Author Topic: Asashoryu getting shafted, banned for the rest of the year  (Read 1252 times)


  • Getbig V
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Asashoryu getting shafted, banned for the rest of the year
« on: August 03, 2007, 12:52:39 AM »
The fcuking racists in the Sumo Fed did it.

They fcuking did it. They found a way to get to the greatest rikishi ever, the great Asashoryu. He's being suspended for the rest of the year, for not participating in exhibition tournaments, citing an injury. But showing up instead at a UNICEF fundraising charity soccer game in Ulan Bator, in his native Mongolia.

He was just too dominant. >:(

Courtesy of

 August 2nd
Takasago-oyakata holds press conference; Asashoryu taking medication
Takasago-oyakata met with the press today to discuss the situation surrounding Asashoryu. "Just as soon as he says he's okay, he turns around and says maybe it's all hopeless. I'm just praying that he doesn't retire." Takasago-oyakata indicated that he hasn't yet spoken to his prodigy face to face but that he is receiving from affiliates from the stable. The oyakata also revealed, "He has also been taking tranquilizers to settle down his nerves. Right now he's really uneasy to the point where he can't grasp the severity of the punishment." The oyakata was also frank in his thoughts the the punishment was too severe for a Yokozuna who has been carrying the sport for 4 1/2 years and who has taken the yusho 21 times. "It's as if all of his work and effort until now have been ignored leaving him to ask why. He just can't settle himself down right now, but when he's ready and of a positive mindset again, I will have him hold a press conference."

Sumo Association phones ringing off hook
Since the punishment was announced by the Sumo Association, all 30 phones in the Sumo Association offices have been ringing off the hook. According to the staff, they are receiving opinions from both sides...some saying the ruling was too harsh and some saying it was too light. They estimate that it's about 50-50 as to what stance people are taking. Furthermore, fans are also giving strict suggestions beyond just the Asashoryu incident saying things like "Not only Asashoryu, but Kitanoumi Rijicho and the other officials should all resign", "this is unfortunate now that we have two Yokozuna", and "we're rooting for Asashoryu to overcome this trial."

Reaction to Asashoryu's punishment
Yokozuna Asashoryu remained holed up at his residence after the announcement came down that he would be banned from fighting in the next two basho and would also receive a 30% paycut for four months. Instead of visiting the hospital for treatment, he summoned a doctor to the house instead. As the doctor left the residence, he commented to the press, "Asashoryu said that he still wants to do sumo. He likes Japan, and he likes the Japanese people. He says he loves sumo and that he is still going to do his best when he gets back." Asashoryu's mentor, Takasago-oyakata, did offer some comments to the press. "Asashoryu and myself will once again restudy some things. I told him the punishment over the phone, and he seemed quite troubled. There are things in the past that I have probably overlooked regarding his behavior, so in the future if we're in this situation again, I'll grab him by hairs on his neck and reel him back in."

The three major players in the incident all offered statements as follows:

Asashoryu - "Of course I accept the punishment. As I rehabilitate, I will prepare for the Winter exhibitions and next year's Hatsu basho."

Takasago-oyakata - "I accept the punishment. We will do our best so that his 21 yusho are not put to waste. [The next time he tries to go home to Mongolia] I will grab him by the hairs on his neck and bring him back. He must now focus on healing his injuries. I will offer my support to him. I want to make this all a positive."

Kitanoumi Rijicho - "The punishment is valid. The Yokozuna must learn that others are constantly watching his actions. Asashoryu is very disappointed I'm sure, but I want him to rededicate himself again."

Timeline of previous behavioral incidents from Asashoryu:

Nagoya 2003: Asashoryu is disqualified from his bout against Kyokushuzan on day 5 after grabbing a fistfull of Shu's hair and yanking him to the dirt. The Yokozuna broke the mirror of Kyokushuzan's car as he left the venue and got into a verbal squabble with Kyokushuzan in the locker roon on day 8.

December 2003: Asashoryu secretly returns home to Monglia and is absent for the funeral of the former Takasago-oyakata

Natsu 2006: Asashoryu withdraws from the tournament on day 3 but is seen in the locker room on day 7 seeking signatures from his fellow rikishi in support of an exhibition tournament in Mongolia.

Haru 2007: Asashoryu knees Kisenosato after he's down in their day 8 bout. On day 10 after a loss to Aminishiki, Asashoryu kicks a zabuton out of his way while walking down the hanamichi.

Mongolia Exhibition put on hold for now
The Nikkansports Shimbun reported yesterday that the Sumo Association is now reconsidering its prior plans to hold an exhibition tournament in Mongolia in August 2008 as punishment for Yokozuna Asashoryu's recent disregard for local exhibitions. Takekuma-oyakta who visited Mongolia a month ago and has been actively working on the logistics of the tournament, commented, "We won't consider such an exhibition until all of this trouble ceases. The reality of a Mongolian Exhibition now is in more doubt than ever." The newspaper quoted others within the Exhibition Tournament Committee anonymously, "He is taking too lightly the second pillar of our sport, the exhibitions. Going out of our way and holding an exhibition for that kind of Yokozuna is stupid."

