Author Topic: greatest gays in history  (Read 9739 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: greatest gays in history
« Reply #75 on: March 05, 2018, 02:44:54 PM »
Ummm...Is this the same Alexander Hamilton who fathered 8 children with his wife?  He was heterosexual.  As he is dead and unable to defend himself, allow me...

He was married to the same woman with whom he had 8(!) children.  That it was the same woman automatically removes any speculation that he was (1) a homosexual and (2) a negro.  I included the latter in the likely event that Wiggs would wander in here and declare that the original founding fathers were negroes.

And that, of course, would be inconsistent with their sticking around after the birth of our nation.

Thus endeth the lesson for the day.

Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens: 1777-1783

Hamilton's letters to Laurens reflect a world not divided between “heterosexual” and “homosexual,” a world in which same-sex love and intimacy were not considered tainted by “sexuality.”

"I acknowledge but one letter from you, since you left us, of the 14th of July which just arrived in time to appease a violent conflict between my friendship and my pride. I have written you five or six letters since you left Philadelphia and I should have written you more had you made proper return. But like a jealous lover, when I thought you slighted my caresses, my affection was alarmed and my vanity piqued. I had almost resolved to lavish no more of them upon you and to reject you as an inconstant and an ungrateful"  -- [a space is here left blank in the manuscript, a word identifying Laurens is left unwritten by Hamilton, who continues:]

"But you have now disarmed my resentment and by a single mark of attention made up the quarrel. You must at least allow me a large stock of good nature."


  • Getbig V
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Re: greatest gays in history
« Reply #76 on: March 05, 2018, 02:50:50 PM »
About the only fact that would indicate Buchanan being a homosexual is that he was a Democrat.  Other than that, he courted a young lady who unfortunately passed away and in his grief, Buchanan never courted again.  He wrote the young woman's father asking permission to attend her funeral (which was denied) and stated that with her loss,  "I feel happiness has fled from me forever".

So again, not homosexual.  Dead?  Yes. But homosexual?  Nope.  What have we learned from this?  Do not put either words or a penis in a long dead man's mouth.

Stick to Liberace, who famously sued a British newspaper that said he was homosexual and won. Highlarious, indeed.

“I am now solitary and alone, having no companion in the house with me,” Buchanan wrote. “I have gone a wooing to several gentlemen, but have not succeeded with any one of them. I feel that it is not good for man to be alone; and should not be astonished to find myself married to some old maid who can nurse me when I am sick provide good dinners for me when I am well, and not expect from me any very ardent or romantic affection.” James Buchanan

The Scott

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Re: greatest gays in history
« Reply #77 on: March 05, 2018, 03:13:49 PM »
Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens: 1777-1783

Hamilton's letters to Laurens reflect a world not divided between “heterosexual” and “homosexual,” a world in which same-sex love and intimacy were not considered tainted by “sexuality.”

"I acknowledge but one letter from you, since you left us, of the 14th of July which just arrived in time to appease a violent conflict between my friendship and my pride. I have written you five or six letters since you left Philadelphia and I should have written you more had you made proper return. But like a jealous lover, when I thought you slighted my caresses, my affection was alarmed and my vanity piqued. I had almost resolved to lavish no more of them upon you and to reject you as an inconstant and an ungrateful"  -- [a space is here left blank in the manuscript, a word identifying Laurens is left unwritten by Hamilton, who continues:]

"But you have now disarmed my resentment and by a single mark of attention made up the quarrel. You must at least allow me a large stock of good nature."

I seriously doubt either gentleman was homosexual.  I have known plenty of homosexuals and a few were/are friends.  The friends never tried to show me i was homosexual. The fags?

Constantly.  Which is why there were never friends.  Some of the most contemptible people I have known have tried to convince me that I was homosexual.  It just goes to show that no one is born that way.  If some think other wise. I could care less.   Experience has shown me otherwise.


