Author Topic: question to ESFitness or others on the test,deca,dbol stack  (Read 1042 times)


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question to ESFitness or others on the test,deca,dbol stack
« on: November 09, 2013, 06:38:39 PM »
 Do you feel at test 1500,deca1000 that adding 400-500 masteron e would hinder gains I want to get total mg up high with out knocking my sex drive out and wondering opinions on this i will add dbol in and out at some point.


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Re: question to ESFitness or others on the test,deca,dbol stack
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2013, 06:42:49 AM »
 I really dont feel it would either just wanted opinions I'm going to wait tell my deca levels get a little higher to start want to get body weight and water up so i can move some heavy weights again also i lost a lot of muscle and know i can only gain it back so fast.
  Started with Test E and NPP going to switch out the NPP and add in deca slowly been away from serious lifting trying to make gains a bit never stopped though just let myself go over long period using low dosage and eating light i.e busy life to much recreation time. And thanks