Author Topic: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.  (Read 10275 times)

Soul Crusher

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Why Can't Obama Bring Wall Street to Justice?
Maybe the banks are too big to jail. Or maybe Washington’s revolving door is at work.

by Peter J. Boyer , Peter Schweizer  | May 6, 2012 1:38 PM EDT
Obama’s 2009 White House summit with finance titans, in which the president warned that only he was standing "between you and the pitchforks"

Why, despite widespread outrage, financial-fraud prosecutions by the Department of Justice are at 20-year lows
Attorney General Eric Holder’s lucrative ties to a top-tier law firm whose marquee clients include some of finance’s worst offenders
How Obama’s trumpeted “task force” for investigating risky mortgage lenders—announced in this year’s State of the Union speech—is badly understaffed and has yet to produce any discernible progress
With the Occupy protesters resuming battle stations, and Mitt Romney in place as the presumptive Republican nominee, President Obama has begun to fashion his campaign as a crusade for the 99 percent--a fight against, as one Obama ad puts it, "a guy who had a Swiss bank account." Casting Romney as a plutocrat will be easy enough. But the president's claim as avenging populist may prove trickier, given his own deeply complicated, even conflicted, relationship with Big Finance.

Obama came into office vowing to end business as usual, and, in the gray post-crash dawn of 2009, nowhere did a reckoning with justice seem more due than in the financial sector. The public was shaken, and angry, and Wall Street seemed oblivious to its own culpability, defending extravagant pay bonuses even while accepting a taxpayer bailout. Obama channeled this anger, and employed its rhetoric, blaming the worldwide economic collapse on "the reckless speculation of bankers." Two months into his presidency, Obama summoned the titans of finance to the White House, where he told them, "My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks."

The bankers may have found the president's tone unsettling. Candidate Obama had been their guy, accepting vast amounts of Wall Street campaign money for his victories over Hillary Clinton and John McCain (Goldman Sachs executives ponied up $1 million, more than any other private source of funding in 2008). Obama far outraised his Republican rival, John McCain, on Wall Street--around $16 million to $9 million. As it turned out, Obama apparently actually meant what he said at that White House meeting--his administration effectively would stand between Big Finance and anything like a severe accounting. To the dismay of many of Obama's supporters, nearly four years after the disaster, there has not been a single criminal charge filed by the federal government against any top executive of the elite financial institutions.

"It's perplexing at best," says Phil Angelides, the Democratic former California treasurer who chaired the bipartisan Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. "It's deeply troubling at worst."

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Strikingly, federal prosecutions overall have risen sharply under Obama, increasing dramatically in such areas as civil rights and health-care fraud. But according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, a data-gathering organization at Syracuse University, financial-fraud prosecutions by the Department of Justice are at 20-year lows. They're down 39 percent since 2003, when fraud at Enron and WorldCom led to a series of prosecutions, and are just one third of what they were during the Clinton administration. (The Justice Department says the numbers would be higher if new categories of crime were counted.)

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"There hasn't been any serious investigation of any of the large financial entities by the Justice Department, which includes the FBI," says William Black, an associate professor of economics and law at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, who, as a government regulator in the 1980s, helped clean up the S&L mess. Black, who is a Democrat, notes that the feds dealt with the S&L crisis with harsh justice, bringing more than a thousand prosecutions, and securing a 90 percent conviction rate. The difference between the government's response to the two crises, Black says, is a matter of will, and priorities. "You need heads on the pike," he says. "The first President Bush's orders were to get the most prominent, nastiest frauds, and put their heads on pikes as a demonstration that there's a new sheriff in town."

Obama delivered heated rhetoric, but his actions signaled different priorities. Had Obama wanted to strike real fear in the hearts of bankers, he might have appointed former special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald or some other fire-breather as his attorney general. Instead, he chose Eric Holder, a former Clinton Justice official who, after a career in government, joined the Washington office of Covington & Burling, a top-tier law firm with an elite white-collar defense unit. The move to Covington, and back to Justice, is an example of Washington's revolving-door ritual, which, for Holder, has been lucrative--he pulled in $2.1 million as a Covington partner in 2008, and $2.5 million (including deferred compensation) when he left the firm in 2009.


