Author Topic: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice  (Read 6395 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #50 on: July 27, 2014, 11:03:17 AM »
How about honoring God by getting a fucking job for once your life, and doing something for other people? Yeah prime he's doing really great in life by having the California tax payer foot the bill for everything while he goofs off plays and golf all day. A real Christian would spend that time helping others and want to come off welfare ASAP so that money could go to old people, sick kids.

I'd happily support him coming off the meds if that saves a few thousand a year this parasite would otherwise suck off the hard working people of my state.

Sadly even if the government turned off the cash he would just be back to exploiting his poor naïve FOB wife.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #51 on: July 27, 2014, 02:00:38 PM »
Its time for Tbombz to put aside the bodybuilding stuff
All I care about these days is honoring God and I cant do that by using HRT and bodybuilding and eating like a glutton
So I stopped using my HRT, thew it all in the garbage, and Im starting to fast, diet healthy, and do more athletic stuff and want to train for that. Specifically, ive been going golfing a lot with my Dad and by the end of the round my lower back is sore and Im jot playing as well.

Okay, so, I know a bunch about training for bodybuilding, but I know nothing about training for athletic performance/stamina/endurance.

I have sent PM's to Coach and JPM,  and I am soliciting my Getbig brethren for advice on this subject. I know many of you are undercover athletic workhorses with the stamina of olympians and the speed of a cheeta.

Part of being moral in a market-oriented society is proper personal financial management, viz., not unduly burdening others due to one's own financial decisions. Therefore, to the extent that God wants you to be moral, he wants you to stop being a leech and start being a genuinely productive member of society. I suspect that this should take precedence over improving your one mile run time and the like.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #52 on: July 27, 2014, 02:13:34 PM »
Ya he is doing really well, he alienated his family, embarrased them, contracted aids, doesn't work and now is stopping medications without doctors permission etc are you high or something? or just deflecting from your terrible advice which appears to have given him a potential fatal infection.

Some of us talk the truth, not this bullshit you are spewing. The fucking kid is a mess, he always has been, abusing drugs, stealing etc he needs real fucking advice, help obviously. He was living out of a car recently. Keep propping him up with bullshit, great job. How about you give him the truth?

For example, you dont' even mention that he is following his own medical advice (stopping HRT etc) obviously without his doctor's knowlege, just another stupid decision in a long line. For jesus? test for jesus? what about the other drugs? his delusion is killing him and you seem to be egging him on. He has made little to no good choices in his life from my perspective. I have known him from the start.

Good idea Taylor stop a drug that you might need because you again fucked yourself up on drugs (steriods), and now are making another stupid decision. Despite my fucking trolling I actually wish he would take some fucking sane advice. Taylor. You have HIV. you also have hypogonadism, most likely secondary. It makes no fucking sense for you to stop it, especially in light of potential wasting that could occur, which as you know (you don't because you are clueless) can occur and you can even have a chacexia.

You clearly like to fabricate things. I suspect HRT is not part of the currently doctor prescribed regime for HIV treatment. He hardly looks like he is wasting away. Normally steroids are prescribed to patients who need to build themselves up.

Obviously if he is golfing with his dad, he's mended fences with at least some of his family. Families are often very forgiving.

You don't know that he is still unemployed. Perhaps he's working on his education as he planned to do.

I have never advised anyone to have unsafe sex and I never will. Where did you ever get this from? Oh that's right, you imagined it in your little pea brain.

Lot's of people find Jesus and accept him as their savior. It's not my thing, but it's not a bad thing either. If it works for him and he feels he's a better person as a result, who am I to argue with this.

Unless you are a doctor, more specifically, Taylor's doctor, it is you that seems to be spewing bullshit here.

Rather than being negative, I prefer to encourage people by being as supportive as possible whenever possible.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #53 on: July 27, 2014, 03:24:49 PM »

You clearly like to fabricate things. I suspect HRT is not part of the currently doctor prescribed regime for HIV treatment. He hardly looks like he is wasting away. Normally steroids are prescribed to patients who need to build themselves up.

First, you say I suspect, why don't you look at the treatment for a hypogonadal patient with HIV, ya he looks bloated and terrible, like someone who is on a cocktail of retrovirals,NRTI's and whatever other cocktail they can think of. He looks absolutely horrible. Open your fucking eyes

Obviously if he is golfing with his dad, he's mended fences with at least some of his family. Families are often very forgiving.

