Author Topic: Successful HPTA restart after heavy anabolic use and 3 years straight on TRT  (Read 14232 times)


  • Getbig III
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So I started doing steroids and pro hormones around 18 and didn't stop until I was about 24 because of some negative reactions. After about 2 years off of steroids I got my levels tested and they were at 277ng/dl, so my doctor didn't try a HPTA restart and put me straight on 160mg's of testosterone a week. I was on TRT for about 3 years straight and usually had my levels at about 1000ng/dl. After being on TRT for 3 plus years I did not think it was possible to get off of it and everyone online told me I had basically zero chance of recovering. I started to get pretty depressed about being on TRT for life at only 28 and the thought of possibly not being able to have kids in the future because of a dumb choice I made when I was younger.

 So eventually my normal doctor got his license taken away and I had to go to a different doctor which refused to prescribe me testosterone. I was extremely pissed off at the doctor for taking me off of testosterone because I truly felt I had no chance of recovery. So I went to two different endo's and both refused to write me a prescription for testosterone and were very rude which made me want to use UGL testosterone and say fuck them, but I knew relying on UGL testosterone for life or even the next ten years would be a bitch. So the last endo I visited said he would give me clomid at 25mgs a day for a month and I thought to my self fuck it this is going to be my best chance at recovering considering it is pharmaceutical clomid. So I got extra clomid and some nolvadex and started my HPTA restart. I started the hpta restart 2 weeks after my last injection taking clomid at 50/50/25/25 and nolvadex at 25/25/25/25. The entire time I was taking my pct I tried to eat healthy but normal foods and stay active through weight lifting, intense yard work, and mountain biking. I felt normal athletic activities were important to jump start my testosterone and that I had to do more than just weight lifting and cardio.

 I will admit coming off of TRT was probably one of the harder things I had done in my life I had extreme mood swings and was completely not thinking right. I managed to keep my strength and went from about 235 to 218, I have a leaner look now and feel way healthier. So I waited about a month and a half after I was done with PCT and just got my test results back today and my testosterone came back at 513 and estrodial at 32. Honestly I am so fucking happy I can not put it into words I am finally done injecting my self twice a week and managing blood work. I feel way better than I did when I had everything perfectly dialed in on TRT it is very hard to describe how much better it feels to have stable natural testosterone levels again.

 I decided to write all of this because there is a lot of negative attitudes towards attempting a restart after being on steroids for a long time. I don't think that a HPTA restart will work for everyone but it is with out a doubt worth a try. I want to be clear that I am not talking bad about TRT for people who need it I am speaking to the people who want to get off TRT that might have got on it when they really did not 100% need it. I wish all of you the best luck here and I have had fun cycling steroids but it has caused me more pain the joy in my life so I am done for good.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 64
Did your libido change when you stopped? If yes did it eventually come back to normal?


  • Getbig III
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Yes my libido decreased with in about 2 weeks after I stopped the shots and went from low to high through out the Clomid and nolvadex HPTA restart. Once I was done with the Clomid and Nolvadex my libido seemed to go down for a couple weeks then it slowly climbed back up over a months span to normal. I don't have any problems getting or maintaining erections but I do notice I don't have erections when waking up as often as I did while on TRT. While on TRT my libido was insanely high and to be honest I don't really miss that feeling of having way to high of a libido. Over all I feel 100% back to normal when it comes to all sexual functions.

 If your thinking about stopping blasting and cruising or TRT it is definitely worth the try. At the end of me getting off of TRT before I got my final blood test I was very happy that I at least attempted to get off of TRT if I recovered successfully or not. I'm saying this because always wondering if you could have gotten off of TRT is worse than trying to get off of it and failing. Honestly I am just posting all of this because I feel like there are probably a lot of people out there that feel exactly like I did and maybe jumped the gun on TRT a little bit to early and now want to get off. Some of the posts from other people who got off of TRT and put there stories up here over the last few years helped give me motivation to try so I figured I owe it to the forum to post my experience.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 64
Thanks for the info...i just stopped for 2 months after being on for 2 years straight....nolva and clomid also....unfortunately I'm weak and just jumped back on again !


