Author Topic: Are men oppressed in modern society?  (Read 612 times)


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Are men oppressed in modern society?
« on: January 14, 2009, 11:41:39 AM »
i didnt write this, but i thought it was a good read and wondering what your guys thoughts are.

I have realized that men (white men in particular) are oppressed in many ways. I know this because I am a white man (and proud of it), and I need to display our sexist laws and how men are oppressed, women are put on a pedestal. Here are 15 examples of how men are oppressed, and how women are privileged.

1. When you hear the word "sexism" likely the first image that comes to your mind is a man beating a woman. Now what about men being beaten by a woman? This actually happens more then women being beaten by men, but most reports do not get reported, for fear of being called a wimp or not a man, or simply out of fear that the cops would laugh it off. Women are much more likely to emotionally abuse men then men are to abuse women, and it is about equal in physical abuse.

2. Men cannot slap or punch women in public, but women can do the same to men without anyone caring. For instance if a girl slaps a boy in film, people don't react. If a guy slaps a girl in film, people tend to react. It really is sick.

3. Men being abused or killed is "funny". Look at comedy or films. Men are the ones being killed most the time, and most people don't care. But if a woman should be killed or beaten, people care. Why are men always the recipients of abuse in movies? It is sick. Men being killed or abused is not funny... but society thinks it is. Yet if you show a woman being beaten or killed, you get a negative reaction.

4. Men are made to look stupid, incompetent, or otherwise useless when compared to women. This is seen on sitcoms or commercials, ALWAYS its the man who is an idiot, then the woman comes to help him. Yet in reality, the exact opposite is true (normally, not trying to be offensive, but generally my dad was the competent one, mother was less competent with technology for instance, but the mother was better with supporting me emotionally, in this example) in my experiences.

5. Only men can be forced into draft. Seriously what the hell is this? Why do only men get to fight in traditional societies? Why must we die and kill while the women sit at home to live without being killed?

6. Some feminists are actually trying to weaken the Y chromosome, to make men less strong, stupider, and less agile. Don't believe me? I need to find the links, if you doubt me, I will show you evidence (have to dig through to find them again). You also have the Scum Manifesto and radical feminists who want men all killed, or used as slaves.

7. Men have less rights in custody battles. Children go to the women almost always, even if she is a worse parent.

8. Sexual reproduction and children is unfair. Men can be billed for a woman choosing to have a kid their entire lives, yet women can choose to abort without even asking the man (WTF!)?!!?!?!

9. Men are stopped from being hired in many white countries if a woman tries to apply. Either she is "hot" or sexist double-standard affirmative-action forces them (seriously, read about Canadian Equity Act, basically if you are white, straight, in good mental and physical condition, and male, fat chance at getting the job).

10. Men are circumsized (aka Jewish male genital mutilation) and no one gives a rat's ass, yet women get their clitoris removed in some 3rd world countries and you have uproar on the media. Also prostate cancer is rarely heard, yet breast cancer gets so much funding (guess who both affects?)....

11. Men even call other men ugly brutes. If men call each other handsome or attractive, they are called gay by everyone, yet women can do the same to each other with no problem. Why can't I admire male beauty without being a gay? I'm not gay, but I love the male form, and the female. Look at Michelangelo for instance, the famous sculpture of male beauty.

12. Men are made to be brute killers, women whores. This isn't really related, but I'd thought I'd through it in. You white men reading this, become heartless, stupid, ripped with muscles, and smash all who oppose you. White women, become whores, skinny as heck, and stupid with big boobs and butt.

13. You have feminism which is female-sounding, yet nobody knows about masculism really (the male part of gender equality)?!?!?!

14. Men are expected to treat women as equals, but ALSO as special place?! Seriously, WTF! Either I treat you like me and we split the bill at the restaurant and both agree on decisions, or I pay and I also get the last word in decisions. Which is it ladies? Either chivalry or gender equality, pick one and choose. I'm not a male slave.

15. White male heterosexuals kill themselves most often. Need proof? I can provide links if anyone requests them. Wonder why, eh? After all I posted thus far...

There are still many more injustices against men, but this is enough for now. Please share your thoughts on this?!??!