Author Topic: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...  (Read 4598 times)


  • Getbig II
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Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« on: August 23, 2014, 11:21:37 AM »
well fellas its that time of the year,when the bulking cycles r written up n every1 wants a critique n sum guidance n that includes me. here is my planned stack:

wks 1-14 test cypionate 600mg/wk (Mon 1.5cc, Thurs 1.5cc)
wks 1-12 deca 450mg/wk (Mon 1cc, Thurs .5cc)
wks 1-4/8-12 dbol 40mg/d (LiverCare (Liv52) 3tabs 3x/d (Wake-up, 3PM, Bedtime)
wks 2-15 500iu/wk (250iu pinned Tues/Fri)
wks 1-16 Adex at .5mg/eod
wks 17-20 Clomid 50/50/25/25
wks 17-20 Nolva  40/20/20/20

would write out my diet,but will provide if any1s interested.basically my intake will b P-419 C-499 F-130 total Kcals-4842 (give or take).my w/o routine is as follows:

CYCLE: 6 Days on, 1 day off

Monday – Shoulders

Military Press - 2 x 15(warm-up), 3 x 10 + 5 forced, last set double drop.
Reverse Pec Dec - 3 x 10
HS Shoulder Press / DB Side Lats - 3 x 10
Power Squat Machine Shrugs - 3 x 10
DB Shrugs - 3 x 10

20 mins HIIT

Tuesday – Back

HS Wide Pull down, 2 x 15(warm-up), 3 x 10
T Bar Rows - 3 x 10
DLs - 5 x 10
Reverse Bent Over Rows - 3 x 12
Low Row - 2 x 15, 3 x 10

20 Mins HIIT Cardio

Wednesday – Chest

Incline BB - 2 x 15(warm-up), 3 x 8 + 5 forced, last set drop
Flat DB - 3 x 10 + 5 forced
Incline DB Flye - 3 x 10
HS Flat Press - 3 x 10
Pec Dec - 3 x 10

20 mins HIIT Cardio

Thursday – Hams / Calves

Reverse Hack Squat - 2 x 20(warm-up), 5 x 15
Standing Uni-Lateral - 5 x 15
Seated Leg Curl - 5 x 15
Seated Calf - 6 x 15
Standing Calf - 6 x 15

Friday – Arms

HS Curls - 3 x 10
Cable Curls - 3 x 10
Incline Curls - 3 x 10
High machine Curls - 3 x 10
CGBP - 3 x 10
Kickbacks - 3 x 10
Pushdowns - 3 x 10
Forearms - 4 sets

20 mins HIIT

Saturday – Quads

ATG Squat – 2 x 20(warm-up) 3 x 10, last set triple drop
Leg Press - 2 x 15, 3 x 10, last set quad drop
Extensions - 3 x 15
B Lunges - 3 sets

Sunday – OFF

ok guys there u have it,in a nutshell so 2 speak.hope ive come 2 the right place :)


  • Getbig III
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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2014, 05:12:29 PM »
400 protein is fucking stupid and pointless man. Not to mention expensive as hell for no reason. It has been scientifically proven numerous times at this point. 1g/lb = Anabolic, enough said.

Why go with long esters if you're going to pin them like Prop and NPP....You don't need to pin Deca 2 times per week...It's half life is like 15 days. Most people don't even pin Test E or Cyp multiple times per week especially not 600mg...pop 1.5cc DECA in alternating delts and all 3ccs of test in alternating glutes once a week, to minimize inj. sites and scar tissue, and be done with it..You will feel zero difference so why do it?

Do not use AI's and SERMs as a set in stone number before you even start a cycle that is just stupid, you may not even need them..They are to be used as needed, they are NOT HEALTHY or good for you in many many ways..

Cardio on a bulk is stupid and counterproductive...So.


