Author Topic: Boyer Coe Interview  (Read 2884 times)


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Boyer Coe Interview
« on: May 16, 2007, 06:35:30 AM » - Some interesting, sincere and honest thoughts from Boyer Coe in this fairly extensive interview:

Q: You have also won your share of pro contests. What was it about your look that the judges liked?

A: I do not have a clue; honestly I never thought my physique was all that good.

Coe: So if you never participated in bodybuilding, if you never went through the effort of working out and dieting, how the h*ll would you know what it is like to be up onstage?

I would always look at Sergio Oliva's physique and think that that is what I wanted to look like, but I also had enough intelligence to know that I just didn't have his genetics.

Q: What are your views on the current state of bodybuilding? Do you think it is going in a good direction?
A: Bodybuilding has always progressed. The guys of my era could not even stand on stage with the guys of today. Everyone my height weighs close to 300 pounds. You have better-gifted athletes getting into bodybuilding, and I am sure that accounts for some of it. They have better drugs too.

They have HGH and insulin available to them and I am sure that accounts for a lot of the extra muscle mass. But there is always a trade off with using HGH and insulin: it causes everything to grow. The pros of today carry so much muscle but also have huge waists and distention of their bellies.
I was always fan of the look of a bodybuilder with broad shoulders, wide back and trim waist and hips - the typical V-taper. Give me the physique of a 1972 Sergio Oliva. I would take that over any physique of today. But again, who is to say that we would not have used the same thing if they (a wider range of drugs) had been available to us.