Author Topic: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.  (Read 1578 times)

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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2012, 06:59:51 PM »
All I know of the guy is from debates, and he sucks at debates lol

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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2012, 07:00:28 PM »
All I know of the guy is from debates, and he sucks at debates lol

He nailed Obama in hs book.


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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2012, 07:10:11 PM »
isn't that the guy  Christopher Hitchens  use to destroy  ;D

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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2012, 07:15:02 PM »
isn't that the guy  Christopher Hitchens  use to destroy  ;D

he wasn't that bright either

maybe Souza is a better writer than debater


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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2012, 07:27:23 PM »
Dinesh D'Souza, an Innocent Abroad
By David Weigel
My new piece takes you through the very well-made, occasionally convincing documentary 2016: Obama's America, based on Dinesh D'Souza's theory that the president is best understood anti-colonial socialist.

D’Souza gives considerable screen time to Paul Kengor, a (recent) scholar of Obama’s teenage mentor Frank Marshall Davis. Kengor’s bang-on right: Davis was an avowed Communist, and the media of 2008 didn’t care.
Still, the Davis story is complicated. Becoming a Soviet dupe, as Davis did, meant something for midcentury African-Americans that it doesn’t mean today. Obama never pretended not to know Davis, or pretended that he was some Rockefeller Republican, or turned him into a composite character. He appears in Dreams as “Frank,” a “dashiki-wearing” friend talking “black power.” This is a movie, sure, and you can’t lard it up with every little detail, but D’Souza’s question-begging and omissions lead him to oversell what he’s got.
And so on. Right as this was being published, the White House took the unusual step of correcting a myth that's in the movie -- that Obama gave the eight-year-old bust of Winston Churchill back to the British. (I'm guessing the WH did it more because Mitt Romney's currently in England, less because of the movie.) That story appears twice in the D'Souza movie, but it really is less important for the long run than the stories about Obama's associations. D'Souza's right. Obama explained away his Communist and liberation theology-pushing influences, and the media moved on. The story falls apart when D'Souza has to argue that Obama's policy of, say, not trying to prop up the collapsing Mubarak regime was evidence of Mau Mau-ism.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2012, 09:08:08 PM »
Great fng movie by Dinesh.   Way better than I anticipated.   not negative at all towards Obama, but completely factual and challenging.

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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2012, 09:15:58 PM »
2016: Obama's America Movie Review - The Focus on One Hyphenated Word
Maggie's Notebook ^ | 8-24-12 | Maggie@MaggiesNotebook
Posted on August 25, 2012 8:48:54 PM EDT by maggiesnotebook

I slipped off to the third showing of 2016 on Friday in Tulsa at 2:15 pm (Friday). The theater is a large multi-plex that includes an IMAX. I'm picky about my theater seats so usually get there early, but today had a previous appointment, so arrived with about 7 minutes to spare. The parking lot was jammed, and the first clue was, every handicapped parking place was taken (I didn't need one:-) I found a good single seat high up in the middle of a row. The two seats to my right were empty but taken. The two to my left were the only empty seats on my row. They quickly filled. The entire theater was full, and while it was not the largest theater, it wasn't small either. When I left, a very long line had formed in the lobby awaiting the next showing at 4:30 pm. No, they weren't there to see the new Bourne movie. They were there to see 2016: Obama's America. I confirmed it with the guy at the ticket stand. See two trailers below.

D'Souza compared how he and Obama were born the same year, married the same year, and if each of them held up their hands for the camera to capture, no one would see a difference. Dinesh D'Souza came to the US to attend Dartmouth. His father advised him not to go - "they're all White there," he said. Nevertheless, when he arrived at the University he found the International Student Union and enjoyed the foods from around the world, which he had never seen, and had he not come to the US, he would have probably lived his whole life within one mile of his home in India. Anyway, there's a scene where the inevitable pony-tailed guy comes up and says something like "man, it must be so liberating to be Indian." You'll hear Dinesh's answer when you see the film.

His interview with George Obama, who is the brother with another mother, was 6 months old when Barack Obama, Sr. died. While we've all seen George standing at the gate of his hut, he is an impressive figure, tall and lean and speaks a cultured English. He doesn't say a negative word about his brother, carefully sidesteps the opportunity with a few words that indicate he might not be comfortable with an EBT card. He makes one comment that is very telling - the total difference between him and his half-brother who is the President of the United States. See if you can spot it, and come back and tell me what you think.

