Author Topic: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?  (Read 4438 times)


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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #75 on: September 16, 2021, 08:31:04 AM »
this is why THIS is necessary


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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #76 on: September 16, 2021, 08:31:14 AM »
I'm one of those people that it worked out for as well. (But not vaxxed).
May change if they restrict non-vaxxed, but I dont care, I have everything here, full gym and all).

100% full time work at home (again) now (I used to split my time) no more paying state taxes since I dont drive in to work in MA (like getting a 600.00 a month raise).
I dont do much anyways, and everything is open here even if I did, and the gym is pretty much all mine at 6 AM each day.
I can still go out for Wings and Diet-Redbull (and take in the occasional horror movie in Theatre) anytime. Not much has really ever changed. (For now).

Thx Fake-RONA!  ;)

I assume you live in New Hampshire, so you don't pay state income tax but you do pay taxes on interest and dividends. Like Oregon, you don't have sales tax. What you do have is the 4th highest property tax rate in the country. New Hampshire's total tax burden is 6.84%. It is not the lowest in the Nation but darn close to it. Alaska has the lowest total tax burden in the U.S., 5.1%. New Hampshire is considered a good state to live in if your retired....but then there is the weather....pretty darn cold in the winter.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #77 on: September 16, 2021, 08:43:12 AM »
Nothing is real or accurate anymore Prime.

A protest against "forced vaccination" was called "Anti Vaxxers" the other day. Pure bullshit.
Many of them had the Vax (they decided on their own to get it) and most of the "non RONA-Vaxxed" were not against vaccinations, they got plenty in life (flu, etc).
They were against "Gov't Mandated Vax" and forcing children, etc.

CNN had "Anti-Vax Protesters" labeling them as bad people, etc. (While pumping up BLM in other stories (mostly peaceful violence).
Nothing is to be believed anymore.

At this time the Federal government does not mandate COVID-19 vaccines. The Supreme Court ruled that individual states and cities can legally mandate these vaccines. Ultimately, the biggest impact on people choosing to not be vaccinated will be mandates from commercial businesses and the travel industry. Public schools currently require certain vaccines in order to attend them. It isn't difficult opt out given a variety of reasons. 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #78 on: September 16, 2021, 09:07:48 AM »
We're all guinea pigs for the HIV vaccine, which finally got it's approval for human based trials weeks ago BASED ON the safety protocol of the covid "vaccine", which is actually a man made mRNA molecule with a spike protein. Unfortunately, the HIV vaccine trials had to be abruptly halted because they found the surprising result that men given the mRNA HIV vaccine ended up being MORE likely to get HIV than than those who had not gotten it. In the HIV vaccine trials, they used an adenovirus(ADV-5) as the mRNA carrier, and the covid vaccine also uses the adenovirus as the carrier. It's essentially the same shit they have been working on for years trying to get an HIV vaccine which is VERY politically motivated. So now they can use a less lethal virus like covid to essentially do human trials on us with the mRNA vaccine with an adenovirus carrier. I'm not saying the covid vacccine is safe or not, but to make the broad claims of safety is medically irresponsible as we do not have enough long term studies yet. The covid virus is already behaving in ways unlike most natural viruses in that the Delta(and soon Lambda) seem to be more deadly as opposed to less. Most natural viruses tend to get less deadly but more transmissible over time through variants. The goal of a natural virus is to be LESS deadly so it can spread more, as if it kills the host quickly it has less chance to spread. This also brings into question the origins of the virus, as it could have been engineered to be not only more transmissible but ALSO more deadly through variants. While rare, viruses can get MORE deadly over time.  I'm not going full on conspiracy theory, I'm just stating facts that the information that the vaccine is completely safe is impossible given there are no long term or even well done short term studies. The HIV vaccine didn't work and used the same adenovirus technology. Like I said, we are the guinea pigs.


