Author Topic: Hooker?  (Read 1957 times)


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« on: March 23, 2007, 02:30:00 PM »
who else has seen the recent allegations about hooker? people are saying he is 29 and lives at home with parents and also really named anthony connors. anyway I hear he maybe have ratted off some sources.
I know he used to post here maybe he could explain.


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 02:34:56 PM »
I haven't heard any of those rumors. But then again I haven't been noising around too many other websites lately.


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2007, 02:44:15 PM »
Seemed like him and that other guy(?) were in a war about some supplement rights or something that the $300hr Lawyers would love to solve for them. Or maybe a underworld hitman would work better? ;D.
They were sure at each others throats for awhile there.  The sup  biz does have big money in it.
Most of the stuff is bogus as far as I'm concerned. I can count the good stuff on one hand.
Go to the grocery store and spend it there.


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2007, 03:08:46 PM »
here is what was posted.

The Truth about Steroid Expert Anthony Roberts
****A Warning to All Bodybuilders !!! Read and Spread the Word!!!****

Meet Anthony Roberts. He writes books and articles on steroids. The accomplishments he lists have included being an elite competitive athlete, training elite competitive athletes and being a MENSA member. He charges $200 per hour for advice! Before you read another word from Anthony or spend another dime, you need to know the truth about Anthony Roberts. Find out who he really is and spread the word.

Lie # 1 His name is Anthony Roberts.

Truth: Though he swears to not hide his real identity and write under his real name, it is a lie. His real name is Anthony Connors. He is 27 years old and lives in Hasbrouck Heights NJ, with…his mommy.

Lie # 2 “Anthony Roberts is an elite level competitive athlete who claims that he can play any sport at an all-star level”

Truth: Anthony played rugby in college at Seton Hall University. Only problem is, not only is it NOT a Division 1 sport at Seton Hall like Anthony says, Seton Hall doesn’t even have a rugby team! It’s a CLUB SPORT that anybody can join just like the Chess Club or the Scuba Club! After college, Anthony did play a brief and crappy year as a minor level rugby player for two different teams in New Zealand before being tossed off back to America. He says a finger injury ended his career. He now plays for a pay-to-play adult club in Bayonne New Jersey the Bayonne Bombers. This is like the rugby club Anthony joined in college, but worse. It is for old guys that want to play on the weekends!

Lie #3 “Anthony Roberts is an elite level coach”

Truth: Anthony coaches the INTERMURAL rugby team at Kings Point College in NY. Wow! What kind of loser would brag that an intermural team is considered “Elite Level”? Can I have your autograph, Mr. Connors er…Roberts?

Look at all the old fat dudes on this “elite” team!

Lie #4 “Anthony Roberts is a genius and a MENSA member”

Truth: Anthony only makes this claim when he is “Anthony Roberts”. His real academic resume under the name Anthony Connors never mentions it EVER - ANYWHERE. Why? Because it’s a lie and he made it up. Talk to him for 5 minutes and you’ll see it yourself. But you gotta pay the fucking scammer $200 to learn that lesson.

Lie # 5 “Anthony is an advocate for the steroid community”

Truth: Forget his lack of understanding on the subject of steroids and the shitty dangerous advice he gives, Connors is a snitch who published an entire list of dealers with their real names. These were not scammers but standup guys that never ripped anyone off. It happened when these guys realized what a fraud Roberts was and called him out for plagiarizing work and his idiotic theories. So Anthony defended himself by snitching and putting them and all their customers in legal danger.

Lie # 6“Anthony is using his expertise to discovering supplements now!”

Truth: Connors/Roberts hasn’t discovered shit. He took his first and only supplement idea from a guest on an online radio show. This moron wouldn’t have discovered his own asshole had shit not started coming out of it first. Plus, he tells people to use his new pile of shit supplement instead of HCG or Nolvadex for PCT. This supplement was NEVER tested in a SINGLE human, yet Anthony promises it will work twice as good as a prescription drug. He never tested it on people nor did any blood work. Why? Simple. The supplement is garbage, and Anthony is all about the cash and wants yours!