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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2014, 05:26:03 AM »
well fellas its that time of the year,when the bulking cycles r written up n every1 wants a critique n sum guidance n that includes me. here is my planned stack:

wks 1-14 test cypionate 600mg/wk (Mon 1.5cc, Thurs 1.5cc)
wks 1-12 deca 450mg/wk (Mon 1cc, Thurs .5cc)
wks 1-4/8-12 dbol 40mg/d (LiverCare (Liv52) 3tabs 3x/d (Wake-up, 3PM, Bedtime)
wks 2-15 500iu/wk (250iu pinned Tues/Fri)
wks 1-16 Adex at .5mg/eod
wks 17-20 Clomid 50/50/25/25
wks 17-20 Nolva  40/20/20/20

would write out my diet,but will provide if any1s interested.basically my intake will b P-419 C-499 F-130 total Kcals-4842 (give or take).my w/o routine is as follows:

CYCLE: 6 Days on, 1 day off

Monday – Shoulders

Military Press - 2 x 15(warm-up), 3 x 10 + 5 forced, last set double drop.
Reverse Pec Dec - 3 x 10
HS Shoulder Press / DB Side Lats - 3 x 10
Power Squat Machine Shrugs - 3 x 10
DB Shrugs - 3 x 10

20 mins HIIT

Tuesday – Back

HS Wide Pull down, 2 x 15(warm-up), 3 x 10
T Bar Rows - 3 x 10
DLs - 5 x 10
Reverse Bent Over Rows - 3 x 12
Low Row - 2 x 15, 3 x 10

20 Mins HIIT Cardio

Wednesday – Chest

Incline BB - 2 x 15(warm-up), 3 x 8 + 5 forced, last set drop
Flat DB - 3 x 10 + 5 forced
Incline DB Flye - 3 x 10
HS Flat Press - 3 x 10
Pec Dec - 3 x 10

20 mins HIIT Cardio

Thursday – Hams / Calves

Reverse Hack Squat - 2 x 20(warm-up), 5 x 15
Standing Uni-Lateral - 5 x 15
Seated Leg Curl - 5 x 15
Seated Calf - 6 x 15
Standing Calf - 6 x 15

Friday – Arms

HS Curls - 3 x 10
Cable Curls - 3 x 10
Incline Curls - 3 x 10
High machine Curls - 3 x 10
CGBP - 3 x 10
Kickbacks - 3 x 10
Pushdowns - 3 x 10
Forearms - 4 sets

20 mins HIIT

Saturday – Quads

ATG Squat – 2 x 20(warm-up) 3 x 10, last set triple drop
Leg Press - 2 x 15, 3 x 10, last set quad drop
Extensions - 3 x 15
B Lunges - 3 sets

Sunday – OFF

ok guys there u have it,in a nutshell so 2 speak.hope ive come 2 the right place :)

Deca .75ml mon thurs no sense in splitting it unevenly.
Adex .25mg, gonna depend on ure bf% but u shudnt have it excessively enough to need .5mg ed to stop water retention on 600 mg of cyp to begin with.
Drop deca 3 weeks out and half test for those last 3 weeks.
Dont bother with nolva during pct unless estrogen related gyno sides occur imo, just hinders sex drive.


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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2014, 06:35:17 AM »
can i ask a few questions

why no eq
why dbol over lets say supdrol
why decca over tren?


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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2014, 12:12:09 AM »
Weight/height/body fat/years lifting?

Volume looks too high. I don't believe in weights more than 5 times a week

Cardio is always good, circulation improves recovery, also builds appetite, maybe just do HIIT x2 per week and 1 day low intentsity.

Bulking is about getting stronger and you do that by lifting heavy and more importantly resting


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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2014, 08:00:27 AM »
Weight/height/body fat/years lifting?

Volume looks too high. I don't believe in weights more than 5 times a week

Cardio is always good, circulation improves recovery, also builds appetite, maybe just do HIIT x2 per week and 1 day low intentsity.

