Author Topic: Secretary: Above the Law  (Read 745 times)

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Secretary: Above the Law
« on: September 22, 2008, 05:29:20 PM »
This is why the dems aren't just rubber stamping the Bailout Bill...

A critical - and radical - component of the bailout package proposed by the Bush administration has thus far failed to garner the serious attention of anyone in the press. Section 8 (which ironically reminds one of the popular name of the portion of the 1937 Housing Act that paved the way for subsidized affordable housing ) of this legislation is just a single sentence of thirty-two words, but it represents a significant consolidation of power and an abdication of oversight authority that's so flat-out astounding that it ought to set one's hair on fire. It reads, in its entirety:

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

In short, the so-called "mother of all bailouts," which will transfer $700 billion taxpayer dollars to purchase the distressed assets of several failed financial institutions, will be conducted in a manner unchallengeable by courts and ungovernable by the People's duly sworn representatives. All decision-making power will be consolidated into the Executive Branch - who, we remind you, will have the incentive to act upon this privilege as quickly as possible, before they leave office. The measure will run up the budget deficit by a significant amount, with no guarantee of recouping the outlay, and no fundamental means of holding those who fail to do so accountable.

Straw Man

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Decsisions by The Secretary may not be reviewed by ANY Court or Agency
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2008, 10:02:47 PM »
"Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency."

Has anyone read the proposed plan?

It's only 3 pages and it's the biggest bailout in our short history

It gives unprecedented and unchecked power to one person ....and it's not even the President

September 21, 2008
Text of Draft Proposal for Bailout Plan


Section 1. Short Title.

This Act may be cited as ____________________.

Sec. 2. Purchases of Mortgage-Related Assets.

(a) Authority to Purchase.--The Secretary is authorized to purchase, and to make and fund commitments to purchase, on such terms and conditions as determined by the Secretary, mortgage-related assets from any financial institution having its headquarters in the United States.

(b) Necessary Actions.--The Secretary is authorized to take such actions as the Secretary deems necessary to carry out the authorities in this Act, including, without limitation:

(1) appointing such employees as may be required to carry out the authorities in this Act and defining their duties;

(2) entering into contracts, including contracts for services authorized by section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, without regard to any other provision of law regarding public contracts;

(3) designating financial institutions as financial agents of the Government, and they shall perform all such reasonable duties related to this Act as financial agents of the Government as may be required of them;

(4) establishing vehicles that are authorized, subject to supervision by the Secretary, to purchase mortgage-related assets and issue obligations; and

(5) issuing such regulations and other guidance as may be necessary or appropriate to define terms or carry out the authorities of this Act.

Sec. 3. Considerations.

In exercising the authorities granted in this Act, the Secretary shall take into consideration means for--

(1) providing stability or preventing disruption to the financial markets or banking system; and

(2) protecting the taxpayer.

Sec. 4. Reports to Congress.

Within three months of the first exercise of the authority granted in section 2(a), and semiannually thereafter, the Secretary shall report to the Committees on the Budget, Financial Services, and Ways and Means of the House of Representatives and the Committees on the Budget, Finance, and Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate with respect to the authorities exercised under this Act and the considerations required by section 3.

Sec. 5. Rights; Management; Sale of Mortgage-Related Assets.

(a) Exercise of Rights.--The Secretary may, at any time, exercise any rights received in connection with mortgage-related assets purchased under this Act.

(b) Management of Mortgage-Related Assets.--The Secretary shall have authority to manage mortgage-related assets purchased under this Act, including revenues and portfolio risks therefrom.

(c) Sale of Mortgage-Related Assets.--The Secretary may, at any time, upon terms and conditions and at prices determined by the Secretary, sell, or enter into securities loans, repurchase transactions or other financial transactions in regard to, any mortgage-related asset purchased under this Act.

(d) Application of Sunset to Mortgage-Related Assets.--The authority of the Secretary to hold any mortgage-related asset purchased under this Act before the termination date in section 9, or to purchase or fund the purchase of a mortgage-related asset under a commitment entered into before the termination date in section 9, is not subject to the provisions of section 9.

Sec. 6. Maximum Amount of Authorized Purchases.

The Secretary’s authority to purchase mortgage-related assets under this Act shall be limited to $700,000,000,000 outstanding at any one time

Sec. 7. Funding.

