Author Topic: 'Knives are out': Hawaii Dem faces backlash for taking on Obama over 'Islamist'  (Read 1127 times)

Dos Equis

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I voted for her.  Glad to see her show some independence.  The Bob Jones comments are really funny.  How dare she disagree with The Messiah.  lol

'Knives are out': Hawaii Dem faces backlash for taking on Obama over 'Islamist' extremism
By Malia Zimmerman
Published February 28, 2015

She was Hawaii's golden girl after winning a seat in Congress with support from top liberal groups, but now that Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has been critical of President Obama, her political reputation in the bluest of blue states is taking a hit.

That isn’t stopping the twice-deployed 33-year-old Army veteran from continuing to challenge the president, her home state's favorite son, over his refusal to identify terror groups like the Islamic State as driven by "radical Islam.”

“Every soldier knows this simple fact: If you don't know your enemy, you will not be able to defeat him,” Gabbard told “Our leaders must clearly identify the enemy as Islamist extremists, understand the ideology that is motivating them and attracting new recruits, and focus on defeating that enemy both militarily and ideologically.”

Gabbard has been hitting this message for weeks now, putting her at odds with many in her party who toe the line that the Islamic State should not be associated with Islam.

“Every soldier knows this simple fact: If you don't know your enemy, you will not be able to defeat him."
- Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii

Gabbard called "mind-boggling" Obama's refusal to associate ISIS with the Muslim religion, even though the terrorist army is emphatic it is enforcing a strict interpretation of Islam.

"[Obama] is completely missing the point of this radical Islamic ideology that’s fueling these people,” she said.

The Army veteran has encountered rough political surf since challenging President Obama.
Her comments have stunned political experts in her home state.

“It is very, very unusual for a junior member in the president's own party to criticize him,” said Colin Moore, assistant professor at the University of Hawaii Department of Political Science. “Especially for someone considered a rising star in the party. This is a serious gamble for her.”

Michael W. Perry, of Hawaii's most popular KSSK Radio's "Perry & Price Show," said that "while Gabbard is correct in her 'emperor has no clothes' moment, she may have lost her future seat on Hawaii's political bench." He said she's committed "a mortal sin" by challenging Obama, and "now the knives are out."

For now, she's taking her hits in the media.

The editorial board of the online political news journal Civil Beat, owned by eBay Founder Pierre Omiydar, said "the bright-red Right" is promoting her criticism but she is not "presenting serious policy arguments."

"One wonders where Gabbard is going with this. Sure, the Iraq war veteran and rising political star is achieving national prominence in a high-profile discussion. But at what cost?" the editorial board wrote, saying her comments could be dismissed "as pandering from a young pol with lofty ambitions."

Bob Jones, columnist for the Oahu-based Midweek, wrote a scathing piece suggesting Gabbard should be challenged in 2016. "I take serious issue when somebody who's done a little non-fighting time in Iraq, and is not a Middle East or Islamic scholar, claims to know better than our President and Secretary of State how to fathom the motivations of terrorists, or how to refer to them beyond the term that best describes them -- terrorists," Jones said.

Gabbard acknowledges the political risks. “I'm not naïve,” Gabbard said. “It could hurt me politically, but I don’t worry about it because that's not what I care about. ... Our national security and the future of our country is infinitely more important than partisan politics or my personal political future."

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who directed the Defense Intelligence Agency, said this should not be a political issue. “[Gabbard] has taken a very courageous stand in a party that just refuses to face reality,” he said.

Decorated intelligence officer and noted specialist on Islamic law, Stephen Coughlin, who authored the book "Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad," set for release in March, also sided with Gabbard. “Rep. Gabbard is correct as a matter of history, she is correct as a matter of current events, and she is correct of published Islamic law.”

While Gabbard has many detractors, she has a growing number of supporters, including a former Hawaii GOP congressional candidate who spent seven years in a POW camp in Vietnam.

“It is encouraging to see a bright young woman like Congresswoman Gabbard in politics in Hawaii, speaking up the way she is doing,” said retired Lt. Col. Orson Swindle, who was awarded 20 military decorations for valor in combat including two silver stars and two purple hearts.

Born in American Samoa as one of five children, Gabbard moved to Hawaii as a toddler. Her parents, strict social conservatives, were elected to public office in Hawaii -- her father, Mike Gabbard, to the state Senate, and her mother, Carol Gabbard, to the statewide Board of Education.

In 2002 at age 21, Gabbard was the youngest person ever elected to the Hawaii Legislature. The following year, she enlisted with the Hawaii National Guard, and was voluntarily deployed in 2004 to Iraq with the 29th Brigade. On the military front, she made a name for herself, awarded the Meritorious Service Medal during Operation Iraqi Freedom and designated a distinguished honor graduate at Fort McClellan's Officer Candidate School.

After her first deployment, Gabbard worked as a legislative aide in Washington, D.C., to U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, a beloved Hawaiian senator who advocated for his fellow veterans, until she was deployed a second time -- to the volatile "Sunni Triangle" in Iraq.

"She along with the soldiers of the 29th didn't spend all their time inside the wire, and witnessed the horrific Muslim on Muslim violence and carnage in the name of Allah," said retired Army Maj. Gen. Robert G.F. Lee, the adjutant general for Hawaii during Gabbard’s deployment.

After returning home, Gabbard was elected to the Honolulu City Council in 2010. She stepped down to run for Congress in 2012, taking on the well-financed former Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann. Much to the surprise of political observers, she easily beat Hannemann in the primary, largely with the help of the progressive veteran group She was also backed by Emily’s List and the Sierra Club.