For one, you think playing a game of golf means he mended fences? was his father even mad? pure conjecture.

You don't know that he is still unemployed. Perhaps he's working on his education as he planned to do.
Oh he is unemployed, I guarentee it. I can deduce that from his situation, namely the cost of his drugs.

I have never advised anyone to have unsafe sex and I never will. Where did you ever get this from? Oh that's right, you imagined it in your little pea brain.
You were cheering him on as he was in a meth induced meltdown, nothing wrong with selling your ass for money?

Lot's of people find Jesus and accept him as their savior. It's not my thing, but it's not a bad thing either. If it works for him and he feels he's a better person as a result, who am I to argue with this.
Exactly, sit back and let the fucking bronze age thinking guide him.

Unless you are a doctor, more specifically, Taylor's doctor, it is you that seems to be spewing bullshit here.

I am and I don't need to be his doctor to tell him not to come off medication without discussing his complex issues. For one he has mental health issues. The effects of going into a hypogonadal state on catecholamines/adrenal hormones will make this worse. 

Rather than being negative, I prefer to encourage people by being as supportive as possible whenever possible.

I don't, I like to critically appraise each situation, truth matters, not everything in life is positive and this new age guru shit of being optimistic is absurd. Begin skeptical, showing some pessimism goes a long way perhaps you should learn to not just giggle and smile hoping for ass pics as a kid self destructs. "What a nice bunny suit". I also think I am being real, not negative.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #54 on: July 28, 2014, 02:29:03 PM »
He could be on 1600 mg. equipose and deca.  You never know these days.

I see what you did there. :D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #55 on: July 28, 2014, 04:46:33 PM »
1. First, you say I suspect, why don't you look at the treatment for a hypogonadal patient with HIV, ya he looks bloated and terrible, like someone who is on a cocktail of retrovirals,NRTI's and whatever other cocktail they can think of. He looks absolutely horrible. Open your fucking eyes

2. For one, you think playing a game of golf means he mended fences? was his father even mad? pure conjecture.

3. Oh he is unemployed, I guarentee it. I can deduce that from his situation, namely the cost of his drugs.

4. You were cheering him on as he was in a meth induced meltdown, nothing wrong with selling your ass for money?

5. Exactly, sit back and let the fucking bronze age thinking guide him.

6. I am and I don't need to be his doctor to tell him not to come off medication without discussing his complex issues. For one he has mental health issues. The effects of going into a hypogonadal state on catecholamines/adrenal hormones will make this worse.  

7. I don't, I like to critically appraise each situation, truth matters, not everything in life is positive and this new age guru shit of being optimistic is absurd. Begin skeptical, showing some pessimism goes a long way perhaps you should learn to not just giggle and smile hoping for ass pics as a kid self destructs. "What a nice bunny suit". I also think I am being real, not negative.
1 & 6. Hypogonadism was recognized as being relatively common early in the HIV epidemic. Low levels of testosterone in HIV-infected men may be associated with a variety of symptoms and signs including weight loss, muscle wasting, low bone mineral density, and decreased libido. Look at the recent photo he posted. Does it look like he suffers weight loss and muscle wasting?

2. He seems to enjoy golfing with his dad. Looks like an improved relationship to me. Maybe you are a person who can't mend fences.

3. I know people who have HIV and who still work. There are also programs Like the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAP) and State or community assistance programs which help low income people pay for their meds. Medicaid is a government-funded healthcare program that has been designated to provide lower income individuals and families with health insurance. In California, the income requirement for two is $1,743 a month or less.

4. If you have proof I cheered him on or encouraged him to sell his ass, post it. I don't believe I ever said such a thing.

5. News flash! Presently a large majority of Americans -- 77% of the adult population -- identify with a Christian religion. Christians believe in Christ. Finding Jesus still exists.

