Author Topic: precontest issue  (Read 2930 times)


  • Getbig I
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precontest issue
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:13:45 AM »
Ok guys, im 5’ 9’’, 210 lbs, bf is around 10%. Started dieting for 4 weeks now, been on 500/week test (the first 3 weeks) then switched to 250 test and 150 tren A.

I always competed as LHW at 180-184 lbs. For my previous shows I usually stay lean year around (198-195lbs) and make my way to 180-184lbs. However, this year I wanted to put on some weight specially in my weak legs and back, took a year off, bulked up to 232lbs (heaviest I have been, with decent condition). 8 weeks ago, I started to do cardio, change my diet till I got to 210 lbs. Now, I’m around 8 weeks out.

For my previous shows, my diet was 250g proteins, 150g carb and I add a tbs of oil (or equivalent amount of almonds) with every meal. Cardio as needed, (I start hard and cut it towards the end). The main issue is, I tried to change things a lil for this prep and experiment by taking out the added oils (only fat are traces from meat sources). The thing is I have been 210 for 3 weeks now, no changes in scale weight but I can see that my body changes. However, comparing pics of now and old shows (at 8 weeks out), I don’t like the way I’m looking now. I have a lot of mind games now, and kinda wanna go back to old diet. I know sometimes your body doesn't respond right away and I understand everybody is different, but if any of you guys have any suggestions/similar experience, that will be very helpful.


  • Getbig III
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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2014, 04:28:55 PM »
Ok guys, im 5’ 9’’, 210 lbs, bf is around 10%. Started dieting for 4 weeks now, been on 500/week test (the first 3 weeks) then switched to 250 test and 150 tren A.

I always competed as LHW at 180-184 lbs. For my previous shows I usually stay lean year around (198-195lbs) and make my way to 180-184lbs. However, this year I wanted to put on some weight specially in my weak legs and back, took a year off, bulked up to 232lbs (heaviest I have been, with decent condition). 8 weeks ago, I started to do cardio, change my diet till I got to 210 lbs. Now, I’m around 8 weeks out.

For my previous shows, my diet was 250g proteins, 150g carb and I add a tbs of oil (or equivalent amount of almonds) with every meal. Cardio as needed, (I start hard and cut it towards the end). The main issue is, I tried to change things a lil for this prep and experiment by taking out the added oils (only fat are traces from meat sources). The thing is I have been 210 for 3 weeks now, no changes in scale weight but I can see that my body changes. However, comparing pics of now and old shows (at 8 weeks out), I don’t like the way I’m looking now. I have a lot of mind games now, and kinda wanna go back to old diet. I know sometimes your body doesn't respond right away and I understand everybody is different, but if any of you guys have any suggestions/similar experience, that will be very helpful.

You're only shooting 150mg tren a week? If I were you I'd bump it up to at least 75mg ED and add in some Mast P for that nice grainy look. Maybe add in more caffeine and some fat burners to shed off the rest of the fat you have. Keep the test low and the tren and mast high. You'll end up with a nice thick solid grainy effect bro. Also add in some fish oils if you feel like you aren't getting enough in.


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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2014, 02:56:25 AM »
I hate to say it but stick with what has always worked. You might of overbulked. How much heavier did you want to come in at? I would be very suprised if you could add 5 pounds and stay at that bF% and conditioning. You might just have to take this show as a learning lesson and do things the way you know best next show. how can you fix what you have already started is what your looking for. what BF% do you think your out now? don;t panic you still have 8 weeks. do you use diuretics? I would try to get ahold of some dyazide for the night before the show and if this diet isn't working for you i would stop using it and do what you know best.

size comes very slowly and it comes mainly from using new or higher drug dosages. Are you using any HGH or insulin? You akways want to stay at least a week ahead and sounds like your slipping back a week or two from your prep. Do you work with a nutritionist or why did you decide to come in bigger? if you wanted bigger legs did you put in the right work? same with your back did you train your back harder this year? It also sounds like your drugs are def on the low side. If you have time to just switch back to your old diet and still make the right BF% and get the same conditioning just do that. You can always grow into a show.

so what if your 8 weeks out if your BF% is where it should be and your conditioning is good i wouldn;t be so worried but if you really notcie a huge diffrence like you say you do and you think you look better on the old formula you used go back to it asap. work on getting bigger back and legs next year.It's possible you overbulked this year. A year to take off is a long time. I know people do it but it;s pretty hard work to get your BF% down and hit that conditioning that's why you should of been ahead of hcedule incase this new plan didn't work.
i think you will be ok. 8 weeks is plenty of time to get lean and nail your conditioning you just might not get any bigger or like i said some guys can grow into a show. I don;t know your body type so it;s hard to tell you what to do i would say you know your body the best so do what you think it takes.