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Putting a Covington partner--he spent nearly a decade at the firm--in charge of Justice may have sent a signal to the financial community, whose marquee names are Covington clients. Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Deutsche Bank are among the institutions that pay for Covington's legal advice, some of it relating to matters before the Department of Justice. But Holder's was not the only face at Justice familiar to Covington clients. Lanny Breuer, who had co-chaired the white-collar defense unit at Covington with Holder, was chosen to head the criminal division at Obama's Justice. Two other Covington lawyers followed Holder into top positions, and Holder's principal deputy, James Cole, was recruited from Bryan Cave LLP, another white-shoe firm with A-list finance clients.

Justice's defenders point out that prosecuting financial crime is a complicated matter requiring the highly specialized expertise found in the white-collar defense bar. But some suggest there is also the potential for conflicting interest when the department's top officials come from lucrative law practices representing the very financial institutions that Justice is supposed to be investigating. "And that's where they're going back to," says Black. "Everybody knows there is a problem with that." (Two members of Holder's team have already returned to Covington.) A spokesperson for Covington was not available for comment. (Newsweek uses the firm as outside counsel.)

Top bankers after meeting with Obama, who told them “my administration is the only thing standing between you and the pitchforks.” (Mark Wilson / Getty Images)

Justice's inaction regarding the big Wall Street firms is not for a lack of suspicious activity. Three different government entities exhaustively examined the practices that contributed to the financial collapse, and each has referred its findings to the department for possible criminal investigation. One such matter involved a 2007 transaction by Goldman Sachs, in which Goldman created an investment, based on mortgage-backed securities, that seemed designed to fail. Goldman allowed a client who was betting against the mortgage market to help shape the investment instrument, which was called Abacus 2007-AC1; then both Goldman and the client bet against the investment without informing other clients (whose investments were wagers on its success) how the securities included in the portfolio were selected. These uninformed clients lost more than $1 billion on the investment. In 2010, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged Goldman with securities fraud "for making materially misleading statements and omissions" in marketing the investment. The SEC, which conducts only civil litigation, referred the case to Justice for criminal investigation.

A year later, in April 2011, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, chaired by Democrat Carl Levin, after a two-year inquiry, issued a fat report detailing several transactions, including Goldman's Abacus deal, that Levin and his staff believed should be investigated by Justice as possible crimes. The subcommittee made a formal referral to the department (as did the federal Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, chaired by Phil Angelides), and Levin publicly stated his view that criminal inquiry was warranted. Goldman executives, including the firm's chief executive officer, Lloyd Blankfein, started hiring defense lawyers.

Meanwhile, Obama's political operation continued to ask Wall Street for campaign money. A curious pattern developed. A Newsweek examination of campaign finance records shows that, in the weeks before and after last year's scathing Senate report, several Goldman executives and their families made large donations to Obama's Victory Fund and related entities, some of them maxing out at the highest individual donation allowed, $35,800, even though 2011 was an electoral off-year. Some of these executives were giving to Obama for the first time.

Justice insists that political operations such as fundraising are kept strictly distanced from the department, in order to avoid even the appearance of political influence. But the attorney general and his team are not unfamiliar with the process; Holder was himself an Obama bundler--a fundraiser who collected large sums from various donors--in 2008, as were several other lawyers who joined him at Justice.

It would be a leap to infer these Goldman contributions were made--or received--as quid pro quo for dropping a criminal investigation. Still, the situation constitutes what one Justice veteran acknowledged is a "bad set of facts."

Maintaining public faith in the justice system is one of the reasons why people such as Angelides continue to call for a rigorous criminal investigation into Wall Street. "I think it's fundamental that people in this country need to feel that the justice system is for everyone--that there's not one system for those people of enormous wealth and power, and one for everyone else," he says.