7. If you prefer to be "real" by your definition by criticizing others instead of encouraging through positive reinforcement, that is fine. It is not a philosophy I agree with.  My wife and I raised two children using positive reinforcement. They both lead productive and successful lives. I also supervised nearly 100 people where I worked. Most were good employees and a benefit to the organization.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #56 on: July 30, 2014, 05:01:09 AM »
1 & 6. Hypogonadism was recognized as being relatively common early in the HIV epidemic. Low levels of testosterone in HIV-infected men may be associated with a variety of symptoms and signs including weight loss, muscle wasting, low bone mineral density, and decreased libido. Look at the recent photo he posted. Does it look like he suffers weight loss and muscle wasting?

Ok, I will break the news to you, I am a doctor. You have no idea what wasting or cachexia is, he doesn't have it, but that's not the point. His hypogonadism isn't due to HIV so again you are off base. Listen, you can just stop now or I can rip your ass apart. This is what I do.

2. He seems to enjoy golfing with his dad. Looks like an improved relationship to me. Maybe you are a person who can't mend fences.
Possibly, my point still stands

3. I know people who have HIV and who still work. There are also programs Like the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAP) and State or community assistance programs which help low income people pay for their meds. Medicaid is a government-funded healthcare program that has been designated to provide lower income individuals and families with health insurance. In California, the income requirement for two is $1,743 a month or less.
Ok, he doesn't have a job. Ask him yourself.

4. If you have proof I cheered him on or encouraged him to sell his ass, post it. I don't believe I ever said such a thing.
You say nothing wrong with his exploration when it was a clear psychotic break, mania induced bad decisions. You say this as a milestone in his life, encouraged him to explore etc. He wasn't himself, he was high and having a really hard time, good job.

5. News flash! Presently a large majority of Americans -- 77% of the adult population -- identify with a Christian religion. Christians believe in Christ. Finding Jesus still exists.
Oh I am aware it exists, it came to my front door the other day.

7. If you prefer to be "real" by your definition by criticizing others instead of encouraging through positive reinforcement, that is fine. It is not a philosophy I agree with.  My wife and I raised two children using positive reinforcement. They both lead productive and successful lives. I also supervised nearly 100 people where I worked. Most were good employees and a benefit to the organization.

Who are you Stephen Covey? work and real life are two different things. If a person is making terrible life decisions with grave consequences positive reinforcement is the absolute LAST thing you use. It's consequence aka the truth, reality. The other point is that you don;t have sick kids. Taylor was a sick kid, read his history, stealing, drugging, depression etc... disease is real, your work isn't, you can't call in sick with HIV, nor OCD, ADHD etc

I would ask you how your ass feels after that but it would probably backfire.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #57 on: July 30, 2014, 07:12:44 AM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #58 on: July 30, 2014, 10:40:26 AM »
I would ask you how your ass feels after that but it would probably backfire.

1. Ok, I will break the news to you, I am a doctor. You have no idea what wasting or cachexia is, he doesn't have it, but that's not the point. His hypogonadism isn't due to HIV so again you are off base. Listen, you can just stop now or I can rip your ass apart. This is what I do.

2. Possibly, my point still stands

3. Ok, he doesn't have a job. Ask him yourself.

4. You say nothing wrong with his exploration when it was a clear psychotic break, mania induced bad decisions. You say this as a milestone in his life, encouraged him to explore etc. He wasn't himself, he was high and having a really hard time, good job.

5. Oh I am aware it exists, it came to my front door the other day.

7. Who are you Stephen Covey? work and real life are two different things. If a person is making terrible life decisions with grave consequences positive reinforcement is the absolute LAST thing you use. It's consequence aka the truth, reality. The other point is that you don;t have sick kids. Taylor was a sick kid, read his history, stealing, drugging, depression etc... disease is real, your work isn't, you can't call in sick with HIV, nor OCD, ADHD etc

1. Doctor of ass ripping, learn to use the quote feature properly. Being a doctor and all, it can't be that hard for you to figure out.

I have a very good idea what wasting syndrome or cachexia are, particularly as it applies to HIV patients. And doctor, just so you know for future reference one doesn't generally suffer cachexia until they have full blown AIDS which Tbombz likely does not at this stage of the disease. As I believe I mentioned before,  I have both friends and family who have HIV. Some died as result of AIDS acquired in the 1980's. I have personally known people with cachexia.

2. At least you can admit this. That's a step in the right direction.

3. Did you ask him or did you simply assume he still doesn't have a job. Regardless, I suspect you might be right, but in all actuality you probably don't really know.

