assets have been internationalized, and my gold is in secure storage outside of your, your government's and my government's reach, ...but it's not out of mine.  :P


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2012, 10:40:42 AM »
lol  I'm not in America, ...and neither is my gold. My assets have been internationalized, and my gold is in secure storage outside of your, your government's and my government's reach, ...but it's not out of mine:P

That may not be as true as you think it is.

First of all, many countries routinely sign MLATs, and mount transnational law enforcement efforts. Additionally, countries often bring huge political pressure to bear to "target" holdouts - look at the situation with Swiss Banks, which have signed agreements with the United States and the United Kingdom.

And then, you still have another major problem. In the case of the world-wide unrest and collapse you fear so much, what makes you think you'll be able to get to your 'internationalized' gold to do anything with it?


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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2012, 07:18:48 PM »
I think it's a stretch of an argument that's attractive but not exactly valid.  It's like saying football mimics marriages.


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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2012, 10:37:14 PM »
That may not be as true as you think it is.

First of all, many countries routinely sign MLATs, and mount transnational law enforcement efforts. Additionally, countries often bring huge political pressure to bear to "target" holdouts - look at the situation with Swiss Banks, which have signed agreements with the United States and the United Kingdom.

And then, you still have another major problem. In the case of the world-wide unrest and collapse you fear so much, what makes you think you'll be able to get to your 'internationalized' gold to do anything with it?

The pressure situation you speak of is non applicable. I understand what you're trying to say vis-a-vis Swiss banks, however, it does not apply in our situation. We're not breaking the law or doing anything illegal.

If a poop hits the fan scenario were to occur (God Forbid), I would want the bulk of my gold stored elsewhere, ...where guys like irongrip couldn't get their hands on it.  ;)

You also have to remember, in a poop hits the fan scenario, karatbars account holders will still be able to conduct business, and carry on trade and commerce.

You see, unlike other storage facilities, Karatbars account holders are fully insured in the event of a robbery. With every other vaulting facility I have researched, ...when you go through the fine print, you will discover they are not liable. Iin the event of a theft, ...YOU are SOL. Karatbars account holders however are fully covered, and will also retain the ability to conduct commerce, by trading fractions of a gram for goods & services with merchants all over the world.

Understand as well, when you buy gold coins from a dealer, those purchases are registered and documented. The US Gov knows who has them, as well as how much you bought. If they ever decide to come and take them, ...they know exactly where to go. Some may find themselves in the undesireable position of having to get rid of a bunch of lead, in order to hang into their gold and/or silver.

Whereas with a Karatbars account, purchases under a certain amount, do not need to be registered, and no one is going to know you have them, ...unless you tell someone.

Getting back to your earlier comment regarding huge political pressure, it is that very policy that is unfortunately hastening the demise of the dollar, and making things so very difficult for Americans around the world.. Those unilateral sanctions against Iran, and then subsequently removing them from the SWIFT system were not the wisest moves to make IMO, neither was threatening India with the same treatment for nothing more than the desire to keep their economy moving forward. The rest of the world is seeing the USA threaten both friend & foe alike. They're realizing if the US can do this to Iran, they can do it to us, ...and they have no intention of being sucked into the same abyss or travelling along the same course the US has charted for itself.

The biggest victims of this political pressure that inevitably escalates into needless spilling of the blood of innocent men, women, and children (not to mention sacrificing the very lives of the praetorians themselves) IMO, are the very Constitution, and the American citizens these same praetorians swore an oath to protect and defend. War is a racket. It is nothing more than a bunch of evil old men sending good young men to fight and die, so the old bastards can enrich themselves by bankrupting a nation, and enslaving her children for generations.  As a result of "political pressure Americans have lost a great deal of economic freedom.

There are certain asset classes as well as certain investment types that are no longer open to them. Americans have become a huge liability for other countries, I'm sorry to say. It has gotten to the point where some firms are simply saying, "if you're American, your business isn't worth the hassle or the compliance costs. We don't want your business." And this is causing many innocent Americans both living & working abroad to fall through the cracks. It has gotten so bad, many are giving up their US citizenship, simply to be able to carry on with their lives. There was a time when an American passport was a great thing, ...these days, it's becoming more of a liability.

PS: This is pretty much all I want to say about gold or karatbars in this thread. This thread is about an entirely different subject altogether. If you have any further questions or comments about Karatbars, can you please make them in the "Deathblow to the US Dollar" thread in order to be respectful of the other readers. I don't think it's fair for them to have every post I make inadvertently shifted into a karatbars thread.

Thanks for undersyanding,



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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2012, 10:02:06 PM »
All transactions be conducted in the presence of a tax collector.

In the terminal collapse of the Roman Empire, there was perhaps no greater burden to the average citizen than the extreme taxes they were forced to pay.