Bulking is about getting stronger and you do that by lifting heavy and more importantly resting

volume looks a bit high to me also on workout cycle is fine

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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2014, 08:16:45 AM »
Ignore the above advices.... Nothing wrong with Decca, its a great drug and much stronger than equipoise, you really can't beat test/decca/dbol.... Its worked for decades...

arimidex isn't really needed imo.... Have some nolva at hand just incase

Shooting test multiple times per week does seem to feel better than one big shot also... Twice per week is how id do it personally

Cardio as long as its not excessive is good, keeps you fit and doesn't eat into muscle like some would claim

I'm asuming your quite new to this, they are ok doses to start on..

theres a growing trend with guys claiming to not need more than 1ml of test a week on these boardings, they have already built there size, there just maintaining, there's no growth without more drugs,food, training...i don't care what anyone claims


  • Getbig II
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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2014, 11:41:22 AM »
Ignore the above advices.... Nothing wrong with Decca, its a great drug and much stronger than equipoise, you really can't beat test/decca/dbol.... Its worked for decades...

arimidex isn't really needed imo.... Have some nolva at hand just incase

Shooting test multiple times per week does seem to feel better than one big shot also... Twice per week is how id do it personally

Cardio as long as its not excessive is good, keeps you fit and doesn't eat into muscle like some would claim

I'm asuming your quite new to this, they are ok doses to start on..

theres a growing trend with guys claiming to not need more than 1ml of test a week on these boardings, they have already built there size, there just maintaining, there's no growth without more drugs,food, training...i don't care what anyone claims

Can You outline Your typically off season/bulk diet, training and drug use? :-) I mean only type of diet, type of training without a lot of details.

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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2014, 01:20:03 PM »
I doubt I'll ever compete again, injuries lack of interest in doing so etc, I just train to maintain and stay un shape these days... Altho I might hit 35 or 40 and feel the draw back to the thong...

What are your goals, how old are you, what's your stats etc.... I've been thru different phases, I would tell you what I would do or what I did at your point, as at the moment I no longer bulk or cut..i tread water


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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2014, 03:42:07 PM »
arimidex isn't really needed imo.... Have some nolva at hand just incase

So you wait for gyno flare ups before you react with any AI's etc?

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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2014, 12:22:17 AM »
So you wait for gyno flare ups before you react with any AI's etc?

Ive never needed them... only afew do, you dont need to wait for full flair up, just mild sensitivity should be enough of a warning to use some nolva, not arimidex..keep things as cheap and as simple as possible, but if you realy want to run adex the entire course, half a tab  e3rd day would suffice, specialy as were talking small doses here....


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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2014, 04:19:26 AM »
I find it's coming off of higher doses that I need to worry about this stuff
I got gyno when I came off the tren... caught it early but I didn't have nolva just hit it with anastrozole and exemestane. I never get gyno or itchy nipples so it was a shock!
Not bad gyno, a bit of a lump which is slowly decreasing in size. Nothing cosmetic


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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2014, 11:48:06 AM »
can i ask a few questions

why no eq
why dbol over lets say supdrol
why decca over tren?
can not speak for the OP but dbol and deca is more appropriate, save tren for dieting and not bulking and superdrol is pretty harsh, I prefer d-bol and EQ I hate.  :-\


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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2014, 11:54:26 AM »
400 protein is fucking stupid and pointless man. Not to mention expensive as hell for no reason. It has been scientifically proven numerous times at this point. 1g/lb = Anabolic, enough said.

Why go with long esters if you're going to pin them like Prop and NPP....You don't need to pin Deca 2 times per week...It's half life is like 15 days. Most people don't even pin Test E or Cyp multiple times per week especially not 600mg...pop 1.5cc DECA in alternating delts and all 3ccs of test in alternating glutes once a week, to minimize inj. sites and scar tissue, and be done with it..You will feel zero difference so why do it?

Do not use AI's and SERMs as a set in stone number before you even start a cycle that is just stupid, you may not even need them..They are to be used as needed, they are NOT HEALTHY or good for you in many many ways..