4. Quit putting words in my mouth or attributing what you think I posted with regards to Tbombz' situation at any given point. I asked for proof. When you can produce that, we can talk.

5. Yes Christianity still exists. Glad you understand this.

7. There are folks who would disagree with you regarding work and family not being real life. True, my children never suffered mental illness, and for this I am grateful since my aunt was a schizophrenic and some suggest schizophrenia is hereditary. Trust me, when you work with a hundred or more folks, some of them have mental conditions. I also was the district's union chapter president for more than a dozen years. All in all I represented over 1,000 employees. During that time I, witnessed a lot.

Incidentally, you previously alluded to you being a doctor. Am I supposed to be impressed? A doctorate does not guarantee wisdom. I've know a few idiots who had earned doctorates in my time.

Just so you know, my ass feels just fine. But if I ever have a problem with it, I won't likely be contacting you, Dr. Who.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #59 on: July 30, 2014, 11:05:31 AM »
1. Doctor of ass ripping, learn to use the quote feature properly. Being a doctor and all, it can't be that hard for you to figure out.

I used the quote feature in both manners when responding, hence your comment is stupid. Par for course here.

I have a very good idea what wasting syndrome or cachexia are, particularly as it applies to HIV patients. And doctor, just so you know for future reference one doesn't generally suffer cachexia until they have full blown AIDS which Tbombz likely does not at this stage of the disease. As I believe I mentioned before,  I have both friends and family who have HIV. Some died as result of AIDS acquired in the 1980's. I have personally known people with cachexia.

Again, his HG is from steriod abuse. He does not have cachexia. However, being deficient in testosterone will lead to muscle wasting. Now I don't know what drugs he is specifically on but this is again exacerbated by the meds. It's a bad idea, makes sense you would be on the opposing side, to suggest he is fine because his CD4 is at an accetable arbitrary level.  I won't debate anymore of this with you. He will experience wasting, namely of lean tissue. Now if you are talking cachexia from rapidly metabolic cells then we can have a different discussion.

2. At least you can admit this. That's a step in the right direction.

3. Did you ask him or did you simply assume he still doesn't have a job. Regardless, I suspect you might be right, but in all actuality you probably don't really know.
I know.

4. Quit putting words in my mouth or attributing what you think I posted with regards to Tbombz' situation at any given point. I asked for proof. When you can produce that, we can talk.
I can't paraphrase? you want me to dig up old posts? look at what you are arguing for in this thread. He is making another bad decision due to OCD and you are arguing against a doctor about cachexia, which I stated, specifically he did not have (at least in a clinical sense), he will fit the criteria for it however.

5. Yes Christianity still exists. Glad you understand this.

7. There are folks who would disagree with you regarding work and family not being real life. True, my children never suffered mental illness, and for this I am grateful since my aunt was a schizophrenic and some suggest schizophrenia is hereditary. Trust me, when you work with a hundred or more folks, some of them have mental conditions. I also was the district's union chapter president for more than a dozen years. All in all I represented over 1,000 employees. During that time I, witnessed a lot.

Incidentally, you previously alluded to you being a doctor. Am I supposed to be impressed? A doctorate does not guarantee wisdom. I've know a few idiots who had earned doctorates in my time.

Not trying to impress you, I was simply establishing my expertise so I don't have to continue to debate medicine with you. You however, want to continue to debate it. i have seen war on TV, therefore I know. Listen, when people go home from work that's when life starts.

Just so you know, my ass feels just fine. But if I ever have a problem with it, I won't likely be contacting you, Dr. Who.

Ouch. zing. grown man won't bring his sore bum to me


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #60 on: July 30, 2014, 11:58:18 AM »
Same old shit

Disgusting aids ridden fag logs onto getbig for the first time in weeks, posts some made up homo shit that he knows will stir up enough people into replying.

Sits back and waits till he gets enough replies, ignoring those that gave the filthy, stinking bastard the time of the day and actually had the decency to type up a response, then when the pathetic attention seeking piece of shit feels he has had enough attention Posts a half hearted redponse showing he was never interested in the topic to begin with.

Aidsbumbz you are fucking vile, get a job, a life and grow the fuck up as attention whoring is for teenage girls you absolute cu nt


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #61 on: July 30, 2014, 06:48:57 PM »
I used the quote feature in both manners when responding, hence your comment is stupid. Par for course here."