In July 2010, three months after the SEC charged Goldman in the Abacus case, the agency reached a settlement with the firm. Goldman agreed to pay $550 million, but admitted no wrongdoing. The agency touted the amount of the fine as the biggest ever--but to Goldman it was a relative pittance. The fine amounted to about 4 percent of the sum that Goldman paid its executives in bonuses ($12.1 billion) in 2007, the year of the Abacus transaction.

Earlier this year, it was reported that Goldman executives were feeling optimistic that the Justice inquiry would not result in criminal charges against the firm, or its executives. Goldman declined to comment on the case, as did the Justice Department. But spokeswoman Alisa Finelli said, "When we find credible evidence of intentional criminal conduct--by Wall Street executives or others--we will not hesitate to charge it. However, we can and will only bring charges when the facts and the law convince us that we can prove a crime beyond a reasonable doubt." Holder, speaking in February at Columbia University, said that while "we found that much of the conduct that led to the financial crisis was unethical and irresponsible ... we have also discovered that some of this behavior--while morally reprehensible--may not necessarily have been criminal."

Midway through his State of the Union speech this year, President Obama announced plans "to create a special unit of federal prosecutors and leading state attorneys general to expand our investigations into the abusive lending and packaging of risky mortgages that led to the housing crisis," and he vowed again to "hold accountable those who broke the law."

That portion of the speech had a familiar ring. In November 2009, Attorney General Holder, with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at his side, announced the creation of another special unit--the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force--that was similarly charged with investigating securities and mortgage fraud that contributed to the financial meltdown. Since its creation, that task force, which critics say was drastically under-resourced, has produced not a single conviction (or even indictment) of a major Wall Street player related to the financial disaster.

Some who heard the president's State of the Union speech thought they discerned a hidden purpose behind his new "special unit"--the Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Working Group, as it would be called. The day before the president's speech, state attorneys general from around the country met in Chicago with Justice officials to discuss a proposed national settlement with five major banks, including JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America, over questionable foreclosure practices. The administration was pushing the settlement, as were the banks. But a handful of attorneys general were resisting the settlement, believing it gave too much away to the banks--including protection from mortgage-related investigations that were still unfolding. These holdout state officials were supported by a coalition of activists, who argued that the banks would never make meaningful concessions--such as the reduction of principal on underwater mortgages--unless they faced the threat of investigation.

One of those activists, Mike Gecan, of the Industrial Areas Foundation, says he was disheartened when he heard Obama's speech, and the news that New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman would be co-chairing the new "working group." Schneiderman, who is in the tough-guy mold of his predecessors, Eliot Spitzer and Andrew Cuomo, had been a leader of the state holdouts; now, Gecan feared, Schneiderman had been co-opted by the Chicago Way. "I'm from Chicago, I've seen this game played my whole life," he says.

Gecan's view seemed vindicated two weeks later, when Obama announced that the settlement had been reached.

Nearly three months later, it is not clear what, if any, progress the "working group" has made. The unit was only promised 55 investigators, attorneys, and support staff--a tiny fraction of the resources afforded to similar groups investigating the S&L and Enron/WorldCom scandals--and it is not clear that even that commitment has materialized. "I think what happened is what usually happens: the administration rope-a-doped," says Gecan. "There's no office, there's no director, there's no staff, there's no space, there's no phone."

Last month, Gecan wrote an op-ed article for the New York Daily News, calling upon Schneiderman to quit the group in protest (Schneiderman's office did not respond to requests for an interview). In the meantime, Gecan said, he will work to bring pressure on Obama. "There's a little presidential campaign that's going to start, and we're going to make this issue central to this campaign," he said.

It may be, as the attorney general points out, that Wall Street was greedy, stupid, and immoral, without actually breaking any laws. But the powers of the Justice Department are immense, and a more aggressive prosecutor surely could have found cases to make. Black, the UMKC professor, says the conduct could well have violated federal fraud statutes--"securities fraud for false disclosures, wire and mail fraud for making false representations about the quality of the loans and derivatives they were selling, bank fraud for false representations to the regulators."

The absence of prosecutions, and the fact that the cops on the beat hail from the place that represents the banks, does not sit right with many who hoped Obama would fulfill his promise to hold Big Finance accountable. The left's frustration fuels the Occupy movement, and chills the Democratic base. And it gives Romney, the career capitalist, an opening he is avidly exploiting.

