Author Topic: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!  (Read 2365 times)

Joe Pietaro

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Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« on: May 20, 2015, 02:41:51 PM »

They're back at it again - the regrouping "we're still the best" article. Remember the "we still print 12 issues a year" one? Yeah, that was directed towards FLEX since they had stopped printing every month...but their page count didn't go down 40 pages in six months. You see, when you boast about something, make sure that there isn't a glaring weakness as a result of said boast.

Here are some 'highlights" from their latest diatribe:

Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!


Keeping up with technology, MD has evolved into far more than a print magazine. The website has become the one-stop destination for the best live contest coverage (including live play-by-play, photos and videos from the stage), training and lifestyle videos, discussion forums and podcasts. Three years ago, Dan Solomon brought his acclaimed Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Internet radio show to MD, bolstering Shawn Ray’s MD Radio. Each week, listeners are treated to interviews with the top athletes, officials and gurus of the sport.

MD is putting all of their chips on contest coverage and trying to be the best media outlet out there doing it. But they lack in so many areas that it has become a parody of itself. Where shall I start? The ridiculous play-by-play for bodybuilding (which I feel is the most asinine thing that has ever been done, but that's just me). Merely posting photos as fast as you can (multiple memory cards and a runner can get that accomplished) and letting the forum members debate whose "glutes are more striated" is a much better way to go and invites more visits/views than not one, but TWO of your employees putting their two cents in. They can do that as a recap if you really feel it is worth it.

With that said, if they have Peter McGough, Shawn Ray or Dan Solomon doing it, at least there is some credibility to point to. But Adina and David Baye when you have those other names on the payroll? Not a smart decision from the "front office." And please stop having two people do the play-by-play and not communicate with one another about what they are posting. It looks retarded to see basically the same post twice or even worse when Ray says this guy's back looks like shit and Baye is praising it.

If someone is dedicated enough to follow a play-by-play like this, they can wait the extra 30 seconds for the posts. They're not 'channel surfing,' so you don't have to beat Dave Palumbo to the punch. The RX people will be on that site, not yours. And speaking of Palumbo, his play-by-play trumps anyone's at MD.

Perfect segue to their photos and videos, which are also way behind RX Muscle's, for that matter. Don't believe it? Compare them and get back to me. And once again when you have guys like Solomon and Ray as part of your team - especially since you keep plastering their names out there - then why would you have a totally inexperienced non-journalist like Baye doing video interviews? And stop with the fuckin' midget already, too.

No Bull!

It’s not just the amazing talent pool that makes up Team MD that sets it apart and raises it to another level— it's the “No Bull” attitude and commitment to show the sport of bodybuilding as it really is, and to give you all the information you want and need to be your best. Our team of researchers and experts leads the industry on the subjects of muscle growth, bodybuilding science, nutrition, supplementation, testosterone and other performance-enhancing drugs. With all this information at your disposal, you can take your own physique to its absolute limit.

They have not had that attitude since Robbie Durand left. Sure, they can keep trying to say that they do, but the people that have been longtime readers of the magazine and forum members have noticed the difference and stated as much. When MD was the 'bad boys' of the industry during the Dave and John era, "No Bull" was more than just a line; it was a statement. But it's so watered down now that it sounds silly to keep touting it out there like your old military medals.

And their video placing the blame on food for the bodybuilders' extended guts ("It's not drugs," infamously stated by Bob Cicherillo) proves once again that MD will toe the company line - with the exception of Shawn Ray, who had the balls to go right after Bob Chick on their forum for saying that and not the obvious answers - insulin and GH.

You lose all credibility with anyone who has figured out that Santa Claus is really Mom and Dad with the 'mass consumption of food' nonsense.

The Best Keeps Getting Better

Thanks to Steve Blechman’s undying commitment to constantly improving MD and taking it to ever higher levels of excellence, you can look forward to MD not only remaining the best magazine and website in the bodybuilding industry for many years to come, but for it to continually step up its game to assure there’s nowhere else you need to go. We’ve got you covered!

