Author Topic: Yeah the tea-party isn't racist  (Read 21159 times)

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Re: Yeah the tea-party isn't racist
« Reply #125 on: November 08, 2010, 07:27:51 AM »
First of all,the post I put up was supposed to be seen as the same rhetoric as Wiggs'.If you think I want blacks getting bombed or killed for no reason,you are wrong.I simply use the EXACT same rhetoric towards Wiggs and blacks as he used against whites.Do you really think I want innocent people getting killed?

You and I are very very much alike[your a better student obviously].I simply respond to whats posted here.If someone wants to call me a cracker and say he wants whites killed,then its on.The racial slurs will flow.Much like you,I simply work hard every day,mind my fucking buisiness,train hard and try to keep food in my families mouth.If I can keep my body from ripping apart,I hit a couple of power meets or a bodybuilding show every year.Im not wearing robes and looking to assault blacks,I like to be left alone,do my shit and get on with the day,train hard as fuck,eat enough to get strong and maybe take in a ballgame at the end of the day.

BUT,if wiggs wants to get in a slurring contest,Im more then willing.If you want to get into a thread of who can say the dumbest,most off the wall,fool ass shit,I can do that too.

You can think Im a racist,thats fine,but Im just a white guy who wont stand by while someone runs my race down.Other then that,I could give less of a shit if your black,white or yellow.In fact,I only care if someone is big and/or strong and thats the way I judge people.Not race,strength or dedication to a goal.But dont think Im just going to be a punching bag while someone gets o n here and wishes for my race to die.
I agree and Respect that all.

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Re: Yeah the tea-party isn't racist
« Reply #126 on: November 08, 2010, 07:28:01 AM »
Damn, it looks like I made a big mistake bumping this old thread with the Lt. Col. Allan West and Scott story in SC.   ;D  ;D

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Re: Yeah the tea-party isn't racist
« Reply #127 on: November 08, 2010, 07:43:46 AM »
Tea for Tim
He hails from where the civil war began, but this black republican tea party favorite doesn’t want to be a leader on race.
by Zev Chafets
November 07, 2010
Travis Dove / The New York Times

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Tim Scott, a South Carolina Republican, is one of the first two black Republicans elected to Congress in more than a century.

When the massive Republican freshman class arrives in Washington in January, its members will begin the scramble for office furniture, plum committee assignments, and a little attention from the party’s senior leadership. Tim Scott, the African-American Tea Partier from South Carolina’s First Congressional District, will face the opposite problem. Scott, a quiet, somewhat introverted insurance agent turned politician, is hoping he will be seen as just another conservative lawmaker, fundamentally the same as the other newbies.

There’s no way that is going to happen. Scott is a son of Dixie, born and raised in Charleston, the city where the Civil War started and where the tomb of John C. Calhoun, the great defender of slavery, is still a venerated tourist site. Until 1995 Scott’s congressional seat was held by Arthur J. Ravenel, a proud member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans who once referred to the NAACP as “the National Association for Retarded People.” “Tim is like other freshmen in one sense: he’s one of a group of principled young conservatives,” says Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele. “But he is special in another way. He’s the first black Republican in Congress since J. C. Watts,” the congressman from Oklahoma who retired in 2003.

 Tannen Maury
Inside The Tea Party

Inside the Tea Party Actually, Scott is one of two black Republican congressmen-elect heading to Washington after the GOP’s crushing midterm victory last week. Allen West, a retired Army lieutenant colonel from Florida, also won a House seat. West defeated a Democratic incumbent in the Bagel Belt of southeast Florida. Like many of his constituents, he’s a recent transplant to the state, and he is a product of a military culture. Scott, by contrast, won his victory after first trouncing Paul Thurmond, the son of the legendary segregationist senator Strom Thurmond. It’s easy to see why anyone, even Steele, might put Scott in a separate category.