Through last fall, Obama had collected more donations from Wall Street than any of the Republican candidates; employees of Bain Capital donated more than twice as much to Obama as they did to Romney, who founded the firm. By this spring, however, resolution had come to the GOP contest, and Wall Street could see a friendly alternative to Obama. While most of Romney's contributions so far come mainly from the financial sector, Obama's donations from Wall Street have dropped sharply.

But this turn may yet help Obama, playing into the Romney-as-plutocrat theme. Just the other week, the Republican candidate quietly slipped into a fundraiser at the home of hedge-fund king John Paulson, who made a killing shorting mortgage futures (including about $1 billion on the Abacus deal). The Obama campaign pounced. Obama may yet fully liberate his inner populist--that Obama who in 2010 in an off-Prompter moment uttered a sentence that made blood run cold on Wall Street: "I do think at a certain point you've made enough money."


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Soul Crusher

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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2012, 03:58:33 AM »
Bump for team Kenya. 

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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2012, 04:46:04 AM »
People are scared of teh Holder DOJ and are committing fewer crimes.


As Mitt points out, the economy is certainly recovering and as a result, people aren't desperate enough to cheat.  The DOW is much higher than it was in fall 2008.  More millionaires than ever in America. 


We don't live in that corrupt era that was Bush Wall Street... guys are following the law these days.  America's morals are back, it would seem.

of course it's all spin bullshit, but since you put me in team kenya long ago, i fig'd i'd play along :)

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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2012, 04:48:02 AM »
Or Obama and holder are two crooks and looters. 


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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2012, 07:48:39 AM »
Obama cant bring Wall St to justice because he needs them to get elected.

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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2012, 05:05:23 AM »
maybe they've stopped committing crimes cause they're so fcking rich they don't need to.

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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2012, 05:07:47 AM »
maybe they've stopped committing crimes cause they're so fcking rich they don't need to.


more excuses and diversion from you.   Bro - don't you ever look in the mirror and realize what you have become?  Seriously - you have so lowered your former self to prop up obama its really sad you still refuse tyo see this. 

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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2012, 05:10:23 AM »

*Larry Summers, Obama's chief economic adviser, paid $5.2 million for his part-time work for a massive hedge fund in 2008 alone. He also took in more than $2.7 million in fees for speaking engagement­­­­­­­­­­­­s at such places as Citigroup, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs -- including one visit alone that netted him $135,000 from Goldman Sachs.

 * Gene Sperling, a top adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, in 2008 earned $887,727 from Goldman Sachs simply for providing "advice on charitable giving." He also made $158,000 for speeches mostly to financial companies.

 * Mark Patterson, Geithner's chief of staff, was one of the top lobbyists at Goldman Sachs before joining the Obama campaign. He took in what seemed at first glance to be a relatively modest-by-­­­­­­­­­­G­o­l­d­m­a­­n­­-­­s­­t­­­a­n­d­a­­r­d­­s salary of $637,230 in 2008. It turns out that was only for three months' work -- he left Goldman in early April. Until then, his title had been vice president for government relations.

* Michael Froman, deputy national security adviser for internatio­­­­­­­­­­­­n­a­l economic affairs. He made more than $7.4 million at Citigroup from January 2008 to January 2009, including year-end bonus of $2.25 million that he received just days before coming to work at the White House -- though well after he had already served in a key post in the transition­­­­­­­­­­­­. Froman was a senior executives at Citigroup'­­­­­­­­­­­­s Alternativ­­­­­­­­­­­­e Investment division, which "ran up hundreds of millions of dollars in losses [in 2008] on their esoteric collection of investment­­­­­­­­­­­­s­, including real estate funds and private highway constructi­­­­­­­­­­­­o­n projects, even as they collected seven-figu­­­­­­­­­­­­r­e salaries and bonuses.