August 1st
Asashoryu to miss the next two basho and receive a 30% pay cut for four months
An unprecedented punishment to an active rikishi was handed down to Asashoryu this afternoon as the Sumo Association announced it will force the Yokozuna to sit out the next two basho as well as take a 30% pay cut over the next four months. Asashoryu's stablemaster, Takasago-oyakata, was also punished to the tune of a 30% reduction in his stable allowance for four months. Details leading up to the astonishing punishment handed down are in the article below.

Asashoryu to face punishment for allegedly faking injuries
The board of directors for the Sumo Association will hold a special meeting today to discuss possible punishments to be levied against Yokozuna Asashoryu and his oyakata for allegedly submitting inaccurate medical diagnosis forms along with kyujo papers in an effort to skip out on the summer exhibition tours. The medical forms suggested that Asashoryu's left elbow was bad enough that it required surgery, and they also listed a strained lower back. Asashoryu submitted the forms obtained from a hospital in Mie Prefecture shortly after the conclusion of the Nagoya basho and then went home to Mongolia to receive treatment and recover. Reports surfaced in the press later in that week that the Yokozuna would miss most if not all of the exhibition events; however, shortly thereafter, footage was obtained that showed the Yokozuna energetically participating in a soccer event back home attended by Japanese soccer star, Nakata. The Yokozuna's actions were inconsistent with his reported injuries leading to a firestorm in the Japanese press asserting that Asashoryu had lied to the Association and faked his injuries to get out of exhibition duties.

The Yokozuna was ordered to return from Mongolia on July 30th and joined by Takasago-oyakta immediately visited Kitanoumi Rijicho to explain himself and apologize for the incident. Asashoryu was noticeably upset over the incident and only commented to reporters, "I apologize for my actions. I will receive treatment in Japan and give it my all next basho." Takasago-oyakta also commented, "He was asked to attend the soccer event by the Mongolian government, but that still doesn't excuse his actions. Along with Asashoryu, I must offer my sincere apologies because I allowed him to submit those kyujo papers as well." When Kitanoumi Rijicho was asked for comment, he simply responded, "I have no comments because it will only invite more misunderstanding." At a minimum, the board of directors is expected to fine both the Yokozuna and deduct the amount of money given each month to the Takasago-beya itself for possible up to six months, but speculation is that the Yokozuna may even be forced to sit out the upcoming Aki basho. One un-named director commented, "He is making light of our national sport along with his stablemaster by showing disregard for the exhibitions. I don't think a cut in pay is sufficient." Another director anonymously commented, "We've got to be strict this time or the message won't be received. I think there will be those who will call for him to sit out the next basho."

In the meantime, the committee in charge of exhibitions convened on July 27 and determined that Asashoryu would be banned from participating in exhibition events due to his actions. Oshima-oyakata stated, "We received a medical note that said he required 6 weeks of recovery time, but we do not need his attendance at our events even beyond that time scope." Takasago-oyakta had said when Asashoryu first withdrew from the planned exhibition events that the Yokozuna could attend later on if his injuries healed properly, but Takadagawa-oyakata, one of the directors in the association, stated, "Even if he wants to attend now, we don't want him. In the 200 year history of sumo, exhibition events have been just as important as hon-basho. Giving special exemptions just because one is a Yokozuna is inexcusable. In fact, for the time being he doesn't need to bother. We will not stand for selfishness on the Yokozuna's part where he comes and goes as he pleases." The committee is moving towards a temporary ban on Asashoryu from attending any exhibition events even beyond the summer season. Takasago-oyakata responded to the exhibitions committee's stance by saying, "I'm still going to encourage him to participate."

Also being drawn into the mess is the Yotsukaichi City Hospital in Mie Prefecture, which provided the Yokozuna with the initial health results that cited the injuries. The hospital has been overwhelmed with requests from the press and other inquiries to the point where normal hospital operations have been affected, so in a seldom-seen scenario, the hospital issued a statement revealing the Yokozuna's condition: the focal point of the first injury is the lower back area. [The patient] was previously diagnosed with a stress fracture to the fifth lumbar vertebra, and the patient complained of serious pain in the area. The next injury was a sprain to the anterior colateral ligament in the left elbow and severe pain in the joint bone of the same arm. After x-raying the joint, we determined the injury was serious enough to require surgery to heal properly. Due to the previous occurrence of injury and the patient's complaint of serious pain, 6 weeks of rest and recovery was recommended.

Asashoryu visited a Tokyo hospital on July 31 to undergo more examinations where it was determined that neither hospitalization nor surgery on his left elbow were necessary. They indicated that he could just receive his treatment by making periodic outpatient visits. Takasago-oyakata stated, "I don't think we will go through with the operation. We'll continue to have him rehab daily here. I will not let him go back to Mongolia though." The Mongolian government also stepped forward to offer a formal apology through the Mongolian embassy. They apologized for asking Asashoryu to do too much and explained that a charity event was being held to benefit children, and when they learned that the Yokozuna had come home, they asked him to participate. "We were told by Asashoryu that he had come home for treatment, but we persuaded him to promise to attend. We offer our sincerest apologies to the Nihon Sumo Kyokai and to Asashoryu for causing so much confusion."

The entire saga has created a media firestorm, and the Association has reportedly been flooded by complaints and demands for refunds from paying customers in all 17 cities scheduled on the exhibition tour.
As empty as paradise


  • Getbig V
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Re: Asashoryu getting shafted, banned for the rest of the year
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2007, 08:47:40 AM »

This is some big ass news FFS!!!
As empty as paradise