Author Topic: Guess the Candidate  (Read 3841 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Guess the Candidate
« on: July 14, 2012, 05:13:31 PM »
Hello and welcome to "Guess the Candidate," a game where a variety of traits and policy stances are listed, after which you guess which presidential candidate these traits and policy stances belong to. As you already know from reading these boards, the evil, far left socialist thugbama is scoping to establish a communist reign of terror if he gets re-elected. With this background info in mind, identifying the candidate in our game should be obvious.

(From the McCain campaign's 2008 research document on this candidate, hereafter named 'Mr. X'.)

Social Issues

-In 1994, Mr. X Backed Federal Funding Of Abortion And Codifying Roe v. Wade. “Mr. X supports a federal health care plan option that includes abortion  services, would vote for a law codifying the 1972 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion and backs federal funding for abortions as long as states can decide if they want the money, [a spokesman] said.”

-2002: Running For ____, Mr. X Said He Was “Devoted” To Pro-Choice Position. “I will preserve and protect a woman’s right to choose, and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard. I will not change any provisions of ____s’ pro-choice laws.”

-In 2006, Mr. X Said Illegal Immigrants Should Have Path To Citizenship. “Mr. X expressed support … for an immigration program that places large numbers of  illegal residents on the path toward citizenship … Mr. X said illegal immigrants should have a chance to obtain citizenship.”

-Mr. X: “I am in favor of stem cell research. I will work and fight for stem cell research … I’d be happy to talk to [President Bush] about this, though I don’t know if I could budge him an inch.”

-In 1994, Mr. X Endorsed Ability Of Gay Individuals To Serve Openly In Military. “[Mr. X] called President Bill Clinton’s ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ military policy ‘the first of a number of steps that will ultimately lead to gays and lesbians being able to serve openly and honestly in our nation’s military."

-Mr. X Supported Brady Bill And Assault Weapons Ban, Bragging His Stance Was “Not Going To Make
Me The Hero Of The NRA.”
“[Mr. X] said he will take stands that put him at odds with some traditional ultra-conservative groups, and cited his support for the assault rifle ban and the Brady gun control law. ‘That’s not going to make me the hero of the NRA,’ he said. ‘I don’t line up with a lot of special interest groups."

-Mr. X: “I concur that climate change is beginning to effect on our natural resources and that now is the time to take action …”

Healthcare Policy

-Mr. X Staged Elaborate Signing Ceremony With Banners And A Fife-And-Drum Corps. “In a Colonial era hall, with a fife-and-drum corps marching in with him, Mr. X signed a bill Wednesday requiring all ___ residents to purchase health insurance -- portraying the measure as a historic solution to health-care costs, even as questions emerge about whether ____ can afford it. The signing [was] staged with a near-presidential attention to theatrics and slogan-bearing banners…”

Economic Policy

-In 2002, Mr. x Refused To Sign ATR Pledge Against Tax Increases. “Four years ago, Mr. X ... refused to sign the [Americans for Tax Reform] pledge [to ‘oppose and veto any and all efforts to increase taxes’].”

-Mr. X Said He Wouldn’t Be “Cheerleader” For Tax Relief Plan He Didn’t Agree With. (in reference to Bush's tax cuts) “According to the observer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, Mr. X told the delegation that he ‘won’t be a cheerleader’ for proposals he doesn’t agree with, ‘but I have to keep a solid relationship with the White House.’”

Political Affiliation

-Mr. X: “I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.”

-Mr. X Voted For Paul Tsongas In ‘92 Presidential Primary. “An Independent until last December, [Mr. X] publicizes his brief stint as a Democrat to support ex-senator Paul Tsongas in the 1992 presidential primary. ‘I’m not a partisan politician,’ he said.”

-Mr. X Has Made Campaign Contributions To Democrats. “Mr. X defended donations to Democratic congressional candidates in 1992."

-Mr. X “Warmly Praised” Bill Clinton During ‘94 Senate Race. “[Mr. X] warmly praised President Clinton. ‘I think the president does a lot of things that make a lot of sense,’ he said. ‘I support him in many ways.’”

-Mr. X Campaigned Against The Contract With America And The ‘94 Republican Agenda. “Mr. X ... criticized the Republican campaign agenda, the ‘Contract With America,’ as too partisan. He said he would have gone against the GOP leadership and supported the crime bill, and would oppose a capital gains tax cut.”

