Author Topic: The Forgotten  (Read 1074 times)


  • Getbig II
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The Forgotten
« on: November 04, 2006, 06:51:47 AM »
In the last few weeks the decades long denial of free speech in Britain by the media and the liberal establishment as regards the issues of Multi-Culturalism and mass immigration appears to have been swept away.

Whilst the liberal establishment are busy trying to control the direction of the debate, issues that have never appeared in the media are now becoming public. Take the Guardian article by Antony Barnett, investigations editor, Sunday October 22, 2006 (1) in which the Home Office revealed acts on the numbers of racial murders in the UK which revealed that half the victims of racial murders are white. What was shocking about this article, other than the fact that the truth about the vast numbers of racial crimes against whites has finally become public , is that the Police themselves are so afraid of being called racist by the PC lords and masters of the Liberal Establishment that they dare not discuss the true extent of anti-white crimes in the UK.

The article states “Senior police officers have admitted that 'political correctness' and the fear of discussing the issue have meant that race crime against white people goes under-reported. One chief constable has claimed that white, working-class men are more alienated than the Muslim community.

Peter Fahy, the Chief Constable of Cheshire and a spokesman on race issues for the Association of Chief Police Officers, said it was a fact that it was harder to get the media interested where murder victims were young white men.

'The political correctness and reluctance to discuss these things absolutely does play a factor', he said. 'A lot of police officers and other professions feel almost the best thing to do is try and avoid it for fear of being criticised. We probably have all got ourselves into a bit of state about this.

'The difficulty in the police service is that the whole thing is being closed down because we are all afraid of discussing any of it in case we say the wrong thing - and that is not healthy. “

Diet of lies

Imagine how the lords and masters of the Liberal Establishment would react if the Police said that they were so afraid of discussing race crimes against ethnic minorities in the UK that they self censored themselves. The scandal would be all over the news. The fact is though that the BBC , nor any other mainstream news organisation, revealed these figures to the public.

Instead the public are fed a diet of lies and liberal propaganda designed to install in them a guilt reflex as regards issues around race and immigration. Not only is public debate censored, but individuals now self censor themselves. Big Brothers final victory over freedom is that the people have become so ignorant of reality and afraid of being called racist, that they would rather their own children and families are victimised, brutalised and murdered than the stand up for the truth. This is why whenever you see the family of some white victim of an racist ethnic criminal on TV they are expected to publically ‘ forgive’ the attacker and to join in the media circus and blame not the criminal for their actions, but society for forcing the criminal to commit the crime. It appears that whites can never be victims of racism and that even those innocent whites murdered by racist ethnics are nothing more than dead racist criminals.

The admission by the Police that due to Political Correctness the true numbers of racial crimes inflicted upon whites in the UK is not being reflected in the numbers of arrests , complaints and prosecutions. The CRE , the one agency tasked with ensuring that racism against all communities in the UK is being addressed and dealt with have never in their entire commissioned one report or investigation into racial crimes against whites. The CRE has never liased with the Police or any of the government bodies to ensure that the interests of whites are looked after in relation to the racism that whites face in this country. As long as the victims of racism are white, then the CRE is prepared to look the other way and forget about them.

Even the BBC now admits that it has been censoring the trial of Kris Donald (3).

This murder was the most vicious and depraved racial murder in British history yet the CRE has made no comment on the case nor made any request for a public investigation into the case.

CRE ignoring white victims

In November 2004 Mike Liddell, a former Strathclyde Police chief inspector
wrote in the Scottish Daily Mail that the Police were ignoring racial crimes by Asians as they were afraid of being called racist. To date the CRE has not demanded an investigation into this failure of the police to deal with organised racist criminal gangs who slaughtered Kris Donald. It appears that not only have the lessons of Stephen Lawrence not been learnt, but that the CRE are wilfully ignoring the murders of whites itself.

