Author Topic: Obama is the new W - LMFAO!!!!  (Read 709 times)

Soul Crusher

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Obama is the new W - LMFAO!!!!
« on: June 19, 2014, 12:01:33 PM »

Barack Obama has more in common with his predecessor, George W. Bush, than he might want to acknowledge. Like Bush, Obama is convinced of the righteousness of his own judgment, and lets all of us know it.

While Republicans accuse Obama of everything from being crypto-Muslim to foreign-born to committing high crimes and misdemeanors, the reality is that Obama is running American foreign policy from a watered-down version of the Bush playbook. Drones, check; NSA surveillance, check; overreach, check.

If the rap on Bush 43 was that he wanted to be policeman to the world, Obama seems to have the same ambition—only to do it on the cheap. Bush failed at his “mission accomplished” while spending a lot of money; Obama is failing while spending less.

Yes, Obama presided over the withdrawal American forces from Iraq, and announced a timetable for their pullout from Afghanistan. Still, he seeks to project U.S. force around the globe, regardless of priority or magnitude of crisis, as if our military was a hybrid of cops and Hessians. No matter seems too small for Obama’s attention, even if the upside for America is negligible or nonexistent.

Take the Middle East as an example. In Libya, he sought to lead from behind, only to see our embassy in Benghazi sacked by jihadists. In Syria he made chemical weapons a “red line,” and then folded in the face of public outcry and congressional opposition. At no time did Obama lay out what America’s vital interest might be in either hot spot. But it didn’t end there.

More recently, Secretary of State John Kerry wasted his time and prestige in a futile shuttle between Jerusalem and Ramallah in another failed attempt to broker a peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Kerry’s quest was as much rooted in reality as W’s dream of grafting a secular democracy upon a religiously riven Iraq, or transforming the Arab world into something it isn’t and may never be.

Iraq is in chaos as radical Sunnis march toward Baghdad, and American ships move into position to strike. Meanwhile, Syria has transformed itself from a dictatorship into a murderous cesspool, while Palestinians are kidnapping Israeli teenagers, and Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, elected an opponent of the “two-state solution” as the country’s president. In other words, it’s the same Middle East, only worse.

To top it off, an American drone might kill a Sunni militant who was seeking to topple the Iranian-backed Shia-led Iraqi regime. But, if that same Sunni rebel turned westward to Syria he’d be—armed with American weapons—to take on Syria’s Iranian-backed government.

Yet despite the region living up to its reputation, some things have changed here at home for the better. In 2013 the United States produced enough energy to satisfy 84 percent of its needs, a huge jump from its historic 2005 low, according to a report issued by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Energy output rose 18 percent from 2005 to 2013, while our energy use dropped 2.7 percent. In other words, we are not as vulnerable to the whims of sheiks, mullahs, and deranged holy men as we once were.

More and more of our energy is saying “made in the USA.” Shale gas and fracking have made the difference. In practical terms, that means fewer Americans need to die to secure our foreign energy pipelines, and like it or not, dependence on foreign oil has been a driver of our recent wars, especially since the downfall of the Soviet Union.

Yet the Obama administration has been doing its best to block this energy renaissance, in the name of “climate change.” It’s almost enough to make one think that it prefers the good old days, when American policymakers were preoccupied with the Middle East as an energy hub, thus justifying any number of military adventures—and misadventures.

Fortunately, the American public may be imposing needed restraints upon Washington, and the itch to pull on a trigger wherever and whenever trouble arises. According to CBS, more than three in five Americans opposed intervention in Syria. In recent Republican congressional primaries, the rank-and-file has voted “no” to reflexive interventionism. There’s a reason John McCain never became president.

Last week, outgoing House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a war hawk, was upended in a surprise primary loss. Significantly, Cantor’s loss was not the first of its kind. Last month incumbent North Carolina Congressman Walter Jones turned back a well-funded challenge from Bush ’43 alumnus Taylor Griffin (not the NBA star). Jones’ sins were his belated opposition to the Iraq War, coupled with his opposition to going at Iran. To Bushworld, Jones was a heretic.

