Author Topic: The Counter Feminist Revolution; Fuck PC: My friend has spoken....  (Read 462 times)


  • Getbig V
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A friend of mine is a professor in Japan (originally from South Africa); he made a great post the other day...I am fully behind him...

In another rare appearance given my current chronic lifestyle, I am going to weigh in for D here. The modern western woman is a pain in the arse and doesn't know what she wants. I have recently dealt with feminist Canadian wenches in an academic organization here that leave me cold and on the offensive. If I hear a Saudi women bitching about gender discrimination and plight, then she has my ear. But not some bitch from Toronto (and as Dos Tumbres once said to me, Canada is the PC capital of the world, and Toronto is the PC capital of Canada - i.e. PC ground zero) who comes from the most privileged demographic in the world and still ... yeh bitching. Not enough to have positive discrimination and all the chances in the world. No, they want a man to morph according to their instant gratification and schizophrenic desires. A career today and beast tonight. Time for a counter revolution. The cowering of the male in the west needs to stop. Give me a Japanese lass anytime - and believe me it still ain't perfect. But at least you are battling and accommodating the needs of a traditional woman rather than a woman whose balls are bigger than your own and yet who thinks she has something in feminist-common with some poor African woman who carries water in a pot on her head for miles in Africa, suffers the threat of rape as a tactic of war, and suffers the threat of genital mutilation as a sexual right. Fuck em. Back off bitch and get back to being a true woman.
I hate the State.