Author Topic: Dennis Wolf "The Beginning DVD Review  (Read 2150 times)


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Dennis Wolf "The Beginning DVD Review
« on: July 30, 2007, 03:44:54 AM »
As promised my DVD review translated from german to english by my friend Steven Klippstein.

You can find tons of screenshots here :

Dennis Wolf - The Beginning


“The Beginning“ is Dennis Wolf's first workout-DVD. The DVD shows the interesting transition from Amateur Over-All world champion to an successful start as an IFBB Pro.
The recording was done during his 2006 Offseason and his preparation for his first Pro Show.
The DVD includes 5 complete workouts as well as some bonus material, the total play length is 140 min.
At the beginning of the DVD Dennis talks about his first competition experiences, which are underlined with competition-material taken off Dennis at the age's of 21, 22 and 26.
During the whole DVD the sensation off 2007, manifests partly in german and partly in english how he trains and describes the muscle groups in detail.
Dennis's wife Katja is with him in the gym while every workout. She is partly responsible for his great success.

Chestworkout - 4 weeks out

The first training shows Dennis in the Offseason, four months out off a competition. His first routine on the DVD is a chestworkout beginning with incline barbell presses.
Right from the beginning you can tell Mr. Wolf is not a heavy lifter. No, in peculiarly you can tell he is always reaching for improvement in his rare existing weaknesses. He does not train for his ego, he trains for the feeling and pump which is for him more important than the heavy poundages.
After the warm up Dennis trains in a range of 10-12 reps, he uses this program a few weeks out off a competition, for the sufficient blood flow into the specific muscle region.
After that, he goes on to the dumbbells, where he also puts high regards to a controlled movement.
Noticeable is that Dennis belongs to the kind off bodybuilder that is in condition all year-round.
At the end he completes two isolation exercises, one is lying dumbbell flys and the other one is cable flys with a little stretching, which ends the chest workout.

Back - 3 months out

The Offseason is shortly followed by the preparation for the Europa Super Show. The back training as well as all other workouts are detained in the Gym Maldener.
Dennis starts his back workout with cable pulls to his chest. He explains that the back workout does not belong to his favorite body parts to workout. Right after he takes off his T-shirt it is doubtless that he is in a good condition so far out of the competition.
After that he does seated pulley rows. He uses a wide underhand grip to target on his lower back.
As third exercise Dennis does one armed seated pulley rows which belong to one of his favorite exercises.
Following, the gym owner and IFBB Pro Judge Winfried Maldener pipes up and examines Dennis condition.
With Straight-Arm Pulldowns he finishes of his back workout. This exercise was one of Dorian Yates favorite exercises, and so it also found it's place in Dennis's workout program.

Arms - 2 months out

Two months out of the first competition he trains arms. He also watches a correctly movement during the warm up which is done by the triceps pushdown on the cable.
As a base exercise for his triceps he does narrow benchpresses followed by triceps pushdowns on the cable, which counts to his favorite exercises.
With the cable he ends his triceps training by doing cable pulldowns single handed.
With the biceps he starts right off with barbell curls to train his biceps peak. As a second exercise he does lying cable curls where he also concentrates on the biceps peak which he claims as a weak point.
For pumping a lot of blood into the biceps he goes over to the single handed biceps curls at the end, which belong to Dennis's favorite movements.

Delt's - 6 weeks out

At the beginning of the shoulder workout, which is six weeks' out of the Europa Super Show, he shows of his legs, which already have cuts and incredible separation.
As a base exercise he does front presses where he goes up to 315 lbs followed up by seated dumbbell lateral rows.
After Dennis does three sets of rear dumbbell rows for the rear deltas he workouts his traps with barbell shrugs.

Legs - 4 weeks out

Shortly four week's out off his pro debut his legs have to suffer. Dennis, like always warms up his legs with overextensions to get the blood rushing to obviate his legs for injuries in advance.
After that he goes on to leg presses where he goes as deep as possible for full range of movement.
Also by doing the Hackenschmidt machine he regards to go as deep as possible to unfold its most potential.
The seated leg extensions are the last exercises for the Quadriceps, because it forms the leg and builds the deep cuts.
Dennis does lying leg curls followed by Romanian Deadlifts for his hamstrings.

Now, after the fans got an inside on Dennis's workout, the DVD continues with the Bonus material where you can see scene beyond the gym.

Bonus material:

The Bonus Material is rationed as followed :

- separate hamstring workout
- Calf training
- 2 discrete appearances as a guest poser
- Nutrition

Conclusion :

"The Beginning" doesn't just stick out because of the professional camera work as well as the picture quality that is rare among bodybuilding DVD's. No, it is also a one off a kind, that shows Dennis Wolf as a person with his humor and friendliness.
The training Dennis does on the DVD isn't a show it mirrors his actual workout program. Although he trains with heavy weight; no excessive weights were used to execute badly performed exercises, just to impress the watcher off this DVD.
Thereby the fan of the Pumping Iron gets an life-like inside of the upcoming superstar in IFBB pro league.
I just can recommend this DVD to every Bodybuilding fan out there.

You can order the DVD at