Author Topic: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues  (Read 1267 times)

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Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« on: July 06, 2008, 07:59:39 AM »
LAS VEGAS - While unveiling his energy plan here recently, Sen. John McCain was performing relatively smoothly.

He managed to limit the mechanical hand chops and weirdly timed smiles that can often punctuate his speeches. He delivered his lines with an ease that suggested a momentary peace with his longtime nemesis, the teleprompter. (He relied on a belt-and-suspenders approach, with text scrolling down screens to his left and right, and on a big TV set in front of him.)

But when McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, came to the intended sound bite of his speech -- the part about reducing America's dependence on foreign oil -- he hit a slick.

"I have set before the American people an energy plan, the Lex-eegton Project," McCain said, drawing a quick breath and correcting himself. "The Lex-ing-ton Proj-ect," he said slowly. "The Lexington Project," he repeated. "Remember that name."

In a town meeting in Cincinnati the next day, McCain would again slip up on the name of the Massachusetts town, where, he noted, "Americans asserted their independence once before." He called it "the Lexiggdon Project," and twice tried to fix his error, before flipping the name ("Project Lexington") in subsequent references.

McCain's battle of Lexington is part of a struggle he is engaged in every day. A politician who has thrived in the give-and-take settings of campaign buses, late-night TV couches and town meetings, he now is trying to meet the more formal speaking demands of a general election campaign.

By his own admission, McCain is not a great orator. He is ill-suited to lecterns (which often dwarf his small stature), and he tends to sound as if he is reading his lines, not speaking them. His shortcomings have been accentuated in a two-man race, particularly because the other man -- Sen. Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee -- can often dazzle on stage.

McCain and his advisers know that Obama's ability to excite huge crowds will make for an inevitable podium mismatch for the older, softer-spoken Republican. "We're going up against a guy who is off the charts," said Mark Salter, McCain's longtime Senate chief of staff and campaign adviser.

To better compete, McCain is undergoing a subtle but marked transition as a political performer, said aides and people who have watched him. As part of a staff shakeup announced last week, he brought in a new adviser -- Greg Jenkins, a former White House official and Fox News producer -- who will oversee the producing and staging of McCain's events.

Jenkins, considered an expert at political stagecraft, oversaw many of President Bush's appearances and served as executive director of the 2004 inaugural committee.

McCain is working closely with aides like Brett O'Donnell, a former debate consultant for Bush, to improve his speech and performance. He is working to limit his verbal tangents and nonverbal tics. He is speaking less out of the sides of his mouth (which can produce a wiseguy twang reminiscent of the Penguin, from the Batman stories), and he is relying less on his favorite semantic crutch -- the phrase "my friends" -- which he used repeatedly in his campaign appearances.

McCain also appears to be trying to exercise restraint, advisers and campaign observers say, when speaking off the cuff, wisecracking in town meetings and criticizing his opponent. In recent weeks, for example, McCain seems to have reined in the sarcasm he has directed at Obama. (In May, for example, he said of his opponent, "With his very, very great lack of experience and knowledge of the issues, he's been very successful.")

Alan Schroeder, a journalism professor at Northeastern University, said, "There's a danger of sarcasm becoming nastiness, and McCain seems to be conscious of that line."

Some McCain loyalists say he needs to be left alone and not burdened by his staff's calculations about how he should be acting or what he should be saying.

"I think the depressingly self-absorbed McCain campaign machine needs to get out of the way," said Mike Murphy, a longtime friend and media adviser who has no role in the current operation but who still talks to McCain every few days. "They need to just let McCain be McCain."

The more careful McCain, said by some to be overly scripted, has received some withering critiques. "His rhetorical style can best be described as 'tired mayonnaise,'" comedian Stephen Colbert declared on "The Colbert Report," before inviting viewers to enter something called the "Make McCain Exciting Challenge."

Dan Schnur, McCain's communications chief during his 2000 presidential campaign, said, "Besides his convention speech, the only time I would even put him behind a podium at all between now and the end of the campaign is when he's announcing a policy position."

McCain's advisers, who bristle at the idea that they are trying to transform the candidate, say his lack of smoothness merely reinforces his authenticity.

"Voters are looking for credibility and are wary of polish," said Mark McKinnon, a former consultant to McCain's campaign. "At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter which candidate can more deftly read a teleprompter."

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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2008, 07:51:28 AM »
Funny McCain does better when he's just talking, easily recalling fact s and speaks clearly, when using a telepromptor and doing more canned speeches he has trouble...unlike Obama who has shown time and again he can't shoot from the hip, can't answer questions without hours of prep, won't debate McCain in town hall meetings. Empty suit.


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 08:06:46 AM »
Funny McCain does better when he's just talking, easily recalling fact s and speaks clearly, when using a telepromptor and doing more canned speeches he has trouble...unlike Obama who has shown time and again he can't shoot from the hip, can't answer questions without hours of prep, won't debate McCain in town hall meetings. Empty suit.
True True True!