 * David A. Lipton, a presidenti­­­­­­­­­­­­a­l special assistant who also serves on both the national security and economic councils, made $1.5 million from Citigroup in 2008, managing its Global Country Risk group -- another shining Citigroup success. He received a bonus in 2009, right around the time he started work at the White House, of $762,000

 * Jacob J. Lew, a deputy secretary of state, is another key player in internatio­­­­­­­­­­n­a­l economics. He, like Forman, was at top officer of Citigroup Alternativ­­­­­­­­­­e Investment­­­­­­­­­­s­, earning $1.1 million in 2008 - plus an as-yet undisclose­­­­­­­­­­d bonus in 2009.

 * Lewis Alexander, another top Geithner aide, is the former chief economist at Citigroup, for which he was paid $2.4 million in 2008 and the first few months of 2009.

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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2012, 05:13:30 AM »

more excuses and diversion from you.   Bro - don't you ever look in the mirror and realize what you have become?  Seriously - you have so lowered your former self to prop up obama its really sad you still refuse tyo see this. 

is there some kind of sarcasm tag you'd like me to employ when I'm saying something that I don't really mean?

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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2012, 05:14:17 AM »
is there some kind of sarcasm tag you'd like me to employ when I'm saying something that I don't really mean?

Can't tell anymore. 

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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2012, 06:32:06 AM »

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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2012, 06:37:29 AM »

Is that another shopped photo on obama's facebook page like the fake one w mother? 

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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2012, 06:38:18 AM »
BAROFSKY: No Criminal Charges Against Goldman Tells Us Something About The 'So-Called' Financial Task Force

Linette Lopez|20 minutes ago|13|

The SEC has abandoned its attempt to bring criminal charges against Goldman Sachs for any part that it may have had securitizing mortgages before the housing crisis, the FT reports.
You may remember that six months ago, Goldman got a Wells notice — the SEC's infamous calling card — saying that it would be investigated for $1.3 billion worth of subprime mortgage backed securities from 2006. That's no guarantee that charges are coming. It just means the SEC is looking into the possibility.
So we were all waiting to see what would happen. A slap on the wrist? A trial of the century? Perhaps something in between.
We did not expect criminal charges to be dropped completely.
To find out what dropping the case said about how the SEC would be handling cases going forward, we called Neil Barofsky former TARP Special Inspector, NYU Law Professor, and author of Bailout: An Insider Account of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street.
We figured he might have something to say about the decision to abandon the case against Goldman. And he did:
"On the sixth month anniversary of the announcement of the so-called financial crisis task force, the twin announcements yesterday that Goldman Sachs and its executives will not be charged by either the Sec or DOJ for conduct directly related to the toxic assets at the heart of the crisis is a stark reminder that no individual or institution has been held meaningfully accountable for their role in the financial crisis. And without such accountability, the unending parade of megabanks scandals will inevitably continue," Barofsky told Business Insider.
That said there are two things to keep in mind. First, according to the FT, the SEC can still press civil charges against Goldman and collect a few million here, a few million there as they've been doing.
Also it's important to note that the SEC may have dropped the case because the statute of limitations for MBS from 2007 is approaching.
In fact, 2012 is the regulator's last chance to bring charges for a lot of MBS created in 2006 and 2007 unless the statute of limitations is extended somehow.
In some cases, that could actually happen, says the FT:
People familiar with the matter say the SEC is asking companies and individuals to sign “tolling agreements” to extend the agency’s ability to bring a case after the five year statute of limitations expires. Lawyers involved in investigations expect to see more cases by the November election, given the president’s announcement of a residential mortgage-backed securities taskforce announced in January.
For now, though, it's status quo antebellum.

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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2012, 08:15:40 AM »
  Our government is firmly ensconced in big business and bigger money, and until we get a third party/independent candidate in the White House, that won't change.


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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2012, 06:18:27 AM »
AP Exclusive: Energy loan watchdog an Obama donor

Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A veteran Wall Street executive who performed an independent review that exonerated the Obama administration's program of loans to energy companies contributed $52,500 to re-elect President Barack Obama in the months since completing his work, according to an Associated Press review of campaign records. The executive defended the integrity of his conclusions and said he decided to donate to Obama after his work was finished.