Bow to the king! Blechy has to always make sure that he is the crescendo in everything that is an in house-written false praise. He has always wanted to be the next Joe Weider but will continue to fall short. He was at his best when he took a back seat to Dave and John and allowed them to make the magazine and website the success that it was.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2015, 03:06:51 PM »
haha do they even make these magazine anymore?

does anyone but schmoes pick them up?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2015, 03:14:42 PM »
Bob is a complete old dumb geezer
The ifbb puppet

Hey Bob
I can't wait for the Olympia press conference and show when myself and the 8 other people going with me are going to boo u nonstop
Each time u try to say something we will boo u and yell out Sergio pump references

tom joad

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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2015, 03:17:58 PM »
Bob is a complete old dumb geezer
The ifbb puppet

Hey Bob
I can't wait for the Olympia press conference and show when myself and the 8 other people going with me are going to boo u nonstop
Each time u try to say something we will boo u and yell out Sergio pump references


el numero uno

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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2015, 03:21:35 PM »
Bob is a complete old dumb geezer
The ifbb puppet

Hey Bob
I can't wait for the Olympia press conference and show when myself and the 8 other people going with me are going to boo u nonstop
Each time u try to say something we will boo u and yell out Sergio pump references

 :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2015, 03:21:50 PM »
#1 Multimedia Destination for bodybuilding? , lol

Its right here bitchez


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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2015, 06:34:36 PM »
haha do they even make these magazine anymore?

does anyone but schmoes pick them up?

Hahaha, fuck no. ;D


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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2015, 06:39:22 PM »

They're back at it again - the regrouping "we're still the best" article. Remember the "we still print 12 issues a year" one? Yeah, that was directed towards FLEX since they had stopped printing every month...but their page count didn't go down 40 pages in six months. You see, when you boast about something, make sure that there isn't a glaring weakness as a result of said boast.

Here are some 'highlights" from their latest diatribe:

Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!


Keeping up with technology, MD has evolved into far more than a print magazine. The website has become the one-stop destination for the best live contest coverage (including live play-by-play, photos and videos from the stage), training and lifestyle videos, discussion forums and podcasts. Three years ago, Dan Solomon brought his acclaimed Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Internet radio show to MD, bolstering Shawn Ray’s MD Radio. Each week, listeners are treated to interviews with the top athletes, officials and gurus of the sport.

MD is putting all of their chips on contest coverage and trying to be the best media outlet out there doing it. But they lack in so many areas that it has become a parody of itself. Where shall I start? The ridiculous play-by-play for bodybuilding (which I feel is the most asinine thing that has ever been done, but that's just me). Merely posting photos as fast as you can (multiple memory cards and a runner can get that accomplished) and letting the forum members debate whose "glutes are more striated" is a much better way to go and invites more visits/views than not one, but TWO of your employees putting their two cents in. They can do that as a recap if you really feel it is worth it.

With that said, if they have Peter McGough, Shawn Ray or Dan Solomon doing it, at least there is some credibility to point to. But Adina and David Baye when you have those other names on the payroll? Not a smart decision from the "front office." And please stop having two people do the play-by-play and not communicate with one another about what they are posting. It looks retarded to see basically the same post twice or even worse when Ray says this guy's back looks like shit and Baye is praising it.

If someone is dedicated enough to follow a play-by-play like this, they can wait the extra 30 seconds for the posts. They're not 'channel surfing,' so you don't have to beat Dave Palumbo to the punch. The RX people will be on that site, not yours. And speaking of Palumbo, his play-by-play trumps anyone's at MD.

Perfect segue to their photos and videos, which are also way behind RX Muscle's, for that matter. Don't believe it? Compare them and get back to me. And once again when you have guys like Solomon and Ray as part of your team - especially since you keep plastering their names out there - then why would you have a totally inexperienced non-journalist like Baye doing video interviews? And stop with the fuckin' midget already, too.

No Bull!

It’s not just the amazing talent pool that makes up Team MD that sets it apart and raises it to another level— it's the “No Bull” attitude and commitment to show the sport of bodybuilding as it really is, and to give you all the information you want and need to be your best. Our team of researchers and experts leads the industry on the subjects of muscle growth, bodybuilding science, nutrition, supplementation, testosterone and other performance-enhancing drugs. With all this information at your disposal, you can take your own physique to its absolute limit.

They have not had that attitude since Robbie Durand left. Sure, they can keep trying to say that they do, but the people that have been longtime readers of the magazine and forum members have noticed the difference and stated as much. When MD was the 'bad boys' of the industry during the Dave and John era, "No Bull" was more than just a line; it was a statement. But it's so watered down now that it sounds silly to keep touting it out there like your old military medals.

And their video placing the blame on food for the bodybuilders' extended guts ("It's not drugs," infamously stated by Bob Cicherillo) proves once again that MD will toe the company line - with the exception of Shawn Ray, who had the balls to go right after Bob Chick on their forum for saying that and not the obvious answers - insulin and GH.

You lose all credibility with anyone who has figured out that Santa Claus is really Mom and Dad with the 'mass consumption of food' nonsense.

The Best Keeps Getting Better

Thanks to Steve Blechman’s undying commitment to constantly improving MD and taking it to ever higher levels of excellence, you can look forward to MD not only remaining the best magazine and website in the bodybuilding industry for many years to come, but for it to continually step up its game to assure there’s nowhere else you need to go. We’ve got you covered!