You are stubborn as I am. I'll allow that your manner of using the quote feature keeps the conversation clear for those who aren't adept at reading ahead. So, as a compromise, I am trying this method of response to you

Again, his HG is from steriod abuse. He does not have cachexia. However, being deficient in testosterone will lead to muscle wasting. Now I don't know what drugs he is specifically on but this is again exacerbated by the meds. It's a bad idea, makes sense you would be on the opposing side, to suggest he is fine because his CD4 is at an accetable arbitrary level.  I won't debate anymore of this with you. He will experience wasting, namely of lean tissue. Now if you are talking cachexia from rapidly metabolic cells then we can have a different discussion.

You win. None of the folks I know or knew before they died of AIDS related illnesses used steroids prior to being infected with HIV as best as I know.

You imply you have inside information with regards to Tbombz. Perhaps you are his doctor? I hope not since if you are, you bordering on violating HIPAA Laws.

I'll admit my personal experience with steroid use is limited. Although I'm currently on HRT and I have taken D-Bol in the past, I only took what my doctors prescribed me. I have not taken mega doses as some folks have done. I may have had hypogonadism since my teenage years as a result of mumps orchitis at 14. I've only been on HRT since for five years. 70 year old men often suffer low test levels just because we are, well, old.

I know" (he is not working).

This reply also suggests you have personal information regarding Tbombz.

I can't paraphrase? you want me to dig up old post"s?
Yes I do want you to dig up old posts. I'm confident I never told him unsafe sex was a good idea. You are implying otherwise.

look at what you are arguing for in this thread. He is making another bad decision due to OCD and you are arguing against a doctor abou't cachexia, which I stated, specifically he did not have (at least in a clinical sense), he will fit the criteria for it however.

Look back at you. Good friends of mine died because of unsafe sexual practices which ended in their becoming infected with HIV and eventually having AIDS, albeit it was awhile ago. As for Taylor's G4P activities, I actually chided him because he was doing this under the guise of being a massage therapist. Legitimate massage therapists would lose their license if they provided happy endings like he was doing.

Not trying to impress you, I was simply establishing my expertise so I don't have to continue to debate medicine with you. You however, want to continue to debate it.

This is good because I am not impressed, mainly for the reasons I mentioned above. Also you've not really indicated what you have a doctorate in. Unless your specialty has to do with viruses, specifically the treatment of HIV and AIDS and you have medical expertise with HRT and steroid usage, you could just be another quack doctor.

i have seen war on TV, therefore I know. Listen, when people go home from work that's when life starts.

Most people spend about a third of their lives at work. Think about that before you suggest life starts after you get home from work. I am not saying many people don't put on a different face at work, but if they have a mental illness, it eventually shows.

Ouch. zing. grown man won't bring his sore bum to me.

My bum is fine. Thanks for your medical concern. If I have a problem with it sometime hence, I already have a doctor I trust. Hope there are no hard feelings.... ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #62 on: July 31, 2014, 04:01:47 AM »
You are stubborn as I am. I'll allow that your manner of using the quote feature keeps the conversation clear for those who aren't adept at reading ahead. So, as a compromise, I am trying this method of response to you

You win. None of the folks I know or knew before they died of AIDS related illnesses used steroids prior to being infected with HIV as best as I know.

You imply you have inside information with regards to Tbombz. Perhaps you are his doctor? I hope not since if you are, you bordering on violating HIPAA Laws.

I'll admit my personal experience with steroid use is limited. Although I'm currently on HRT and I have taken D-Bol in the past, I only took what my doctors prescribed me. I have not taken mega doses as some folks have done. I may have had hypogonadism since my teenage years as a result of mumps orchitis at 14. I've only been on HRT since for five years. 70 year old men often suffer low test levels just because we are, well, old.

This reply also suggests you have personal information regarding Tbombz.
Yes I do want you to dig up old posts. I'm confident I never told him unsafe sex was a good idea. You are implying otherwise.
Look back at you. Good friends of mine died because of unsafe sexual practices which ended in their becoming infected with HIV and eventually having AIDS, albeit it was awhile ago. As for Taylor's G4P activities, I actually chided him because he was doing this under the guise of being a massage therapist. Legitimate massage therapists would lose their license if they provided happy endings like he was doing.

