Author Topic: Bill Maher on Islam: "[Religion] Just Gives You This Neurological Disorder"  (Read 3326 times)


  • Getbig II
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Maher is a comedian, nothing more.  Anyone who thinks he's some type of "deep thinker" is delusional.

Maher vs Will in this setting was the battle of Little Big Horn II.

Exactly. At least Stewart doesn't take himself seriously. Maher thinking he's going to sit there and debate one of the greatest political thinkers in the country is comedic itself. Maybe it was all part of his routine.


  • Getbig V
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Regarding your last sentence- did someone teach you that in hug therapy class or a self help seminar or something? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO Get a grip dumbass. You just admitted that your counterpoint to my point had nothing to do with this thread or anything I wrote. Brutal self owning and irrelevancy. I never said that he was a rich white guy. What I said was that someone who lives their life outside of the trenches doesn't know or understand what the rest of us are going through. It's the same limosine liberal illness that all far left celebutards suffer from. 

Actually I said one thing in my response was not relevant... The fact he was catholic.

Again, he is not outside the trenches... He worked himself up FROM the trenches... That means he does know what real people go through and has overcome the obstacles that you are saying that others can not.

You are just so stuck on the fact he's liberal that you can't think clearly about how he might actually have some idea about what the average joe is talking about.

Are you one of those angry white guys who is worried that his power base is being eroded by those crazy liberals?

You just sound so angry over nothing.


  • Getbig IV
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Bill Maher is an entertainer along with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Mike Malloy.  He also happens to be good friends with the Wicked Witch of the Right, Ann Coulter.  I'd bet a pretty penny that over half of these people's audiences absolutely despise them and scream at the TV or radio frothing at the mouth in fits of rage.  Howard Stern himself has stated that half his listening audience hate his guts.....but they tune in anyways.

As for which political party can claim the title of being the more racist of the two, Democrats can lay claim to that title, both historically and in the present.  Leftist loons thrive by keeping minorities in the dirt and in prisons so they can have solid voting bases.  Dependency, promises of "social justice", protection from the ever-present racist white man, and other false promises are all nothing more than racism and supremacism at their very core.  By keeping various minorities in the dirt, shakedown artists like Jesse Jackson, Reverand Al, the NAACP, and La Raza can stay in power, influence politics, and maintain constant presence in major media outlets.  When equality is attained, these entities are no longer long as they can help it, it isn't happening.

I'd say many programs put forth by well-intentioned Liberals(and sometimes definately not) and other politicians such as affirmative action, race-based grants and scholarships, and other forms of social welfare programs have damaged in particular the black community moreso than Jim Crow ever did.  While those days of overt and blatant racism were seen everywhere, black communities consisted primarily of nuclear and extended families living together and being an actual community.  Today, blacks fill prisons, walk the streets at 3 in the morning, kill each other off in droves, have children out of wedlock, come primarily from broken families, and participate in slews of drug and violent crimes.

George Whorewell

  • Getbig V
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How is someone living in the trenches when they are millionares who reside in Beverly Hills? If 30 years ago he was "average" how is that relevant to opinions he makes today on things he is utterly clueless on? If I started off poor, but won the lottery and quit my job and had my own butler for 30 years, how could I possibly make accurate judgements on how normal people live?  

The fact that he is liberal only adds credence to my argument because he makes outrageous comments from his ivory tower with tons of assumptions about how the other half lives. His commentary is a mishmash of partisan talking points that are heavy on twisted rhetoric and self congratulating sarcasm designed to inflate himself as a self important gasbag in front of his equally mindless audience.  His most recent moronic remark (aside from the head slapping stupidity he displayed with George Will regarding politics) that "all racists are conservative etc."  is not only evidence that he is out of touch with average people, but that he is out of touch with reality in general.

I'm not angry at Bill Mahr. He is a clown. I don't think that he is a serious threat to anyones base, especially not mine.  I think that you are attempting to deflect the fact that you have no coherent argument to make by calling me angry because I referred to you as a dumbass.


  • Getbig V
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  • Robot
Okee Dokee Georgie.