Obviously Mr. X is a far left socialist communist pig. Let's make sure as stalwart Republicans and genuine conservatives to make sure he doesn't win this election!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2012, 05:20:27 PM »
I'll believe it when I see it. I think he's doing this just to get people talking about him, anyway, I like the guy and wish him all the best.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2012, 05:31:17 PM »
Guess my cock's girth.

If you were trying to make a point, you could have just posted the article, plagiarist.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2012, 05:57:38 PM »
I copied and pasted the relevant blurbs from the document itself, which is why most of what I posted is different from the content of this article (which I've never read). You clearly don't know what the word 'plagiarism' means.


Need to use the MLA method of documenting sources.  :-X


  • Getbig V
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2012, 05:58:23 PM »
I copied and pasted the relevant blurbs from the document itself, which is why most of what I posted is different from the content of this article (which I've never read). You clearly don't know what the word 'plagiarism' means.


You're so full of shit, it's embarassing.

Of corse it's slightly different, you tried to get cute and put your own twist on it.

Link us to the original document from '08 then. I'll wait.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2012, 06:09:03 PM »
Mitt Romney explains Romney-care...


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2012, 06:29:52 PM »
You're so full of shit, it's embarassing.

Of corse it's slightly different, you tried to get cute and put your own twist on it.

Link us to the original document from '08 then. I'll wait.

No, not of "corse": most of the information I posted is not in the article linked to; hence, I couldn't have gotten it from the article. I got it from the original document (

It's a quick read since it's a series of bullet points. It's funny because they dig up everything from all the property he owns, to his favorite movie (which they list as an example of flip-flopping because he changed his mind in a later interview) to how long he'd been dating his wife before marriage and when she was first diagnosed with M.S. There actually isn't any genuine personal dirt at all; the only glaring weakness is the flip-floppery and relative lack of experience.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2012, 06:43:40 PM »
No, not of "corse": most of the information I posted is not in the article linked to; hence, I couldn't have gotten it from the article. I got it from the original document (

It's a quick read since it's a series of bullet points. It's funny because they dig up everything from all the property he owns, to his favorite movie (which they list as an example of flip flopping because he changed his mind in a later interview) to how long he'd been dating his wife before marriage and when she was first diagnosed with M.S. There actually isn't any genuine personal dirt at all; the only glaring weakness is the flip-floppery.

I take back the plagiarist comment.

Next time link the source so I don't have to meltdown again, will ya?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2012, 06:51:29 PM »
Another interesting Romney tidbit is that the mormans only started letting in black parishioners when the candidate was 32 years old. Not a mention of that on CNN when he was speaking to the naacP


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2012, 06:59:50 PM »
Like the Jews they believe in the curse of Cain and ham. That blackness was a punishment from god.. Blahhhahahahahhahahhahah


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2012, 07:19:42 PM »
Mitt Romney explains Romney-care...

STFU JT, your cover has been blown. Any fights with Milos lately? Idiot............


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2012, 11:00:22 PM »
Like the Jews they believe in the curse of Cain and ham. That blackness was a punishment from god.. Blahhhahahahahhahahhahah
. I should clarify, the Talmud says black skin is handed down from the curse of ham son of Noah for seeing his fathers nakedness and laughing. The Only Jews who believe this are prob the hasidim, Jews were at the forefront of the civil rights movement In the 60s.

Benny B

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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2012, 07:15:52 AM »
Give 'em moving pictures, syntax. Otherwise the getbig masses get upset over having to read all "them big words."

Corporateer, religious Kook and flip-flopping buffoon mitt romney, the inventor of ObamneyCare, is firm on every issue, standing on both sides. romney's ability to remain solidly on both sides of all issues, and flip-flop between them frequently like a circus clown, makes him not only the laughing stock of the gop, but Our entire country as well. romney performs the double-triple-quadruple, slip-slide-fall-on-your-head flip-flop, like a true Olympic Buffoon. Watching romney speak over the course of his attempts at seizing political power, is like watching two robotic ping-pong units fight it out. Wear a neck brace when watching romney to avoid being stricken with side-to-side neck irritation or whiplash.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2012, 07:53:46 AM »
Which is it Mitt?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Guess the Candidate
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2012, 08:22:51 AM »
Which is it Mitt?

No clue, but we know who you are JT. Nice gimmicktry from you all these years ya big muslim homo!