The campaign contributions to Obama started just weeks after Herbert M. Allison Jr., in congressional testimony in March, minimized concerns that the Energy Department was at high risk in more than $23 billion in federal loans awarded to green energy firms. Two weeks later, Allison began giving to the Obama campaign. His contributions to Obama and the Democratic National Committee totaled $52,500 by last month. Allison previously was the former head of the government's mass purchase of toxic Wall Street assets.

Allison did not make any Obama donations during his four-month review of Energy Department loans, and he has a long history of working with and giving money to both political parties. However, Republican Party officials and congressional critics of the energy loans said Allison's donations to Obama raise doubts about his objectivity and highlight his decision not to assess multimillion-dollar loans to two companies that later went into bankruptcy - the troubled Solyndra solar panel company and Beacon Power, an energy storage firm.

Allison's report, completed in February and touted by the White House, acknowledged that the Energy Department could lose as much as $3 billion in loans, but it concluded that was far less than the $10 billion set aside by Congress for high-risk companies. The review did not assess the two bankrupt firms because those loans were no longer current. Allison told Congress that "DOE has negotiated protections in the loan agreements that enable it to cut off further funding and to demand more credit protection if projects do not meet targets." He also urged the Energy Department to toughen its oversight.

Allison defended the integrity of his review in an interview with The Associated Press. He said that he did not make the decision to back a presidential candidate until after he had finished his work and that his selection was approved by Energy Department lawyers before he began his review last October to "ensure there was no hint of bias or conflict of interest."

"I was on the record with the White House that this had to be completely independent review and they agreed," he said Wednesday in a telephone interview from his home in Westport, Conn. "It didn't hew to anybody's political suasion, I think, and it had to be fully factual or it wouldn't be credible."

Allison said he made his decision to support Obama after he saw "his administration in action and decided that I believe broadly in the things he's trying to accomplish."

Allison gave $2,500 to the Obama campaign on March 29, two weeks after he testified to the Senate Energy and Commerce Committee about his review. In May, he gave $15,000 to the Obama Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee that supports both the president's re-election campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Allison gave the same amount to the fund again in June and then $20,000 more in July.

Allison has donated money to both parties, but his gifts in the past have tended to be much smaller than his current contributions, typically no more than $1,000 or $2,000, according to Federal Election Commission records. Allison explained his larger donations to the Obama campaign by saying "there's a hell of a lot more money in politics today than in years past and I decided I could go this route."

Allison has given to GOP figures such as Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, and to Democrats such as Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York and former Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey. Allison's presidential preferences have been mostly Republicans - Sen. John McCain of Arizona and former Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas. He also gave $2,300 to Obama in 2008, a year before Obama appointed Allison as an assistant treasury secretary.

The White House and the Obama campaign defended Allison, saying his donations did not taint his work as independent reviewer of the loans program. They pointed to his repeated hiring over the past two decades by Republican presidential administrations and GOP campaigns as justification that Allison had the independence to oversee troubled government programs.

"Mr. Allison was selected to do this study because of his relevant expertise and he is a public servant widely respected by Democrats and Republicans alike," said Eric Schultz, a White House spokesman. Schultz added that Allison's "analysis of the DOE loan portfolio was thorough and reliable as evident by additional independent reports affirming his findings." The Obama campaign said, "Having completed an independent assignment does not cost him his right to continue participating in the political progress on behalf of many candidates, as he has in the past."

A former Merrill Lynch executive, Allison worked for several Republican administrations and earned a reputation for tackling troubled federal programs. During McCain's failed 2000 presidential run, he served as national finance chairman and was rumored to be McCain's choice to become treasury secretary if he had won.

Allison was named by President George W. Bush to head Fannie Mae after the quasi-government home lending agency was placed in conservatorship in 2008 following the Wall Street collapse. A year later, Obama named Allison as an assistant treasury secretary to oversee the Troubled Asset Relief Program that Bush had created to stabilize Wall Street banks and investment houses reeling with toxic debt.

