Author Topic: youve been tought to underSTAND not OVERSTAND! DNA DISCUSSION  (Read 956 times)

Marty Champions

  • Getbig V
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youve been tought to underSTAND not OVERSTAND! DNA DISCUSSION
« on: February 26, 2008, 12:09:03 PM »
you need to stop fighting me people im not here to spit on you, you dont even know where your words came from, dont hate, you must join me in the truth !

Man of Steel

  • Getbig V
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  • Isaiah40:28-31 ✝ Romans10:9 ✝ 1Peter3:15
Re: youve been tought to underSTAND not OVERSTAND!
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2008, 12:10:52 PM »
You're crazier than my best friend's grandfather who took a shit in the family swimming pool.

Marty Champions

  • Getbig V
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Re: youve been tought to underSTAND not OVERSTAND!
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2008, 12:11:24 PM »
remember you are the highway and not the wheel!

we need to change our eating to cyclic eating and rotate foods

not the same ol oats and chicken

Marty Champions

  • Getbig V
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Re: youve been tought to underSTAND not OVERSTAND!
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2008, 12:14:32 PM »

Humans are making more DNA via Disease!!

DNA, Cellular Upgrades?
Dr Berrenda Fox provides evidence of DNA and cellular
changes in this interview by Patricia Resch.

Dr Fox is the holistic practitioner of the Avalon Wellness Centre in Mt
Shasta, California. The Avalon Clinic represents the re-emergence of the
ideal of healing as practiced on the original Isle of Avalon. Dr Fox has
proven through blood tests that some people have actually developed new
strands of DNA.


"PR: What are the changes that are happening at this time on the planet, and
how are our bodies being affected?

BF: There are major changes, mutations that haven't occurred, according to
geneticists, since the time we supposedly came out of the water. Several
years ago in Mexico City there was a convention of geneticists from around
the world, and the main topic was the DNA change. We are making an
evolutionary change, yet we don't know what we are changing into.

PR: How is our DNA changing?

BF: Everyone has one double helix of DNA. What we are finding is that THERE
ARE OTHER HELIXES THAT ARE BEING FORMED. In the double helix there are two
strands of DNA coiled into a spiral. It is my understanding that we will be
developing twelve helixes. During this time, which seems to have started
maybe 5 to 20 years ago, we have been mutating. This is the scientific
explanation. It is a MUTATION OF OUR SPECIES into something for which THE

The changes are NOT KNOWN PUBLICLY, because the scientific community feels
it would FRIGHTEN THE POPULATION. However, people are changing at the
cellular level. I am working with three children right now who have three
DNA helixes. Most people know and feel this. Many religions have talked
about the change and know it will come about in different ways. We know it
is a positive mutation even though physically, mentally, and emotionally it
can be misunderstood and frightening.

PR: Are these children displaying any characteristics different from other

BF: These are children who can move objects across the room just by
concentrating on them, or they can fill glasses of water just by looking at
them. THEY'RE TELEPATHIC. You would almost think by knowing these children
that they are half angelic or superhuman, but they're not. I think they are
what we are growing into during the next few decades.

PR: Do you think this will happen to all of us?

BR: Our immune and endocrine systems are the most evident of these changes.
That is one of the reasons I work with research in immunological testing and
therapy. Some adults that I have tested actually do have another DNA helix
forming. Some are even getting their third. These people are going through a
lot of major shifts in their consciousness and physical bodies, because it
is all one. In my opinion, the Earth and everyone here is raising its
vibration. Many of the children born recently have bodies that are
magnetically lighter. Those of us that are older and choose to change have
to go through many physical changes.

PR: What causes change in bodies born with normal two strand DNA?

BF: The easiest way to mutate our DNA is through a virus. Consequently
viruses are not necessarily bad. Viruses live only on living tissue. DNA
viruses like Epstein Barr and the Herpes 6 change cellular structure. The
retro virus HIV is not a DNA virus. Instead of mutating the body, it
actually eats it up. Most people who go through this process and come out
the other side have a new profession, a new way of thinking, or at least a
starting of a new way of life.

Even though they may feel really sick, tired, or hopeless at times, it is a
gift. They are being given a chance to change their DNA structure and their
body into a lighter, healthier body that can see them into the next
generation. The angels that are being seen are signs that we are shifting.

PR: What other changes should we expect to see?