You'll learn a lot about Barack Obama, Sr., and hear from a man who was a very close friend of his. The passion and "hate" is still there, and he fairly spits it out. Another telling moment. If you've seen the writings of Obama's father, they are also featured in the documentary.

Visually, the film gives us a close-up look at people who are truly, truly poor in a way that no American can comprehend - even the poorest among us. Watch for the oil drilling and the significance of it.

I don't want to be a spoiler for the bottom line of the documentary and there is a bottom line. There are no cheap shots - well, only a real moment when Obama is trying to explain to his audience a bit of math, and can't get it done - but, it's a real. There are no birther discussions. There are no speculations about Obama's 'real' father, his Social Security card or Selective Service Registration number.

Depending on your attention to politics today, or lack of them, it doesn't matter what you know or don't know about Obama. It's not a boring rehash, it's a well-designed documentary with smart commentary. You'll see the bottom line reduced to one hyphenated word that might help you explain a few revelations to your Progressive friends (if you have any), and we all have our Liberal Uncle Louie around. Get to them before they get to the ballot box. View the trailers here.

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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2012, 04:13:48 AM »
Wash Post Gushed Over 'Emotional Power' of 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' Slams 'Fear-Mongering' '2016' ^ | August 25, 2012 | Scott Whitlock
Posted on August 25, 2012 10:33:26 PM EDT by Kaslin

The Washington Post film review of the new conservative documentary 2016 mocked the movie as a "fear-mongering" "infomercial" that is too opinionated. The same paper, however, gushed over the "emotional power" of liberal filmmaker Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, praising it as a "cultural juggernaut."

2016 reviewer Michael O'Sullivan knocked the "slick infomercial," deriding, "As these things go, the movie seems destined to irritate the president’s supporters while mobilizing his detractors, even as it is doomed to win precious few converts. It’s a textbook example of preaching to the choir." In contrast, Fahrenheit 9/11 critic Desson Thomson defended, "Documentaries aren't news articles; they're subjective points of view, which is why Moore has almost endless fun at the president's expense."

 Thomson explained away the hard-left tilt of Moore's movie this way:

What counts is the emotional power of Moore's persuasion. With a combination of events and facts that we have already learned, and some that we haven't, Moore puts it all together. You can understand the thread of his argument, even if you disagree.
In comparison, O'Sullivan huffed that 2016 is "anything but crude. The best infomercials rarely are."

The conservative documentary, written and directed by author Dinesh D'Souza, argues that Barack Obama is anti-capitalist and anti-American. The Post's film critic attacked:

Why is the film called “2016”? D’Souza’s one-sided argument ultimately stoops to fear-mongering of the worst kind, stating in no uncertain terms that, if the president is reelected, the world four years from now will be darkened by the clouds of economic collapse, World War III (thanks to the wholesale renunciation of our nuclear superiority) and a terrifyingly ascendant new “United States of Islam” in the Middle East. These assertions are accompanied by footage of actual dark clouds and horror-movie music.

Highlighting key scenes in Fahrenheit 9/11, Thomson praised, "Moments like this mark 'Fahrenheit 9/11' as a potential cultural juggernaut -- a film for these troubling times." 

Apparently, one-sided documentaries are only a problem if they're conservative.

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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2012, 05:11:08 AM »
This past week, “2016: The Movie” about President Barack Obama opened in the Chicago area, and I chose to get more of an education about Obama by seeing the movie. After the inundation of canned hype for the movie on conservative talk shows across the Chicago radio dial that sounded more like commercials than honest endorsements of the movie, I was skeptical of what I was going to see.

While some talk show hosts sounded like they were genuinely impressed with the documentary and honestly endorsing the film, there were those who were obviously reading a commercial script which was not coming across as sincere to the regular listener – at least not to this often-skeptical listener. Perhaps, in future promotions of the film, it would be wise to have pre-recorded commercials done by the professional commercial-makers rather than having the likes of Mark Levin and Sean Hannity doing script after script to promote the movie. After all, the listeners aren’t stupid and resent any attempt at being conned. After many reads by the talk show hosts, the readings of the commercial script were no more enthusiastic than another Life-Lock commercial read – another commercial that ought to be professionally done.

