Author Topic: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises  (Read 1302 times)

Benny B

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Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« on: July 25, 2008, 07:38:42 AM »
July 25, 2008
Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises

The bad news about the Army’s treatment of wounded soldiers keeps coming. The generals keep apologizing and insisting that things are getting better, but they are not.

The latest low moment for Army brass came on Tuesday in Washington, where a subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee held a hearing to examine the sorry state of the Army Medical Action Plan. That’s the plan to prevent the kind of systematic neglect and mistreatment exposed by The Washington Post last year at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

After a flurry of apologies, firings, investigations and reports, the Army resolved to streamline and improve case management for wounded soldiers. Under the plan, “warrior transition units” would swiftly deliver excellent care to troops so they could return to duty or be discharged into the veterans’ medical system. Each soldier would be assigned a team to look over his or her care: a physician, a nurse and a squad leader. It all sounded sensible and comprehensive.

It has not worked out so well. Staff members of the House subcommittee who visited numerous warrior transition units June 2007 to February found a significant gap between the Army leadership’s optimistic promises and reality.

Among other things, the Army failed to anticipate a flood of wounded soldiers. Some transition units have been overwhelmed and are thus severely understaffed. At Fort Hood, Tex., last month, staff members found 1,362 patients in a unit authorized for 649 — and more than 350 on a waiting list. Of the total, 311 were identified as being at high risk of drug overdose, suicide or other dangerous behavior. There were 38 nurse case managers when there should have been 74. Some soldiers have had to languish two months to a year before the Army decided what to do with them, far longer than the goal the Army set last year.

Under skeptical questioning during a hearing in February, Lt. Gen. Eric Schoomaker, the Army surgeon general, told the subcommittee that “for all intents and purposes, we are entirely staffed at the point we need to be staffed.” He also said: “The Army’s unwavering commitment and a key element of our warrior ethos is that we never leave a soldier behind on the battlefield — or lost in a bureaucracy.”

That was thousands of wounded, neglected soldiers ago. There are now about 12,500 soldiers assigned to the warrior transition units — more than twice as many as a year ago. The number is expected to reach 20,000 by this time next year.

The nation’s responsibility to care for the wounded from Iraq and Afghanistan will extend for decades. After Tuesday’s hearing, we are left pondering the simple questions asked at the outset by Representative Susan Davis, the California Democrat who is chairwoman of the military personnel subcommittee: Why did the Army fail to adequately staff its warrior transition units? Why did it fail to predict the surge in demand? And why did it take visits from a Congressional subcommittee to prod the Army into recognizing and promising — yet again — to fix the problem?


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2008, 09:08:39 AM »
Don't pretend u care dipshit..u hoped I'd die in an IED attack. Ur a worthless douchebag...stop pretending u care about soldiers.


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2008, 09:10:33 AM »
Don't pretend u care dipshit..u hoped I'd die in an IED attack. Ur a worthless douchebag...stop pretending u care about soldiers.

Why because he doesn't support a corrupt and illegal war he doesn't care about Soldiers? Get your head checked, smarten up.


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2008, 09:13:29 AM »
Um...he doesn't. He's a worthless peice of shit time. His worthless posts prove it time and again. And don't tell me to "smarten up" how long have u been on the board...go crawl back under ur rock.

Benny B

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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2008, 09:19:28 AM »
Why because he doesn't support a corrupt and illegal war he doesn't care about Soldiers? Get your head checked, smarten up.

Dogshit has taken too much shrapnel to the head. After all, the moron thinks voting for McCain is in its own self-interests, when...

McCain’s Veteran Voting Record Not Very Veteran Like

by Bob Schwartz on July 10, 2008

If you question John McCain on why his military experience qualifies him to run the country as he likes to assert, you get everything from righteous indignation to outright changing of the subject. No matter which reaction he gives you, his surrogates come to the rescue by playing the hero card while at the same time calling the questioner’s patriotism into question.

Unfortunately for McCain, his bait and switch tactic hasn’t stopped the questioning which has started to bleed over to his lack of support for veterans. Now not only is he ignoring the tough questions about his experience, he has had to resort to lying in an attempt to preserve his veteran friendly resume as well. The latest lie fest occurred earlier this week at a town hall in Denver where a real live veteran of all people had the audacity to question McCain’s support of veterans healthcare.

    McCain: “I don’t know what bill you’re referring to…and I’ll be glad to have you refer to it. The reason why I have a perfect voting record from organizations like Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion and all the other veterans’ service organizations is because I support them.”

