Author Topic: GH vs Steroids  (Read 3349 times)


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GH vs Steroids
« on: November 13, 2014, 08:01:20 PM »
Do you find that the younger people look immediately to the gh as a supplement now versus test or other steroids like not so long ago. It seems they think gh is the be all magical supp that will change everything with no work.

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Re: GH vs Steroids
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2014, 08:13:48 PM »
I don't find that at all, maybe in competitive circles its used much sooner than it used to be, but I would think the majority will always look to some kind of  test with "another" to round it off, in my younger days it would have been dbol or Decca... These days it will be tren or mast


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Re: GH vs Steroids
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2014, 08:19:55 PM »
No. I hang around younger people that use gear 19-23 and no one is on GH. But the older guys 25-40 I talk to at the gym are all starting GH or have been using it. I think it comes down to two factors

1. Price: Most younger guys can't afford GH due to only working part time jobs and not having a good job. So a cycle of Testosterone and dbol would be a much cheaper alternative to them instead of GH

2. Age: GH isn't as effective as a younger age than it is when you're older. A 40 year old would get much better results from GH than say a 20 year old. But it will still make a difference if young. 500mg Test E vs 500mg Test E and 6iu GH will make a huge difference


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Re: GH vs Steroids
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2014, 08:45:45 PM »
must be different where I am. Lots of young guys working trades jobs where they make a pile of money and seem to jump right into the gh


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Re: GH vs Steroids
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2014, 02:30:32 AM »
LOL -tell me now how young kids could be into HGH 16 17 18 19 20 21

fucking how they gna pay#/? let the erich old man at end of road like his ass h ole for cash? maybe.

save the $5 he gets for lunch at college or school from his mother. his part time job no

what i will tell u ois alot of yioujhnger kids are jumping on fake hgh pens coz there are fuk tons about, my gym they all on it fucking 32iu for £40.00 - MATE YOUR INJECTING FUCKING WATER COULD OF GOT 2 VIALS OF TREN FOR THAT.



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Re: GH vs Steroids
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2014, 02:58:10 AM »
Do you find that the younger people look immediately to the gh as a supplement now versus test or other steroids like not so long ago. It seems they think gh is the be all magical supp that will change everything with no work.

Dealers sucessfully marketed gh worldwide. It's no magical hormone, it makes you leanner yes but with no fullness.


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Re: GH vs Steroids
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2014, 02:59:44 AM »
Tren the poor mans HGH. This is what happens some kid in their teens ends up trying a prohormone befopre any kind of steroid that is the trend and it has been going on for 14 years!
They see a add for some prohormone with the word Tren in it and they get all hyped up and buy a few bottles and all they get are side effects and end up with shitty bloodwork from running some weird prohormone bought by the kilo from china for super cheap!

I remeber back in 2004 so many young guys were running Patrick Arnolds 1-AD and then the M1T hit the scene and young guys were using that thinking it was not a steroid just a prohormone and man that M1T was strong and gave these kids some nasty side effects. they wouldn;t shoot test otherwise it wouldn't of been so bad but alot of these kids are scared of needles. The the superdrol hit and same thing kids would run superdroil get some gains but also get bad side efects because they were not using any Testosterone as a base and they wound up with elevated liver enzyms . Now it's the blackstone labs DMZ and the trenabol or wahtever it's called, same thing happens all they get are side effects.

I am not saying all these products are bad but they need to be run with some Test even if it is just 250-400mg a week. or even just have a proper OCT ready to go oncycle and off cycle.
M1T and superdrol were some crazy strong drugs and were full blown steroids not prohormones those were for the big boys but alot of kids got all fucked up bloodwork running m1T and superdrol wrong it was mainly because they were not running a little injectable Test with the stuff and not having a clue what PCT was and not having on cycle PCT and off cycle PCT..

Lets face it superdol is potent stuff and M1T is crazy potent. that is what I saw growing up and i was greedy of making alot of money off of it because I was in the supplement business for years. Kids can;t afford all the on cycle PCT items or post cycle PCT items and just brush it off yet they scrape up enough to buy some m1t or superdrol and just hope npCT is just a myth or a way for the people selling the products to make more money.

So I never saw any young kids run HGH just alot of oral only superdrol or M1T cycles.  I admit the first cycle I ever did was just a Turinabol only cycle. I was super intersted in Turinabol and I did buy some nolva from IBE and I was glad i did because that british draon Tbol was pretty strong and my nipples did get a little sensitive. But i did learn from being in the supplement business it;s safer to run the real thing instead of these designer steroids that never made it to the pharmaceutical market most all of them were ripped off from Julias vidas book. When I ran the Tbol I understood it was best to use it with testosterone but I really didn;t want to run it for longer then 4 weeks and it was mostly for a experiement to see if this stuff really worked and how my body would react to it.

I was such a hardgainer! I couldn;t gain any weight! I was stuck at 160 lbs at the time and sometimes if I worked my ass off and dieted like crazy i might get up to 163 lbs but my body seemed to just stick at 160 lbs aftre that 4 week Tbol only cycle I was 171 pounds and i was still solid! That got me hooked i started fucking around with every compound after that but i was 24 years old I had already maxed out my natural potential. I know I am rambling but it usually starts with the prohormones not HGH.Prohormones are cheap and legal and trendy for some reason! the wholew highschool football team will group up together and all go on the same prohormone.


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Re: GH vs Steroids
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2014, 07:59:29 AM »
hgh/slin combo to get past 210 lean and push into the 240-250s

to look excellent all you need it pop/mast/        tren in high doses add in eq for thin skin and veins.

to look fucking peeled but below 210 add hgh for a long period of time.

and thats the truth

no hgh isnt magic drugs - but with prolongued use it sure will allow you to eat alot more and stay lean and give you alot of wiggle room with what you do


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Re: GH vs Steroids
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2014, 11:54:23 AM »
hgh/slin combo to get past 210 lean and push into the 240-250s

to look excellent all you need it pop/mast/        tren in high doses add in eq for thin skin and veins.

to look fucking peeled but below 210 add hgh for a long period of time.

and thats the truth

no hgh isnt magic drugs - but with prolongued use it sure will allow you to eat alot more and stay lean and give you alot of wiggle room with what you do

Hgh is big big big effective. It lets you eat anything and evrything and still remain lean and full. What you said is truetrue ng able to eat a lot more and staly lean once been on hgh for some time.
but the tren, the boldenone, and test need to be in threr in sone order to see the greatness of hgh.

For someone here who uses dnp will find the body to recover quicker when on hgh and anadrol in high high doses.

Saturate the body with quality aas first tgen add hgh.

Any kid could start hgh if he cab get his hands on some legit kits. My first cycke was anapolon dianabol and testosterone propionate. 3months later I was shooting everything, humatrope eli lilly hgh, deca durabolin, sustanon, anapolol, nolvadex, proviron, stromba. ..I guess this was
I even got my family doctor to teach me to do self injections.
All I used to do was go to the local dealer and buy some of everything he cannot believe how naive I was.... gained a lot of solid body weight and was the biggest guy in high school.

It is sad how youngsters get trapped by supplement scams


  • Getbig III
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Re: GH vs Steroids
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2015, 04:18:21 AM »
put simply

steroids get you from point a - b

steroids + hgh get you from point a - b - c

steroids + hgh + insulin = point a- b -c  and beyond

letters signifying weight + leaness