Tellingly, Cantor and Griffin received more financial support from outside their home states than within. Federal Election Commission reports for both men are littered with D.C. and New York ZIP codes. What Wall Street and K Street want, Wall Street and K Street do not necessarily get.

Heading toward 2016, Iraq raises questions for Republicans and Democrats alike. For Jeb Bush it means answering the question of whether his brother made a mistake in invading Iraq. For Hillary Clinton it means answering the questions of whether she was she wrong in boasting about the end of al Qaeda and for pushing for the United States to take a more active role in Libya. For Democrats it means answering whether their opposition to coal and Keystone XL is harming our national security.

Faced with a Middle East in flames, Republicans would do well to hold extensive hearings on what was the president is thinking and hold the administration’s feet to the fire. The Democrats can respond, of course, that it was Bush’s fault, and they would be right. But strictly speaking, that’s not the contemporary GOP’s problem—unless, of course, it chooses to take on the defense of Bush’s actions of 10 years ago as part of its mandate. And that would be both bad policy and politics

Soul Crusher

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Re: Obama is the new W - LMFAO!!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2014, 01:49:04 PM »
Obama Losing It as ‘Press-titues’ Flee ^  | June 19, 2014 | John Ransom

Posted on ‎6‎/‎19‎/‎2014‎ ‎4‎:‎13‎:‎23‎ ‎PM by Kaslin

This is what it looks like when Obama loses it.

We’ve witnessed this before, but this time it’s a little different.

This time Obama’s the target of a coordinated attack by the mainstream media. The press-titutes, as my friend Shawn Mitchell happily calls them, are heaping scorn on the president in a way that previously was reserved only for conservative news outlets.

Obama's Presidency Is on the Ropes – Again- says

Obama’s Foreign Policy Approval Rating Falls to New Low- says Time.

Remember when foreign policy was Obama’s strong suit? Not anymore- says the Washington Post.

I don't actually remember when foreign policy was Obama’s strong suit.

I remember a time when the world expressed their anti-Americanism by embracing Obama--more about that in a second.

I also remember when Americans preferred disengagement to being a leader in the world-- that defeatist attitude taken by so-called libertarians, Democrats, and Know-Nothings that gulls the country into a false sense of security.

But it’s informative that the official Party line as prescribed by the WaPo is that Obama’s foreign policy is a failure…now.

I’m guessing previously-- when Hillary was in charge—foreign policy was just fine, with the guiding hand of a strong confident woman whose most impressive resume item was not staying home and baking cookies because, well, Bill was never home, was he?

Perhaps had he stayed home more, Hillary’s cooking would have kept the pounds off.

I like this concept of “press-titues.”

While Obama thought he owned the media, in truth he only rented them.

Because the media is now practicing their newest Obama narrative: Obama had great ideas, but he wasn’t a great manager.

“He may be winning the issues debate,” says Democrat pollster Peter Hart, who conducts polls jointly with a Republican for the Wall Street Journal and NBC, “but he’s losing the political debate, because they don’t see him as a leader.”

That’s because he’s not a leader.

Never has been.

He’s basked in the adulation that was given him by: 1) his skin color; and 2) his fleeting, now tedious, oratory skills.

He’s often a panderer. He’s always an opportunist.

Leader? Nope.

He isn’t even winning on the issues debate.

Getting past the fact that in 2010 he presided over one of the most lopsided mid-term defeats in history, his 2012 re-election tended to confirm only two things: 1) Obama’s still black; and 2) yes, he was going to raise taxes on all of us, no matter what he said to the contrary.

Obama has always been an expression of nothing more than the growing dissatisfaction with the governing elite worldwide.

That’s why the world embraced him.

As the most powerful country in the history of the world, America is bound to take some shots at a time when global agitation is growing with how we are governed worldwide.

The Tea Party, Occupy, the Arab Spring and yes, even Obama, are all expressions of deep dissatisfaction with the way we are ruled today.

The mistake that the world made was in thinking that Obama was an outsider, when in fact he’s the consummate insider. Everything he has done, everything he’s been given, has been because the insiders, like Warren Buffett, GE, Goldman Sachs, and their lackeys, the press-titutes, have allowed him these gifts.