And when further called out on this McCain added:

    “I thank you and I’d be glad to examine what your version of my record is. Again, I’ve been endorsed in every election by all of the veterans’ organizations that do that. I’ve been supported by them and received the highest awards from all of those organizations, so I guess they don’t know something you know. I thank you very much and I will continue to be proud of my support for the veterans of this country.”

Excuse me, his version of McCain’s record!? Let’s look at McCain’s veterans report card as reported by the veterans groups themselves and not some John McCain fantasy to see just how much he supports those of us that have served. Why don’t we start with the just passed GI Bill.

While George Bush made sure to thank McCain’s efforts getting this passed, McCain not only didn’t support this bill, he was a vocal opponent of the legislation from day one refusing to sponsor the bill and then had such high regard for it that he didn’t even bother showing up to vote when it passed. How’s that for support?

Ok so maybe the GI bill was just a minor blip. After all even George Bush, the man that has done more to increase the number of combat veterans since Lyndon Johnson didn’t like the bill either, so how do real life veterans groups rate McCain’s veteran voting record?

   1. IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America) - John McCain “D”
   2. Vietnam Veterans Of America (McCain is one of course) - He voted against them 17 out of their last 26 scored votes
   3. DAV (Disabled American Veterans) - John McCain has a 20% rating

So Mr McCain despite your claims to the contrary, you are not pro-veteran and any claim you make to that effect is an out and out lie. And while Barack Obama hasn’t played the pro-veteran card like you consistently do, he did feel it was important enough to show up and vote to pass the 21st century GI Bill and his score card from the same veterans groups paints a slightly different picture:

   1. IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America) - Barack Obama “B+”
   2. Vietnam Veterans Of America - He voted for them all but 1 time.
   3. DAV - Barack Obama has an 80% rating

So who exactly is the pro-veteran candidate again? I will give you a hint, it isn’t the one that likes to play the veteran card.

Labor union veterans have figured that out and one day maybe even the MSM will as well. But then again if they call him out on it they might lose their seat on the “Straight Talk Express” so I wouldn’t hold your breath.


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2008, 09:19:29 AM »
Um...he doesn't. He's a worthless peice of shit time. His worthless posts prove it time and again. And don't tell me to "smarten up" how long have u been on the board...go crawl back under ur rock.

long enough to spot a good argument and a simply and deliberate troll attempt,  you could have argued with him or challenged him
differently, calling somebodies death or wishing him pain and suffering is just lame wouldn't you say so yourself?


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2008, 12:45:04 PM »
I don't debate this guy ever. He never provides any kind of debate with facts, so I wrote him off long ago. He hoped I died in an IED attack, that was enough for me. He's a typical Obama lib, no idea about history, his candidate, the world, politics or anything else.

Benny B

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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2008, 04:43:29 PM »
I don't debate this guy ever. He never provides any kind of debate with facts, so I wrote him off long ago. He hoped I died in an IED attack, that was enough for me. He's a typical Obama lib, no idea about history, his candidate, the world, politics or anything else.

Ok so maybe the GI bill was just a minor blip. After all even George Bush, the man that has done more to increase the number of combat veterans since Lyndon Johnson didn’t like the bill either, so how do real life veterans groups rate McCain’s veteran voting record?

  1. IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America) - John McCain “D”
   2. Vietnam Veterans Of America (McCain is one of course) - He voted against them 17 out of their last 26 scored votes
   3. DAV (Disabled American Veterans) - John McCain has a 20% rating

So Mr McCain despite your claims to the contrary, you are not pro-veteran and any claim you make to that effect is an out and out lie. And while Barack Obama hasn’t played the pro-veteran card like you consistently do, he did feel it was important enough to show up and vote to pass the 21st century GI Bill and his score card from the same veterans groups paints a slightly different picture:

  1. IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America) - Barack Obama “B+”
   2. Vietnam Veterans Of America - He voted for them all but 1 time.
   3. DAV - Barack Obama has an 80% rating

So who exactly is the pro-veteran candidate again? I will give you a hint, it isn’t the one that likes to play the veteran card.


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2008, 05:19:08 PM »
Yeah these groups are having nosebleeds over Obama.  ::)


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2008, 05:26:56 PM »
Um...he doesn't. He's a worthless peice of shit time. His worthless posts prove it time and again. And don't tell me to "smarten up" how long have u been on the board...go crawl back under ur rock.
good sir, your friend mr bush put you and your friends in the way of bullets and bombs and put them in a position to get killed, and mr mccain will continue the same strategies and in fact probably create more by attacking iran. mr OBAMA on the other hand intends to remove you and your friends from harms way, and return you safely to the united states. why do you have such hatred for a man trying to prevent more bloodshed and who will make the world a better place, and such admiration for a man who will continue violence and death?