Scott doesn’t believe in holding racial grudges. “The future is more important than the past,” he told reporters after his victory in the almost lily-white GOP primary in June. He considers the struggle to remove the Confederate battle flag that still flies on the grounds of South Carolina’s capitol building to be a nonissue. “We should be appreciative of our heritage,” he says, “but at the end of the day it is more about tomorrow.” This kind of soothing pragmatism, coupled with a devotion to the Tea Party agenda, has made Scott extremely popular among white voters, who make up more than 70 percent of the electorate in the First District. “These days, for most conservative whites in South Carolina, ideology trumps race,” says Robert Oldendick, a political scientist at the University of South Carolina.

Scott is less popular among African-Americans, almost all of whom are Democrats. “He comes across to black people as someone we can’t trust,” says Conquestrina White, a Charleston art student. “I especially don’t appreciate the way he bashes Obama.” Others, though, are willing to wait and see. “We didn’t know who Tim Scott was,” says Pat Bellamy, a resident of Atlantic Beach, the fabled black beach-resort community that has fallen on hard times in recent years. “But then here comes this colored boy, pardon the expression, and he beats Strom Thurmond’s son? That’s a dynasty in South Carolina. You have to ask yourself, who is this?”

I met Scott for the first time at a small campaign event on the Saturday before the election. Red-white-and-blue campaign signs declaring TIM SCOTT, CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN marked the way to the patio of California Dreaming, a large restaurant in the Charleston marina. Yachts bobbed in the water, and the air was filled with the smell of grilling hot dogs and hamburgers. Golden oldies played loudly in the background, but nobody danced or even swayed to the music. The crowd was mostly middle-aged and white, but there were a fair number of younger people, including a small contingent of uniformed cadets from the Citadel military college. There were some black supporters, too, but not many.

Most of the people on the patio were Tea Partiers, and they were in a mellow mood. Their candidate appeared to be a lock for Tuesday, and who isn’t happy backing a winner? Several of the folks explained, in almost identical language, that their support for a black man was unexceptional. “We don’t judge people by their race the way they do in other parts of the country,” a woman named Cheryl said in a challenging tone.

The music stopped, and the candidate took the microphone. In his football days at Presbyterian College he played tailback, but now he’s built more like a middle linebacker. He has an insurance agent’s genial affect. “Let me first of all introduce you to my mom,” he said. “She taught me that love comes at the end of a switch.” The crowd applauded. “And,” he added, “she’s here today to make sure my butt stays brown, not red.” It was the only time during his short speech that he mentioned his color, and it got a hearty laugh. “Tim has the reputation of knowing how to talk to white people,” a black Charleston businesswoman later confided to me with what sounded like disapproval.

That morning I had visited the home of the 19th-century congressman Joseph H. Rainey, the first black man ever to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. Rainey, who lived in Georgetown, about an hour from Charleston, represented the First District for nine years during Reconstruction. His house is marked with a plaque. When I met Scott, I asked him if he had spent much time reflecting on his historic predecessor. “Congressman Rainey?” Scott said blankly. “I don’t believe I know who that is.”

“When Tim gets to Washington, people are going to be pulling him in all directions, trying to make him into a black spokesman,” says Steele, the RNC chairman. Scott is aware of this, and he is markedly unenthusiastic. “I’m not saying I won’t do it if asked,” he said, “but I’m not anxious to do it. What I am eager to do is be an ambassador to all groups on my issues. Sure, I’ll go if they want to send me to the Urban League or black business groups to talk about economic empowerment and the importance of fiscal responsibility, but I’m not going to be their black Republican.”

Watts, who has never spoken to Scott, is sympathetic. “Tim shouldn’t feel the need to play the role of black Republican,” he told me, “but there are things he will understand just by where and how he was raised. He will bring cultural diversity, at least. White people stuff their Thanksgiving turkey with white bread; black folks use cornbread. It’s good to have somebody at the Republican table who understands that.”

During his tenure on the Hill, Watts declined to join the Congressional Black Caucus, and he was pilloried as an Uncle Tom by some of his African-American Democratic colleagues. On one memorable occasion he responded by calling his critics “race-hustling poverty pimps.” Steele has advised Scott to join the Black Caucus—“it is always better to be in the room,” he says—but Scott has doubts. For one thing, he is opposed to affirmative-action programs. “I don’t find them necessary,” he told me.