  • Getbig III
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2 months off isn't giving your body enough time to fully recover you need like 6 months off until you can really say you gave it a chance. Around 3 months is when I started feeling way way better.


  • Getbig V
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One marker often ignored is the prolactin level. High prolactin (and trenbolone isn't the only culprit, but it's the worst, without a doubt) can make your recovery alot harder, even if you use the classical pregnyl/clomid combo.
I have had excelent results, lowering it, with half a pill of Dostinex, twice weekly, for 8 weeks.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 583
Interesting I didn't know that. Maybe thats what makes deca so hard to recover from.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 64
Good to know...thanks


  • Getbig V
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I think guys get too addicted to steroids and start deluding themselves about why you should never go off them. It's crazy how people in their 20s and 30s are on trt.

The best way to use steroids is probably 1 short cycle a year (8 weeks max). This will keep you at your genetic max and the long time off ensures your system is always working.


  • Getbig IV
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If you managed to restart with 4 weeks of clomid and no HCG then you are an anomoly.

Loads of trt guys attempt restarts with HCG and clomid and fail. I am happy to hear if worked for you.

If you did not like pinning twice a week you should have simply switched compounds.

I use sus250 and do 1ml once every 2 weeks which is super easy. i hated test enth on trt as i could feel the coming down. with sus250 everything is flat and you feel normal all the time.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 142
the biggest problem i see in guys trying to come off after many years on is the ridiculously small dosages of hcg they are told to use by absolute fucking idiots on forums. 250-500iu x twice weekly isnt going to do SHIT for most guys.

GV Gill back in 1998 had a case study that demonstrated the power of high dosages of HCG to fix ASIH (anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism, aka what we all have when we come off). He took a young bodybuilding lad who had been through the ringer trying to come off, and some other moron doctor had him on sustanon shots. Gill got him to get off the sustanon and gave him 10k (yes, TEN THOUSAND) ius per week for the first month, 5k/week for the 2nd, 2.5k/week for the 3rd and final month. Within a couple of weeks of starting symptoms were gone, morning and nocturnal erections returned etc etc.

At the 30 month followup, he was completely fine and eugonadal. I reference this study constantly because its one of the only studies with a very long term followup. Most of the shit bbers read about "pct drugs" in literature is short term stuff. Clomid for example, raises testosterone levels .... while you are using it it does nothing to help restore function of any part of the HPTA/HPGA. Same thing with AIs and shit.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 583
Hcg seemed to stop working for me while I was on TRT. The clomid and nolva I took was amazing with in 2 weeks my balls went from shrunken for over a year straight to looking normal again. I think pharmacutical grade clomid and nolva are amazing and have a synergy when combined that helps you recover faster then normal. I think HCG is amazing but it's complicated stuff and you can cause dammage with it quite easily when using larger dosages.

 I've heard a couple trains of thought on hcg like how over 1000 iu's in a week will desensitize ley dig cells and of course the other side of the argument is where you need 5000 iu's pluss in one shot. Both theories I have heard about from really knowledgable people so in the end I kind of think everyone is going to respond differently to PCT medication. It is probably safest to start off with the normal pct and if bloodwork and time shows that failed then try the bigger dosages of hcg. I think hcg works great I just think gigantic dosages could be dangerous for some people and is probably best saved for a last defence in case it causes leydig desensitization.


  • Getbig V
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  • "Woke is a cult." - Joe Rogan

Why would you take anabolic steroids continuously for years when you KNOW that by doing so you will cause your own testes to potentially permanently stop producing testosterone?

What were you thinking? 

What was your logic in doing this harm to yourself?


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 583
I was cycling steroids in the beginning with hcg and correct post cycle therapy I didn't just stay on the whole time. I was put on Trt by a doctor later on though. The reason I started taking steroids and doing big cycles was because I wanted to try to become a pro bodybuilder at the time and was fully aware of the consequences. Eventually I had a bad reaction to a bigger cycle and got horrible acne everywhere and went in a downward spiral and quit bodybuilding.The acne didnt go away for about a year even while off of everything.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 142
Hcg seemed to stop working for me while I was on TRT. The clomid and nolva I took was amazing with in 2 weeks my balls went from shrunken for over a year straight to looking normal again. I think pharmacutical grade clomid and nolva are amazing and have a synergy when combined that helps you recover faster then normal. I think HCG is amazing but it's complicated stuff and you can cause dammage with it quite easily when using larger dosages.