And now they are about to take those gifts away and try to confer them on another insider of whom they approve: Romney, McCain, Clinton, Bush, someone, anyone, who will keep the game going.

They will never humiliate him completely because that would denigrate his one legitimate strength with insiders that they still need to use—his skin color.

But Obama’s getting an education about the difference between being a reigning Miss America and a former Miss America.

He’s losing it; he’s losing his title.


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Re: Obama is the new W - LMFAO!!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2014, 06:51:14 AM »

WASHINGTON, June 22 (UPI) --
A new poll from Gallup indicates former U.S. President George W. Bush is six points higher in favorability than U.S. President Barack Obama.

The poll, the findings of which were released Saturday, show former President Bill Clinton has the highest favorability of all living former and current U.S. presidents, with 64 percent favorable opinion and 34 percent unfavorable.

Next up was the senior George Bush with a 63 percent favorable opinion and 31 percent unfavorable opinion. The younger Bush had 53 percent favorable and 44 percent unfavorable, Jimmy Carter was at 52 percent favorable and 32 percent unfavorable and finally Obama had 47 percent favorable and 52 percent unfavorable.

Obama was the only president that had a more unfavorable than favorable opinion.

Gallup interviewed 1,027 adults in the United States between June 5 and 8 for the poll. There was a 4 percent margin of error.


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Re: Obama is the new W - LMFAO!!!!
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2014, 03:20:31 PM »

WASHINGTON, June 22 (UPI) --
A new poll from Gallup indicates former U.S. President George W. Bush is six points higher in favorability than U.S. President Barack Obama.

The poll, the findings of which were released Saturday, show former President Bill Clinton has the highest favorability of all living former and current U.S. presidents, with 64 percent favorable opinion and 34 percent unfavorable.

Next up was the senior George Bush with a 63 percent favorable opinion and 31 percent unfavorable opinion. The younger Bush had 53 percent favorable and 44 percent unfavorable, Jimmy Carter was at 52 percent favorable and 32 percent unfavorable and finally Obama had 47 percent favorable and 52 percent unfavorable.

Obama was the only president that had a more unfavorable than favorable opinion.

Gallup interviewed 1,027 adults in the United States between June 5 and 8 for the poll. There was a 4 percent margin of error.

And another breitbart link. lol

Soul Crusher

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Re: Obama is the new W - LMFAO!!!!
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2014, 03:21:33 PM »
And another breitbart link. lol

Lmfao you obama cultist


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Re: Obama is the new W - LMFAO!!!!
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2014, 12:25:23 AM »
As I said before, the names (and the letter after the name) change, but nothing ever really changes.


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Re: Obama is the new W - LMFAO!!!!
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2014, 11:32:38 AM »
Lmfao you obama cultist

Well, at least you're capable of laughter.

Obama cultist? 

Naw, my life is good and I don't think the sky is falling.  I'm acquainted with how things are in some other countries and I view you and your ilk as a bunch of whiny bitches. 

And that's about it.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Obama is the new W - LMFAO!!!!
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2014, 03:49:22 AM »
Confidence in the Presidency Has Been Tanking for Years ['Bush's fault' Obama apologia]
National Journal ^ | 7/1/2014 | Stephanie Stamm
Posted on July 1, 2014 6:30:03 AM EDT by markomalley

Americans have no more faith in the presidency under President Obama than they did under George W. Bush, a new Gallup Poll finds.

After just his first year in office, the number of Americans who said they felt either a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in the presidency began to drop under Obama, and it hasn't turned around since. Confidence in the presidency did start off at a relatively high 51 percent in Obama's first year. But it didn't take long for confidence to dive.

Although there was a similar decline in presidential confidence under both Obama and Bush, it took Bush six full years to reach Obama's current lows.

Bill Clinton had it far easier. Even in the midst of impeachment, Clinton's presidency was able to maintain a high level of confidence. He left office with a 42 percent confidence level—just 1 percentage point off from where he started.

The executive wasn't the only branch of government to see its confidence level dip. Both Congress, which only 7 percent of Americans have a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in, and the U.S. Supreme Court, with 30 percent, have now hit record lows.