The tax 'reforms' of Emperor Diocletian in the 3rd century were so rigid and unwavering that many people were driven to starvation and bankruptcy. The state went so far as to chase around widows and children to collect taxes owed.

By the 4th century, the Roman economy and tax structure were so dismal that many farmers abandoned their lands in order to receive public entitlements.

At this point, the imperial government was spending the majority of the funds it collected on either the military or public entitlements. For a time, according to historian Joseph Tainter, "those who lived off the treasury were more numerous than those paying into it."

Sound familiar?

In the 5th century, tax riots and all-out rebellion were commonplace in the countryside among the few farmers who remained. The Roman government routinely had to dispatch its legions to stamp out peasant tax revolts.

But this did not stop their taxes from rising.

Valentinian III, who remarked in 444 AD that new taxes on landowners and merchants would be catastrophic, still imposed an additional 4% sales tax... and further decreed that all transactions be conducted in the presence of a tax collector.

Under such a debilitating regime, both rich and poor wished dearly that the barbarian hordes would deliver them from the burden of Roman taxation.

Zosimus, a late 5th century writer, quipped that "as a result of this exaction of taxes, city and countryside were full of laments and complaints, and all... sought the help of the barbarians."

Many Roman peasants even fought alongside their invaders, as was the case when Balkan miners defected to the Visigoths en masse in 378. Others simply vacated the Empire altogether.

In his book Decadent Societies, historian Robert Adams wrote, "By the fifth century, men were ready to abandon civilization itself in order to escape the fearful load of taxes."

Perhaps 1,000 years hence, future historians will be writing the same thing about the US. It's not so far-fetched.

In the economic decline of any civilization, political elites routinely call on a very limited playbook: more debt, more regulation, more restriction on freedoms, more debasement of the currency, more taxation, and more insidious enforcement.

Further, the propaganda machine goes into high gear, ensuring the peasant class is too deluded by patriotic fervor to notice they're being plundered by the state.


And just in case anyone falls out of line or starts thinking too much, they give a handful of people badges, weapons, and the authority to terrorize the population.


Whether direct taxation in the form of outright theft, or indirect taxation in the form of inflation, these tactics have been used for millennia to maintain privilege for an elite few at the expense of everyone else.

This time is not different.

At $780 billion, the US government's budget deficit for just the first six months of FY2012 is more than the entire GDP of Indonesia. This is absurdly unsustainable, yet there is no end in sight to reckless spending habits... let alone paying back what's owed.

Meanwhile, a whopping $5.5 -trillion- worth of US debt is maturing over the next three years. And it's unlikely that foreigners will continue to generously loan their hard earned savings to Uncle Sam at sub-inflation rates.

Further, given the millions of new entitlement recipients, it's unlikely that intragovernmental agencies like Social Security will have the cash flow available to mop up any meaningful portion of this debt.

That leaves the old tried and true options-- direct confiscation from the people through debilitating taxes and capital controls, and indirect confiscation through painfully higher inflation.

Like the 5th century Romans before, people may be ready to abandon civilization itself to escape the burdens placed on them by today's ruling class. Only, by the time this happens, it may be too late to start doing anything about it.

Every day it becomes harder to take actionable steps towards safeguarding freedom. It becomes harder to open a foreign bank account, to move and store gold abroad, to purchase firearms... even to travel abroad or renounce your citizenship.

Doing what politicians do-- kicking the can down the road-- is really going to limit your options in the future. But taking some simple steps today will pay huge dividends in the years to come. ...



  • Getbig V
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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2012, 08:29:54 PM »
US judge blocks indefinite detention of Americans
Published: 17 May, 2012, 04:09

A US federal judge has temporarily blocked a section of the controversial National Defense Authorization Act that allows for the indefinite military detention of US citizens.

In a 68-page ruling, US District Judge Katherine Forrest agreed on Wednesday that the statute failed to “pass constitutional muster” because its language could be interpreted quite broadly and eventually be used to suppress political dissent.

"There is a strong public interest in protecting rights guaranteed by the First Amendment," Forrest wrote, according to CourtHouseNews.Com. "There is also a strong public interest in ensuring that due process rights guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment are protected by ensuring that ordinary citizens are able to understand the scope of conduct that could subject them to indefinite military detention."

The Manhattan judge therefore ruled in favor of a group of writers and activists who sued US officials, including President Barack Obama. They claimed that the act, which was signed into law on December 31, makes them fear possible arrest by US armed forces.

Among those who filed the complaint, Bloomberg reports, was former New York Times reporter Christopher Hedges. According to the journalist, NDAA would allow federal authorities to hold him in custody just for interviewing individuals who were detained on “suspicion of providing substantial support” to people engaged in hostilities against the US.
The order by Judge Forrest prevents the enforcement of the statute provision, pending further order of the court or an amendment to the statute by the US Congress.


