Author Topic: Help Getting Back Into Shape.......  (Read 842 times)


  • Getbig I
  • *
  • Posts: 4
Help Getting Back Into Shape.......
« on: March 14, 2007, 04:51:05 PM »
Hey guys i just joined this site yesterday and I need some advice. I had been working out religiously for about 6years, I did a  cycles of Winni about 3 years ago,  I was in good shape  (5'10 ,214, 12% BF). Due to med schools intense hours I have not been able to workout for about 5 months, I also wasn't  getting adequate sleep or  eat the proper foods at the proper time, so  I'm now (215lbs, I would say about 20% BF). I Finished my first year of med school 2 weeks ago, and now have the time to get back into things. I've been out of the bodybuilding loop for awhile so I was wondering if you guys knew of any good supplements that cause for some nice muscle gains, oh ya I don't want to do another cycle. So,  I'll tell you what I'm currently taking and you tell me what to get rid of and what to add.
I drink anywhere from 2 to 4 liters of water during my day.

7am-- Gasparian Pump 250( 2scoops) , Novex Biotech Endothil-CR
7:15-- Nitrotech Protein Shake
7:45-- Workout
9am-- Muscletech Protein shake with a Gatorade
11:30-- Tuna Salad (30-35g protein), 1 red apple,1 orange, 1 GNC multi vit, two 600mg L-glutamine capsules, 1000mg CLA
2:30pm-- Tuna Salad (30-35g protein), brown rice or wheat pasta (one and a half cups)
5:30--  Chicken Breast (30-35g protein),one serving of fruit, two 600mg L-glutamine capsules, 1000mg CLA
8:30-- Chicken or Turkey Breast (30-35g protein), a cup of veggies
10:30-- 1-3 mile jog every other day, it's not an intense jog, I try to keep it at a slow pace ( 9- 11 minutes a mile)
11:10--2 cups nonfat milk or 1 cup nonfat milk mixed with 20 grams whey protein,1 GNC multi vit,two 600mg L-glutamine capsules,  1000mg CLA, 2 tablets GNC ZMA
11:30-- In bed