BF: There will be no disease, we will not need to die. We will be able to
learn our lessons not through suffering but through joy and love. The old
system has to crumble away, and is not doing that without putting up a big
fight. So you have all the wars; a lot of the medical type of healing is not
working; the government is not working. A lot of the old paradigms can no
longer exist, yet are fighting to be maintained, but there is no doubt that
it is changing.

Those of us who have chose to live at this time are the forerunners of
almost a new species. It is human, yet we are at the same time actually
manifesting heaven on Earth. We are receiving extra help from masters and
extraterrestrials, angelic beings, and learning to go inward. The more we
are able to go in and listen to that quiet voice, the more we are in tune
with the changes that are happening.

PR: What are some of the side effects of these changes?

BF: With a cellular change you are sometimes going to feel as though you are
not here. You may feel exhaustion, because we are literally changing cells
and becoming new beings. Like a new baby, you may need lots of rest.

Mental confusion and not being able to concentrate on routine tasks may
happen as we are being programmed for something larger. Aches and pains
throughout the body for which there is no specific cause are common. Many
people feel as though they are going crazy. If they go into an orthodox
medical office, most likely they will be put on Prozac, because they can't
define what it is. It is difficult for the medical profession because they
are not used to dealing with the energy body.

Because the chakras are related to our endocrine system, women will go
through hormonal changes. There may be crying without knowing why because
crying releases hormones. Many women are going through menopause earlier
because we are accelerating.

Men may be very frustrated with the exhaustion when they are used to being
very active. They may feel their feminine side coming out because this is
the intuitive side. The emotional therapy that has been coming out in the
last 20 to 30 years has been speeded up with new techniques for these
changes. We are actually doing a tremendous amount of emotional work in a
very short time which would have taken thousands of years.

PR: How do you treat someone who is going through these changes?

BF: I approach it from the viewpoint of working with individual beings
instead of treating a disease, 'Doctor' in Latin means educator. The only
effective service you can perform as a true healer is to empower individuals
with the necessary tools and reassure them that what is happening is real,
and that they can heal and be free of the 'negative' symptoms while healing.

First, I require immunological testing that is not traditionally done. This
is a blood laboratory test performed by an advanced specialty research lab.
Then I give the patient the information themselves. This is much like a map
of the changes so they can have the power to heal. I am not the healer but
only an instrument in their individual healing process. There is power in a
person looking at their own blood tests and seeing the map of what is going
on in their bodies that causes something to click in the subconscious.

The real key is that the person take responsibility and do their own work.
What I use as tools are not commonly used. I use a lot of Organotherapy,
which is a glandular treatment from Europe, to build up the hormonal system
to accept the changes in the DNA.

Also, I use homeopathy to work on the energetic body, vitamins, herbs, and
cold laser therapy. The therapy depends entirely on individual needs. Much
of what I do has been accessed from those whom I would call older sisters
and brothers who have gone .. us. They are from other solar systems
that we have all come from to help this planet with its transition.

PR: How do you see your work evolving?

BF: I look at my work as a bridge or transition. It is both scientific and
artistic. Healing is an art and a science. Using only science or just the
art of healing is not enough for complete health. I don't think I will be a
healer all my life because I believe disease will be eliminated. We as
conscious people will eliminate disease and suffering.


  • Getbig V
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Re: youve been tought to underSTAND not OVERSTAND!
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2008, 12:15:15 PM »

Marty Champions

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Re: youve been tought to underSTAND not OVERSTAND! DNA DISCUSSION
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2008, 12:23:46 PM »

It may be sad to think about, but VIRUSES have been and were made for BIOLOGICAL WARFARE. And some of these mRNA (MESSENGER RNA) strains have either gotten away or been RELEASED into the public domain.

For example, a "protein" called a PRION was identified in the MADCOW DISEASE from a few years ago. Turns out this PRION was a flexible PROTEIN SYNTHESIZER that would TURN OFF the function of mRNA---and the person INFECTED would wind up with a SPONGEish looking BRAIN.

Where did it come from? mOSTLY the BEEF and MILK INDUSTRY of course.

Madcow Disease is essentially a built-in CELL PROGRAM DEATH for COWS. Not HUMANS. Unless the ORGANISM that causes it is CHOPPED up into the food.
This organism can also be manipulated to be a MILDER version of MADCOW...sorta like MADCOW LITE. Same terrible diseases. Just a longer GESTATION period. Then, it manifests as MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS or NARCOLEPSY or CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME or BRAIN CANCER or STDs.

It is very easy to CREATE and MANIPULATE viruses in the lab. And then program them with a MESSAGE OF MASS DESTRUCTION.