  • Getbig III
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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2014, 06:33:36 AM »
TBH bro if you're serious about competing and doing well in bodybuilding I would REALLY recommend getting a coach. My friend hired Aaron Clark as a coach and the difference in 12 weeks was night and day I'm not kidding...He looked like he's been lifting for 10+ years and he's only 20 after his contest prep.


  • Getbig III
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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2014, 06:56:05 AM »
1. thx a lot guys. I took my time yesterday to compare many progress pics from this and last year. I believe that I have over bulked (like WW said). I was the heaviest I have been (condition wise not too bad, but still boofy).
2. I usually do minimum cardio (20 min times a week) and still get in very good shape. Last year I was on 750/test, 60 clen/day the whole prep and got very shredded. Placed 4th out of 16 guys in a good show.
3. For my legs and back days this year, I will always increase calories (25-35% than other days/add fast dissolving sugars intra workouts/have cheat meals/and run peps (they add water weight but def. helped to bring up these body parts).
4. Right now, calorie intake is about 2300, 5'9''. I'm doing cardio 25 min 5 days a week (for 3 weeks now, and didn't lose a pound!) and of course using clen 60-80/day (but I have a feeling my clen is bunk), so im getting some new ones soon. [/b][/b] this what concerns me the most, I tend to lose weight in a consistent manner (for my last shows).
5. I don't work with anybody, never did before. Never tried hgh or slin or tren before. (cycles were mainly based on eq, test, primo, deca, winni, dbol).
6. I don't believe that I have the best genetics, def, not to grow into a show (i wish i can or know how).

Bro I don't think clen is the answer to shred those pounds off. Try T3 because that ALWAYS helps WAY better than clen for me. Also, for tren you really shouldn't run anything under 50MG ED or else you're not really doing anything except shutting yourself down, so I recommend 350-400MG a week of tren AT LEAST. Test will make you bloofy and look fat, so if you really want to lean down fast and get shredded, go one some test prop at 50MG ED or EOD, some Tren Ace 50-75MG ED, and some Mast P 75-100MG ED along with 50-100mcg of T3 and just watch the veins rip out of your skin and watch the fat literally melt away, of course this is with a good diet, but trust me you WON'T be disappointed. Also again, if you're taking this seriously I would consider getting a coach in the near future, you'd be surprised at how much they'll help.


  • Getbig III
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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2014, 07:24:46 AM »
I'm not oppose to the idea of increasing dosages, last week was my first time using tren, hence the low dosage. I will increase it gradually, I have prop on hand, just keeping it for the last 4-5 weeks of prep. I will def. hire a coach, just need to graduate from  school and start a decent work. I believe a coach is very helpful. Really my main concern was the change of my body response (not losing weight, although using dieting on (low carbs and fats) and doing cardio (25 min/5 times)).

Tren will do nothing but shut you down at a dosage that low look it up you're just wasting it. Also use T3 instead of clen and you'll be fine man.


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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2014, 07:40:41 AM »
OK lets get you going here. can you give us a guess on your BF%? You def overbulked. That was the problem. you said you just were doing 20 minutes of cardio a week? and recently you have upped it to 25 minutes for 5 days a week? Bro you needed to be doing way more cardio then what you were doing, 25 minutes of cardio a week is not going to improve your physique. That amount is almost pointless.

 what your doing now 25 minutes 5 days a week is much better but 6 days a week would be even better then 5 days and you should make sure your doing interval power-walking and then sprinting for a minute go on and off 1.5 minutes power walking at around level 4 and then haul ass for a minute at level 8 then go back down to level 4 and walk for another 1.5 minutes and the n jump back up to 8 and run your ass off again. I might just do that for a mile wich should only take 10 minutes but you should easily be getting 1.4 miles in, then do another cardio machine or do plank jumps but whatever you pick make it intense squeze the handles and make sure your heart rate is in the fat burning zone and always do your cardio after your weight training.