Lie # 7 “Anthony is a highly respected steroid guru and professional”

Truth: You can put this scammer’s work into 2 categories:
1. Inaccurate and dangerous
2. Copied from other people

Other real experts think he is stupid and gives dangerous advice. Here is what Dr. John Crisler (a real hormone doctor) had to say about Anthony:

“There isn't anyone who knows anything about this stuff who respects him. His MO is always the same. He has NEVER engaged in an intelligent debate about any of the goofy ideas he comes up with… He was just thrown off M&M. Fired, humiliated…. Sooner or later, ALL the Boards will realize what an idiot he is.

IMPO, Anthony Roberts is absolutely clueless. I have no idea where he comes up with the totally idiotic ideas he publishes. The fact he refuses to even answer any questions once he is questioned about them--but instead merely tries to ignite his flamethrower--warrants no respect from anyone.”

This doctor is not alone. Nobody with any credibility supports this loser.

Lie # 8 “You can Trust Him”

Truth: Anthony Roberts lies about who he is and what he has done because he wants your money. That’s why he and his co-writer Brian Clapp also run the website It is just another one of their many ways to scam you out of your money! Take a look for yourself. The site sells products that have names and bottles that look almost identical to real steroids. But that is the rub. It is setup to trick newbies into thinking it sells steroids, but it’s really just useless herbs and vitamins packaged to look like steroids. You think you are buying 25mg methandrostenolone tablets, but get a bottle of vitamins with the name “meTanDESenolone”. What the fuck is metandesenolone? Nothing but a way to rip you off for $85, that’s what. And lets not forget you can’t trust this liar because he’s a phoney and doesn’t even understand steroids.

Anthony Roberts is everything Anthony Connors wishes he could be but never will be. Anthony Roberts is his fantasy character, made up to sell you crappy stuff.

Connors = intermural rugby vs. Roberts = elite rugby player Connors = intermural coach vs. Roberts = elite athlete coach Connors = idiot vs. Roberts = Genius

Anthony Roberts is a fraud and a scammer. Warn and tell everybody you know. Online!


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2007, 04:03:29 AM »
Thanks WW for posting this, of course how true it is, is another story. Even though if it were true it would not suprise me, because allmost every board you go guys flame him. Couple of things i have noticed myself awhile ago and wondered about are: it is all over his website and does the same thing other companies like zoelabs do or that BS musco-mxt sounds exiting, but isn´t... plus he advocates that "new" supplement of his for PCT instead of nolva or clomid. I mean who knows it might even work, but i´m sure it will not work better than the real deal and i for one would not risk it...


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2007, 06:07:51 AM »
If your taking phony steroids; you might as well do phony PCT too.
I wish people would just mail me checks.


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2007, 08:05:52 AM »
I would REALLY like Anthony to respond to his involvement with Tweak Labs. He has since day one said that he was the one who got Tweak started and can personally vouch for Tweak's products.

Guess what? Tweak turned out to be a scammer. Multiple people over the years complained about Tweak's products not being real. I personally had one of his Test Enanthate/Cypionate tested and the lab assay test revealed NO TESTOSTERONE whatsoever.

I just brought my findings to a MOD behind the scenes and he was put on a "watch list" so to speak. After repeated reports of using his gear and nothing happening the Mods at AB sent some of his products to be tested and guess what? Nothing. No trace of any hormone whatsoever. Then of course Tweak blamed his source for the wrong powder and has since disappeared.

Now Anthony assured everybody that Tweak's products were real. Give them time he says, not everybody responds to hormones the same as everybody else. I would really like to hear Anthony's response to this. I feel he knowingly knew about Tweak's bogus products and used his "image" to help scam many people.

