Author Topic: How to Actually MAGA  (Read 382 times)


  • Getbig III
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How to Actually MAGA
« on: March 23, 2017, 02:00:40 AM »
While you guys are arguing and discussing the intricacies of some nonsense bill or piece of legislation that has little to do with what is really important, 'they' are gathering their resources, planning, and converging on their goal. I'll get to that in a little bit.

You just don't see it do you? You're still fooled by the smoke and mirrors game that's had all of us fooled for so long. Trump said this, Obama sucks, Obama wasn't so bad, Trump sucks, Make America Great Again, Alt Right did this, Pepe the fucking frog memes.. all this garbage. Posted on every decently populated forum in the western hemisphere, on every single person's facebook, on everyone's TV. You are too busy applauding trump for signing that NASA funding bill for a few billion, or the relaxing of emissions regulations. Infantile in the grand scheme of things- things that do not matter even the smallest amount for what is happening right now.

While you are all occupied with these insignificancies, the reality of the situation is this- we are a distracted, corrupted, divided, hateful, angry and WEAK nation right now. This illusion of making America great again is just that, an illusion. It will not come to pass, what Trump has promised and we all need to understand that.

In order for America to be great, the following things must happen-

1- America must rid itself of Israel. The Jewish lobby on capitol hill is so very strong. They are not in it for America, but for themselves and for Israel. If you want to know who controls you, consider who you are not allowed to criticize. If you have ever wondered why the mighty USA is so enamoured with Israel (a tiny and outwardly insignificant plot of sand thousands of miles from us) now is the time to be asking certain questions, before you are no longer allowed to (as in Canada, the UK and most of Western Europe).

2- The Fed must burn. The USA needs a total revamp of its monetary system ASAP. Debt based currency will never succeed, and is a racket designed to create a society that runs on a singular resource (money) and then funnel all of that money into a few select people's pockets via compound interest, high standards of living and consumerism. We should have studied the bible a bit more carefully on this one since WE ALLOWED A PRIVATE COMPANY TO CONTROL OUR CURRENCY- ITS ISSUE AND THUS ITS VALUE.

3- Our degenerate culture must be cleaned up- this task is a much more challenging one than the others I feel for it is a question of a nation's soul and spirit. Pornography, rap music, excess, casual sex, liberalism, abortion, anarchism, reality TV... and so many more symbols of a culture that is very sick, in both senses of the word. It begins with our education system however.

4- Curbing the media- I'm sorry but free speech and democracy combined with capitalism do not work together to forward the best interests of the majority- only the wealthy minority. The key factor in this is the media, since it shapes all of public opinion and how we think as a society. It is what occupies our minds and limits or unlimits us at it's whim. The fragmented and divided media is thus mimicked by the public. How hard is that to figure out? Regardless of who is behind it, the limitation of the consumption of independent mainstream media and ideally the destruction of such is paramount to a healthy people. This leads to point 5...

5- refocus our priorities- the world we live in today is so much about the me's and I's, and not at all about us. We all have our own phone, our own laptop, our own facebook where we share our own opinions and lives. We all think we know what is best for us, but in fact we do not- we do what we want to do not what we need to or should do- for our own and for other's betterment. How is that working out for us? The basis of a strong, healthy and happy nation, is the sum of it's parts and the basic building block of that is the citizenry- would you build your home with moldy wood and rusty nails? Absolutely not. Why build your nation with the human equivalent of such components? Creating an environment where our society produces superior people is vital I feel.

So do you really think a few stop gap measures of appeasement by Trump, a few red hats emblazoned with optimistic slogans and based stick man is going to do anything? NO.

Major overhaul required. Simple as that. Feel free to add your own points to my 5.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 808
Re: How to Actually MAGA
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2017, 03:07:05 PM »
1 and 2 sound tempting but would collapse our economy in short order.
The US GOV and constitution is set up to be stable and survive.
The founding fathers systems of checks and balances were done to preserve the stability of GOV.

The rest of your points dealing with degenerates and social media are legitimate.
BUT, unless you want to be like North Korea, people have the right to be a lazy idiot.

In my OPINION, the most practical way to go is a more libertarian system based on the existing constitution.
For example, STOP funding health care for those under 65 who can work ( aka Medicaid).
As a society ,we need to say NO, to deadbeats.

If you want to use drugs, or booze, it's not our job to rehab you.
Freedom to do as you please isn't meant to be free from personal responsibility.

I cn agree with you for the most part, but the idea is we encourage a society where lazy people and deadbeats are not praised or enabled and where being such is not acceptable and shameful. Something that doesn't exist in the current realm of thought. And yes we need to get it out of our heads that we are entitled to free or cheap healthcare simply because the UK and other countries have it. In canada the healthcare is 75 a month for those making over 20k, and its got to be the worst service I've ever experienced. To be clear I am an american living in canada.

As for your comments on 1 and 2, they had nothing to do with 1 and 2 so  a better response is in order I think. Do some research on the effects of Israel and the Jewish on US foreign and domestic policy.

Unlike a lot of people on here I have respect for you Howard and I think you are a good American, but you would do well to examine the details of things for they are the most important.