Author Topic: Stick to Monohydrate or Kre-Alkilyn...  (Read 1425 times)


  • Getbig II
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Stick to Monohydrate or Kre-Alkilyn...
« on: April 14, 2006, 12:26:04 PM »
“Creatine Ethyl Ester”
To be or not to be
by Louis Geovani, Associate Executive Scientist
BioCeuticals Research & Development Analytical Laboratory
a division of All American Pharmaceutical & Natural Foods, Corporation

Process for making an ethyl ester:
Ethyl Ester processing is an old art used in pharmaceuticals for stable chemicals. The
chemical is reacted with hydrochloric acid and an alcohol.
Is this process good for Creatine:
Creatine reacted with hydrochloric acid equals creatinine HCL. This would be a ridicules
process for creatine since every 7 grader knows that creatine is unstable in a liquid environmentth .
The lower the pH the quicker the conversion from creatine to creatinine. At pH 1 of hydrochloric
acid, this conversion would be instantaneous. {See The Merck Index, page 435, 2637, which states
that creatinine is formed when creatine is mixed with an acid}. And don’t forget that creatinine
is a very dangerous toxin that you do not want to be ingesting. The art of ethyl ester processing has
its place in pharmaceuticals, but has no business with creatine.
Second, if creatine was stable, the alcohol residuals are very difficult and time consuming
to cleaned from the reaction, which would leave a highly contaminated product or an extremely
expensive one.
Is Creatine Ethyl Ester new like the adds claim?:
If 1922 is considered current! You heard me correctly. Two Gentleman named W. Dox and
Lester Yoder back in the good old 1922's first tried to esterify creatine. This was published in the
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol #4. Dox and Yoder discovered that creatine converts to
creatinine in acid. This was re-verified in 1954 by Mold, Gore, Lynce and Schantz. So, it was not
discovered in 2004 by any of the companies that you read about in the magazines.
What are the creatine esters on the market?:
Fake! Creatine Ethyl Ester does not exist. I have tested all of the so called creatine ethyl
ester products and the following is what I’ve found:
A). Regular creatine monohydrate
B). Creatine monohydrate mixed with some acid
C). Creatine monohydrate, some acid & creatinine
D). Creatine monohydrate mixed with amino acids and malic acid
I also located the lab in China which is claiming to manufacture creatine ethyl ester (it’s
good to have friends in customs) and have been testing lot after lot of what is being sold to all these
US companies. The analysis are always the same with in 10% (except for the amount of creatine
ethyl ester).
Creatine ethyl ester 0 mg out of 1 gram
Creatine 700 mg out of 1 gram
Creatinine 20 mg out of 1 gram
Water 300 mg out of 1 gram
I recently visited MRI’s website. Now MRI has also been testing the creatine ethyl esters on the
market and has also come up with close to the same conclusion that I have; They are all fake. See
If these companies know it is fake, why do they sell it?
Bottom line. It is cheap to purchase and they do not care. They figure no one will test it and
at the end of the day it is still creatine they are selling. Who cares if it is only creatine monohydrate
or some other mix. I have called several of them and asked why they include creatine ethyl ester
in there product and do not sell it as a stand alone. They all said it does not work by itself, but it
looks good on there label. The more ingredients the better they think the label claim looks.
How can you stabilize creatine then?
I can say it in one word: Kre-Alkalyn R US Patent 6,399,661.
For more information on why you can not make a creatine ethyl ester, go to www.getkrealkayn.
com and check out Mr. Brian Andrews new book called “Creatine, Industry Insider Secrets
revealed”. You can down load it absolutely for free and read for your self. If you do not have a
computer, write me at: Team Kre-Alkayn, 520 Charles Street, Billings, MT 59105 and I will send
you one out for free.
In closing, remember I am a biochemist and can make any form of creatine I want to. When
Mr. Jeff Golini discovered Kre-AlkalynR, this was preciously what he was doing. Experimenting
with creatine and different types of acids. Mr. Golini then went on to prove that creatine is unstable
in liquids and the lower the pH the quicker the conversion to creatinine. I once ask Mr. Golini if
he thought he could make a esterified creatine. His response was exactly what I thought it would
be. He kindly looked me in the eye and chuckled while not missing a beat running his NIR machine.
Creatine ethyl ester does not exist. There is only One way to stabile creatine and that is US