Author Topic: Not that we give a sh*t...but people say my marriage is doomed.  (Read 3273 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Not that we give a sh*t...but people say my marriage is doomed.
« on: February 06, 2014, 10:32:45 AM »
Ok ladies (and Miggs haha), check this.

So my wife and I have been together for years and we have 5 kids (two together) and people always make small remarks about how it's weird that we don't fight.

 I think its because we are mature for one and second both came out of a bad first marriage (hers was emotionally distant and more into his single guy friends lives, mine cheated and decided being a mother wasn't for her..hence I got custody..both loved to fight and scream).

Don't get me wrong, we disagree and sometime get on each others nerves (me on hers 80% of the time  ;D ) be honest we disagree on many things but respect each others views. Agree to disagree if you will. We have had face to face discussion when one of us does something that was not cool, or said something that was perceived not as intended but never yelling, fighting, sleeping separate or anything like that. According to our parents if we don't fight we are suppressing stuff that can build into something really bad. Its like they want us to yell and scream at each other to make their relationship seem more normal cause they fight like that.

One of our big things is that we promised each other we'd always be honest even if it isn't pleasant. No bullshit, no hinting, just straight talk. In that spirit every couple of months we've sat down, had some drinks (almost 2 bottles of wine  ;D  ) and had a straight up honest talk about anything and everything on our minds. We came up with nothing! Ok will some little things like her make up routine and how it explodes over onto my sink and how I am a bit loud in the mornings leaving for work ...but nothing major. We covered work, kids, bills, sex, chores, family, friends and again...we were good on all levels. (BTW sex after these chats is mind blowing..we should have like 27 kids and shit by now)

Adding to it, we are told by other married people that we are over affectionate. Like we are "trying too hard" or "trying to convince" people we are in love. My sister in law (my brothers wife) even said that we aren't a divorce couple but if anything more of a murder suicide type. Sure she was drunk but WFT is that supposed to mean? Sure, we kiss a lot (no tongue when others are present) and I can't help but to smack / pinch her ass when she walks by me or I like when she sits on my lap at home or holds my hand when we are out and about but shit...does that make us pervs or something? Oh, we do kiss with a little tongue in front of the kids just to gross them out  ;D  ..nothing like hearing "eeeeeeww" or the classic "you guys are gross!"

We really don't care but I wonder are we just oblivious? I always felt we are just really in love, compatible and just plain happy. Both have good jobs, nice things, no debt and love to do a lot of the same things like travel, road trips, camping etc..

What are your thought GB? Is it jealousy or are we just weird, perverted and oblivious?

(PS - while we've been married, we've had 4 friends and 1 family member get divorced ::)  )


  • Getbig V
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Re: Not that we give a shit...but people say my marriage is doomed.
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2014, 06:22:36 PM »
I can't help but to smack / pinch her ass when she walks by me or I like when she sits on my lap at home or holds my hand when we are out and about but shit...

me either.

On a serious note, they are jealous and hate you for being married and happy about it. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Not that we give a shit...but people say my marriage is doomed.
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2014, 10:43:08 PM »
You have the perfect marriage. That in itself is rare. People are afraid of the unknown.......hence them judging your marriage.

Don't change a fucking thing.

One day I will have the perfect marriage too!!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Not that we give a shit...but people say my marriage is doomed.
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2014, 09:19:58 AM »
Ok cool, thanks for the honest response. One of the reasons I love posting here is nobody cares enough about you to lie hahahaha. Just straight up talk.

Thanks BS, I actually agree...I feel like we have a perfect life. Its quite nice.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Not that we give a sh*t...but people say my marriage is doomed.
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2014, 03:39:04 PM »
You have the perfect marriage. That in itself is rare. People are afraid of the unknown.......hence them judging your marriage.

Don't change a fucking thing.

One day I will have the perfect marriage too!!

still waiting to hear back from you.  Just saying...eventually you will give up lol