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2008, 05:48:07 PM » he won't. We aren't leaving Afghanistan and Africa will become the next front. I signed up to deploy. I don't think many people are under some sorta false idea as to what they signed up for. I did not sign up for college bene's or "army welfare".....


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2008, 06:11:17 PM »
but why do you hate OBAMA so much?


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2008, 06:25:45 PM »
I think I just explained it.....we're at war, this guy will make it much worse. I don't want one of our cities to go up in smoke. His naive world view invites it, his economics and energy policy suck. I am a Con and hate, hate wealth redistribution, welfare, handouts. Work hard....


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2008, 06:56:17 PM »
I think I just explained it.....we're at war, this guy will make it much worse. I don't want one of our cities to go up in smoke. His naive world view invites it, his economics and energy policy suck. I am a Con and hate, hate wealth redistribution, welfare, handouts. Work hard....

You really are doing everything to MAKE yourself believe that aren't?

Are you going to stay away from BIG cities if he gets elected?


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2008, 11:48:06 PM »

While George Bush made sure to thank McCain’s efforts getting this passed, McCain not only didn’t support this bill, he was a vocal opponent of the legislation from day one refusing to sponsor the bill and then had such high regard for it that he didn’t even bother showing up to vote when it passed. How’s that for support?

Ok so maybe the GI bill was just a minor blip. After all even George Bush, the man that has done more to increase the number of combat veterans since Lyndon Johnson didn’t like the bill either, so how do real life veterans groups rate McCain’s veteran voting record?

   1. IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America) - John McCain “D”
   2. Vietnam Veterans Of America (McCain is one of course) - He voted against them 17 out of their last 26 scored votes
   3. DAV (Disabled American Veterans) - John McCain has a 20% rating

So Mr McCain despite your claims to the contrary, you are not pro-veteran and any claim you make to that effect is an out and out lie. And while Barack Obama hasn’t played the pro-veteran card like you consistently do, he did feel it was important enough to show up and vote to pass the 21st century GI Bill and his score card from the same veterans groups paints a slightly different picture:

   1. IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America) - Barack Obama “B+”
   2. Vietnam Veterans Of America - He voted for them all but 1 time.
   3. DAV - Barack Obama has an 80% rating

So who exactly is the pro-veteran candidate again? I will give you a hint, it isn’t the one that likes to play the veteran card.

Labor union veterans have figured that out and one day maybe even the MSM will as well. But then again if they call him out on it they might lose their seat on the “Straight Talk Express” so I wouldn’t hold your breath.

I think Mccain is sooo desperate for press coverage right about now that he'd probably accept Al-Jazeera correspondents on his campaign bus. Heck, ...I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't already sent them invitations.


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Re: Wounded Warriors, Empty Promises
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2008, 12:04:32 AM »
good sir, your friend mr bush put you and your friends in the way of bullets and bombs and put them in a position to get killed, and mr mccain will continue the same strategies and in fact probably create more by attacking iran. mr OBAMA on the other hand intends to remove you and your friends from harms way, and return you safely to the united states. why do you have such hatred for a man trying to prevent more bloodshed and who will make the world a better place, and such admiration for a man who will continue violence and death?

It's wierd isn't it? I was talking with a woman back before the 2000 elections.
She was in the military, and she was all for bush. She explained it by way of all his promises to increase military spending. Her attitude was she was a soldier, and bush would provide her with work. i thought it was a little messed up, ...but there it was. I suppose if you're an artist or an IT guy, you'd be inclined to vote for the guy who you knew would increase funding for or investment in the arts or in IT, ...but for some strange reason, I always thought soldiers trained to be the best they could be, ...all the while hoping they'd never have to be called on to put it into action... you know... fighting as a duty, obligation, ...and as a last resort for the safety & security of your country, ...NOT as something you do for fun. That's what merc do, ...but not soldiers of honour. Turns out she was pissed at the Democrats for keeping her unemployed for so long, ...and she was counting on Bush to put her to work. Well, ...she got her wish. I should give her a call to see how she's feeling about the guy these days. I wonder if she's still alive, and if she is, if she's going to try to keep her job going by voting for McCain, or whether she'll vote to make herself unemployed.