Bow to the king! Blechy has to always make sure that he is the crescendo in everything that is an in house-written false praise. He has always wanted to be the next Joe Weider but will continue to fall short. He was at his best when he took a back seat to Dave and John and allowed them to make the magazine and website the success that it was.

Girls and sons who have not been loved by their fathers seek attention once teens and adults to compensate for what they didn't have originally. Fathers either left them alone, or were distant most of the time and not encouraging them.

Some even despised them which would shape their personality and the way they they interact with others for the rest of their life.
They are extremistic in everything they do, always looking exaggeratly for attention (Hello Goodrum), and have troubles adapting to society's rules, because they also have troubles defining their own identity and respecting authority and hierarchy.

Also boys who got picked on by others during childhood and adolescence -often sons without a father figure- try to compensate by lifting weights, to develop muscles and survive in ther male world.
They're insecure because they're girly, childish, feminine having been raised by a single mom.
They lift obsessively hoping it will transform them into men, to compensate for their lack of influence from a father figure that was not there. Unfortunaltey they can get as big as they can it doesnt cure their insecurity and who they truly are, how they grew up being raised by a single mom. They re no as manly as other men whatever they do, and they often have a big lack of masculine presence they dont know how to balance, hence often being borderline homosexuals while trying to get their manhood back thru various manly activities (mma, cars, weight lifting etc).

They are often the ones that, in order to get respect from other males will go the steroids route to get even "bigger" attemptint to cure their insecurity , but being natural not being "enough", they still feel "too small", insecure, amongst other males. The lack of a father figure also often means they didnt have guidance to continue studies and are often working shitty manual jobs.


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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2015, 07:01:47 PM »
I'm lol'ing at Sergio pump references :D

Big Ron Avidan shits all over "Muscular Development".


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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2015, 04:06:15 AM »
Hi Joe,

Is it true MD isn't paying their employees for 4 months?

How much does Chick get paid to troll their boards and tow the company line?


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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2015, 06:59:34 AM »
Unless Arnolds on the cover it's a shitty photoshopped cover

Joe Pietaro

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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2015, 09:55:13 AM »
Hi Joe,

Is it true MD isn't paying their employees for 4 months?

How much does Chick get paid to troll their boards and tow the company line?
I heard that on Dave's show, too, but the most that I can add to it is that I was always paid on time when I was an in office full time employee. But when I freelanced for them for a few years prior to that, it did take a while to receive the check in the mail. Either way, I was always paid.

And when I worked with freelancers while I was there, they had to wait quite a while for payment, as well. But to my knowledge, they were all paid in full eventually.

I can't speak for much about their paying practices since I was fired in September 2014, but their deficiencies have been glaring for a while now in the form of all three of their magazines going down in pages (editorial and advertising) and getting rid of employees and athletes, alike. So all is not apparently well in Blechy World.

As for Bob Cicherillo, I never had any knowledge of what his salary was or if he had a stipulation in his contract that he had to post on the forum. (Those things are very secretive at MD HQ.) But I look at it this way - their forum has gone downhill so far the past few years that Bob's going back and forth with some of the other members defending himself has become the highlight of what once was a fun place to post.


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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2015, 05:17:54 PM »
I heard that on Dave's show, too, but the most that I can add to it is that I was always paid on time when I was an in office full time employee. But when I freelanced for them for a few years prior to that, it did take a while to receive the check in the mail. Either way, I was always paid.

And when I worked with freelancers while I was there, they had to wait quite a while for payment, as well. But to my knowledge, they were all paid in full eventually.

I can't speak for much about their paying practices since I was fired in September 2014, but their deficiencies have been glaring for a while now in the form of all three of their magazines going down in pages (editorial and advertising) and getting rid of employees and athletes, alike. So all is not apparently well in Blechy World.

As for Bob Cicherillo, I never had any knowledge of what his salary was or if he had a stipulation in his contract that he had to post on the forum. (Those things are very secretive at MD HQ.) But I look at it this way - their forum has gone downhill so far the past few years that Bob's going back and forth with some of the other members defending himself has become the highlight of what once was a fun place to post.

Sounds like they are hurting
Rx won't last either, they are in big advertising

I wonder if Dave would go back to MD, if Blechman would take him

Joe Pietaro

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Re: Why MD Is the #1 Multimedia Destination in Bodybuilding!
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2015, 06:13:06 PM »
Sounds like they are hurting
The proof is in the product, or lack thereof.
Rx won't last either, they are in big advertising
Dave has both Species and his training services, so RX Muscle will be fine.

I wonder if Dave would go back to MD, if Blechman would take him
I don't see that ever happening - from either side.