  • Getbig V
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Re: greatest gays in history
« Reply #78 on: March 05, 2018, 05:23:49 PM »
I seriously doubt either gentleman was homosexual.  I have known plenty of homosexuals and a few were/are friends.  The friends never tried to show me i was homosexual. The fags?

Constantly.  Which is why there were never friends.  Some of the most contemptible people I have known have tried to convince me that I was homosexual.  It just goes to show that no one is born that way.  If some think other wise. I could care less.   Experience has shown me otherwise.

Did you know homosexuals in 1804 - 1861?

The Scott

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Re: greatest gays in history
« Reply #79 on: March 05, 2018, 06:37:18 PM »
Did you know homosexuals in 1804 - 1861?

I am older than that.  Homosexuality has been around since the first time a woman turned down some horny retards  and they decided to do each other.  I recall you have something of a history with this stuff.  Your choice. And that is exactly what it is.

Look.  I do not dislike you but you are not in this to be elucidated by any means.  In other words, you have a dog (most likely a bitch) in this "fight".  You know exactly what is meant by that.

If a mind is in the gutter, I am not the rain storm to clean it out.   Is homosexuality a sin?  For many faiths, yes.  Me?  I just find it personally repulsive and that being either men with men or women with women.  Or any combination thereof.  Do not sully the past with the perversion of the present, even if it is a fantasy.  Not saying it is yours but plenty of homosexuals I have known have tried to justify and convince others, including myself, that being homosexual is within everyone and then they go on to name names, past and present in the hope that the future will include a buttfuck festival with whomever they are trying to convince.

As stated, my friends that were/are homosexual NEVER did that.  Why?  Because their lives don't revolve around their sexual desires.  FTN.


  • Getbig V
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Re: greatest gays in history
« Reply #80 on: March 06, 2018, 05:31:23 PM »
I am older than that.  Homosexuality has been around since the first time a woman turned down some horny retards  and they decided to do each other.  I recall you have something of a history with this stuff.  Your choice. And that is exactly what it is.

Look.  I do not dislike you but you are not in this to be elucidated by any means.  In other words, you have a dog (most likely a bitch) in this "fight".  You know exactly what is meant by that.

If a mind is in the gutter, I am not the rain storm to clean it out.   Is homosexuality a sin?  For many faiths, yes.  Me?  I just find it personally repulsive and that being either men with men or women with women.  Or any combination thereof.  Do not sully the past with the perversion of the present, even if it is a fantasy.  Not saying it is yours but plenty of homosexuals I have known have tried to justify and convince others, including myself, that being homosexual is within everyone and then they go on to name names, past and present in the hope that the future will include a buttfuck festival with whomever they are trying to convince.

As stated, my friends that were/are homosexual NEVER did that.  Why?  Because their lives don't revolve around their sexual desires.  FTN.

You must be 'older than the hills'. You are quite right homosexuality has probably been around forever. I'm 73 years old; I have a history with lots of stuff, but not everything. I won't get into a discussion about choice except to say that it is your choice to believe what you do. It matters little whether either of us is right or wrong.

There is no fight. I'm not out to prove anything. You'll notice that I included the sources I lifted the information; letters and insinuations about Alexander Hamilton and James Buchanan from. Nowhere did I say that it was accurate. It makes no difference to me whether someone is homosexual or not, particularly those who passed a long time ago.

Not being a scientist, I cannot prove being gay isn't a choice. There is no simple answer as to why some things are...they just are. Almost everything we do is a matter of choice whether good or bad, wise or unwise, fruitful or not.

All we really know about our friends is what they want us to know. How much anyone's sexual desires influences their lives, is unknowable to others.

Since you find homosexuality repulsive, how is it that you have homosexual friends? It seems to me if someone repulses you, you wouldn't want to be friends with them.

Just so you know, I may not agree with your opinions on certain topics, but I like you too. I appreciate that your conversations with me are civil and intelligent.