This is good because I am not impressed, mainly for the reasons I mentioned above. Also you've not really indicated what you have a doctorate in. Unless your specialty has to do with viruses, specifically the treatment of HIV and AIDS and you have medical expertise with HRT and steroid usage, you could just be another quack doctor.

Most people spend about a third of their lives at work. Think about that before you suggest life starts after you get home from work. I am not saying many people don't put on a different face at work, but if they have a mental illness, it eventually shows.

My bum is fine. Thanks for your medical concern. If I have a problem with it sometime hence, I already have a doctor I trust. Hope there are no hard feelings.... ::)

You have conceded all relevant points. I am not his doctor, WTF. My doctorate is in the study of non dolphin mammalian blow holes (land based), I haven't found shit. They keep saying you don't understand what a blowhole is bro, we are on land! I defended my thesis and marine world.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #63 on: July 31, 2014, 11:39:41 AM »
You have conceded all relevant points. I am not his doctor, WTF. My doctorate is in the study of non dolphin mammalian blow holes (land based), I haven't found shit. They keep saying you don't understand what a blowhole is bro, we are on land! I defended my thesis and marine world.

I may have conceded or I just grew tired of discussing Taylor's situation with you. Nothing either you or I believe has much, if any affect on him in all reality.

Enjoy your continued studies of non-dolphin mammalian blow holes (land based). In time you might find some shit.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #64 on: July 31, 2014, 02:43:04 PM »
I may have conceded or I just grew tired of discussing Taylor's situation with you. Nothing either you or I believe has much, if any affect on him in all reality.

Enjoy your continued studies of non-dolphin mammalian blow holes (land based). In time you might find some shit.

I see I have piqued your interest, blowholes can be fucked to.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #65 on: July 31, 2014, 02:45:41 PM »
I may have conceded or I just grew tired of discussing Taylor's situation with you. Nothing either you or I believe has much, if any affect on him in all reality.

Enjoy your continued studies of non-dolphin mammalian blow holes (land based). In time you might find some shit.

Taylor is floating in a mental sky of his newly found strong religious mindset. None of us can truly reach him with our arguments.

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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #66 on: July 31, 2014, 05:30:11 PM »
Tbombz has come a long way, give him a break. Times have not been exactly rosy for him.
I believe that he is going to do the right thing. He never attacks anyone on here, so give the kid a chance.
Tbombz you have to lose about 30 pounds and do some lower back extensions and your back will feel better. Also most of the time when people complain about lower back pain its there kidneys, so get them checked as well.
Good luck Soldier of god!
This tbombs is the scumbag who laughed about collecting welfare, laughed about catching aids, and thought it was a big joke when he infected that girl who was stupid enough to associate with him. No, tbombs gets no breaks. He should die and go to Hell.

Frank Clairmonte

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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #67 on: July 31, 2014, 05:41:33 PM »
This tbombs is the scumbag who laughed about collecting welfare, laughed about catching aids, and thought it was a big joke when he infected that girl who was stupid enough to associate with him. No, tbombs gets no breaks. He should die and go to Hell.

wait a minute, he infected that black girl on purpose?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #68 on: July 31, 2014, 07:13:54 PM »
wait a minute, he infected that black girl on purpose?

shes infected?

If that's true he's fucking vermin who deserves to be executed. She seemed like a gullible African girl who's probably 'married' just for the visa, but she was working and buying him a car while he leeched off her. He was all happy at getting a nice innocent girl to do drugs and join him in his worthless life.

I wonder if Prime will be back to suck down another one of his Poz loads before the night is out.

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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #69 on: August 01, 2014, 06:50:49 AM »
wait a minute, he infected that black girl on purpose?
How could he have not infected her? He moved her into a car and was living with her there. To him aids is a joke. A cool status symbol. Makes him a victim and feel important at the clinic. He loves aids.


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Re: Getbig Athletes, Tbombz wants training advice
« Reply #70 on: August 01, 2014, 09:01:58 AM »
How could he have not infected her? He moved her into a car and was living with her there. To him aids is a joke. A cool status symbol. Makes him a victim and feel important at the clinic. He loves aids.

AIDS would suit you well.