Author Topic: william llwellyns-underground steroid market-seminar  (Read 1670 times)


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william llwellyns-underground steroid market-seminar
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:08:58 AM »


  • Getbig II
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Re: william llwellyns-underground steroid market-seminar
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2014, 08:06:31 AM »
Was pretty good. Unbiased for the most part. Wish he would have touched more on how much of those contaminants were found. Like a shit load of food, drinks and other products we consume also have contaminants in them but they are all regulated to be under certain amounts and deemed 'safe' if under those levels...   Not saying I want any damn heavy metals or anything else in my gear...but just saying.. would have been nice to know a little more on the amounts..    Good Post man.


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Re: william llwellyns-underground steroid market-seminar
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2014, 03:49:57 AM »
Was pretty good. Unbiased for the most part. Wish he would have touched more on how much of those contaminants were found. Like a shit load of food, drinks and other products we consume also have contaminants in them but they are all regulated to be under certain amounts and deemed 'safe' if under those levels...   Not saying I want any damn heavy metals or anything else in my gear...but just saying.. would have been nice to know a little more on the amounts..    Good Post man.

well the point is Pharma gear is suppose to be contaminant free,everything is made in a USP(GMP) lab. take a look at some of those shitholes people brew gear in. I wouldn;t want to shott that stuff. We all knew this years ago but it is getting worse. who wants to be shooting Metals and lead? everybody juicing in the 80's got the good shit! 80-90% of us use unsterile UGL gear that is getting worse every year. I get TRT and I know some of you guys do too but we get a very small amount that barely does shit. Most of us only get 200mg a week. I started going through a months supply in 2 weeks. Hell I'm desperate enough to use the androgel they gave me with the injectable Test Depot. I can;t believe Androgel and Test depot are even schedule 3 drugs. My xanax is a schedule 4 drug. So the FDA is saying Test depot is more dangerous then xanax-lol.


  • Getbig II
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Re: william llwellyns-underground steroid market-seminar
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2014, 09:21:09 AM »
well the point is Pharma gear is suppose to be contaminant free,everything is made in a USP(GMP) lab. take a look at some of those shitholes people brew gear in. I wouldn;t want to shott that stuff. We all knew this years ago but it is getting worse. who wants to be shooting Metals and lead? everybody juicing in the 80's got the good shit! 80-90% of us use unsterile UGL gear that is getting worse every year. I get TRT and I know some of you guys do too but we get a very small amount that barely does shit. Most of us only get 200mg a week. I started going through a months supply in 2 weeks. Hell I'm desperate enough to use the androgel they gave me with the injectable Test Depot. I can;t believe Androgel and Test depot are even schedule 3 drugs. My xanax is a schedule 4 drug. So the FDA is saying Test depot is more dangerous then xanax-lol.

Seriously right! Fucking pathetic. Same type of argument why the gov has kept weed illegal for so long but has left the #1 cause of deaths in motor vehicle accidents legal all this time...

So I am curious... I have not been using probably as long as most, about 12-13 years, I kind of missed out on that heyday period of good gear most vets talk about. So why do you use a doc? Just cause insurance pays for it? Or just in case you get popped and then can say you have a script for it? I assume it's just for the pure fact that most gear like you said sucks now. Mislabeled, over / under dosed and contaminated or nothing in it at all.   ...I'm getting to that point where I'm sick of this shit. A million different labs I never heard of and some say this or that one sucks and other say opposite. It's nuts man. I have been pretty blessed in getting at least something every single time that makes me 'juiced'..whether it is what I think it is in the bottle is probably a different story..but I dunno. I'm seriously thinking about this doctor shit though.


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Re: william llwellyns-underground steroid market-seminar
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2014, 03:01:26 AM »
Seriously right! Fucking pathetic. Same type of argument why the gov has kept weed illegal for so long but has left the #1 cause of deaths in motor vehicle accidents legal all this time...

So I am curious... I have not been using probably as long as most, about 12-13 years, I kind of missed out on that heyday period of good gear most vets talk about. So why do you use a doc? Just cause insurance pays for it? Or just in case you get popped and then can say you have a script for it? I assume it's just for the pure fact that most gear like you said sucks now. Mislabeled, over / under dosed and contaminated or nothing in it at all.   ...I'm getting to that point where I'm sick of this shit. A million different labs I never heard of and some say this or that one sucks and other say opposite. It's nuts man. I have been pretty blessed in getting at least something every single time that makes me 'juiced'..whether it is what I think it is in the bottle is probably a different story..but I dunno. I'm seriously thinking about this doctor shit though.

I use human grade because I qualify. It was not even juice that made my test levels low it was abusing prescription opiates and benzos. I started juicing in 2005 and the market was not that great back then but still better then it is now. I could get great Alpha-Pharma gear and other human grade for dirt cheap.

 I used Alpha-pharma and some original British dragon gear . most people in the game know the main guy who sold human grade gear and sold Alpha-Pharma gear for the cheapest got in some trouble so I had no hook-up for alpha-Pharma and the guys who had/still have alpha-Pharma are taxing on it hard! and those other somewhat human grade products are taxed out!

that is when I went to see a doctor and do some more bloodwork and at this point I hadn't got bloodwork in 2 years and I had been using alot of opiates and benzos wich killed my Test levels.I did bloodwork a few times during my off cycle time and after PCt and my test was normal for my age. I got hit by a drunk driver and got prescribed opiates and I was already on xanax and i had been clean off gear since my last blood work so def 1000% the painkillers and benzos fucked my test levels worse then steroid use.  

basically yes I did it because I could no longer get somewhat human grade gear for cheap anymore and I am scared of UGL's. I think it is a huge gamble shooting UGL gear because I have seen some of the guys who got busted in raw deal and these big top sources brew the shit in the worst shit labs and are just fucking kids mostly,I have seen guys get horrible abcess's to the point of some having to go to the ER shooting gear from guys who are considered the best UGL's. I don"t want to shoot some shit some 25 year old made in a shitty make-shift lab. If I get some unsterile gear or anything that causes a abcess and I have to goo get anti-biotics ASAP at a ER I am fucked. My primary doctor will be notified by the ER and my pain contract gets cancelled and so does all my other medication, not worth it I get about 10 grand street value worth of prescription drugs legally. No way I am fucking that up.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: william llwellyns-underground steroid market-seminar
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2014, 05:33:43 AM »
Good find wids


  • Getbig V
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Re: william llwellyns-underground steroid market-seminar
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2014, 01:58:01 PM »
As an adult Ive been a proud law abiding citizen but these steroid laws suck donkey cock.