What, I asked, would be his message if he is sent by the party to evangelize among African-American Democrats? “Faith in God,” he said. “School choice and vouchers. And private enterprise. I want people to know that the American Dream is still alive and well, and I’m living proof.”

When Scott was a teenager he was befriended by John Moniz, the white owner of a local Chick-fil-A restaurant. “He became my mentor,” Scott said. “He taught me about self-discipline and self-sufficiency. Most important, he gave me confidence that I could think my way out of poverty. Not play football, but think.”

He was an indifferent high-school student, but he won a partial football scholarship to Presbyterian College. As a freshman he began reading the Bible seriously for the first time. “I read for three or four hours every day for eight months,” he said. “By the time I was finished, I was done playing ball. I realized that God had a different plan for me.” He transferred to Charleston Southern University and got a degree in political science.

Scott left school with two goals—to become a businessman and get elected to office—and he has done well at both. His insurance agency has five employees and has taken him from a net worth of zero to “somewhere north of $750,000.” In 1995, at the age of 29, he was elected to the Charleston County Council. After 13 years in office, he ran for and won a seat in the South Carolina House of Representatives. In both jobs he concentrated on economic issues and won a reputation for forging bipartisan alliances—up to a point.

“You don’t get a lot accomplished without a conversation,” Scott told me. But in a contract with the voters of the First District, he promised to fight against cap-and-trade legislation, tax increases, and amnesty for illegal aliens, and to work to repeal health-care reform. He supports “don’t ask, don’t tell,” opposes same-sex marriage, and considers homosexuality a morally wrong choice, like adultery. “We are by nature sinful,” he said sadly. All these positions stem from what he calls “timeless principles.”

On the Sunday morning before the election I met Tim Scott again, this time at the Seacoast Church in suburban Charleston, where he serves on the board of trustees. Scott was raised in a black Baptist congregation, but Seacoast is a nondenominational, evangelical, integrated mega-church with a very hot praise band and a cafeteria to which we repaired after the service. Over cans of Mountain Dew, he ruminated over what awaits him when he goes to Washington, a city he views as corrupt and unwholesome—the center of a secular federal government that seeks to undermine the constitutional rights of states and individual citizens. For this mission he has once again adopted a mentor, Minority Whip (and soon-to-be Majority Leader) Eric Cantor. “Eric is the man I admire most up there,” Scott told me. He is also looking forward, he said, to meeting some of his intellectual heroes, such as Justice Clarence Thomas and Chief Justice John Roberts.

At 44, Scott is a lifelong bachelor with no hobbies except working out and an occasional game of flag football. On weekends he drives his 89-year-old grandfather, a former construction worker, to look at building sites. Sundays he has a standing lunch date with his mother. “I’m not really a fun-filled guy,” he said without evident regret.

Scott has heard that a lot of freshman congressmen live in group homes in Washington during the week, but that isn’t for him. “I’m not one for hanging out with groups,” he told me. “That’s a way of getting into trouble. I want to come home to Charleston on the weekends and spend time with my family and friends. I’m not going to Washington to make new friends.”

The Republicans have been searching for a Great Black Hope for generations. In recent years a wide variety of candidates have stepped forward—the frenetic Alan Keyes, football stars like Watts and Lynn Swann, and even military hero Colin Powell. None has really managed to fill the void. Tim Scott probably won’t either. Those in the Republican Party hoping he will morph into a historic figure or a compelling right-wing race man are in for a disappointment. But still, his presence in Congress will have symbolic impact, making the point that conservative Republicans, even in the heart of Dixie, are willing to cast a colorblind vote for a like-minded candidate.

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The DEMS - screwed over Meek in Florida and the GOP is getting blacks put to the front of the line.

Go figure.   

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Re: Yeah the tea-party isn't racist
« Reply #128 on: November 08, 2010, 11:09:54 AM »
GOP already putting blacks in the drivers' seat while Meeks gets screwed. 