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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #79 on: September 16, 2021, 09:18:31 AM »
We're all guinea pigs for the HIV vaccine, which finally got it's approval for human based trials weeks ago BASED ON the safety protocol of the covid "vaccine", which is actually a man made mRNA molecule with a spike protein. Unfortunately, the HIV vaccine trials had to be abruptly halted because they found the surprising result that men given the mRNA HIV vaccine ended up being MORE likely to get HIV than than those who had not gotten it. In the HIV vaccine trials, they used an adenovirus(ADV-5) as the mRNA carrier, and the covid vaccine also uses the adenovirus as the carrier. It's essentially the same shit they have been working on for years trying to get an HIV vaccine which is VERY politically motivated. So now they can use a less lethal virus like covid to essentially do human trials on us with the mRNA vaccine with an adenovirus carrier. I'm not saying the covid vacccine is safe or not, but to make the broad claims of safety is medically irresponsible as we do not have enough long term studies yet. The covid virus is already behaving in ways unlike most natural viruses in that the Delta(and soon Lambda) seem to be more deadly as opposed to less. Most natural viruses tend to get less deadly but more transmissible over time through variants. The goal of a natural virus is to be LESS deadly so it can spread more, as if it kills the host quickly it has less chance to spread. This also brings into question the origins of the virus, as it could have been engineered to be not only more transmissible but ALSO more deadly through variants. While rare, viruses can get MORE deadly over time.  I'm not going full on conspiracy theory, I'm just stating facts that the information that the virus is completely safe is impossible given there are no long term or even well done short term studies. The HIV vaccine didn't work and used the same adenovirus technology. Like I said, we are the guinea pigs.

sometimes i have to remind myself im here just to mock people, i forget then i read shit like this

The Scott

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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #80 on: September 16, 2021, 06:13:42 PM »
Good, because no wrong to you was intended. I enjoy conversing with you and yet find it frustrating. As an example you are witty in clever with words  as was Oscar Wilde, which was the only comparison intended. Had he not been clever like you, we'd not be discussing him today.

Lewis Carrol was a master story teller. People love a fairy tale (no pun intended). The best of them, such as those written by Hans Christian Anderson, and Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are morality tales dressed up in fantasy. I know nothing of Lewis Carrol's personal life, nor the lives of the Grimm brothers, probably because it is irrelevant.

The point is that most of us just enjoy their story telling and don't think about who they were and how they conducted their personal lives. On the other hand, Oscar Wilde was just as talented, but because his personal life was an immoral mess, some people discount the fact that he also was an enormously talented writer whose work is still celebrated today.

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matthew 7:2

"The Selfish Giant" is Wilde at perhaps his most penitent.  It is truth that like so many of us, he let himself get the better of him by doing the worst to satisfy the most base of all, if you will, sins.


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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #81 on: September 16, 2021, 06:20:34 PM »
Well...since Pfizer and Moderna vaxed their control groups you can't look to the actual clinical trials for this type of information. The "data" from the booster shot trials is even more of a joke.

VAERS is self reporting, so it can be in less side effects reported. Would have been nice if the CDC/FDA could have had actual data collection when the EUA was granted and, I dunno, collected data. But they didn't. CDC/NIH etc are a total joke.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #82 on: September 16, 2021, 06:59:51 PM »
"The Selfish Giant" is Wilde at perhaps his most penitent.  It is truth that like so many of us, he let himself get the better of him by doing the worst to satisfy the most base of all, if you will, sins.

One thing I believe you and I can agree upon is that Oscar Wilde was no saint...would you classify his sins as mortal or venial?

Where do you rank Mary Magdalen as a sinner? She has been described as a prostitute and a saint. She repented and was forgiven by Jesus.

Do we know if Oscar Wilde ever repented?


  • Getbig V
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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #83 on: September 16, 2021, 07:39:02 PM »
Can't trust an immigrate Chink speaking for Americans. She has the same mindset as the Chinese govt.  Stalin would have loved this woman.  Something is seriously wrong here.

The Scott

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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #84 on: September 16, 2021, 07:40:28 PM »
One thing I believe you and I can agree upon is that Oscar Wilde was no saint...would you classify his sins as mortal or venial?

Where do you rank Mary Magdalen as a sinner? She has been described as a prostitute and a saint. She repented and was forgiven by Jesus.

Do we know if Oscar Wilde ever repented?

If we are to believe the Nazarene, there is but one sin that is unforgivable.  Wilde could not commit it.  Neither can you nor I.  There is some evidence that some sin(s) can be worse/greater than others and that being spoken by Him who said, "...The one who handed me over hath commited the greater sin".