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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2012, 08:31:27 PM »
Fallen Soldiers' Families Denied Cash, Insurers Profit - CBS Report



  • Getbig V
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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2012, 04:00:46 PM »
I've been in the US for a little more than 24-hours. And having flipped through the TV channels trying to figure out what useless drivel big media is passing off as 'news', I realized that I'm going to vomit if I hear the word "fair" one more time.

This concept of 'fair' seems to be dominating discussion of the US government's dismal fiscal condition. The talking heads say that it's 'fair' for wealthy Americans to pay higher taxes and bail the country out... or that everyone needs to pay his/her 'fair' share.

The whole logic is absurd: you do not 'fix' the country's fiscal imbalances by giving the idiots in charge even more resources to squander... it's like dumping gasoline on a forest fire. Somehow the debate seems to have missed this point.

This 'fair' nonsense is also very dangerous.  Just ask any three-year old-- 'fair' is completely arbitrary. It's like a Wiki version morality... if enough people agree on it, it's fair.

In this case, 'fair' is defined in the sole discretion of those who are the direct beneficiaries of confiscating other people's money. But let's look at the numbers:

According to the IRS statistical database, the top 1% of income earners in the United States pays roughly 40% of all US individual income tax. They also get audited at least 5-times more than anyone else. Fair?

The other major complaint seems to be that the wealthy are 'abusing' capital gains rules in order to pay a 15% rate instead of a 35% rate. Duh. That's why they're wealthy, and stay wealthy... they don't WORK for a living, they OWN assets which are subject to capital gains.

It seems so bizarre that a country once regarded as the freest, most economically enviable in the world would treat its productive citizens with such hostility.

This is where Eduardo Saverin comes in. The Facebook co-founder, who finds himself a few billion dollars richer this week, recently renounced his US citizenship. And, to the intelligentsia, it's not 'fair'.

'Saverin needs to pay his fair share! He owes America more,' they whine, completely ignorant that the 30-year old is already forking over a $500+ million exit tax (which may end up in the billions).

Apparently it's not good enough that the company Saverin co-founded has created tens of thousands of jobs, spawned entire industries, and produced oodles of new millionaires. Oh yeah, it's also made things damn easy for the CIA, NSA, and FBI. You'd think Uncle Sam would pin a medal on his chest.

But no. Saverin left behind a lot of value and decided to move on to greener pastures in Singapore. Now the do-gooders in Congress are cooking up new legislation (the EX-PATRIOT Act) designed to permanently bar 'renunciants' like Saverin from re-entering the United States.

It's interesting that, rather than change their ways of doing business and introducing legislation that provides incentives for productive people to come here and stay here, they maintain policies that chase people away, and introduce new ones to lock the door after they're gone.

The lesson here (especially for natural-born citizens) is this: simply by accident of birth, you are born with a lifelong obligation that you never signed up for to finance the corrupt misdealings of the political class. And if you choose to abandon this obligation, they will bar you from ever entering your homeland again.

Regardless of what the propaganda says, this is not how a free society treats people. It might look and feel like a representative democracy on the surface, but under the hood it's the modern day equivalent of feudal serfdom.

The land of the free has certainly fallen a long way.

Simon Black
Senior Editor,

size=8pt]Neither this email communication nor content posted to the website is intended to provide personal financial advice. Before undertaking any action described in this letter, financial or otherwise, you should discuss your options with a qualified advisor-- accountant, financial planner, attorney, priest, IRS auditor, Tim Geithner... Also, nothing published in this letter constitutes encouragement to avoid or evade tax obligations in your home country.  Furthermore, you should understand that may in some instances receive financial compensation for products and/or services which are mentioned in the letter, and in other cases, receives no compensation.  The needs of the community come first, and the presence or lack of financial compensation in no way affects the recommendations made in this letter.

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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2012, 04:12:08 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2012, 04:29:18 PM »
Thanks for that reminder.  :)
I meant to post it, but I've been swamped with so many people who do understand what's going on, trying to take advantage of the sale.


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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2012, 04:34:13 PM »
Thanks for that reminder.  :)
I meant to post it, but I've been swamped with so many people who do understand what's going on, trying to take advantage of the sale.

yeah right ...


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Rise of the Praetorian Class
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2012, 12:09:59 AM »
Thanks for that reminder.  :)
I meant to post it, but I've been swamped with so many people who do understand what's going on, trying to take advantage of the sale.

Cut the crap already... The people who "understand" and want to buy gold are unlikely to buy it fractionally and in the form of plastic cards. They'll buy it in the industry standard format: bars (or coins/rounds). They won't go for a niche product of a company that packages gold flakes in plastic a gram at a time and relies on "associates" and "affiliates" spamming a bodybuilding forum and offering to assist people with filling things out correctly.

And spare us the copy-paste from the marketing guru about how it makes good sense and how this is the future of gold ownership and how you can buy a little or a lot and blah blah blah...

You may have better luck peddling your wares on a forum for the mentally retarded or the extremely gullible.