Cardio on a bulk is stupid and counterproductive...So.

I agree on all points except ''cardio on bulking'' In fact i do not do cardio when I am dieting, not necessary but when bulking it is a must, need good lungs and be able to breath, makes well being 10 better and brings down high blood pressure from all the calories, makes way more sense to do cardio when bulking more then anything, NOT COUNTER PRODUCTIVE AT ALL.


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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2014, 12:26:46 PM »
Does anyone train 6x week in Offseason/"Bulking" Time?

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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2014, 12:19:51 AM »
can not speak for the OP but dbol and deca is more appropriate, save tren for dieting and not bulking and superdrol is pretty harsh, I prefer d-bol and EQ I hate.  :-\

Decca and dianabol is the meat and potatoes of bodybuilding, ive never realy rated equipoise, id much rather use decca or npp for what you want from it, if your wanting lean vascularity id just go for tren, I have no room or need for equip' unless I get it given


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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2014, 10:53:47 AM »
Does anyone train 6x week in Offseason/"Bulking" Time?

I do. I feel like if you're bulking you're getting more than enough nutrients for muscle repair to happen faster, plus the drugs on top of that. I always plan on dropping down to 4 or 5 days of training/wk when I'm dieting but I rarely ever do.

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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2014, 01:39:55 AM »
Does anyone train 6x week in Offseason/"Bulking" Time?

Experiment with what works for you, ive made gains training 3 days a week, made gains training 5 to 6 too.... everyone reacts differently

If your fairly new to this consentrate on getting stronger in the main movents, almost everyone should be able to squat 3or 4 plates, likewise with deads etc etc.... thats what you should be focusing on as a beginner, all with good form of course, do as much or as little volume as suits you

Dont just chuck weights about , think about what your doing

As a teen I made great gains natty training 3 days per week

Mon... back and delts          wed... legs        fri ..chest and arms

Then I moved onto

Tues... chest , bi            wed..legs     fri..delts , tri             sat.. back , traps ( bit of extra chest and arms too)

At the moment im just doing upper body one day and lower the next, training as frequently as my body will allow


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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2014, 12:11:12 PM »

Experiment with what works for you, ive made gains training 3 days a week, made gains training 5 to 6 too.... everyone reacts differently

If your fairly new to this consentrate on getting stronger in the main movents, almost everyone should be able to squat 3or 4 plates, likewise with deads etc etc.... thats what you should be focusing on as a beginner, all with good form of course, do as much or as little volume as suits you

Dont just chuck weights about , think about what your doing

As a teen I made great gains natty training 3 days per week

Mon... back and delts          wed... legs        fri ..chest and arms

Then I moved onto

Tues... chest , bi            wed..legs     fri..delts , tri             sat.. back , traps ( bit of extra chest and arms too)

At the moment im just doing upper body one day and lower the next, training as frequently as my body will allow

Do You think ITS very important to consider on strength gains? And ITS possible to be very strong in basic exercises like squats, DLs... without special strength training programm i.e 5/3/1 Wendler but with staying in "the best" hyperteophy reps like 6+?

Od course with AAS. You know... a lot od gurus here with decent build say that with good diet and AAS use, it doesn't matter how you train, only you must do it hard becouse food and drugs make new muscle tissues. Training is only for stimulate.

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Re: Wintr Bulk Cyc Critique n Guidance...
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2014, 03:09:24 PM »
I thinks its vital as a beginner that you build a base, by all means pump away once you've built it... I'm not advocating powerlifting but just generaly trying to get stronger on all the basic lifts

I'll guarantee that you won't find anyone with a good physique who hasn't had a decent strength level, I don't however think you need to chase poundages year after year, you slow the reps down, squeeze and feel the muscle etc etc

One you've actualy built muscle its easily maintained on less drugs, and 'light' training, good luck trying to build it in that fashion tho