Author Topic: Landrieu Wishs Terrorists Had Blown Up Levees  (Read 1147 times)

Mr. Intenseone

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Landrieu Wishs Terrorists Had Blown Up Levees
« on: January 31, 2007, 09:32:14 PM »
RUSH: I saw this yesterday on the web at, and I haven't seen it anywhere else, but this is reporting that yesterday Senator Mary Landrieu, Louisiana, had an outrageous outburst in which she remarked, quote, “We would have been better off if the terrorists had blown up our levees.” That's what she's reported as having said, “We'd be better off if the terrorists had blown up our levees.” You know, Kathleen Blanco is out there whining and moaning about all the federal money that hasn't showed up, and you've got local officials down there that botched this left and right.
It's easy to dump on Bush. That's all you have to do today to deflect attention from yourself if you're a politician, any party, dump on Bush. But what is this, Louisiana would have been better off if a terrorist had blown up the levees? Did she think there would have been aid money coming faster, faster efforts to rebuild the levees, would there have been more national sympathy if terrorists had blown up the place rather than a hurricane? But think of a US Senator saying this. Not that far from 9/11, folks. “We'd have been better off if terrorists had blown up our levees.”


RUSH: Cookie found little Mary "Baby Fat" Landrieu from Louisiana on CNN, it was yesterday.

LANDRIEU: We would have been better off had the terrorists blown up our levees. Maybe we'd have gotten more attention, but we blew them up ourselves, I mean not literally.

 RUSH: And there you have it, the esteemed Senator from Louisiana, Mary "Baby Fat" Landrieu. The reason we call her Baby Fat, I don't want there to be any misunderstanding, I'm not pulling a Joe Biden here, because she's clean and as you heard very articulate, but I once said, and Cookie has never let me forget this, Snerdley was making snide comments about Landrieu's hair one day and I said, “She looks kind of cute to me.” Nobody could believe my taste. I just said she has this cute little baby fat. So I get the sound bite, and I get a transcript, the roster here, it says "Baby Fat" Landrieu said this on -- (laughing) -- listen to this again, though. How in the world does she think New Orleans didn't get any attention? There's 110 million or billion, whatever it is, dollars in Washington waiting to be distributed, but Kathleen Blanco, the governor, and School Bus Nagin cannot come to grips on how to use it or any of this. But the idea that New Orleans didn't get any attention, for crying out loud, the Drive-By Media gave themselves Pulitzers! The networks set up bureaus in New Orleans.

LANDRIEU: We would have been better off had the terrorists blown up our levees. Maybe we'd have gotten more attention. But we blew them up ourselves, I mean not literally.

RUSH: Blew them up ourselves? (Laughing.) A hurricane. It was an American hurricane. Actually, she may not know how right she is, because we all know of the fraud and the waste, and what do you call it when you extort money from a project and put it into the back pocket of the people that run the levee boards? Graft, fraud, extortion, theft, what have you, and then you have the core of engineers saying, “Yeah, we knew those things didn't have a prayer in a category three hurricane.” Everybody was just rolling the dice that the big one wouldn't hit.

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Re: Landrieu Wishs Terrorists Had Blown Up Levees
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2007, 09:40:13 PM »
"LANDRIEU: We would have been better off had the terrorists blown up our levees. Maybe we'd have gotten more attention. But we blew them up ourselves, I mean not literally. "

Looks like she's saying that 3000 victims of a tragedy like 9/11 got 3.1 million, instant FEMA assistance, national support, etc.

3000 victims of a tragedy like Katrina sat in shit and corpses for a week while governmental agencies argued about whose job it was and who had to send what, where.

*IF* Al Quida would have blown up the levees, would help have arrived faster?  Would they have sat there for a week while everyone argued, or would someone have acted faster?  Whether it was water pressure or Atta that blew down the wall, tens of thousands of refugees and thousands dead would have been the identical result.  But would Bush's priorities have been different?

I don't know.   What do you think, joe?

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Re: Landrieu Wishs Terrorists Had Blown Up Levees
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2007, 09:41:49 PM »
Recall that after 9/11, the FBI somehow had DNA from the ten Twin Tower terrorists, tested and authenticated from 110 stories of vaporized building times 2, within 23 hours of the attacks.

That is some amazing speed.  That's the kinda stuff myths are made of.


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Re: Landrieu Wishs Terrorists Had Blown Up Levees
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2007, 09:43:46 PM »
Is Limbaugh your Messiah or is this just an act?

IMO Rush is perhaps two steps below Michael Savage on the wacko scale, do you really give him much credence?

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Re: Landrieu Wishs Terrorists Had Blown Up Levees
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2007, 09:53:21 PM »
IMO, as the Republican party becomes more and more detached from facts, reality, and giving a shit what 75% of America wants, their fan base will do the same.

if Rush acts rational and moderate, the republicans who listen to him will be rational and moderate, and will question why half the republicans support the war, and half don't.

Rush had to choose moderate, or extreme neocon, and he chose neocon.

Mr I - at the very least, can you admit the republican party is split on the war, and that everyone who is against giving Bush his troop surge isn't a "liberal"?