Author Topic: Reality Check 101 - can't overcome your genetics  (Read 1976 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Reality Check 101 - can't overcome your genetics
« on: February 08, 2007, 11:53:43 AM »
Pretty good point made by Baldsnake at boards.  No matter how much work you do or test you take, you are limited by your genetics.  Guess the fun part is seeing how far your genetics can get you.
Reality Check 101 (for 3 years and longer trainers only)

The truth to a Bodybuilder can sometimes be like Kryptonite to Superman. The over 35 group does a better job in handling truth. The lies are as follows:

1. Everyone can eventually build an 18"+ arm if he (forgive me ladies...I can only think like a man) trains, rests, and eats properly.
2. Everyone can eventually build pillow pecs if he trains, rests, and eats properly.
3. Everyone can eventually build cannon ball delts and traps to his ears if he got the drill.
4. Everyone can eventually build a thick V tapered back if......
5. Everyone can eventually develops a 6 pack and intercostals to match if....
6. Everyone can eventually build a great set of sweeping quads and thick hams if....
7. Everyone can eventually turn calf's into chiseled cows.
8. Everyone can eventually get tissue paper skin ripped if....
9. Everyone can eventually climb on to a Bodybuilding stage at one time without looking like the shaved down and tanned Speedo wearing local high school aerobics instructor.
10. The right mix of supplements will help achieve the above.
11. If all else fails...steroids and HGH will make up for poor genetics.

Class, pay attention to me...a Super Geek, genetic wise, who did it ALL and
could not overcome the DNA given to me by Poppa and Momma Snake. They were goofy ass looking folks that were an embarrassment in swim suits. I came along with a weightlifting Jones and went the entire route. My muscle insertions were all wrong, fast twitch and slow twitch muscles groupings way off, and Kevlar muscle fascia that resisted expansion no matter what. My digestive enzymes were that of a mosquito...not a Brahma Bull. I learned this early on and thought that Steroids would be the answer. WRONG. Just a bigger Geek who did win a few shows when the gifted ones failed to enter.

Yet class I have continued on in this, the endeavor of Bodybuilding, the only way I know of addressing the SELF other than spiritually. Challenges in the gym will always make challenges in your life easier to overcome and you pick up health benefits along the way.

The truth is that 95% of you are in my same boat. Let us not fool ourselves yet strive to defy our given DNA and and you and I just might fool Mother Nature.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Reality Check 101 - can't overcome your genetics
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2007, 11:59:28 AM »
#11 is the hymn sung by many a getbig member. "all drugs"
tiny-tit bounty hunter


  • Getbig II
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Re: Reality Check 101 - can't overcome your genetics
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2007, 12:08:33 PM »
yeah this is true. i think some ppl are gonna mistake ''everyone cant build an 18 inch arm'' with ''i guess that means me!'' when it means everyone. someone in ethiopia, who doenst care to workout, with no, pre and post workout nutrition, cant build an 18inch arm. But someone who works out consistenly for 4-5 years or more, maybe less in some cases can! With ''correct'' nutrition and genetics, hard work etc..
hgh and steroids can overcome something once you reach your natural size[hint], maybe but not shape. Kevin Levrones biceps look nothing like Arnolds[whether they look better is a matter of perspective and judging criteria] and nothing in the world will change that, but they can both build big arms

Genetics mostly I think means you won't look like someone else.your abdominals could be a little narrorer, thicker, stick out more...your biceps could have a good peak or not, etc that sorta thing..theres other things like your muscular gains and your strength but i think this is the main thing.

And some of that on the list is relative. If you desire cannonball delts that look exactly like Kevin Levrones[they all have a certain look anyway], then it may be a problem. Infact is it, unless your Kevin himself..If your happy with your delts and they are big, and dont care for any more size then it's not a problem. 


  • Getbig II
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Re: Reality Check 101 - can't overcome your genetics
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2007, 12:20:15 PM »
You can go pretty far with average genetics, BUT, you have to decide if it's worth it busting your ass every day at the gym, feeding yourself every 3 hours, not having social activities (Oh No, I Have to squat tomorrow), and so on just to look jacked to the very few who care. To others, your just a novelty that they get bored with real quick. Career, family, other hobbies balance you. I've been there. I'll still work out for life, but if someones arms are bigger than mine, oh well. I'll be 40 this year so maybe I just don't give a shit anymore.