Yet, I’m glad I saw the hyped-film because it was more informative than I had thought it would be and included less propaganda than I had predicted. If anything, it was nearly too informative as there was an enormous amount of information condensed into the nearly one-hour-and-a-half documentary. Fact after fact is put forth which shows that President Obama definitely has many skeletons in the closet that have not been released prior to the nation’s trust in him with the Oval Office.

To watch this movie and realize – or simply be reminded of – all that is unknown about President Obama is of concern. Much of the information has been ignored by the American media totally. When appropriately reminded as to what is still unknown about Obama to date, one has to ask: How can any logical-thinking person give a damn about Romney’s taxes while not asking any questions regarding our current president’s past?

The man influences the entire globe, but liberal Americans want to know how much Mitt Romney paid in taxes in the past rather than learn about the man who they have entrusted with the country. Unbelievable.

The movie undeniably links Obama to persons of suspicious-interest due to their past actions and statements, such as former radical activist and Chicago educator Bill Ayers. While the media and blinded-liberals cast such facts aside, the movie does not. No, this portion of the movie is not propaganda – it is the display of factual information about relationships between people that cannot be denied. Yet, the “left” does deny the facts that are right in front of them.

Quite disturbing is the talk of the United States economy in the film. The current national debt which has increased two-fold during Obama’s presidency and the horrendous economy is suggested to be part of the plan to strip the nation of democracy – reasonable cause to make citizens totally dependent on the government. The “left” is aghast at this suggestion of the current economy. They actually believe that Obama is unintelligent enough to let this economy just happen. Ironically, it’s many of the people on the “right” who know Obama’s not stupid, and much of what has happened to the United States in the past four years is part of Obama’s plan.

How could one so-highly educated and intelligent as Obama not know what he was doing when he incurred such debt? I left the movie thinking more strongly than I had in the past that the current debt and this economy was part of Obama’s plan all along. Increasingly making Americans dependent on the government is the plan. What’s more, he knew his blind followers would believe it was not the plan and, of course, was all Bush’s fault.

He must be laughing at his blind followers all the way to the “new America” they’re allowing him to create. My belief is that Obama continues to prey on his die-hard followers’ stupidity to accomplish his personal goals for America.

The most disturbing part of the film to me was the interview with President Obama’s half-brother George Obama from Nairobi, Kenya. How can Obama claim to want to help people when he has done absolutely nothing for his own family? It makes me wonder if he really cares about anybody if he can’t find it in his heart to help his own family.

As the closing credits started to role upward across the screen, the audience applauded. Me, I just walked out – reasonably upset.

Those who have already decided to vote for Obama will probably not even see the movie. It’s sad but they probably don’t want to know the truth when it is laid out so clearly for them in this documentary. The independents who are still deciding who they are going to vote for ought to see this film. I’m quite confident that any undecided voter who sees this film will know who to vote for after viewing this documentary. If you know you’re not going to support the “left” in this coming election, see the film out of interest if you like. But, fair warning, it’s disturbing – and quite frightening – to say the least.

About Scott Paulson

Scott Paulson writes political news and commentary for CBS Local and and teaches English at a community college in the Chicago area. The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of CBS Local.

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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2013, 12:30:23 PM »

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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2014, 05:27:18 PM »
I'm not familiar with the work of this dude.   worth reading?watching?

I love political movies... it's the ones that are SO far left or right that I dislike.  You know, the "so-and-so will not rest until we're all speaking russian"...

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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2014, 05:42:21 PM »
2016 was a really good documentary. All they've done by prosecutingpersecuting him, is help sell tickets to his new movie.


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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2014, 06:52:26 PM »
history willl judge obama as the worst president of all time by a wide margin

11T debt vs rest of presidents combined 8T

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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2014, 06:58:21 PM »
F Obama - hoping for a divorce - od - Chapter 7 - and stint in jail for him after he leaves office


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Re: Dinesh D Souza Movie 2016 exposes Obama's radical agenda.
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2014, 01:31:10 PM »
dinesh is awesome

the anti van jones

smart successful and not a crony communist!