I do my cardio after my workouts and then after cardio I am a fucking sweaty mess but I still crank up the sauna and get a good 10 mintue steam that wiill make you more grainy looking, drugs like Tren and masteron will make you grainy like kev said but to even get a conditioned and more grainy look do some sauna right after cardio. This type of training is almost like detoxing your body a little bit.

If you follow this cardio and sauna and take it very easy on food for 10 days you will see a huge diffrence in your physique. As far as your training you need to be lifting heavy but not too heavy you still want to be doing sets of no less then 12 reps per set but it dosn;t hurt to have a heavy day where your just doing 4-5 reps per set or you can mix it up and do volume but last set do a heavy set and just do 4-5 reps. I honestly would do volume days and power days where you just do sets and keep your reps at 4-5 reps but go fucking heavy but train smart! get a spotter and don't do anything stupid, lift heavy but don't do any weight you can't lift or will struggle with. heavy weight is definately needed.

Like kev said it is great to have a coach but if you don;t want to pay one just find somebody who is one the guys who works at the gym or find somebody who trains heavy and ask them to watch after you and ask for a spot. I do it. I have found guys at the gym who turned into mentors to me. Right now I know alot of people who will help me if I need it. going into a show you should definately have alot of support and positivity on your side.

Are you watching your sodium intake? also try cutting out carbs at about 6PM and after 6 PM just eat protein. you could do a touch of carbs my best suggestion is meals consisting of
7-9 ounces of chicken breast and asparagus for my night meals. don't fuck with carbs after 6 Pm and see if your physique changes. Your going to need to do alot of hardcore training with low rest intervals and then hit uo your cardio and go for a steam and you should burn bodyfat you can lose bodyfat without drugs training like this but when your enhanced it makes it alot better! Seriously give it a try. I don't have great genetics but if you get lean you can grow into a show.

I only lost a little more then 10 lbs really quick by doing things the way I mentioned and I had a shitload of people telling me I was looking full and ripped!I was dieted down but still had energy to lift some heavy weights. and I really only had lost a good 10-11 pounds. just do some basic things like manipulate your diet, cutt sodiums, don;t take carbs in after 5-6PM if you do make it very little amount. make sure your drugs are real and definately buy diffrent clen and buy some dyazide for the day of the show/


  • Getbig III
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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2014, 07:54:37 AM »
OK lets get you going here. can you give us a guess on your BF%? You def overbulked. That was the problem. you said you just were doing 20 minutes of cardio a week? and recently you have upped it to 25 minutes for 5 days a week? Bro you needed to be doing way more cardio then what you were doing, 25 minutes of cardio a week is not going to improve your physique. That amount is almost pointless.

 what your doing now 25 minutes 5 days a week is much better but 6 days a week would be even better then 5 days and you should make sure your doing interval power-walking and then sprinting for a minute go on and off 1.5 minutes power walking at around level 4 and then haul ass for a minute at level 8 then go back down to level 4 and walk for another 1.5 minutes and the n jump back up to 8 and run your ass off again. I might just do that for a mile wich should only take 10 minutes but you should easily be getting 1.4 miles in, then do another cardio machine or do plank jumps but whatever you pick make it intense squeze the handles and make sure your heart rate is in the fat burning zone and always do your cardio after your weight training.

I do my cardio after my workouts and then after cardio I am a fucking sweaty mess but I still crank up the sauna and get a good 10 mintue steam that wiill make you more grainy looking, drugs like Tren and masteron will make you grainy like kev said but to even get a conditioned and more grainy look do some sauna right after cardio. This type of training is almost like detoxing your body a little bit.

If you follow this cardio and sauna and take it very easy on food for 10 days you will see a huge diffrence in your physique. As far as your training you need to be lifting heavy but not too heavy you still want to be doing sets of no less then 12 reps per set but it dosn;t hurt to have a heavy day where your just doing 4-5 reps per set or you can mix it up and do volume but last set do a heavy set and just do 4-5 reps. I honestly would do volume days and power days where you just do sets and keep your reps at 4-5 reps but go fucking heavy but train smart! get a spotter and don't do anything stupid, lift heavy but don't do any weight you can't lift or will struggle with. heavy weight is definately needed.