The Scott

  • Getbig V
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Re: greatest gays in history
« Reply #81 on: March 06, 2018, 06:49:40 PM »

Since you find homosexuality repulsive, how is it that you have homosexual friends? It seems to me if someone repulses you, you wouldn't want to be friends with them.

Just so you know, I may not agree with your opinions on certain topics, but I like you too. I appreciate that your conversations with me are civil and intelligent.

As I said, those friends of mine that are homosexual do not make it the center of their world.  They do not force it upon me and I do not force my heterosexuality upon them.  Male and female. I do not want to hear of their private lives not would I discuss mine with them.  The men do not flirt with me for to do so would cost them my friendship.  The women do not because they do not care for a penis unless it's made of rubber and attached to a woman.  If all they ever spoke of was sex?   Fuck that noise.  I know they are homosexual.  There's no need to remind me.  There's more to life than sex.  Same with my heterosexual friends.    It is never a case of it is what it is.  It is what we make of it.


  • Getbig V
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Re: greatest gays in history
« Reply #82 on: March 06, 2018, 07:50:52 PM »
As I said, those friends of mine that are homosexual do not make it the center of their world.  They do not force it upon me and I do not force my heterosexuality upon them.  Male and female. I do not want to hear of their private lives not would I discuss mine with them.  The men do not flirt with me for to do so would cost them my friendship.  The women do not because they do not care for a penis unless it's made of rubber and attached to a woman.  If all they ever spoke of was sex?   Fuck that noise.  I know they are homosexual.  There's no need to remind me.  There's more to life than sex.  Same with my heterosexual friends.    It is never a case of it is what it is.  It is what we make of it.

Absolutely! -Don't know how old you are, but I was taught that there are certain things one doesn't discuss casually and this includes our sex lives. All I can say is, times change. -Question, do you talk about your sex life with you male heterosexual friends?

Imagine these two scenarios.  The first one is you're having lunch with a straight male friend and every other word out of his mouth is a comment on how hot the women walking by is and how he'd "fuck her silly" and so on. The other is, you are having lunch with one of your gay male friends and he cannot stop exclaiming how nice a bubble butt is or how big a bulge is on some dude walking buy and how he'd like to suck and fuck him. Tell me, is there really a difference? Both friends are being vulgar and obnoxious.

A very long time ago, I had a friend who was also my bodybuilding mentor. Sometimes after a good workout at the gym, we'd go to a steakhouse for some 'real' protein for lunch. Walt was a guy who had something overtly sexual to say (too loudly) about every woman that passed by. This was both annoying and embarrassing to me as a 16 year old kid. A few years later, after I was married, he proposed we have sex following a great workout in his garage. Some of the things he proposed we do were to say the least, extremely kinky. This blew my mind. At this same time, he had a longtime girlfriend/lover who was also a friend of my mom's, further complicating my thoughts. Who was Walt, really? I am guessing he was a sex crazed bisexual.

Experience has taught me to keep an open mind. Folks aren't perfect, despite that they may pretend to be.


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Re: greatest gays in history
« Reply #83 on: March 06, 2018, 08:05:21 PM »
Experience has taught me to keep an open mind.

filthy creep

The Scott

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Re: greatest gays in history
« Reply #84 on: March 06, 2018, 08:14:31 PM »
Absolutely! -Don't know how old you are, but I was taught that there are certain things one doesn't discuss casually and this includes our sex lives. All I can say is, times change. -Question, do you talk about your sex life with you male heterosexual friends?

Experience has taught me to keep an open mind. Folks aren't perfect, despite that they may pretend to be.

Nope.  That which is best kept private (one's sex life) is not something we  talk about.  Music, movies, training, cars and motorcycles are a few of the subjects we discuss.  We might say a woman is attractive but not much more than that. 

As for an open mind, my mother taught me that the problem with that is people will continually try and put things in there that don't belong.  So no, I do not have an open mind for that which should be kept to oneself.   For example, sexual intimacy is anything but intimate when you decide to bring others into it.  That is the world of cuckolds and they are a disgusting lot.