Author Topic: Want Change??? STRIKE AT THE ROOT, Here's how.......  (Read 266 times)

Roger Bacon

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Want Change??? STRIKE AT THE ROOT, Here's how.......
« on: June 15, 2013, 05:28:39 PM »
I copied this from another political forum:

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.

-Henry David Thoreau

Here is the root:

The Council on Foreign Relations (Founded 1919)

A simple look at the roster of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) should open many people's eyes. It is the invisible government that many cannot see. It explains why the actions of the supposedly "legitimate" US government seem to make no sense.

The roster includes such names as George Soros, John McCain, Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, 5 members of the Rockefeller family, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, David Petraeus, Lewis "Scooter" Libby (A convicted felon), Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Robert Gates, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Teresa Heinz Kerry, Olympia Snowe, Joe Biden, Stephen Breyer, John Kerry, Jack Lew, Chuck Hagel, Eric Holder, Rebecca Blank, Seth Harris, Eric Shinseki, Janet Napolitano, Denis McDonough, Susan Rice, Karen Mills, Timothy Geithner, Alan Greenspan, Newt Gingrich, 5 member of the Goldman family, Sanjay Gupta, Jimmy Carter, Dick Cheney, Dick Clark, George Clooney, Richard Cohen, Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, George D Schwab, George Stephanopoulos, Stanley McChrystal, Paul Bremer, Rupert Murdoch, Ted Turner, Paul Wolfowitz, Henry Paulson, Colin Powell, Tom Daschle, Michael Douglas, Richard Dreyfus, Dan Rather, Robert Rubin, Michael Bloomberg, John Bolton, Tom Brokaw…...AND MANY MORE!!!!!

The CFR has greatly expanded in recent years. In the past it consisted of roughly 1,000 members, now they have over 4,000 members listed on their roster and many secret members. Contrary to what they would like you to believe they are not a governmental agency. They do not represent the interests of the United States of America and that is not where they get their funding.

From what I have gathered it's structure consists of 4 groups of increasing hierarchy:

Cover - These are the honest but disinformed members and likely why they expanded the roster to 4,000 recently

Executors - The ones who do the dirty work….Examples - Petraeus, Powell, Obama, Clintons, Albright, Geithner, Bremer, McChrystal, Most Neocons…

Implementers - The handlers of the executors….Examples - Prescott Bush, the Dulles Brothers, Kissinger, Brzezinski, Strong, Carter, Colonel House….

Planners - The Elite who give orders to the Implementers….Examples - Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, Oil Magnates, Wall Street Bankers….

Almost all of the Supreme Court Justices are members. Many of our US Representatives are members. Note that almost all of the owners of the mainstream media outlets are members as are most of the news anchors. Also, most of our highest military and intelligence personnel are members. Almost the entirety of the Executive Branch's Cabinet are members. All of the Elite are members. STARTING TO GET THE PICTURE NOW?

So let's look at the history of the Presidency of the United States of America:

The last 2 non-CFR Presidents were John F. Kennedy who was assassinated, and Ronald Reagan, who survived an assassination attempt, and had a CFR member, George H.W. Bush, as his Vice President.

Bear in mind that JFK, after being consistently misinformed by the CFR agents surrounding him, started ignoring them….BIG MISTAKE!!!

Richard Nixon (CFR) wrongly concluded that he was truly the one running the country which led to….WATERGATE!!! Alexander Haig and Kissinger oversaw the Coup.

2000 Election:

George Bush (CFR) vs. Al Gore (CFR)

2004 Election:

George Bush (CFR) vs. John Kerry (CFR)…….Both disgraced miltary men!!!

2008 Election:

Barrack Obama (CFR) vs. John McCain (CFR)

2012 Election:

Barack Obama (CFR) vs. Mitt Romney (CFR)


The CFR also operates its own intelligence agency and LOVES to use the CIA as patsies. The CIA failures are usually CFR successes. Notice how the CIA often says "We were unable to connect the dots in time." It is by design.

The CFR presents its own Intelligence Reports directly to the President. Of course, they provide information that advances their agenda and is usually not in the interests of the people of the US. The President is surrounded by CFR agents and essentially in a "bubble."


]If the American people fail to stop the CFR conspirators, it will be the first case in the history of mankind that a group of unarmed cowards conquer and enslave a large majority of armed warriors.