Like kev said it is great to have a coach but if you don;t want to pay one just find somebody who is one the guys who works at the gym or find somebody who trains heavy and ask them to watch after you and ask for a spot. I do it. I have found guys at the gym who turned into mentors to me. Right now I know alot of people who will help me if I need it. going into a show you should definately have alot of support and positivity on your side.

Are you watching your sodium intake? also try cutting out carbs at about 6PM and after 6 PM just eat protein. you could do a touch of carbs my best suggestion is meals consisting of
7-9 ounces of chicken breast and asparagus for my night meals. don't fuck with carbs after 6 Pm and see if your physique changes. Your going to need to do alot of hardcore training with low rest intervals and then hit uo your cardio and go for a steam and you should burn bodyfat you can lose bodyfat without drugs training like this but when your enhanced it makes it alot better! Seriously give it a try. I don't have great genetics but if you get lean you can grow into a show.

I only lost a little more then 10 lbs really quick by doing things the way I mentioned and I had a shitload of people telling me I was looking full and ripped!I was dieted down but still had energy to lift some heavy weights. and I really only had lost a good 10-11 pounds. just do some basic things like manipulate your diet, cutt sodiums, don;t take carbs in after 5-6PM if you do make it very little amount. make sure your drugs are real and definately buy diffrent clen and buy some dyazide for the day of the show/

This^^^^^^ Great advice


  • Getbig III
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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2014, 09:44:06 AM »
Kev and WW, thanks a lot.. Please see red comments below.

that's great man if I were you though I would really add some t3 to your stack to help burn off the fat because it works better than clen IMO


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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2014, 04:51:08 AM »
well just remeber you need to get alot of water out of your body so maybe one week do a detox type diet. It will suck and you will feel like shit but I bet you lose 10-15 lbs. I'm not sure your familar with a detox type diet week but you don't eat much! Its almost fasting alot of the time except alot of water is ok. As far as your meals you want to eat very minimal. I hate to say it and I don;t really usually recommend this but it's almost a starvation diet and on top of it being s starvation diet you have to train extremly hard and heavy and do your cardio and sauna. the sauna will not get you lean but it will make you lose some water weight and give you a grainier look.

You do eat but basically what worked with me and others is we fast and only do maybe one shake pre-work-out and eat a dinner of 8 ounces of chicken and some asparagus and maybe some plain yogurt before bed stick with that diet for just a week and you will lose weight and fat if your training hard and doing cardio, if that goes well then right away go back to eating more meals but stick to cutting off carbs at 5Pm and do the chicken and asparagus diet 5Pm and after. For breakfast mild oats and maybe 8 ounces of chicken breats, plain yogurt.

don;t use to much dyazide yet, try to save that for before the show. right now rely on T3,T4 and clen or ECA stack, your to far out to be using diuretics even if your holding water you can drop the water weight in time if you do everything right. You might want to PM disguted he preps pro bodybuildrs and alot of amateurs I am sure he wouldn;t mind giving his input I'm actually intereted in what he would have you do.


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  • Getbig V
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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2014, 05:27:35 PM »
Ok guys, im 5’ 9’’, 210 lbs, bf is around 10%. Started dieting for 4 weeks now, been on 500/week test (the first 3 weeks) then switched to 250 test and 150 tren A.

I always competed as LHW at 180-184 lbs. For my previous shows I usually stay lean year around (198-195lbs) and make my way to 180-184lbs. However, this year I wanted to put on some weight specially in my weak legs and back, took a year off, bulked up to 232lbs (heaviest I have been, with decent condition). 8 weeks ago, I started to do cardio, change my diet till I got to 210 lbs. Now, I’m around 8 weeks out.

For my previous shows, my diet was 250g proteins, 150g carb and I add a tbs of oil (or equivalent amount of almonds) with every meal. Cardio as needed, (I start hard and cut it towards the end). The main issue is, I tried to change things a lil for this prep and experiment by taking out the added oils (only fat are traces from meat sources). The thing is I have been 210 for 3 weeks now, no changes in scale weight but I can see that my body changes. However, comparing pics of now and old shows (at 8 weeks out), I don’t like the way I’m looking now. I have a lot of mind games now, and kinda wanna go back to old diet. I know sometimes your body doesn't respond right away and I understand everybody is different, but if any of you guys have any suggestions/similar experience, that will be very helpful.