In the article he wrote “In my view, crime within Glasgow's Asian community has been allowed to grow unfettered for years. Why? Because the police have been afraid to fight it in case they are accused of racism.

It was this basic failure to act that created the conditions which, at least in part, allowed the murder of Kriss Donald to happen.

This inactivity and its deadly consequences stemmed not from the attitude of officers on the street, but from the craven approach of their bosses to race-relations. For years now, a 'softly, softly' attitude towards crime in the ethnic community has prevailed - a disastrous policy born of the excessive interference of politicians.

The simple truth for senior officers is that they are not going to win that longed-for promotion or the coveted knighthood if they upset the local politicians who control the police boards. “ (4)

Policing the police

Whites are in the same position as rape victims were decades ago. The Police do not take their complaints seriously, they do not investigate those crimes properly, they do not allocate time and resources to white victims of those racist crimes and the Police and the CPS refuse to prosecute such cases as racially aggravated crimes when whites are the victims. This is both Secondary Victimisation of the victims and an example of pernicious institutional racism of the most malign kind.

The Police and the CRE are the most Institutionally Racist organisations in the country, yet they are never investigated as they are in effect above the law. No-one polices the CRE and the Police.

For far too long the White working class people of Britain have been reviled, dehumanised as white chav scum and ignored by the middle class media and establishment politicians. If you are white and born in a council house on a council estate, then you are the lowest of the low in the country.

Whilst ethnic minorities and immigrants communities have endless legal and community pressure groups to represent their interests both politically and legally in our society not a single pressure group, legal aided law firm or charity operates to represent the interest of the indigenous whites in Britain .

Whilst immigrant groups, refugee charities and asylum seeker groups all get hundreds of millions of pounds of lottery cash and government grants to fund their legal cases and social outreach operations, not a single penny of government money goes in supporting the indigenous white folk communities of Britain even though our people are at the bottom of most of the contra-social indicators as regards poverty etc.

Whilst the ethnic minority pressure groups and ethnic minority communities have the political and social right to organise in their communities the only mainstream social and political organisation that represents the interests solely of the indigenous white British folk communities , the BNP , is banned by the government from joining the Civil Service and the police.

Institutional racism

This is 'Institutional Racism' of the most pernicious and vile kind. It is the sick and blatant double standard that leads to the de-humanisation of our community and also the minimisation of the murders of our young people by ethnic criminals. If its a race crime against a white, then debate is censored and the police cowed into finding an alternative reason for the crime, other than racism.

Whilst the police see a racist crime every time a white criminal targets an ethnic minority person, when an ethnic minority racist targets a white in a racial crime the police refuse to call that crime racist and the media just add the dead white person as just an another crime statistic.

The principle of multi-culturalism means that all communities have the right to organise politically and socially as a community. By denying the indigenous white British communities the same rights as all other immigrant and ethnic communities then the British government and state are themselves guilty of ' Institutional Racism ' against the indigenous white communities of Britain. By denying us the same rights as immigrant communities then we are the primary victims of State Racism.

A time is fast approaching when the white people of Britain will have to take to the streets and demand social and civil justice for themselves and our community. We have learnt the lesson that the minority groups have long taught, that only those who are prepared to struggle for their rights and defend their communities will get justice in today’s Britain.

When the Police admit they are too scared to deal with anti-white racist crimes for fear of being labelled as ‘ racists ‘ by the Liberal Establishment, when the CRE has become complicit in the crimes by refusing to investigate anti-white racism and the rise in violence against the white community and when the government and the State have abandoned our white working class community to poverty whilst creating a new ethnic middle class to replace the white working voters they have abandoned, then the situations for deep social unrest have been created.

Whilst the government seems to think the spark that will ignite the social conflagration in our wonderful multi-cultural society will come from ‘ alienated muslims’ , the fact is that the most alienated community suffering the majority of racial attacks is the one which is most likely to explode. This is the white working class, and it will not tolerate this situation for much longer.