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GOP taps 2 tea partiers for transition to power Advertisement | ad info
The Associated Press 
updated 11/8/2010 10:43:58 AM ET 2010-11-08T15:43:58

Share Print Font: +-WASHINGTON — House Republicans have tapped two newly elected congressmen who drew tea party backing in their campaigns to help lead the party's transition to power.

Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Tim Scott of South Carolina, who won endorsements by Sarah Palin and support from tea party activists, are part of a newly named 22-member team charged with crafting new rules and smoothing the GOP's shift from minority to majority.

The team, led by Rep. Greg Walden of Oregon and headquartered in the basement of the Capitol, is to meet Monday night and Tuesday. It includes several seasoned veterans and influential members like 15-term Rep. David Dreier of California, in line for his second stint as head of the powerful Rules Committee, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, in line to head the Budget Committee, and Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas, the GOP campaign committee chief.

Rep. Doc Hastings of Washington, one of a large crop of GOP lawmakers who came to Congress 16 years ago, the last time Republicans seized control of the House, is part of the group.

Two other freshmen, Cory Gardner of Colorado and Martha Roby of Alabama, are also on the roster.

Walden said he didn't choose the team based on whether they had tea party backing, telling reporters last week that he wasn't sure whether those he was recruiting were supported by the conservative-libertarian movement. "It's a nice cross-section of our Republican conference," he said of the group.

But it's clear Republicans are aware that the grass-roots movement that helped propel them to big wins in last week's elections will be an important part of their new House majority and bolstered Senate minority.

Many of the newly elected Republicans are political novices, including a pizzeria owner and a gospel singer. All four first-termers on the transition team have some degree of experience in elected office; Scott and Gardner have been state legislators while Roby has served as a city councilwoman and Kinzinger on a county board.

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Re: Yeah the tea-party isn't racist
« Reply #129 on: November 08, 2010, 01:29:15 PM »
Billy Mimnaugh is my name I live right in Zionsville Indiana

And you call yourself a white supremacist.  :-\  Tsk tsk.


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Re: Yeah the tea-party isn't racist
« Reply #130 on: November 08, 2010, 01:48:32 PM »
And you call yourself a white supremacist.  :-\  Tsk tsk.

I work in Whitestown,does that count?lol.

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Re: Yeah the tea-party isn't racist
« Reply #131 on: March 02, 2011, 06:37:30 PM »
Obama Says Race a Key Component in Tea Party Protests
In a new book, President Obama talks candidly about race and the presidency
By Kenneth T. Walsh

Posted: March 2, 2011

African-Americans have been an integral part of the White House since it was built in part by slaves. In Family of Freedom: Presidents and African Americans in the White House, veteran U.S. News White House reporter Kenneth T. Walsh traces this sometimes fraught history from its roots all the way to the Barack Obama presidency.

As he began his second year in office, Obama's presidency was not going well. His legislation to overhaul the healthcare system was still bogged down in Congress. The unemployment rate, which polls showed was the top concern of most Americans, remained stubbornly high at about 10 percent, and much worse in many African-American communities. Obama's job-approval ratings had dropped markedly from the astronomical levels of his first few months to below 50 percent.

[See photos of the Obamas behind the scenes.]

Adding to his woes, in January 2010 the race issue erupted again in an unusual and unexpected way. Democratic Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate majority leader and an Obama ally, was embarrassed because of some racially insensitive comments he had made to John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, the authors of a new book, Game Change, about the Obama campaign. It turned out that Reid had predicted in 2008 that Obama could succeed as an African-American presidential candidate partly because he was "light-skinned" and because he didn't speak with a "Negro dialect."

Reid quickly apologized, and many black leaders, including the president and Attorney General Eric Holder, defended him as a decent man who was not a racist. But Republicans tried to score political points, with party chairman Michael Steele and Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, calling on Reid to resign as majority leader. He refused, but the furor showed how race remained just below the surface of American life. Racial polarization was again on the rise. In January 2010, 96 percent of African-Americans approved Obama's job performance, virtually unchanged from his 100-day mark in April 2009. But whites were losing faith in him, with only 44 percent approving his job performance, compared with 62 percent the previous April, according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll in January 2010.