Very simple. Ask yourself, do you have the same degree of conditioning at 232 that you did at 198 to 195? If not then you have more fat on you than you did at 198 or so.

Now you are at 210 and say you do not look the same at 8 weeks out than you did last year? What do you normally weigh at 8 weeks out??? I am guessing it's less than you do now which means still more fat than normal.

Now you have to ask yourself after answering these questions, did you really gain any muscle in the past year by going up in weight or did you just put yourself behind.

If you have more fat than normal the answer is you didn't start dieting soon enough to get the extra fat off. You already know how to diet from the sounds of it.

You need to reevaluate next years off season plan. Forget about "bulking up" and concentrate on putting on maybe 5 good quality pounds.

The answer is NOT about what drugs you need to take as far as contest condition. Off season you may need to up some dosage or mix some things up to gain some size.

As a side note, 150mgs of Tren A a week is not enough. Even at 50mg EOD that's around 200mgs or slightly less.


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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2014, 01:11:39 AM »
Very simple. Ask yourself, do you have the same degree of conditioning at 232 that you did at 198 to 195? If not then you have more fat on you than you did at 198 or so.

Now you are at 210 and say you do not look the same at 8 weeks out than you did last year? What do you normally weigh at 8 weeks out??? I am guessing it's less than you do now which means still more fat than normal.

Now you have to ask yourself after answering these questions, did you really gain any muscle in the past year by going up in weight or did you just put yourself behind.

If you have more fat than normal the answer is you didn't start dieting soon enough to get the extra fat off. You already know how to diet from the sounds of it.

You need to reevaluate next years off season plan. Forget about "bulking up" and concentrate on putting on maybe 5 good quality pounds.

The answer is NOT about what drugs you need to take as far as contest condition. Off season you may need to up some dosage or mix some things up to gain some size.

As a side note, 150mgs of Tren A a week is not enough. Even at 50mg EOD that's around 200mgs or slightly less.

Thanks for chiming in. I have ben telling you guys if your bulking up and gaining 40 pounds off a cycle no way in hell it's all muscle tiissue. Like i have kept saying if you can gain 6-10 pounds of lean muscle tissue your doing really good that's after you hit your desired bF%.I am not a expert like disgusted at prepping bodybuilders but I know more then most think.


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  • Getbig V
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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2014, 06:04:37 PM »
Thanks a lot.. I appreciate the prompt response.

There is no doubt that I over bulked and is fatter 8 wks out now than last year, at least by 10-12lbs. I will try to adjust stuff around and see how it goes. I will take this as a learning exp. and benefit from it. I will keep dieting/training/cardio/gear till show time and I think that I will make it to stage but will see how the final product will look like.

Thanks for answering those questions. Remember the more you ask the more you know.


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Re: precontest issue
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2014, 09:06:31 PM »
Two months time is plenty to get peeled... and personally I don't like T3... even though it's so popular and 'proven' to work damn well... in my case it eats away at me way too fast... Clen with a disciplined nutrition and training plan works amazing for me... two weeks on two weeks off... 60mcg ED plenty... Just don't screw up by getting off course and stay focused...

If I were serious about competing I would also hire an experienced trainer, a second pair of eyes... someone who has the experienced and can always be a better judge than your own self, able to monitor you along the way... makes a lot of sense...

lol im not competing but i learned fast that its all bullocks when guys claim they gain 20-30lbs of muscle.. more like fat and bloat. I gained 10lbs of lean mass in a year's time mid-this year to the previous mid-year. So don't feel bad if you got carried away... Some guys are like what ONLY 10lbs... and I'm like ONLY what?!? I scaled up and down 20-30lbs but as far as actual quality lean mass... ya.. only 10lbs but that's a lot for lean mass... Anyone can get fat and bloated and think they are huge... it's when you peel away that you can see what you actually gained... alongside strength gains.. not that strength matters for those purely into aesthetics but its still a good measure alongside body compositional changes...

If you do decide to use t3... probably up the calories and up the gear dosages... would suck if you come out smaller and flat unecessarily due to t3... not that I want to put that in your head so it messes with your head... Fast results can be disastrous quality results take time... Biggest mistake is also making sudden changes... or big changes.. in my opinion.

Good luck with your show..