In The Economist magazine of October 26th 2006 it states that “Apart from election campaigns, when rising support for far-right political parties in areas such as Dagenham causes alarm, the traditional working class is largely overlooked. When politicians say that some communities are failing to integrate with mainstream society, they mean Muslims from the Indian subcontinent. When campaigners complain that schools are failing some children, they often cite black boys. Yet the nation's most troubled group, in both absolute and relative terms, is poor, white and British-born. "

" In the borough of Barking and Dagenham, the contrast is sharper still. Just 32% of all white children there got five “good” GCSEs last year, compared with 39% of blacks and 52% of Asians. In Leicester, just 24% of whites got five decent GCSEs."

It goes on “One reason poor British whites have escaped scrutiny is that they are less associated with serious criminality than other ethnic groups, particularly Afro-Caribbeans. British blacks are disproportionately young and tend to live in big cities, which are heavily policed. They may be more likely to commit the sort of extravagantly violent crimes that attract stiff sentences. It is this reason, rather than any racial bias in the criminal-justice system, that explains why they are over-represented in prison compared with whites.”

It appears that as long as the real poor of our society are just white and working class then their plight should be ignored by the government, the Church, the Media and the CRE. It also appears that unless Whites are prepared to struggle for and demand social and civil justice and equality with the ethnic groups in the UK, then Whites will have to adopt the tactics of those ethnic groups and force the State to give us those rights.

The occasional paroxysm of momentary hand wringing by the media about the white working class ' daring to vote for the BNP ' is the entire depth of the debate on the issue.

Without the BNP , then who would represent the poor whites of Britain who have been excluded from our multi-cultural society ?

The reverse racism of Political Correctness has led to a crisis in the white community where two entire generations of white working class children have been lost either to heroin or crime as result of the State abandoning them so as to create its new middle class ethnic voting base.

Not wanted

Whilst a few find their escape through sport, the numbers attending university are falling and educational results are also falling. Whilst the middle class enjoys its new cheap immigrant nannies and the Church its new Polish and African immigrant congregations, the white working class are the people that no one wants anymore.

They don’t vote for the political parties that have betrayed them, they don’t go to the Churches that care more about Africans in Africa than Britons in the UK and they don’t work for wages below the minimum wage so as to endear themselves to the middle class and the media.

Therefore they are The Forgotten.

In Blair’s Multi-Cultural Society the Trinity of power, the Church, Media and the State all conspire to minimise the suffering of our people in our own country whilst all are busy exploiting the suffering of others in nations thousands of miles away for their own crass Public Relations reasons.

It appears that caring about poor blacks in Africa is a moral thing to do, but caring about poor whites in Britain is defined as racism.

Christ spoke out for the excluded, the poor and the forgotten.

When will the Church, the State and the media do the same for people whose only crime is to be born poor and white?

Nordic Superman

  • Getbig V
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Re: The Forgotten
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2006, 07:28:52 AM »
Sobering post brother!
الاسلام هو شيطانية


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Forgotten
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2006, 08:13:59 PM »
if i wanted to read books i'd go to the fuccking libraary, ya fucck
X Board. Integrity is what we do

Clubber Lang

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Re: The Forgotten
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2006, 08:15:32 PM »
after a couple chapters youd be tossing salads in the reference section


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Forgotten
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2006, 08:16:44 PM »
fucck chapters

lets talk sentences
X Board. Integrity is what we do

Clubber Lang

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Re: The Forgotten
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2006, 08:18:00 PM »
the time for talk is over



  • Getbig V
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Re: The Forgotten
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2006, 08:24:21 PM »
*zip-pity do da...........zippity ay...................... oh my what a wonderful day

X Board. Integrity is what we do


  • Getbig II
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Re: The Forgotten
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2006, 12:25:19 AM »
*zip-pity do da...........zippity ay...................... oh my what a wonderful day

What the bloody hell  ???