 I've heard a couple trains of thought on hcg like how over 1000 iu's in a week will desensitize ley dig cells and of course the other side of the argument is where you need 5000 iu's pluss in one shot. Both theories I have heard about from really knowledgable people so in the end I kind of think everyone is going to respond differently to PCT medication. It is probably safest to start off with the normal pct and if bloodwork and time shows that failed then try the bigger dosages of hcg. I think hcg works great I just think gigantic dosages could be dangerous for some people and is probably best saved for a last defence in case it causes leydig desensitization.

desensitization is a poorly understood process that has turned into a boogeyman myth. Its a normal regulatory response... temporary. Good breakdown here:

Its so absurd that so many people in the steroid community fret over this yet they have absolutely no concern about leydig cell DEATH happening while they shoot up steroids  ;)


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
OP: Are you still off trt or are you back on at this point?
you are gay.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 583
I am still off TRT and it was the best choice I ever made. I went from 235 to 215 but I have zero water retention so I look pretty good. I am just getting back in to lifting weights again after a 6 month break of just cardio. I feel good though and don't miss being on TRT and injecting myself twice a week.


  • Getbig V
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  • Liberals..Dumbest People on the Planet! MAGA
I am still off TRT and it was the best choice I ever made. I went from 235 to 215 but I have zero water retention so I look pretty good. I am just getting back in to lifting weights again after a 6 month break of just cardio. I feel good though and don't miss being on TRT and injecting myself twice a week.
So you believe steroids made you fat or you just ate like a pig.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 583
I never said I was fat or un happy with how I looked on steroids. I looked good at 235 but I feel I look better at 215 with no water retention and off TRT. I feel that I could have achieved a better look while on TrT then I had but I didn't have the desire to put all the work into it. Steroids never made me fat but I do believe they made me bloated even when my estrogen and diet was dialed in. I see guys now on steroids and some of them have an amazing physique but %90 just look like fat dudes with puffy faces when they put a jacket on.


  • Getbig V
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I never said I was fat or un happy with how I looked on steroids. I looked good at 235 but I feel I look better at 215 with no water retention and off TRT. I feel that I could have achieved a better look while on TrT then I had but I didn't have the desire to put all the work into it. Steroids never made me fat but I do believe they made me bloated even when my estrogen and diet was dialed in. I see guys now on steroids and some of them have an amazing physique but %90 just look like fat dudes with puffy faces when they put a jacket on.

I''ve been on TRT for a year.  I got complacent with diet and training consistency this winter.  At first, I stayed pretty lean even on low dose trt.  Eventually, I pushed the eating garbage envelope too far and got really soft and very unhappy.  When we got back from vacation this spring, I rededicated myself to eating a primarily keto diet with training and cardio daily.  About ten weeks in and all my bloodwork is spot on.  Haven't lost one pound of body weight but my waist is probably 2, maybe 3 inches smaller.  This is only on 100mgs of test cyp per week.  I'm going to dump a couple pints of blood Saturday morning and will have a full comprehensive physical and lab work done next week.  Hopefully, things are even better.  My only issue now is my nads are shrunken to some degree.  I'm going to give some otc products a go along side trt and see if I can regain some volume.  LOL.  If not, I may introduce low dose hcg.  I may try the Nelson Vergel protocol.  40mg's of test with 250iu's hcg two times per week.  I'll report back.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 11269
  • Liberals..Dumbest People on the Planet! MAGA
I never said I was fat or un happy with how I looked on steroids. I looked good at 235 but I feel I look better at 215 with no water retention and off TRT. I feel that I could have achieved a better look while on TrT then I had but I didn't have the desire to put all the work into it. Steroids never made me fat but I do believe they made me bloated even when my estrogen and diet was dialed in. I see guys now on steroids and some of them have an amazing physique but %90 just look like fat dudes with puffy faces when they put a jacket on.
<——750mgs of test a week, 203lbs @ 6’ and no bloat. Learn how to diet before using gear.