[See the members of Obama's inner circle.]

Republican pollster Bill McInturff said, "I don't think you can find a guy who's done more to try to put this issue [of race] off the table." But McInturff added, "I don't think the press really understands how difficult this guy's position is" because his support among whites was so "precarious." This was largely because the economy was in such distress, and most whites, except perhaps for young people, didn't have a close bond with Obama to begin with.

African-Americans' views on achieving racial equality also were growing more negative, even though black voters remained in strong support of Obama. According to McInturff, only 11 percent of blacks said that African-Americans had reached racial equality, down by 9 percentage points in one year, and 32 percent said equality would not be attained in their lifetimes, up by 9 points. Four in ten whites said African-Americans already had reached racial equality, while 31 percent said it would happen soon.

Obama addressed this pessimism among blacks in an address at the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church in Washington on January 17, 2010, to mark the holiday devoted to Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Calling for patience and pragmatism, the president said, "Sometimes I get a little frustrated when folks just don't want to see that even if we don't get everything, we're getting something. King understood that the desegregation of the armed forces didn't end the civil rights movement, because black and white soldiers still couldn't sit together at the same lunch counter when they came home. But he still insisted on the rightness of desegregating the armed forces. . . . 'Let's take a victory,' he said, 'and then keep on marching.'"

[See editorial cartoons about Obama.]

Lincoln and King. On March 12, 2010, President Obama welcomed me into the Oval Office for an interview for this book. Dressed in an elegant dark blue business suit and tie with an American flag pin in his left lapel, he was serene and confident. Behind him was the portrait of George Washington that has hung in the Oval Office for many years. Flanking that portrait were two busts added by Obama, reflecting his own values and heroes—behind him on his right was a likeness of Martin Luther King Jr., and on his left was one of Abraham Lincoln.

Obama was in a reflective mood. He began the interview by saying he had been "fully briefed" on my topic and was ready for me to "dive in." He proceeded to methodically defend his effort to build a race-neutral administration. "Americans, since the victories of the civil rights movement, I think, have broadly come to accept the notion that everybody has to be treated equally; everybody has to be treated fairly," the president told me. "And I think that the whole debate about how do you make up for past history creates a complicated wrinkle in that principle of equality."

Calmly, candidly, and with typical intellectual precision, Obama gave one of his most extensive analyses of the country's racial situation and his goals for improving it. He made clear that he was president of all Americans, not just of African-Americans, and didn't want to be thought of only as a black president, even though he acknowledged that the country had been extremely proud in November 2008 when a majority of voters made history by electing him. He said he wasn't sure how many Americans still saw him "through the lens of race," although he acknowledged that, within the black community, "there is a great pride that's undeniable," and many African-American children "may feel a special affinity to me as a role model." He compared all this with Irish-Catholic Americans who felt enormous pride in John F. Kennedy's election as the first Irish-Catholic president in 1960.

[See a slide show of Obama's 5 best cabinet secretaries.]

I asked him if he was very conscious of his own race as he conducted the business of the presidency, and his answer was insightful. "You just don't think about it, you really don't," he replied. "You've got too many other things to worry about."

I asked him how much he felt an obligation or responsibility as the first African-American president to advance racial justice and make up for some of the past disparities between blacks and whites. He replied, "Well, I think that every president should feel an obligation to deal with not only issues of discrimination, but also the legacy of slavery and segregation that has been such a profound part of our history. You know, obviously it's hard for me to engage in a mind experiment and say, well, if I weren't African-American, would I feel less strongly about it or more strongly about it—and I know I feel strongly about it. I do come to this issue with personal experiences that are unlike any previous presidents'.

[See a slide show of Obama's 5 Worst Cabinet Secretaries.]

"But I also think that anybody in this office who cares deeply about the future of the country would be looking and saying to themselves, the population is changing; the future workforce is going to have a lot more African-American and Latino and Asian workers. And if those populations don't feel fully assimilated into the culture, aren't performing at high levels educationally, are caught in cycles of poverty—that that's not good for America's future. And that's certainly how I feel—and I would like to think that any president would feel that way."