For the purpose of the authorities granted in this Act, and for the costs of administering those authorities, the Secretary may use the proceeds of the sale of any securities issued under chapter 31 of title 31, United States Code, and the purposes for which securities may be issued under chapter 31 of title 31, United States Code, are extended to include actions authorized by this Act, including the payment of administrative expenses. Any funds expended for actions authorized by this Act, including the payment of administrative expenses, shall be deemed appropriated at the time of such expenditure.

Sec. 8. Review.

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

Sec. 9. Termination of Authority.

The authorities under this Act, with the exception of authorities granted in sections 2(b)(5), 5 and 7, shall terminate two years from the date of enactment of this Act.

Sec. 10. Increase in Statutory Limit on the Public Debt.

Subsection (b) of section 3101 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking out the dollar limitation contained in such subsection and inserting in lieu thereof $11,315,000,000,000.

Sec. 11. Credit Reform.

The costs of purchases of mortgage-related assets made under section 2(a) of this Act shall be determined as provided under the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, as applicable.

Sec. 12. Definitions.

For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:

(1) Mortgage-Related Assets.--The term “mortgage-related assets” means residential or commercial mortgages and any securities, obligations, or other instruments that are based on or related to such mortgages, that in each case was originated or issued on or before September 17, 2008.

(2) Secretary.--The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Treasury.

(3) United States.--The term “United States” means the States, territories, and possessions of the United States and the District of Columbia.

Straw Man

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Re: Decsisions by The Secretary may not be reviewed by ANY Court or Agency
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2008, 07:58:48 AM »
so no one here has a problem giving Paulson more authority than anyone in the history of our country and with absolutely zero oversight from the courts or congress?

Paulson is the guy who helped create this disaster and if he has his way he'll hire the very same investment banks who we are bailing out to "help" clean up the mess


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Re: Decsisions by The Secretary may not be reviewed by ANY Court or Agency
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2008, 08:00:42 AM »
so no one here has a problem giving Paulson more authority than anyone in the history of our country and with absolutely zero oversight from the courts or congress?

Paulson is the guy who helped create this disaster and if he has his way he'll hire the very same investment banks who we are bailing out to "help" clean up the mess

I posted this twice. With 0 responses. It's obvious no one really knows or cares what this means. That's why we always find our selves in these shitty situations. Thats is why we'll vote for another turd as president.

Straw Man

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Re: Decsisions by The Secretary may not be reviewed by ANY Court or Agency
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2008, 08:26:40 AM »
I posted this twice. With ) responses. It's obvious no one really knows or cares what this means. That's why we always find our selves in these shitty situations. Thats is why we'll vote for another turd as president.

apparently so

Straw Man

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Re: Decsisions by The Secretary may not be reviewed by ANY Court or Agency
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2008, 08:38:32 AM »
silence = consent?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Decsisions by The Secretary may not be reviewed by ANY Court or Agency
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2008, 08:49:44 AM »
This scandal has the same general flow as the S&L Scandal.

Too bad the anit-socialism crowd here isn't busting their chops about how this bail out is socializing the cost of private business failure.

This is how big business works.  Either they'll score a killing with their risky business venture or be bailed out in the case of failure.  It's win/win.

And it costs a hell of a lot more than our anti-poverty programs.

Debt itself is necessary for growth.  Debt to cover gambling losses of big business (or to prop up the occupation of Iraq for that matter) is terrible debt b/c it does not benefit our country in a good way.  We are not investing in our infrastructure or the like.


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Re: Secretary: Above the Law
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2008, 12:03:49 PM »
Paulson could suck my dick. What a crock of shit.

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Re: Secretary: Above the Law
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2008, 12:07:02 PM »
so no one here has a problem giving Paulson more authority than anyone in the history of our country and with absolutely zero oversight from the courts or congress?

Paulson is the guy who helped create this disaster and if he has his way he'll hire the very same investment banks who we are bailing out to "help" clean up the mess

They don't have a problem now...

But if President Obama appoints some scumbag former Lehman or Fanny CEO to the job - and the dude suddenly has power to spend $700 billion of your money any way he chooses...

They'll care then. 



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Re: Secretary: Above the Law
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2008, 12:47:24 PM »
big problem like i said i dont think they should have been any bail outs and like i predicted when this first happened it just opened the door to many more and i dont think we have seen the last of the bail outs just yet.

I like the new nick name 240 glad to see you taking to it

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Re: Secretary: Above the Law
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2008, 12:57:03 PM »
big problem like i said i dont think they should have been any bail outs and like i predicted when this first happened it just opened the door to many more and i dont think we have seen the last of the bail outs just yet.

I like the new nick name 240 glad to see you taking to it

thanks again man