Author Topic: If you could do over your first cycle......  (Read 5312 times)


  • Getbig II
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Re: If you could do over your first cycle......
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2013, 11:31:43 AM »
it's too eary and I don't have enough carbs in me to really care about most of what you're saying, but what's this "toxic crap you and widow speak"? drugs? you think i'm a junkie? what the fuck gives you the impression? in the early 2000's, I along with MANY other bbers got stuck on Nubain.. I was introduced to it by a well known bber who had me get it for him through a connect in mexico (since he had bench warrants for not attending anger-management classes b/c of threatening his gf's.. dude had restraining orders from at least 9, probably 12 if I recall correctly ex-gf's)... I thought he was a good dude, and I was young and naïve and thought it this guy and that guy do it, and they're in every mag I've been reading since before I was even allowed to lift a weight, then I guess it must not be addictive.. hell, the PDR say's it wasn't addictive.. then I moved on to Torbugesic when Nubain production dried up, and devised a formula to get off and helped many others get off with the same methods I used.. of course, I went on to ghb, and later vodka for a short while... but I got off...... I never went to vicodin or oxy or heroin. never used meth or Adderall or coke. so what's the "toxic crap" you think I promote? it's been years since I delt with that shit and it was a small speedbump.

and the OP's question was 'do over first cycle', so that's what I answered.... test and deca... easy one day a week pinning... because knowing now, after doing this for many, many years and learning from EQUALLY great "God's of Hormones"... IN PERSON, PEOPLE I ACTUALLY HAD FACE TO FACE CONVERSATIONS WITH, NOT 'GH15'.... YEARS before 'gh15' came around. you think gh15 was saying anything new? anything a lot of us didn't already know? ANYTHING!? fuck now. Of the handful of guy's I learned from FIRST HAND, one is dead, one is overseas avoiding extradition, and one is in prison.... and one is still humping the dream, and is doing personal training for $100-200/day, i'd almost say 'washed up', but he had a very successful carreer and will probably be remembered as one of the top 5 bber's of the 90's and 00's.

you think for a first cycle i'd want to be pinning evey fucking day? or at least mwf? I hate it now! i'm sitting here starting at 4 full 3cc pins I was supposed to shoot last night but put it off.

so, in your 'terms', my answer to the OP should've been...

BTW, FUCK TEST PROP... unless you're making that shit at a painless 200mg/ml, which is not easy and will still cause swelling and you'll end up skipping shots.

i'll change my answer to appease you to this;

3cc 350mg/ml enanthate
2cc 250mg/ml npp
1cc 200mg/ml masteron
with 150mg dbol/day
for the first 10 weeks..

then switch the 2cc of npp to 2cc of 200mg/ml tren
replace the dbol with 250mg anadrol
last two weeks of the 'cycle' add 400mcg methyltrienolone twice a day

then cut all the orals, maintain the aromasin, and run 1g enan and 200mg npp twice a week for 3-4 weeks and start the whole thing over again...

25mg aromasin
16iu humatrope (8iu 2x/day)
25mg proviron
.25 prami
.25 dutasteride
10iu humulin-R twice a day an 90mins post gh injection
150mcg igf1 lr3 maybe 30mins before my insulin shot
100mcg igf1 DES per muscle 10mins pre workout (each quad head, long and lat triceps, teres, lats front and medial delt, traps, pec, biceps, brachs, top of forearm, in and out calve, even in glute)
start day with 50g whey concentrate with 25 sucrose and 50g dextrose
2-3 chicken breasts during the day
regular food.... oatmeal, bananas, and rice during the day
end the day with 50g whey and 50 dextrose.
First,read my post never called you junkie,never called you a pusher,I said I tip my hat to you for getting off toxic drugs,very lucky you lived. Know you say you are father of two,very good,But when widow post pictures of toxic pain meds and glorified that if used in the right way it can be good thing,You sir did not step up and say to mods pull these pictures kids see this,this is not good thing. Your a heavyweight on this site then use your power,Kids die from this pain meds everyday,I tried many times,however all my post like magic go bye bye. Know when you see me post truth to young up and coming fella bodybuilder you jump on me gh15 this gh15 that,I'm not shilling never talk guru one time. However I tip my hat to you for posting real deal cycle,Yes you know the game well,So why not use what you know to do the same. Kids only need to know never to use pain meds,they are deadly. That is all.


  • Getbig V
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Re: If you could do over your first cycle......
« Reply #26 on: September 27, 2013, 11:45:39 AM »
I've posted about how pain meds are a bad, bad idea... recreation use, and short term use that turns into long term use. but I can say it all day long and on here, on msg boards, i'm not around the dudes all day long or every day in person.... on a msg board, ppl have their own lives, and if they want to try opiates, or whatever, if they're curious, they're gonna do it no matter what I say. you gotta take your own inventory and worry about what you can control... nothing I say will make a guy change his mind about using oxy or vic's or morphine, ect... they'll eventually figure it out for themselves, like everyone of us who've been down that road before have figured it out for ourselves... nothing will make a guy STOP using until he/she is ready to. it's a complicated thing. even after being in the hospital for 10 days with pancreatitis the first time, I wasn't ready to stop drinking vodka like water.... and I wasn't a "drunk", nobody knew I even drank till I stopped drinking..... like in the movie Pulp Fiction, Jules talks about the 'moment of clarity', you can't make someone have that... and usually it takes having a 'moment of clarity', then ignoring it or fucking it up and it's not till you have two or three or four of these 'moment's of clarity' that you finally say 'fuck, this isn't worth it.. it's not like it was when I started. time to get back to normal'.


  • Getbig II
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Re: If you could do over your first cycle......
« Reply #27 on: September 27, 2013, 12:00:50 PM »
I live in pain clinic belt,they come with van loads of people down on their luck,get them fake mri's give them pocket money,places like Georgia,Kentucky,bama you name the state they come,sit in are mall strips shoot and snort this shit up their nose,sell this toxic crap to our kids all over America,we changed that cause we stand together,doctors going to jail,clinic owners also going to jail and the people with fake MRI right behind them,No we don't have to stand back and let anyone learn the hard way,we stand as a team and run this scum out of town. I posted this before,like magic it went bye bye,protect our youth step up,This site don't need this. We talk bodybuilding hormones,things that build not destroy. That is all.


  • Getbig II
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Re: If you could do over your first cycle......
« Reply #28 on: September 27, 2013, 01:45:37 PM »
A test only cycle isn't necessarily bad by any means, but if I could redo it I'd make sure my gear was quality and include something like EQ or deca as well.


  • Getbig II
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Re: If you could do over your first cycle......
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2013, 02:49:59 PM »
He's a pawn sent by his master to spread the agenda.

Almost comical how these puppets keep showing up and try to imitate their master's posting style. 
Never one time have I talked source or guru,Yet you talk pawn sent by master. Perhaps I'm student of the game, What agenda? Do I look to push supplements,gear,guru? No agenda sir,Just here to tell young up and coming bodybuilders how it is done. That is all.



  • Getbig IV
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Re: If you could do over your first cycle......
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2013, 10:30:32 AM »
I would have started lifting at 19 and first cycle at 21 and would have gone straight to 1g test 600mg tren and 50mg drol for a good stretch and would have stayed away from alcohol


  • Getbig III
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Re: If you could do over your first cycle......
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2013, 10:52:40 PM »
Lol I love to see people get all hyped up and angry about pills or drugs... Because in the end all they are doing is wasting their breath.