Backlash. There were many effects stemming from Obama's presidency, both those that were expected and those that were not. One was a surprising surge in the number of black Republican candidates in the midterm elections of November 2010. At least 32 African-Americans were running for Congress as Republicans . . . the largest number since Reconstruction, according to The New York Times. The last time there was a black Republican serving in the House was 2003, when J. C. Watts of Oklahoma left office after eight years. The New York Times found that "many of the candidates suggest that they felt empowered by Mr. Obama's election, that it made them realize that what had once seemed impossible—for a black candidate to win election with substantial white support—was not." The states where these candidates were running included Arkansas, Arizona, and Florida.

[Top aide] Valerie Jarrett told me, "I think at the time of his victory, there was an enormous amount of historical significance to this country being able to elect a person who was African-American as president. I think that there are probably people who still see him as an African-American president favorably and unfavorably. But the vast majority of people, I think, see him as their president. I think that because he inherited such a crisis on all fronts—two wars, an economic meltdown, a fiscal meltdown, the largest deficit in our nation's history, and a health crisis, energy crisis, education crisis, confidence crisis around the world—because of this extraordinary moment in history when he stepped in, I don't think there has been a lot of time to focus on his race. People just want to know, 'Are you going to be able to improve the quality of my life?'"

But Obama, in his most candid moments, acknowledged that race was still a problem. In May 2010, he told guests at a private White House dinner that race was probably a key component in the rising opposition to his presidency from conservatives, especially right-wing activists in the anti-incumbent "Tea Party" movement that was then surging across the country. Many middle-class and working-class whites felt aggrieved and resentful that the federal government was helping other groups, including bankers, automakers, irresponsible people who had defaulted on their mortgages, and the poor, but wasn't helping them nearly enough, he said.

[See a gallery of Tea Party editorial cartoons.]

A guest suggested that when Tea Party activists said they wanted to "take back" their country, their real motivation was to stir up anger and anxiety at having a black president, and Obama didn't dispute the idea. He agreed that there was a "subterranean agenda" in the anti-Obama movement—a racially biased one—that was unfortunate. But he sadly conceded that there was little he could do about it.

His goal, he said, was to be as effective and empathetic a president as possible for all Americans. If he could accomplish that, it would advance racial progress for blacks more than anything else he could do.

The excerpt selected originally appeared in Kenneth T. Walsh's Family of Freedom: Presidents and African Americans in the White House (Boulder, Colo.: © Paradigm Publishers 2010). Permission granted courtesy of Paradigm Publishers.


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Re: Yeah the tea-party isn't racist
« Reply #132 on: March 03, 2011, 07:02:58 AM »
It's been nearly a year. Andrew Breitbart still has $100,000 on the line for anyone who can prove that those black Democrat Congressman were called "N^(@&#(@" during the vote for ObamaCare.

Why hasn't anyone cashed in the deal?  ::)

BTW, since the left wants to talk smack about racism, let's talk about those WHITE liberals, who said that Clarence Thomas should be lynched or put back in the fields.

Or, go back a few years to those white homosexuals in California, who were calling black people nearly every racist name in the book, after Prop. 8 passed and the LA Times and CNN reported that 70% of black CA voters supported the measure (you can start with black lesbian activist, Jasmyne Cannick, who told of all the "hate" mail she got, after Prop. 8 passed).

Then, there's the black conservative in St. Louis that got beat up by SEIU thugs and called a "n*#^&#". And, a guest speaker at an NAACP meeting in Kansas City referred to that same victim as a "house negro".

And, didn't Bill Clinton eulogized a former CARD-CARRYING member of the Klan, not that long ago, claiming that the deceased simply had to join the Klan as a means to get elected to office?

The list is endless of all the racist crap, that spews from the so-called tolerant and accepting left.

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Re: Yeah the tea-party isn't racist
« Reply #133 on: March 03, 2011, 08:46:12 AM »
Obama and his marxist, leninist, alinskyite, maoist, lemmings could care less