Do you care to respond Anthony? I would love to hear you dig yourself out of this one. Keep in mind I have alot of your posts saved in relation to Tweak labs. I'd be humble and tread carefully if I were you. Tweak scammed ALOT of bros. I'd bet you had something to do with it as well.


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2007, 08:24:50 AM »

 Give them time he says, not everybody responds to hormones the same as everybody else.

I laugh my ass off at these kids wondering if they'r taking real Dbol or Testesterone. If you have to ask, the answer is NO!


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2007, 09:00:27 AM »
If your taking phony steroids; you might as well do phony PCT too.
I wish people would just mail me checks.

How about they mail you half the checks & the other half to me?  ;D


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2007, 10:42:37 AM »
How about they mail you half the checks & the other half to me?  ;D

I got to figure out some way to just go to the  mail box and harvest the money!
Gambling or the stockmarket's not going to do it for me. But risking getting busted's not worth any pile of cash,
as the allusions to phony UG lab product brings to mind.

I think fraud charges would be more in order than the steroid charges in those cases, and same with a lot of coke that is 99.999% adultrant.


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2007, 01:08:01 PM »
I would REALLY like Anthony to respond to his involvement with Tweak Labs. He has since day one said that he was the one who got Tweak started and can personally vouch for Tweak's products.

Guess what? Tweak turned out to be a scammer. Multiple people over the years complained about Tweak's products not being real. I personally had one of his Test Enanthate/Cypionate tested and the lab assay test revealed NO TESTOSTERONE whatsoever.

I just brought my findings to a MOD behind the scenes and he was put on a "watch list" so to speak. After repeated reports of using his gear and nothing happening the Mods at AB sent some of his products to be tested and guess what? Nothing. No trace of any hormone whatsoever. Then of course Tweak blamed his source for the wrong powder and has since disappeared.

Now Anthony assured everybody that Tweak's products were real. Give them time he says, not everybody responds to hormones the same as everybody else. I would really like to hear Anthony's response to this. I feel he knowingly knew about Tweak's bogus products and used his "image" to help scam many people.

Do you care to respond Anthony? I would love to hear you dig yourself out of this one. Keep in mind I have alot of your posts saved in relation to Tweak labs. I'd be humble and tread carefully if I were you. Tweak scammed ALOT of bros. I'd bet you had something to do with it as well.

Big Freaking O!  Wish you were around more.  For those who dont know this dude is way smart.  A vet thats for sure, Marble even said Big_O was the sh*t. 


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2007, 02:31:43 AM »
If your taking phony steroids; you might as well do phony PCT too.
I wish people would just mail me checks.

I guess you´re right, using herbs to recover from other herbs.


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2007, 11:59:16 PM »
I am in no way trying to disscredit hooker. I just found this on abnother board and wanted to know what you guys thought and I know hooker posts here occasionally was hoping he could elaborate on these accusations.


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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2007, 02:54:28 AM »
I am in no way trying to disscredit hooker. I just found this on abnother board and wanted to know what you guys thought and I know hooker posts here occasionally was hoping he could elaborate on these accusations.

I don't really have an opinion on him but I hope this stuff isn't true. I also hope he isn't associated with the "roidstore" & those herbal "steroids".

Yorkie T

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Re: Hooker?
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2007, 09:51:48 AM »
I don't really have an opinion on him but I hope this stuff isn't true. I also hope he isn't associated with the "roidstore" & those herbal "steroids".

Some good bros have mentioned to me hes definitely involved in "roidstore", theyve got nothing at all to gain from lieing so i personally know it to be true because i know they wouldnt lie to me, i always thought he was an ass especially when he came on here and asked if anyone had tried his bullshit supplement that he's just released, basically the guys a scammer, he wants nailing to the wall by his bollocks.

The sad thing is that people seem to think hes some kind of guru when in reality hes just some nerd, weve known he was a tit on the sites im a member of for a long time though, just another name to add to the scammer list.
8) B.B.C. 8)