Winning a second term in 2014 was easy. Throughout, she has been defined by her contrasts:

A captain in the Hawaii National Guard, she also was featured on the pages of Vogue magazine and named as one of The Hill’s 50 Most Beautiful People.

She’s a left-leaning Democrat until it comes to foreign affairs.

She is a junior member of her party, but not afraid to speak up when she feels the highest-ranking member of her own party is wrong.

While she suits up at work, she leaves behind formalities to go surfing. She also is the first Hindu, the first Samoan, and one of the first two female combat veterans to serve as a member of Congress.

Some analysts believe she has stirred up controversy in preparation to challenge U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, in the primary election in 2016. When asked by Fox News if she will run for U.S. Senate, Gabbard said “no.”

“Anyone who thinks I'm playing politics with national security issues clearly doesn't know me,” Gabbard said.

Soul Crusher

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Obama is a CULT of personality - why some of who voted for him cant see it I have no idea

Dos Equis

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She will definitely be on Hillary's enemies list. 

Tulsi Gabbard: I Was Warned Against Breaking Away From Hillary

Image: Tulsi Gabbard: I Was Warned Against Breaking Away From Hillary (AP)
By Loren Gutentag   |   Wednesday, 02 Mar 2016

After resigning from a leadership post with the Democratic National Committee so that she can endorse White House hopeful Bernie Sanders, Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard admitted she was warned against breaking away from Hillary Clinton.

"I'll be very honest with you, a lot of people warned me against doing what I did," Gabbard told MSNBC's Brian Williams Tuesday night.

"But this is a very serious issue and what I did speaks to the high stakes that exist. War is a very real thing, it's real to me, it's real to our service members and their families."

The Hill notes that Gabbard, a veteran, made her surprise decision to back Sanders during a Sunday interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," as well as warned that the former secretary of state's record suggests that her leadership would "include a future of more interventionist wars and regime change."

The Super Tuesday results show Clinton won seven states, while Sanders won four.


  • Getbig V
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very admirable of her. independent thought is highly frowned upon by her Democrat collegues...

Dos Equis

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very admirable of her. independent thought is highly frowned upon by her Democrat collegues...

Yep.  Truth. 

Dos Equis

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She will definitely be on Hillary's enemies list. 

Email warned Gabbard of reprisal

By Sophie Cocke
October 14, 2016
U.S. Rep Tulsi Gabbard received a scathing email from longtime Hillary Clinton supporters, including a former director of the Clinton Foundation, the day after she announced her resignation as a vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee in February to endorse Bernie Sanders’ bid for the presidency.

In an email dated Feb. 29 and published Monday by WikiLeaks as part of a trove of emails that are believed to have been hacked from the account of John Podesta, Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman, Gabbard is told that she has disrespected Clinton and not to expect any help raising campaign funds.

“We were very disappointed to hear that you would resign your position with the DNC so you could endorse Bernie Sanders, a man who has never been a Democrat before,” the email, signed by Darnell Strom and Michael Kives, begins. (Sanders had long been an independent, a status to which he has returned since losing the Democratic Party nomination.)

“When we met over dinner a couple of years ago I was so impressed by your intellect, your passion, and commitment to getting things done on behalf of the American people. For you to endorse a man who has spent almost 40 years in public office with very few accomplishments, doesn’t fall in line with what we previously thought of you,” the email continues. “Hillary Clinton will be our party’s nominee and you standing on ceremony to support the sinking Bernie Sanders ship is disrespectful to Hillary Clinton. A woman who has spent the vast majority of her life in public service and working on behalf of women, families, and the underserved.”

Strom worked as the millennium network director for the Clinton Foundation between 2006 and 2009, according to his LinkedIn account. Prior to that he assisted former President Bill Clinton with planning and scheduling business trips.

Kives is identified in media reports as a “bundler” for the Hillary Clinton campaign, a term used for someone who coordinates the solicitation of campaign donations.

Both work as agents for the Creative Artists Agency, a Los Angeles-based entertainment and sports agency.

Neither responded to emails and phone calls seeking comment.

To underscore their displeasure, Strom and Kives assure Gabbard that she won’t be benefiting in the future from their fundraising skills.

“You have called both myself and Michael Kives before about helping your campaign raise money, we no longer trust your judgment so will not be raising money for your campaign,” they write.

In an added flair, Kives forwards the email to longtime Clinton aid Huma Abedin and Podesta with the note, “Hammed dropped!” — apparently meaning to write hammer.

Gabbard, who offered up lukewarm support for Clinton in August after Sanders lost the primary — saying she would vote for her “given the remaining choices” — declined to comment on the email.

But Gabbard, who represents the 2nd Congressional District (rural Oahu, neighbor islands), has alluded to pressure from the Clinton camp in the past.

In a March interview with CBS News, a reporter asked her whether she was worried about retaliation from the Clintons for supporting Sanders.

“The Clintons have had a well-oiled machine in Washington for years,” the reporter said. “Do you fear any retribution from the Clintons, and what has your relationship been like with her?”

Gabbard said she was aware of the political risk. At the time, she was one of only four members of the U.S. House of Representatives to support Sanders, who was considered a long shot for the nomination.

“I was heavily warned by people who care about me not to endorse Sen. Sanders because of that fear of retaliation. And look, that fear is something that exists in a lot of folks that I have heard from,” Gabbard responded. “There is far too much at stake here to stand on the sideline and let politics get in the way of what is real, and what is real is war and the cost of war.”

Gabbard, an Iraq War combat veteran who is serving her second term in Congress, has been critical of Clinton’s somewhat hawkish Middle East policies, arguing against “interventionist wars of regime change.”

Neither Abedin nor Podesta responded to questions about whether they supported sending the email to Gabbard or whether they thought it was an appropriate response to the congresswoman’s decision to support Sanders.