During his work at the Treasury Department, Allison was among top officials who crossed swords with TARP Inspector General Neil Barofsky, who accused the department of failing to properly track government bailout money given to banks and investment houses. Barofsky declined to comment about his dealings with Allison.

Allison left the Treasury Department in 2010 but returned last year to head up the review of energy loans. The White House agreed to the review in the wake of mounting Republican criticism after Solyndra, a California firm, went belly up. The bankruptcy cost U.S. taxpayers $528 million in lost loans.

Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., who chairs the House Energy Committee's oversight subcommittee, said Allison's donations to the Obama campaign back up GOP warnings this year that the White House review was suspect. Stearns said Allison's "financial support for the Obama campaign undermines (his) credibility and shows once again that the president did not want a careful, independent review of his risky green jobs scheme."

Allison's role as a large Obama donor "raises serious questions about an administration that puts campaign cash before taxpayer money," said Joe Pounder, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee.

Allison declined to say whether he will keep donating to Obama. "Next time around," he said, "I might support a Republican."


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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2012, 06:25:06 AM »
So if he is fighting Wall Street he is a communist and if he is not he is corrupt ::)


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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2014, 09:33:16 PM »

From Billionaire to Hedge Fund insider Trader to Prison Inmate Scammer

Last week we wrote about Raj Rajaratnam (, the former billionaire hedge fund manager convicted of insider trading and now serving time in prison for insider trading. We pondered the interesting scenario of how he would react to bunking with his old insider trading buddy, Rajat Gupta, upon his arrival at the same prison for insider trading.

We barely had time to reflect on the odd awkward coincidence of having two extremely wealthy and successful professionals jointly blow-up their careers by sharing and acting upon inside information and subsequently forced to live together in the same jail when Raj Rajaratnam resurfaced in the news.

Today we learned that Raj is scamming inside prison. I guess old habits are hard to break.

It was reported that a former employee of Raj Rajaratnam sued the used-to-be billionaire, claiming that he was fired for complaining about secret wire transfers Raj made to fellow prison inmates to procure favorable treatment.

The employee, Peter Malaszuk, alleged that the disgraced hedge funder sent wire fund transfers to at least 20 inmates at the prison in violation of federal law.

Mr. Malastuk claimed that Rajaratnam would provide him with the names and numbers for prisoners and contact information for family members to wire money through Western Union.

It’s heartwarming to know that Rajaratnam is still keeping busy and applying his professional skills in prison. I wonder when he will launch his next hedge fund from inside jail?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2014, 12:05:46 AM »
Paging Elizabeth Warren, paging Elizabeth Warren.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2014, 12:38:27 PM »
Raj Rajaratnam blew it for very little. The guy was already a billionaire when he started doing what got him in trouble. He had already made a ton for himself and his investors legitimately when he started to cheat the system.

He was wrong and made bad decisions, but he wasn't anywhere near the total pile of shit that Ponzi scammers like Madoff and Allen Stanford are - guys who actually steal all of their clients' retirement money and live the high life while ruining their clients' lives forever. Those guys should face a firing squad IMO.

BTW, Holder is now shaking down JPM and others for billions - often for things done in the distant past by companies like Countrywide and Bear Stearns who did shady things before JPM acquired them.


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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #22 on: July 04, 2014, 07:28:33 AM »
Paging Elizabeth Warren, paging Elizabeth Warren.

The same Liz Warren who banked serious coin flipping foreclosed homes?   


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2014, 02:22:04 AM »
The same Liz Warren who banked serious coin flipping foreclosed homes?   

She'd have had to do a lot worse than that to make me sour on her. 

Were she to run for president, I'd be willing to bet that Hillary would lose. 

I don't see any Republican that would have a chance against her either (but I'm not really keeping track of that crowd).


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Wall Street and Bank criminal prosecutions at 20 year low.
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2014, 02:40:54 AM »
The same Liz Warren who banked serious coin flipping foreclosed homes?   

If it's the same Liz Warren in this clip, then hells yes:

BTW, I'm guessing y'all righties hate Cenk, amirite?  (He seems like a imperfect getbigger to me.)