Author Topic: UFC Fighters mock bodybuilders, Dexter Jackson  (Read 19292 times)


  • Getbig IV
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  • Alma Matter!
Re: UFC Fighters mock bodybuilders, Dexter Jackson
« Reply #150 on: December 29, 2008, 06:49:07 AM »
100% spot on bulldog,i believe the cardio and musculer fatigue would be a huge disadvantage for the bodybuilders,the technique aspect is another huge obstacle also.just like anything else if a bodybuilder trains alittle mma afew days aweek he will gain some knowledge and insight of the sport.the problem is its impossible imo to be a top bodybuilder and a top mma fighter at the same time.the 2 sports kinda contradict each other imo,a huge part of a mma fighters success is having outstanding cardio,a huge part of a pro bodybuilders success is the steroid issue.steroids in the amount pros use would have the bodybuilders gassed halfway through rd 1 and thats not a good thing.ive been in training and i gassed i minute into rd 1 10 years ago when i was getting started in the sport,and thats a bad feeling when a dudes punchin and kickin the crap out of ya and you are so exhausted you cant even keep your hands up to defend yourself,i learned way back then how important cardio was
Ouve lá, a questão aqui não é colocar um culturista no ringue! Estamos a falar de briga pura e crua, seja numa discoteca, seja na rua, seja onde for. E se já trabalhaste à noite sabes muito bem que os indivíduos fortes e pesados são difíceis de lidar. Não adianta teres muito boxe ou bjj numa discoteca, pois tens que resolver o problema à força!