That Magdalene was a sinner is true of all.  But as the Nazarene said to those who were about to stone the woman caught in adultery, "Whosoever is without sin let him cast the first stone" and then to the woman when not a single rock was hurled, "Woman.  Where are your accusers?"

"Gone, Lord".

"Then neither do I condemn you.  Go...and sin no more".

Note that in His wisdom, the Christ did not adjure her to "Go and sin some more'.

People do not like the truth when it does not favor their desires. Especially those which are base (i.e., connotative) in their content.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #85 on: September 17, 2021, 08:37:54 AM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #86 on: September 17, 2021, 09:06:52 AM »

Go back on look at my posts and give me my damn credit!!!  What did I say about disrupting cellular enzymes to create spikes on cells and the possibility of replication on pre-cancerous cells?  FOH with those bullshit experimental compounds (They are not vaccines!). 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #87 on: September 17, 2021, 07:49:59 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #88 on: September 18, 2021, 08:27:11 AM »
wooooooooooooshhhhhhhhhh hh


  • Getbig V
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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #89 on: September 18, 2021, 12:16:14 PM »
If we are to believe the Nazarene, there is but one sin that is unforgivable.  Wilde could not commit it.  Neither can you nor I.  There is some evidence that some sin(s) can be worse/greater than others and that being spoken by Him who said, "...The one who handed me over hath commited the greater sin".

That Magdalene was a sinner is true of all.  But as the Nazarene said to those who were about to stone the woman caught in adultery, "Whosoever is without sin let him cast the first stone" and then to the woman when not a single rock was hurled, "Woman.  Where are your accusers?"

"Gone, Lord".

"Then neither do I condemn you.  Go...and sin no more".

Note that in His wisdom, the Christ did not adjure her to "Go and sin some more'.

People do not like the truth when it does not favor their desires. Especially those which are base (i.e., connotative) in their content.

Some folks believe that one has to continue to work to maintain a relationship with God....makes sense. Catholics sin, confess, repent, do penance....and often repeat this process many times throughout their is ongoing until the very end.


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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #90 on: September 18, 2021, 12:53:29 PM »

Humble Narcissist

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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #91 on: September 18, 2021, 12:55:34 PM »
Go back on look at my posts and give me my damn credit!!!  What did I say about disrupting cellular enzymes to create spikes on cells and the possibility of replication on pre-cancerous cells?  FOH with those bullshit experimental compounds (They are not vaccines!).
Notice how the MSM doesn't even acknowledge he exists.  A true journalist would be on a flight to Idaho the minute they saw the doctor make the claim.  That is a huge claim and if the doctor makes it he would know he is going to have to come up with evidence to prove his claim.  No interest at all from the MSM and people wonder why we don't trust them.


  • Getbig II
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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #92 on: September 18, 2021, 01:10:24 PM »
VAERS is a database for self-reported accounts of vaccine side effects that is meant to be used as a tool to identify possible side effects that need to be investigated. Most incidents aren't reported, and those that are reported aren't subject to any rigorous standards that would make the reports scientifically meaningful. The reporting criteria allow anything that happens to people after they take the vaccine to be reported, whether or not it appears to be related to the vaccine. This means that if someone takes the vaccine and later dies from something else, it can be reported to VAERS. This would be expected with hundreds of millions of people taking the vaccine. It is the same nonsensical standard by which there are millions of COVID deaths because millions of people died after testing positive.

Nobody really knows how many people are dying from the vaccines.


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Re: 70 Vax Deaths Per Day ?
« Reply #93 on: September 18, 2021, 02:25:10 PM »
VAERS is a database for self-reported accounts of vaccine side effects that is meant to be used as a tool to identify possible side effects that need to be investigated. Most incidents aren't reported, and those that are reported aren't subject to any rigorous standards that would make the reports scientifically meaningful. The reporting criteria allow anything that happens to people after they take the vaccine to be reported, whether or not it appears to be related to the vaccine. This means that if someone takes the vaccine and later dies from something else, it can be reported to VAERS. This would be expected with hundreds of millions of people taking the vaccine. It is the same nonsensical standard by which there are millions of COVID deaths because millions of people died after testing positive.

Nobody really knows how many people are dying from the vaccines.

problem is that the media press home the narrative about covid deaths but ignore the equally viable data for vaccine deaths