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2008, 08:29:49 AM »
Oh yeah..he won't debate McCain here, but he's trying to do a speech  in front of the Brandenburg gate in Germany, like PRESIDENTS' Reagan and Kennedy. The sheer arogance of a guy who has basically done nothing to deserve his position. All show and no go.


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2008, 11:10:40 AM »

Haha at least McCain is original in naming his energy projects <cough cough> as compared to Obama's The Manhatten Project haha

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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2008, 12:22:44 PM »
The Obama campaign offered to do one joint town hall with McCain on the economy and four other debates, including one on foreign policy, the campaign said in a statement. The statement from Obama's campaign manager said the McCain campaign declined the proposal.


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2008, 01:17:45 PM »
The Obama campaign offered to do one joint town hall with McCain on the economy and four other debates, including one on foreign policy, the campaign said in a statement. The statement from Obama's campaign manager said the McCain campaign declined the proposal.

yea I know, when is this scheduled though? Can't find any information about it.

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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2008, 01:28:59 PM »
yea I know, when is this scheduled though? Can't find any information about it.

Obama offered it on July 4 so the nation could watch at home together.  He preferred not to let the poor-audience-drawing Mccain leech off his audience numbers for 3 months of fundraising with a 'tour'.

Mccain declined the july 4 offer.  He wanted 20 debates, he was offered 5, he chose none.


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2008, 01:45:58 PM »
Oh wow nice spin. July 4th evening..yeah people are going to be home. Obama knew full well what he was doing. He's afraid of the format.

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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2008, 01:53:35 PM »
Oh wow nice spin. July 4th evening..yeah people are going to be home. Obama knew full well what he was doing. He's afraid of the format.

1. yes, obama is absolutely afraid of it.

2. We don't live in the pre-VCR age.  Mccain could have had a few million viewers, and the pwning he could have delivered to Obama would have been replayed on every message board and news outlet show for the next 5 months. 

instead, he declined it.  Look, if I want to fck a hot girl and she says no, but she will give me a handjob... well, I take what i can get.  I don't go home with blueballs.  If he TRULY wanted to do it, he would have taken what he could get.


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2008, 01:57:50 PM »
He was not going to have some lame debate on the 4th when everybody is going to be out watching fireworks, on vacation, anywhere but watching TV. Hell the SB might be a better time frame.

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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2008, 02:57:45 PM »
He was not going to have some lame debate on the 4th when everybody is going to be out watching fireworks, on vacation, anywhere but watching TV. Hell the SB might be a better time frame.

That's his call to make.  Of course obama is scared.

BUT - he had one chance to pwn obama in front of millions at their first sit-down debate, and he declined.

He could have ten new Obawned flipflop moments to use in commercials against Obama.  instead, he still has "me and barry can't work out a date".

He should have taken it.  Even if only for the youtube replays.


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2008, 03:30:54 PM »
I am not saying they are running a great campaign, He did define an economic plan, and He has shaken up his staff or brought better folks on board. I'm glad u agree that the Town hall is better for McCain, he's better when he's letting loose and not confined.

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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2008, 05:38:27 PM »
I am not saying they are running a great campaign, He did define an economic plan, and He has shaken up his staff or brought better folks on board. I'm glad u agree that the Town hall is better for McCain, he's better when he's letting loose and not confined.

mccain will beat up on obama at a town hall.

ANYTHING obama does at a town hall will hurt him.  Interrupt/cut off/correct an old frail war vet?  You lose a lot of military support.  Let Mccain scold you like a child ONCE and america no longer respects you.

Town hall is where karl rove would RULE too.  The questions being asked would be plants, from both sides, but Rove would come up with a million ways to destroy obambi up there.

A televised NBC moderated debate (at least 1 will be standing) gives obama a big advantage.  25 years younger, taller, athletic, and hopeful.  By 9:45 pm (80 minutes into the debate or whatever) Mccain will physically look ragged and will be tired.


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2008, 07:03:47 PM »
On the regulr depends on the moderator....Obama got torn apart on the one where they asked him aout his past.


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2008, 07:13:48 PM »
Just so yo know.  I still think McCain will be the next president.  I don't think Obama, unless he does something significant, can win.

But we have a ways until the election.  It's still wide open in a sense.


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2008, 07:35:57 PM »
I am surprised Obama is only 6-8 points ahead on average. Mccain does not have all his shit together yet.


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2008, 07:41:32 PM »
I am surprised Obama is only 6-8 points ahead on average. Mccain does not have all his shit together yet.

EHHH, in all fairness again, Obama hasn't really unveiled his platform in detail either.


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2008, 07:43:10 PM » long has this thing been going on. Obama is still sliding to the center.


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Re: Mccain and the Teleprompter blues
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2008, 07:49:56 PM » long has this thing been going on. Obama is still sliding to the center.

Aren't they both going to do that?

Wait, McCain was already there to begin with!   ;D