who did you have winning the show?
I saw it as 3 close contests going on in one show.
1. After Prejudging I think Kai was nudging ahead of Phil, at finals it was closer and Phil worked it better to get himself in front. Either way it was incredibly close and could have gone either way. I like them both so no vested interest in favouring either one. Phil had enough and did enough to win.
2. Dexter and Rhoden. Started close but coming into the finals Rhoden was moving ahead of Dexter.
3. Branch, Wolf, Freeman and Centopani. I think Wolf was stiff to miss the first callout and probably started to flatten out immediately after. Branch did a great job to get there but looked a little burnt out. Freeman could have made the top 6 and Evan was a bit flat and looked better 2 weeks later in Oz.
Great Mr Olympia with some very close decisions.