Author Topic: Orals and Bile Reflux, not acid reflux silly  (Read 3559 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Orals and Bile Reflux, not acid reflux silly
« on: May 31, 2012, 05:19:46 PM »
Everytime now that I take an oral AAS, I get massive heartburn within 3 days. I even tried an injectable oral and still got acid reflux within a week. So, I did some research and found some interesting information. This is just a random post I found on Google.
Everyone seems to miss what is happening here. If an oral kills your appetite, it is because it is too toxic for the liver. I forget exactly what happens, but to summarize, when the liver is overloaded it causes a slowing of digestion, and a backflow of bile, which is why you also see people complaining of acid reflux on harsh 17aa's. The only way to really cure your appetite is to drop the anadrol. Perhaps next time around run with liv. 52 and alpha lipoic acid?

From what I read, bile helps with digestion. Now, when I take an oral AAS, the pain I get is similar to acid reflu/heartburn, but not exactly. It feels more like the food I eat just sits in my stomach and rots, never digesting. Lets say I eat some tacos on Tuesday, by Thursday morning I am still burping that taste up.That always made me wonder if orals cause heartburn or something similar.

Now read this

In primary biliary cirrhosis, inflammation destroys the bile ducts and prevents bile from escaping the liver. The accumulated bile damages healthy liver tissue, eventually leading to cirrhosis (scarring). As scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue, the liver loses its ability to function. All this happens very slowly. People with PBC can lead healthy, symptom-free lives for 10 years or more after diagnosis.

Though primary biliary cirrhosis is often asymptomatic, especially early on, the most common symptom is extreme itching, especially in the arms, legs and back. Other symptoms include fluid buildup in the abdomen or legs, jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin), or fatty deposits and darkening of the skin under the eyes.

The standard treatment for PBC is a daily dose of a medication called ursodiol. Ursodiol improves liver function and increases life expectancy in people with PBC. Other medications may be indicated for controlling symptoms

So, is it that guys that have acid reflux issues with orals are actually having liver damage, stopping bile production, in turn letting food not digest? Causing what we all think is heartburn but is really a lack of bile?

Sorry for the long post, but I just find this really interesting.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Orals and Bile Reflux, not acid reflux silly
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2012, 06:34:02 PM »
Very interesting. I never realized how important the liver is in the body. It is literally the boss organ, and maintains the health of the entire body. I had elevated liver enzymes even while off cycle for a while. Ive also had damn high cholesterol off cycle and in combination with various other problems I've had for years I know it is liver bile related.

Bile so many important functions, too many to name but a few important ones are food digestion and absorbtion. It helps to dissolve food entering the intestines and serves as lubrication for easy stool passage. It also kills off remaining toxins and serves as a protecting coat to the intestines. Bile is obviously made in the liver. It is made up of dead bacteria, dead cells, toxins, and different substances the liver adds to it. Its stored in the gallbladder and when ingesting fat the gallbladder is stimulated to release bile and perform its numerous functions.

Where we encounter trouble is when the bile ducts are clogged or there is gallstones. Either one is very bad because they both can ultimately lead to liver congestion. Liver congestion, in my non medically backed opinion, is the primary cause for all diseases and health problems in the human body.

I would type more but im on my phone, but to put it briefly, the health state of the liver determines the health state of every other part of the body. The liver is the main detoxifier and if congested, due to bile backup from the gallbladder, it starts releasing toxins, dead cells, bacteria, viruses, all the things that were supposed to be eliminated through shitting, are being continously recirculated through the blood stream. The leads to system wide damage of tissues, entire organs such as the pancreas (which will further compound health issues since the pancreas releases the enzymes to break donb food), brain fogginess can occur, major skin itching due to the body trying to release the toxins in the blood through the skin, abdominal distention due to enlarged aka congested liver, dermatitis (inflammation of the skin due to excess toxins not being removed), anxiety, depression (the brain grts its nutrients from the liver and the.liver serves as a heavy influence to mental wellness, and contaminated blood going to the brain obviously can results in a plethora of mental problems and disorders.

Also, constipation is a huge warning sign of a congested liver. Without bile, the stools are literally fatty and greasy and stick to the walls of the intestinal tract. They then putrify and rot in the intestines. The intestines will abosrbs this rotting fecal matter into the.blood and circulates it throughout the body. Proper bile flow will prevent this. Bile breaks down food further and also serves as a mild laxative for food to exit easily. Bile has chemicals in it the stimulate the muscles in the intestinal wall to contract, pushing feces out of the body.

Inflammation will always occur where there are liver problems and inflammation can cause damage to glands such as saliva glands and occipital glands, leading to dry mouth and eyes. Inflmmation is a guarantee when you have liver congestion. It is the bodys way of saying it is dealing with unwanted substances or organisms. This is why I am looking into autoimmune disorders such as sjrogrens and such. I think autoimmune disorders where the body attacks its owns organs and tissues with inflammation is because of toxic blood. I have had chrnix dry eyes and mouth (sjogrens syndrome) and I am curious to see if the liver/gallbladder flush will cure these problems, along with all my others.

So anyway, im suffering with all the problems I listed above, so tonight I am doing a liver and gallbladder flush to see if that can cure me. Look up gall bladder or liver flush on google for more info. I will post results if anyone is interested.

I know this is a long post but bottom line is to keep your liver healthy guys. The chinese knew the importance of the liver thousands of years ago and have various herbs that help and even cure many "non curable diseases", by decongesting the liver.

Milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid, nac << very good for liver health. However this alone is to use after the liver is decongested, these supps will improve liver health and performance, but the liver still needs to be physically purged of all the shit that is built up within it.

Malic acid also softens bile allowing for easier flow and is used to soften gallstones for their removal.

The tell-tale sign of current liver condition is above condition. You see a person with healthy nice looking skin, you can bet they have a good liver. I finally understand what my dad (who worked in the medical field for over 15 years) meant by his saying, "show me a person with a bad liver and itll be one with a world of health problems.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Orals and Bile Reflux, not acid reflux silly
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2012, 09:00:35 AM »
Thanks for the post Oly, I really enjoyed reading that. I really do believe the negative side effects guys get with oral AAS in relation to reflux has much more to do with a lack of bile rather than excess acid. Besides getting normal blood values ran, what would be a good way to keep the liver safe while running oral AAS? I'm not running any oral AAS currently, but started using milk thistle just because (am on injects right now). What about ox bile? I know that is sold OTC for people who have bad or no gallbladders or who do not make enough bile on their own. Would that be worthwhile if on an oral AAS? Seeing as a stressed liver may not put out enough bile, causing the side effects I listed in the original post.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Orals and Bile Reflux, not acid reflux silly
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2012, 08:28:52 PM »
Yes thats a possibility that stressed liver due to oral AAS can definitely decrease bile production, leadibg to a host of problems.

Ox Bile sounds like it be good to take while on orals
Milk thistle (generates new liver cells)
COQ10 - very important is needed for the heart and made in the liver. A stressed liver may make much less
And alpha lipoic acid

That right there I wouldnt be surprised if liver enzymes are not even elevated or barely while running strong orals. And the ox bile is there to make sure you have enough.